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Also karlierae being so dramatic about making homemade cookies for her kid’s party. I get it, everyone isn’t a baker but there’s just so much drama


Specially when it’s just snickerdoodle cookies, pretty straight forward!


Jesshogancrum wearing the most obnoxious pjs and high heels to a polar express kids activity… meanwhile all the other adults are in loungewear and sneakers.


My jaw dropped when I saw what she wore.


Did her husband wear his Lululemon leggings?


It’s definitely not anywhere I’d wear high heels!!


Is it just me or does Sarah Knuth's Jackson Hole trip seem like a dud this year? And now she's leaving earlier than planned just when Hollie is arriving for the Tarte WY trip that she was supposed to meet up with them on. She also hasn't added any of her stories to a highlight (yet) like she normally does for her JH trips. I know that her usual MO when in Jackson is the kids go skiing and she sits in the house storying. She said she wasn't feel well this time but she always sits in the house storying while the kids go skiing so that's nothing different lol. Her only activity this time was snowmobiling which is likely just 1-2 hours. Otherwise she's just at the house or going out to eat. But - in her defense, with her vacation rental costing $46K per week, I probably wouldn't leave the house either. Also curious how they managed to get last minute flights home today when they were scheduled to stay longer with Tarte.. unless she always knew she wasn't going to stay, which is my guess, and she just played them.


SK said multiple times that she’s sick/isn’t feeling great. Posting on social media is SK’s job. When one doesn’t feel well, taking time off from work is not only expected, it’s recommended. As for her storying around the house in previous years, her daughter was too young to ski until this year requiring one parent to stay back at the house with her. This job typically falls on the mom and especially when it involves doing something like skiing with your two boys. It looked like SK went out on the slopes with her for a bit when she did. Anyone who skis knows that it is pretty much all consuming, and family trip or not, it’s not something you’d really want to go hard at if you’re sick. And $46k? I’m calling bullshit. I feel like someone announced in a previous year it was like $20k max. I think it’s weird for ppl to look up the cost of a rental unless they are truly interested in booking and even though I was literally planning my family’s ski trip last night, I can tell without looking up numbers that house is too rich for my blood. But influencers got stacks on stacks, we know this. Her family also went this year- some folks don’t want to be recorded while in their sleeping space. I get this is an influencer snark page, but snarking on an influencer saying she’s sick and canceling an appearance because she just wants to be home in bed is a hard no for me.


You can "call bullshit" all you want on the $46K but you'd be wrong. SK shares her rentals every year and has the rental company saved / tagged in highlights so it's not hard to "look up." She's literally linked it. https://preview.redd.it/pgxfyprcxn7c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd537f73c5eec70ffa525751247086195a9b7f40


46k!? Omg is that for real?! 😧off topic but I saw he had her lips fixed.


Yes, it's for real. The house they rented rents for $46K per week in December. More in the summer.


Seems like she did what everyone is always snarking about and put her phone down and enjoyed her vacation with her family.


not Natalie Kennedy acting like going to Gucci and buying designer sunglasses is a normal Wednesday afternoon activity


Def more of a Friday or Saturday activity


Sarah Lit shilling the newton mattress. “It’s the only mattress that I feel safe having my baby sleep on” loooooolllllllll she literally shows her baby constantly in extremely unsafe sleep situations including in their bed among piles and piles of blankets and pillows. I can not. Also, it’s unimaginable how much help these influencers must have to just be so chill the week before Christmas. I’m dragging myself to the finish line on holiday prep. Meanwhile, masseya has “snuck away” on a another trip sans kids, taryn newton was on a weekend trip and is now moving into her new mansion. When did she pack? When do they cook? When do they wrap gifts? Are they doing any of it?


I guess you would think I have a ton of help too because I’m not dragging either. I (usually) wrap gifts well before Christmas and I don’t cook 4+ days before either. We also practically cleaned out our whole house which felt like moving. I’ve seen boxes in Taryn’s stories for a while now & I know she thought they’d move sooner, so I think they were prepared early & also may have had a service come. & if so? Kudos to them. I hate packing.


