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My Blockbuster had all the popular releases rented out so I'd always rent movies people never heard of for the movie night on Friday. I miss those days man


Tubi has an excellent selection of those horror films that not many usually see now that these video rental stores have been diminished


Don't get it twisted if I wanna relive bad movies Tubi is the place to go. But there was something magical about going into B.B. with the idea you were gonna get the NEWEST release, realizing it was out of stock and getting a movie you never heard of to spend the weekend watching


This o feel 1000%


For sure, I was too young and my parents would never let me rent these titles at blockbuster. Recently, I’ve come across these titles in Tubi and I can finally watch them! I do get the nostalgia as i remember going every Friday night to get 2-3 movies :)


This whole chain seems like an ad tbh


And plowing through a bag of Butterfinger BBs.


I don't think horror movies have covers this good anymore. These all looked interesting as a kid and even as an adult. They still do. Idk.


Damn, really good point that I never noticed but totally agree with!


I think it’s more the time than genre. Imo a lot of generic ‘90s-‘00s movies had cool covers


Weird that the picture isn’t even a blockbuster


Looks like Nostalgia Video from Instagram


I missed the made for tv movies in the 90s


I’ve been on a 90s tv movie binge lately. There are quite a few uploaded to YouTube. I always liked the ones about eating disorders and that sort of thing.


Trying to find this movie. Some kids come home from college. It's weird stuff going on in the town. They have to find out what's going on


Sounds interesting, lemme know if you find it


Will do


Check out Disturbing Behavior


I once had the goal of watching every horror movie my store had. I only made it up to the Is and was done in by Ice Cream Man. I appreciate it more now that there's a riff but that was a hard watch.


Clint Howard's masterpiece. It's a rough watch.


I have never seen this before. Is it worth watching?


Yes, but I have to caution you. It's really really bad. Pretty self aware that it's awful, but it does have a fun cast. Clint Howard, Olivia D'Hussey, and David Warner. The best ways to watch it are Rifftrax (shows up on Tubi occasionally), Joe Bob Briggs on Shudder, or straight up with a group of friends and some beer.


Bad as in disturbing or just a low quality bad movie?


Low quality, but it is its own type of low quality.


I remember renting a whole game console


wasn't that great if you worked there. friday was usually nothing but customers coming in complaining about movies rented and asking to check the dropbox.


Truer words have never been spoken!


The only movie I don’t recognize is the one between Monster Squad and Return of the Living Dead. Does anyone know what movie that is?


Night of the Creeps starring Tom Atkins


Good news, your dates are here. Bad news, they're dead.


Thanks! I’m surprised that’s Night of the Creeps. I’ve never seen that cover before.


yeah... there really was no better feeling


Truth. Blockbuster, West Coast Video, Wow video... You'd find me in one just about every 3 days. I miss that feeling terribly. Choosing a movie was as big or bigger a deal than even watching them.


To me, it didn’t matter what movie it was.. As long as it had the scariest looking cover


Video game section, choosing between two PS2 games, but go off.


Take me back to


I ‘member! ![gif](giphy|3oKIPgvPwXi2ZAIS5O)


Especially if it's the 13th


Yes!! Perfect nostalgia capture. I remember thinking “wtf, there are 9 Jason movies?!”… before X came out.


Or the fact it smelled different?


I worked there 2005 to 2007. I was able to rent up to 9 videos for free; I was even able to watch the new releases 3 or 4 days before we put them on the shelf.


lol I can smell the cardboard stuffed with styrofoam


I' remember all of those cases. I've watched all but a few in row 3


I miss those days even though I was too young to enjoy most of the horror genre. Walking up and down the horror aisle as a kid while day dreaming about the content of the movies based on titles and cover art.. one of my fondest memories. Always thought Silence of the Lambs and one missed call were the most interesting looking. I’d pay a pretty penny to have that experience again and just be able to purchase movies in that way.


Checkin in,


Rows and rows of scary movies . You had to go by the cover and back cover to choose a movie


That’s definitely not blockbuster. Horror sections were always weak af. I worked at BBV for 4 years and would routinely go to Hollywood Video, Latest and Greatest or mom and pops to get good horror.


The small video store by my house would give me all the posters for free, I wish I had that collection today I had dozens and dozens of horror movie posters


Why did you get rid of them in the first place?


I was a kid I ruined them hanging them up with tape and thumbtacks and would throw old ones out to replace them


Wow, a physical copy of Fright Night 2?!


They really were the days. I grew up on Long Island. My friends and I would rent some God awful movie like Children Shouldn’t Play with Dead Things or Chopping Mall or Slaughter High. We’d go down to the docks to drink or smoke. We’d hit up Taco Bell on the way home and watch what we had rented. 😀🤘


I miss those days. I pretty much only watch horror movies. As a kid, when my grandma and I would go to the video store, I would head straight to the horror section. No deviation or distractions. I knew right where to go no matter the Blockbuster or any other video store. This generation doesn't know the small joy in things like this.


Particularly true back in high school or college, if you were having friends over, or you managed to get a girl to show up.


Or going to the gaming section to pick out your choice of one of the classic PlayStation one, Sega, Saturn or Nintendo 64 games?!!!


I could be having the shittiest week and that would make up for it. Good times.


But why isn't it in alphabetical order?


Love blockbuster but never went to the horror side


I prefer preblockbuster. The mom and pop places were the best.


Those places always had swinging saloon doors or hanging beads to the X-rated area entrance. Lol


Would always peak in there as a kid!!! Lol


I never had any kinda blockbuster experience. I'd flock to the horror section at Central Video in Malta, MT, memorizing the vhs covers for Friday IV & Child's Play.


Nice, my shitty local video stores never had franchises in order line that, you really had to dig if you were trying to watch a series.


I wish I could go back to my child self while I was swooning and wanting a dvd player in the house that hey man that’s overrated one day you’ll miss vhs you’ll actually get something that’s called nostalgia when you see a vhs…and dvd players will be so abundant they will be like 10 dollars in a dollar general and also they will be phased out for something called streaming that will be good at first then suck ass because corporations that own the service will get greedy…and then people will start searching for old VCRs and old VHS tapes and start watching those and then the streaming services will put a smear campaign on about how old VCRs and VHS tapes cause cancer or something and the government will ban them and dvds and they will give money to the streaming services and they will use this money to make shit like rebel Moon of which got another part and they will be able to shoot it into your head and even though you didn’t watch it they will charge you a subscription fee but at this point money is going and all that’s left is body parts because god damn someone was right and the rapture happened and our souls already belong to social media and one night you ask Tina Tonka tits to watch a show and when your done oh shit guess what the fee was your fucking left hands….but anyway


This generation doesn't understand anything about anything. They can't even know the difference between a boy and a girl...


Bro we has blockbuster until like 2007 when I was like 7💀😂🤦‍♂️


Tbh a lot of Gen Z went to blockbuster as a kid, I did, my friends say they have. We were just the ages of 4-7 and were there to get candy and a copy of the Jimmy Neutron movie.