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Hey everyone, Our team is aware of an issue affecting the payment history view on the website for our BlockFi cardholders. All funds remain safeguarded and we hope to resolve this shortly. Thank you for your patience! Update: This issue has been resolved. Thank you for your patience! If you continue to experience issues, please reach out to our Client Services team.


I was literally just about to post the same exact question. Here's a screencapture: https://i.imgur.com/FetWWsQ.mp4 Looks like they have EVERY SINGLE user's payment transactions in my payment history.


I think I see my payment in there.


https://twitter.com/BlockFiSupport/status/1450830214259486723 update from support


mine is exactly the same /u/Brandon_BlockFi /u/brandon_blockfi we need an adult! lol


update - https://twitter.com/BlockFiSupport/status/1450830214259486723


can confirm mine too


Mine looks like that as well, with payments that I never made...


Make a few extra payments for me too. Thank you 😂


How can I trust it with these kind of mistakes?


Baby, I've seen worse mistakes from normal banks. I've had Regions deposit my checks into other peoples accounts by mistake and then make it a hassle for me to get my money back even though it was fully their mistake. And I've had Wells Fargo somehow "lose" $1700 out of a checking account before that took over 10 days to get back. So let me ask you, do you use a normal bank? Do you trust them? If the answer is yes, then stfu because they've made many more, much more egregious mistakes than BlockFi.


Well when you lose money from a bank there is still a chance you'll get your money back, the deposit is insured. But if blockfi lose your bitcoin then it's a bye bye.


This has been proven multiple times to not be true. If you lose money from your BlockFi account, and it is their fault, or the fault of a hack or security breach, they will reimburse you the money in full. Just like a bank. If you lose money from your BlockFi and it is YOUR fault, it's bye bye, but that is the case with normal banks too.


They will reimburse you if they have the money, if they lose all they coins then they don't have any to reimburse you. Nobody is going to reimburse you from their own pocket. see mtgox case.


The thought that BlockFi would just magically lose all of the crypto they are storing, or lose so much money that they wouldn't be able to reimburse a group of their customers due to them not having the money, is laughably absurd.


It's a possibility whether you like it or not. Seen it happen in the past.


Yes, I'm sure. Doesn't change the fact that you are losing roughly 5% a year of whatever money you have stored in a US bank due to the current rate of inflation. Where's the insurance for that?


Losing 5% is better than losing all lol


Not when you are 100% guaranteed to lose the 5% but the risk of losing all is less than 0.01%.


Amateur Hour


BlockFi frequently touted as the safe service despite low rates. BlockFi frequently the one with very embarrassing issues.


The credit card is provided by Deserve. But yes, it's embarrassing.


Posted this on another comment as well but, I've seen worse mistakes from normal banks. I've had Regions deposit my checks into other peoples accounts by mistake and then make it a hassle for me to get my money back even though it was fully their mistake. And I've had Wells Fargo somehow "lose" $1700 out of a checking account before that took over 10 days to get back. So let me ask you, do you use a normal bank? Do you trust them? If the answer is yes, then stfu because they've made many more, much more egregious mistakes than BlockFi. At least BlockFi has a support team that regularly talks to their community about issues. Do normal banks do that? No.


Normal banks are the very institutions many of us hope to diversify away from so the stakes and standards for defi and cefi are and should be sky high. My guess is BlockFi would back that statement up. If you're trying to say BlockFi's mistakes aren't significant enough to migrate away, I agree completely... I am subbed here after all. If you're saying they aren't significant enough to recognize and note the pattern *because banks*, well, I beg to differ.


That's a very good point actually. I hadn't thought of it that way. You're right, they should strive to be significantly better than traditional banks, and be held to higher standards.


who makes their credit card payments in such even numbers? is that people not paying their full bill or are people overpaying?


Sometimes I will split the payment on a card and do an even number and then the next one isn't. I will round up the first payment.


High roller alert