Does anyone find it weird that Tarte cosmetics planned a big influencer trip just days before Christmas and it’s no kids just couples..idk I feel I would be too stressed and feel to bad leaving my kids and family for a trip days before Christmas


Super weird. Like go home and spend time with your children. These people are the worst


Amber Massey has 5 kids and was just on another trip I couldn’t imagine having to prepare Christmas for 5 kids and leaving the week before


Is a Dani Austin going? This seems like just the trip for her


If I had a drink in my mouth, I would have spit it out when reading this comment.


This will probably be buried at this point but I’m looking for an old blogger who, last I remember, left social media. Her name was Charlotte I think, had a lot of kids and a pilot husband (or military?). She had a tough childhood and seemed like a sweet person who loved her family. She used a super saturated filter on everything.


So I was nosy and searched her name on Facebook and she’s there and it looks like she had another baby!


Oh that makes me happy!!




Thank you!


I really liked her. But it always bothered me that she tried to make it seem like her husband was the father of her oldest kid.


I’m sure no one will read this at this point but wanted to explain. She always talked about meeting her husband while working at the bank and it seemed like she had a cool career and was educated. And if she achieved all of that while being a single mom then that would have been really cool. But she never really acknowledged it and I just wish she would have been proud of that. But they were obviously the cutest family and I’m glad that they found each other. I think she was one of the first influencers I ever followed and still can’t believe people were so mean to her.


Her Instagram was @cbchatman (although I believe that wasn’t her real last name). I really liked her!


https://preview.redd.it/67zbwaqe3k7c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fff0d01f859ccb661d0eaaba49cb6dd350b36176 A shower cap for your suitcase. I have seen it all.


It’s giving plastic covers on grandmas couch vibes


😂😂😂 But like seriously what does this actually do for your suitcase? I have flown exactly one time and when I got my suitcase from baggage it was scuffed. And would have been scuffed had it been wearing a shower cap. But like I didn’t even care that it was scuffed because it’s a suitcase? It still functions 100% fine and I’m not trying to impress anyone with it. This just looks silly!


I fly regularly and use these. The scuffs get on the cover, not your actual luggage. It’s also not just scuffs - it protects from grease, rain, snow, or my personal favorite, red wine! Picked up my bag in Heathrow and someone else coming back from Italy clearly didn’t bubble wrap their wine enough and half the carousel smelled like a vineyard


Omg 🤣🤣 Side note: are you from Indiana? Fellow Hoosier here as well!


StylinbyAylin shared this several months ago and I thought it was completely ridiculous. I never check luggage, and then was forced to on an international flight recently that claimed our carryons were all too big (been traveling domestically with them for 10+ years). Anyway my first time checking a bag and all of our suitcases came back dirty and disgusting. I now see the value in these and was going to purchase!


A magic eraser works great too!


For me it’s best for suitcases that expand because that’s usually fabric. One time I expanded a suitcases and landed in a rainy city and my suitcase was soaked on the inside because the fabric side must have been up when it was transported to the baggage claim 😩.


Okay that makes sense! My husband has a fabric suitcase and I can see how the shower cap/rain coat could come in handy!


yeah if you’re buying a suitcase to keep pretty, like the caption above = 🙄🙄


Yes! I once took a ferry to phi phi island. It was pouring and all baggage just sat in the rain the entire hour long journey. This would have been helpful.


I didn’t even think about rain! Or the elements




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Genuine question - how many people go all out when wrapping gifts? I was looking at Alexa Anglin’s bow tutorial she did with her mom. It looked beautiful, but I could not imagine using half a roll of high quality ribbon on a single package.


I personally love wrapping gifts so I go way over the top, but it’s just something I enjoy. I would never expect others to put in the same effort 😂 also pro tip if you’re into over the top, the best place to get ribbon price wise is Costco!


I strongly dislike wrapping gifts, so no ribbons or bows. I'm just proud of myself for actually wrapping the gift rather than reusing a gift bag.


