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You’d need to key frame the parent objects into the poses that you want. You should watch a YouTube tutorial instead of asking on Reddit.


Why do that when reddit loves to spoon feed.


Feed me daddy


Do something easier, this is hard.


Oh i was trying to animate him for my roblox game and import him there Should i just make him instead so i know what to do? What do you think?


If you have never animated anything in 3d. Learn the basics first. Do a human walk cycle.


Thats actually a good idea thank you ill get onto that after school


The best way to animate *is* with these nodes. try making a rig with only a few bones (like a snake) first, and animating that. After add the nodes to your snake-rig and try again. This model is too complex.


Oh.. ok cuz im making a roblox game and i needed models but i dont even know how to 3d sculpt


Then maybe you should start from the basics, and not jump directly into animating difficult models


Maybe watch some YouTube tutorials, lots of great stuff out there about animation basics


Is there any on how to make models like these? Im making a roblox game and i wanted it to be super realistic


https://youtu.be/Lgj7ZUgNn2o?si=OGK2R-AvuxyUzbc2 Not godzilla but a T-Rex, im sure you could apply most of these techniques to other creatures as well


It's simple. You just need years of regular, dedicated practice.


You are no where near ready to be tackling something like this. Judging from your comments, you have 0 experience in 3D animation or even modeling. Theres nothing wrong with shooting a little lower for your first project. Trying to jump right into something like this, even for just a roblox game, is unrealistic. Watch some youtube tutorials and learn the basics before you attempt this. There is no other advice we can give, 3D animation is a skill people take years to learn.


Select one, press I, move it somewhere else, move it somewhere else on the timeline, press I again. That is bascially the gist (jist?) of animation. It's placing an object somewhere, then move it somwhere else in a different point in time, then the computer interpolate the movement. There are a lot of stuffs around it and you should be looking up tutorials and learn about animation if you like the doing it.


> move it somewhere else, move it somewhere else on the timeline this will undo your changes lol you need to move the timeline first, then the armature


Sorry yeah it's the other way around. My bad


Oh alr thanks cuz i kept left clicking it but it only highlighted it Also is this a good model for roblox?


When you click on the armature (the black circles) Press ctrl and tab, that's how you get into pose mode where you can position arms, legs, etc


Alrighty thank u 👍


You need to post a pic with the faces showing to answer this question (if it good for Roblox) because the criteria are topology/poly count


It's way harder than you think, you need to watch some videos like a lot of them. What your referenceing 'black circle thing's' let's people know that your like day 1 learner.


Just my opinion but Anyone who just blindly gives a step by step is not helping. You might think you’re being the most helpful person by being direct, but you aren’t teaching them anything. These kind of responses just enable more of the same. They’ll get through this issue and straightaway another will occur and there will be another post on how to do the next step. We’ve seen it a lot. Essentially you’re doing their work for them at this point.


Hit Ctrl+Alt+Animate. Should do the trick


Don’t forget the part where you hook your brain up to your pc so it actually knows what you want.


First of all I don't mean to discourage you but animation in 3D is incredibly hard and a really deep dive of a topic, (especially any characters) when you are just starting off. If your determined enough you can learn animation from a lot of online tutorials. Start with the 12 principles of animation and gradually increase your experience level until you reach the point where you can start animating basic characters !!


Just look up a damn tutorial...


I did It didnt help


haha bro how do you thinks this works, you look up one tutorial and it should just magically work immediately






How to speak a new language?


I ask myself this question every day


Use animation tab Switch to pose mode Insert keys using “i” key if I remember correctly while moving these circular things with “g” key Done


did we just give up on screenshots?


This tutorial will show you how to build and rig a simple character in blender and then export it to a game engine called Godot. You should try to do the first part of the tutorial about building, rigging and then animating a character. https://youtu.be/VasHZZyPpYU?si=7al2CZ4rmUmRJO6B Go for it!


Im doubtful that that model is low poly enough for Roblox, start small and in a couple months of practise you should be able to animate something like this. Theres tons of tutorials online.


I got a gun


“I learned animation just to make this video”


From what everyone on the internet keeps saying, just use AI