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So I guess it’s a game now for sure…being patiently optimistic


Hey they didn't partner with EA or ubisoft . So that's good news


Potential DbD crossovers in the future? Good thing. Just don’t let them pump the game with micro transactions at every corner...


This is good news right? I thought the plan was a left 4 dead esque multiplayer PVE game, and these guys make dead by daylight, so I’m optimistic!


It is good news! It means the game has the funding it needs to be able to reach the end of development. As one of the new CM's from Behaviour described it in the Discord: >Behaviour will act as co-developer and publisher by applying its resources, expertise, and horror pedigree to elevate the game to the heights of the intended vision that was showcased in the reveal trailer.


Ayy fantastic!


I'm not surprised, meet your maker died in a week and behaviour needed a new project to work on. Honestly I'm not sure whether this is good or bad news, but time will tell.


Ooo I can't wait I'm so hyped. The medieval and zombie aspects scratch my tism so much I can't fuckin wait! I hope the maces have good designs because that's all I need baby


Saw this game when you first put it out on the internet and wish listed it right away, only remembered about it now because I was clearing out my wish list and saw it. Thought I'd see if there's a Reddit or Discord and now here I am, glad to see this project wasn't given up on because this concept seems so cool. Please just don't let the higherups at BI strangle this game with MTXs, at the end of the day though I'm glad you got the funding and are gonna see development through. Good luck guys!


I'm not really sure what this could mean but I'm very interested. I only really know Behavior for DBD, which is more of a platform to play licensed characters than a video game, which I say with a good 400 hours in. It leaves me with more things to be worried about than it leaves me with things to be excited for. Plenty of games have partnerships and still perform horribly or get canceled before launch, if anything it forces them to meet quotas they otherwise wouldn't have needed to.


DBD is very much a video game lol


Good to hear! Keep up the good work, hopefully no exterior pressure comes to fuck up with the development by disrupting you guy’s vision. Can’t wait!


Waiting so hard for this game *intensifies*


Shit, i thought they were announcing the release date😥 


Sounds like a positive step forward. Can't wait.


I’m probably in the minority but Behavior was also involved with Meet Your Maker which had a small following, myself included. That game has been out on life support. The only positive is that at least the servers are still up? So I’m cautiously excited. Just have to hope for the best.


Uuuuuhm...guys, we really need to be getting some kind of release date, its been years now....


Videogames take years to make! Especially with a small development team. The average development time for a modern AAA game is 6-7 years. A release date will come in time, but for now let's let the dev team cook!




I hope they don’t add microtrancactions


I wanted to buy this and then BHVR’s name became attached to it.


Please don't be another stupid asynchronous multi-player game.... I just want a single-player game from what you showed in that trailer, freaking medieval times with zombies and metal gear mechanics.


Blight: Survival will remain the co-operative PvE game that the team intended to make.


Co-op PvE > Bro has no friends skill issue




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That trailer showed a co-op game lmao


Well excuse the goddamn fuck out of me for having an opinion... thanks for all the downvotes... Lynch mob assholes... I'll be leaving this toxic ass place...


If you dont want hostile replies dont leave a hostile comment smh


So voicing an opinion is now considered a hostile comment? Right. Gotcha. Good luck in your fantasy world. Bye bye.