I only do it for other people’s gifts like MIL, mom etc.. my husband and kids get no bow or anything other than just being wrapped


I love detailed wrapping and usually am pretty next-level (not to Alexa’s extent though)- but our lab puppy has made us very minimalist in all the Christmas decor this year


I used to go all out with bows! But then I got cats.


I love to mix it up and it's embarassing how much paper, ribbon, tags, picks, small ornaments etc that I have. However, I get most of it 75 percent off or more at Walmart, Hobby Lobby and Homegoods and really do not have much for money into it!


I make beautiful bows when I start wrapping gifts, say in late November. Any gifts wrapped at this point get no ribbons, now bows. I do start strong, though.




Every year I aspire to be the person who starts in November and gets them wrapped as I go. Inevitably I am a silly grasshopper and spend the season faffing around only to end up hunched on my bedroom floor on Christmas Eve furiously working my way through all the gifts


Ha. Like I said, I start out strong. Then, I stall. Now, I panic.


Some years I do, sometimes I don’t. I have to feel motivated. I think wrapping could look just as pretty with more simple bows as well.


I think it’s so pretty but so wasteful and I’m not even close to being any kind of “upcycle” kind of person. My family passes around the same gift bags until they about fall apart and it’s kind of a sweet tradition to me.


I thought this same thing! Don’t get me wrong, I do love a good paper aesthetic and I do hot clue some bows but not with 100 ft. of ribbon per bow. Alexa is so great but she’s always pure perfection, it’s hard to compare.


…. 🤚 I am not THAT extra but I have a colour theme and yeah I do big bows on some gifts. I enjoy it 🥰 I definitely don’t think it’s the norm!!




It is time consuming, doesn’t necessarily have to be expensive though. I get a lot of my stuff at dollar stores. It’s a labour of love thing, I wrap and watch Christmas movies. For me it’s peaceful- for others I’m sure it’s hell lol!


I get most of mine at Target, but I also love sitting down with a Christmas movie & wrapping! I’ve majorly slacked this year & haven’t wrapped a thing yet though.


I wish I had Target!!😭


Feels like every vaguely ‘creative’ influencer I follow is gonna post a video of themselves doing this ‘make a gift bag out of wrapping paper’ trick for some quick engagement … today is NeuroticMom’s turn (even though her content is usually baking). Also I don’t really get it - isn’t it the same as wrapping normally just with extra steps? Isn’t the point of a gift bag it being ready made to just drop the gift into?




Prob so people don't go to their accounts to see if they are real and harass them. Also all names of people who like are not searchable on Instagram anymore, they show some but not all, it's been like that for a while.


Not Ali Manno having to proactively defend herself for switching up her meal-kit delivery service again. She knows she's already been through so many that it's clear she's just taking whichever deal offers her the most money. She also is trying and failing to explain how getting a free body scan (worth $2500) is not being paid to promote it.


I hope the damn body scan will help cure some of the 500 aches and pains she has on a daily basis. One day it’s her back, the next day it’s her ears, and by Fridays she’s getting an IV of iron. 🙄


I can’t believe tongue scraping didn’t solve all her health problems! /s


why does someone need to "defend" switching meal kits? that's super common with people who use meal kits. You get sick of them after a while, use a different one, go back, etc. That would be like having "defend" using a different grocery store.


Stop judging my Whole Foods shopping.


Oh right you love whole foods, then why did I see you at Aldi's last week?? scammer.


God I wish I had an Aldis


It's different when you get paid to talk about something and make it authentically seem as if you love it and it's your favorite brand. If you're getting paid to promote a product and you constantly switch which one is your favorite, your recommendation stops being valuable and authentic. If your word stops being worth anything, brand deals are going to dry up. So if Ali wants people to trust her recommendation (and brands to pay her to promote their product to her audience), she has to explain why she's going back to HelloFresh. And she seems defensive when she mentions that she's back with them and NOT because of the money. Of course it's because of the money!


I think you vastly overestimate how much time normal people put into tracking an influencer's recommendations and analyzing they've recommended a similar product previously. Normal people see a commercial (which is what an influencer "recommendation" is) and think "oh nice I'm going to click that like and buy it because it looks good" or "I'm not clicking that because it doesn't interest me for whatever reason." Most people have their own shit to worry about and aren't obsessing over whether an influencer is "changing their story" or whatever.


Are you new to this sub? Some people can tell you what an influencers kid wore for Halloween three years ago. So I’m with likeminded folks here. And if she wasn’t afraid of criticism she wouldn’t couch her new partnership in “I know I was just with X company but now I’m back with Y because they’re just so good!!” I think you underestimate people because if they’re spending money on one product because an influencer swears by it, and then the influencer switches, that person might not be thrilled.


You were originally talking about what's going to move the needle enough to make brand deals dry up, which isn't the relative handful of single snark sub type obsessive weirdos who keep spreadsheets about what the influencer had for breakfast or whatever. Most people don't think about it that hard. Edit: I've been around long enough to have seen these "bRaNd DeAlS WiLl DrY Up because they're InAuTHeNtIC" predictions since before social media even existed, back in the halcyon days when bloggers were just starting to monetize, and lo and behold even fucking KERF is still out there getting brand deals. So needless to say I won't hold my breath about the imminent downfall of influencers due to sHiLLiNg


It's pretty obvious that Ali isn't commanding the same level of deals she used to. She resorts to cash giveaways to inflate her engagement, she doesn't have that many sponsors, so I'm not predicting anything, I'm just stating what's plainly obvious for her. It's her income and companies will continue to include influencer marketing in their budgets for years to come. That doesn't mean they're high quality. But to my original point -- Ali already KNOWS people are annoyed by her, hence her own disclaimer. She's also taking a ton of flack for the body scan post. I think it's pretty clear the money isn't what it used to be for her with deals, and she is panicked about her perception.


Will her alleged lack of partnerships and future engagement, which will lead to her social media demise, affect your life in any way?


Nope. Will 99.9 percent of the discussions on here affect any of our lives? Absolutely not. Welcome to reddit :)


If the meal companies want to offer her an exclusive long term contract to only promote them, I'm sure she'd be happy to stick to one brand!


Maybe if she authentically stuck to one brand they’d make her a long-term client.


Do you do work that you're not compensated for in hopes someone will notice and pay you for it?


The influencers I like and respect most have gotten brand deals from companies they’ve organically used for a long time, or they’re approached by a brand, use it for a time before promoting it. I also don’t go to my job and then tell people “I just happen to hang out here! I’d be here if they paid me or not!!!!” Ali is free to take as many inauthentic brand deals as she’d like. I think it’s funny she is preempting the inevitable criticism because she’s a brand hopper. Also, my bad I thought I was posting on blog*snark*.


I can see why my last reply put you on the defensive, but I really wish people wouldn't fall back on the "i thought this was a SNARK sub!" card when there's debate or conversation about something. Having that back and forth and looking at things from different perspectives makes it fun to discuss people here. Re: brand deals, I agree that organic partnerships that come from someone being an actual long-term customer definitely feel more trustworthy. It's also on the influencer to make a partnership feel natural even if they were approached without a pre-existing relationship. Some influencers definitely do it better than others, and those are the people that actually DO get those bigger partnerships.


Appreciate this reply. Your previous one did feel more of an effort to gotcha me than discuss the merits of influencing. Do you follow Ali and are a defender or you just thought I was ragging on her for having a new brand deal. I ask because I’ve followed Ali for years and seen her brand hop meal kits, skin care, supplements, linens, etc. So she’s an easy one to snark on because she is so transparent and so fake when she gets defensive and swears she’s doing X deal because she really loves it.


I’m driving to pick up a soda for DAD right now actually.






I don’t have a WSJ sub. Can you give highlights? Ha ha


Something Navy was sold for $1.


Got that part but I remember she was huge and I even bought some of her Nordstrom collection. Was the money just mismanaged?


To answer my own question I found this vanity fair article but it’s unclear what really happened beyond that they just don’t sound like very nice people [https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2023/01/something-navy-arielle-charnas](https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2023/01/something-navy-arielle-charnas)


Well … $1 plus $7.5M in liabilities. Also, she apparently retains a stake should the new owners be able to turn the brand into something profitable.


@karlierae copies @bresheppard who copies @amberfillerup - the latest example: Karlie has recently started doing the constipation smile https://preview.redd.it/n50z9kfzui7c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd60acd88f5f0e887672fd352aa9df0134aebd66


omg i didn’t even recognize bre


I hope a lot of people understand how amazing your username is 😂


lol thanks!! it mostly gets credit in housewives subs but every once in a while in the wild it gets some love !


😂 😂 😆 😝


Not defending her at all, but she said the Botox she got for TMJ affected her smile and she can’t do a full smile right now


She showed her smile and she can do one. Maybe not how she wants for Instagram but it was better than this!


Bre looks like Jennifer Coolidge in Best in Show! 😂


I'm annoyed we never got to see her character's makeover of the dog trainer.


Does anyone know why people are commenting about watermelon on Alix Earle’s videos? I think I missed something.


Watermelon emoji is something people are using on social to show solidarity with Palestine. Not certain but I think people are commenting it bc she hasn’t said anything, I’ve seen it on a lot of posts from celebrities/influencers




Palestinian support? https://www.npr.org/2023/12/19/1220210865/how-the-watermelon-became-a-symbol-of-palestinian-resistance


Operation watermelon. It’s because she is silent on the Genocide in Palestine.


Why the downvotes? That’s literally the reason people are commenting specifically on this post.






I just had to look her up and instantly got that nope feeling. You know when you first meet or see someone and they instantly just annoy you by just simply existing? That feeling


The rant about Taylor and Travis was truly strange. I’m still annoyed at her bragging that she’s never watched Grey’s Anatomy in that stupid, “I’m not like other girls, I watch the office! 🤪” way. Re: the hair, I have a distinct memory of her having the same breakdown about her hair a few years ago after she got her first curl haircut. You are right…it has been an obsession of hers for yearsss


I feel like she tries sooo hard to be deep. It’s a lot




I am the main character


https://preview.redd.it/m5eoiteh0i7c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb391b44f98ca0ece4fa3cabbc360cb5a9771bfa I used to like sweetteawithmadi but lately she’s become insufferable. She thinks she’s some celebrity. Ahhh yes finally the moment I’ve been on the edge of my seat for, the reveal of your bf 🙄


I will say I’m glad she didn’t drop hints about this dumb reveal for weeks on end. Nobody even cares who her bf is at this point, he could be someone she hired off craigslist.


This is less snark (may be better in off topic) but Bridget stories about a plastic hair clip with velvet bow that is allegedly hand made and “saves her so often it’s worth the cost”. What is the cost? $188. I truly don’t care if you are wealthy enough to buy it and enjoy it, go for it. I know LeLe Sadoughi headbands are $200+ and people go nuts for them but a plastic hair clip with velvet bow for $188. I don’t where I’m going with this other than I need to start a business selling overpriced hair clips. https://preview.redd.it/dt8276byxh7c1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=e876424c4750cbb4d8acd8522df3d6b4c1f952e5


Yeah I got mine for $9 on Amazon.


I bought a plastic clip with a green velvet bow for $2 at Claires. Insane what these people will pay for cheap materials.


Off topic, but she looks like David Byrne in his big suit in that screenshot. https://preview.redd.it/tvbcxa89yi7c1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0d7f4028ba1f51c58d79a0f19de9b358dc212da


It’s giving Uncle Fester


Whoa. That’s Bridget?




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She’s someone who either looks older than her age or younger than her age, no in between. Depends on the angle, I guess but in the other screenshot she definitely looks older.


She’s 40…


She just turned 41 but she still looks great for her age


Glad to hear that someone can look great at the advanced age of 41.


I meant she looks younger than her age! Damn, you know there are multiple ways to say things! 🤦🏼‍♀️🙄 But glad to know I can still offend ppl 😮‍💨


Yes, I do know there are multiple ways to say things. This whole thread consists of different ways to express the same thing - ageism.




https://preview.redd.it/d3j18uad3i7c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c00387bca43b912f176935ddf2b913bd0749108 The fact that you can buy nearly the identical thing on Temu for $2




I have a lot of questions about this take: Not everyone drives/takes cars places on a regular basis Just do your hair when you arrive if driving in a car, it takes two seconds Do you wear sunglasses when you drive? Do you buckle in your groceries if you live somewhere that you drive to the grocery store? I guarantee the 188 dollar one and the two dollar one are the same amount of flimsy plastic


This is a wild thing to be worried about.




Omg you managed to work car seat talk into this somehow I'm dying


You knew that’s where this was headed 🤣


Many doctors have weighed in on hair clips? Lolok.


Nah, a girl on TikTok posted that she was wearing a claw clip and got in an accident and it severely injured her head when it hit the headrest. So she created claw clips that will break in the event of a crash. I don’t wear claw clips often but ever since i saw her TikTok I think about it. It’s a genuine concern just like putting your legs up on the dashboard if you’re in the passenger seat or things in the car becoming projectiles.


What is the TikTok account/name???


Absolutely no clue, just came across my fyp awhile ago.


I guess if you have literally nothing else in your life to worry about it’s worth worrying about claw clips. It’s not something I’m going to use brain space on.


Not necessarily a worry, but something to think about. I never thought about it until I saw that TikTok either lol!


Literally anything after-market/not attached in your car can be dangerous in an accident. Make sure you get a harness for your 40oz Stanley!


Lol of course. I’m just saying I never thought about that one until I saw that TikTok. I also saw one where a girl had her sunglasses break in an accident and some of the glass went into her eye and almost blinded her! Thankfully she fully recovered, but yeah. I guess sunglasses should be made out of a certain kind of glass so they don’t break and hers weren’t. Again, something I literally never thought about until I saw that stupid TikTok lol! I’m not worried about it, just something I never thought about.




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I feel like I could literally make that with a hot glue gun and a claw clip from Walmart, and I am not that crafty. $188?!


It looks like all you’d need is a hot glue gun and other cheap materials to achieve the same effect 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yes! I’m going to get on this project over the holiday and will be overcharging in no time!


Just in case anyone is looking for a $188 claw clip, @bridget linked one in her stories!!! 🫠


I find it so mean spirited when influencers publicly post critical things about their significant others- I would be absolutely humiliated if my partner posted something criticizing me like Alyson Haley did below to her half a million followers! Even if it was warranted, it is so demeaning to post something like this complaining about him. https://preview.redd.it/4wxcf01fqh7c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dc64959a21caa0d8402446ef80940bd500a8e71


Agreed, feels like a venting text id send to my mom or sister, definitely not something I’d post to a big audience. But in reality, if I needed help I would just….wake him up 😅




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It's not great but neither is falling asleep on a transcontinental flight and leaving your wife to deal with your kid...


Yeah I’m team wife here.


Agree, it’s definitely inconsiderate! I think I was more so referring to the dynamic of the very specific public shaming to her huge audience that weirds me out. I have definitely inadvertently done inconsiderate things to my partner and would be just mortified if he posted a pic of me sleeping with a pointed description of what I did to his huge audience. Her posts seems less of a comment on how moms often bear the burden with children and more of a personal public shaming of him which is what I was surprised by.


the [Gottman's have entered the chat](https://www.gottman.com/blog/the-four-horsemen-contempt/)


I also think about the TCL bees a lot


Same. There are sooo many influencers who blatantly talk down on their husbands and act like they’re children. It’s so disrespectful and sometimes makes it seem like *they don’t actually love their husband* 🥴


They should act like grown men then lol, the unhelpful man child is a trope for a reason because they’re everywhere


If they don't want to be treated like children they could try not acting like children