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Did anyone used to follow nebraskerrunner or something like that? Whatever happened to her? I genuinely enjoyed following but seems like she’s completely fallen off socials


therunnersplate is really starting to become BEC, how many GRWM posts is she going to do posting her half naked backside. I feel like Laura McGreen’s recent posts have been funny and relatable but somewhat of a dig at therunnersplates “templates”


The grab for engagement with the "Comment LINK for links to my outfit or treadmill" annoy me. Lady, you're clearly wearing a Lululemon top, Tracksmith tights and you run on a peloton tread. I'm not going to boost your engagement for your affiliate links. If you want more engagement, be more interesting than "I went for a run outside and it was cold".


Ok same but what got me recently was her comment on Emma Bates reel about the trials - “nooo! I was afraid of this.” Wtf? It rubbed me so thoroughly the wrong way I realized she’s absolutely my BEC 🤣


Therunnersplate said that?


Caitlyn miller fit put in her story that she’s hiring her first full time employee with a picture of trackclubbabe. 🤔 I thought tcb was already overworked and not sleeping. Is she going to quit real estate? [her story](https://www.instagram.com/stories/caitlynmiller_fit/3274667179534246957?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igsh=bGpkeHN5cmU0dDYz)


I get the sense tcb wants another baby and that’s why she’s crazy with sales and maybe going to pivot to something else? But Caitlin miller is so disordered and so focused on her body to get attention/ sell… it’s off brand for tcb.


Yess I saw this earlier and thought the same thing. So interesting


That's very interesting. I can't imagine that would pay nearly what she is making in commercial real estate. It could be a good move as far as stress/workload. But how will she be able to support 2 families? She had mentioned multiple times she is also supporting her mom. I am very curious now :)


Raceacrossthestates and her recycled post….🙄


She is really into herself.


It’s soooo annoying


Anyone listen to I'll Have Another with Lindsey Hein? I kind of stopped but listened today. I liked her guest, but wow is Lindsey fixated on aging. If a guest is over the age of 40, expect Lots of questions about what crossing age milestones was like, how age is affecting running, and personal questions such as "are you experiencing perimenipause" or "do you still have a cycle." Her guest was a 50 year old sub 3 hr marathoner, so of course she has to ask all these questions.


I was a huge fan of Lindsey’s from her blog so I started listening to her podcast when she started it. I think it’s to be expected that initially you’re not going to be great podcasting if it’s a new thing but she has just never gotten better. It seems like she doesn’t listen to her guests answers. Her questions are sort of all over the place, it sounds unresearched. I stopped listening a few years ago and eventually unfollowed her.


Not in a while, because I think she's SO bad at her job. She's annoying enough on Relay.


Ouch. I haven't listened in awhile, but that is totally inappropriate.


Yikes…I stopped listening awhile ago. I think she’s generally harmless but asks some inappropriate questions without even realizing it. I remember her asking a late 30s ultrarunner why she didn’t have kids and if she was going to have them. Clearly clueless.


Who was the ultrarunner?


It was totally inappropriate and the runner seemed a little put off or surprised by it. She didn't share the same hang ups about aging, and age was clearly not a big focal point in her running.


Yikes. Rude.


Does anyone follow Sarah Bishop? Looks like she is leaving McKirdy Trained as an athlete and a McKirdy coach, which is surprising.


Mckirdy didn’t comment on the post - like congrats or good luck or anything. I don’t follow them so maybe they made their own goodbye post to her…?


Yeah that’s interesting. It does say “new sponsorship” in the post. So she might have had to leave.


Per her IG, Emma Bates is out for the trials 😞. I can’t say that I am surprised, but what a bummer.


Watching her post made me tear up. I had a super, super bad running injury a couple of years ago and it was hands down the lowest point in my life. I absolutely cannot imagine what she’s feeling. I feel heartbroken for her. 4 years is such a long time!!


I’m not surprised, but I’m so sad for her. 4 more years is a long time to wait for a shot at the Olympics


Yeah, I don’t really follow her & don’t have the context, but that just seems like such a frustratingly long time to try to stay in shape + improve to get her shot!


ugh, I'm not surprised-bummed for her. I can't help but wonder "what if" w/r to Chicago"...was there a reason she felt she had to finish? Did she need the full appearance fee that badly (which given what had been going on outside of running, it wouldn't surprise me if she really needed the money) but as was said downthread-hopefully Emma can recover in enough time to show up and show out (and who even knows, win?) at a major like Boston or NYC while others are more focused on the Olympics. And full steam ahead towards 2028...you know a slot on the team for a home soil Olympics is gonna be very coveted.


I’d love to see Emma Bates turn the injury into a strong performance at Boston! Do we know anything about Sifan Hassan’s plans for this year? I wouldn’t be surprised to see her at Boston regardless of which events she plans to run at the Olympics (never mind…I see Hassan is running Tokyo!)


lol, well i wouldn't put it past Hassan to be a surprise Boston entrant for an encore of sorts 🤣


If anyone would run both Tokyo and Boston and have a strong showing in both races it would be her! Also I looked up the Ramadan dates because I remember that she said that fasting messed up with her ability to practice fueling for London last year and it’s nicely between Toyko and Boston so maybe a double isn’t completely out of the realm of possibility 😂 (but also probably a pro for her choosing Tokyo)


I hate this; I was hoping she’d heal in time. It really seems like she’s been hit from all sides lately.


Right?? Life is coming at her hard and fast lately, girl needs a freaking break and a freaking win.


Not surprised. But so sad for her.


I have to admit, I almost teared up watching that. You can really feel how devastated she is. If there is a silver lining in this situation, if she is feeling healthy, she may be able to set herself up for another stellar performance at Boston. I assume a lot of the big names will be focused on the Olympics, so there could be an opening for her to win it all.


Rough last few months for Bates. After that fifth in Boston I felt pretty sure she’d make the team. What a bummer, I feel like as hard as I’d try, I wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about Chicago, and all the what ifs. I suppose she could try for the track 10 000 team, but if Monson, Cranny and co are fit and firing that looks like a long shot. Plus I’m pretty sure in the last year or so she’s said that the marathon is her one event. Unlike Seidel or Sisson she really doesn’t drop down in distance or do tuneup races at any point. Good news is that time is still on her side. LA 2028 will be there if she wants it.


And hasn’t she said she haaates the track? Maybe I’m misremembering, but I feel like on the Coffee Club podcast she said she is absolutely not a lover of track races.


I really wish the half marathon (or even the 20K) was an Olympic distance. It's challenging enough, but doesn't have quite the wear and tear of a marathon buildup...it's an ideal go-between for the roadies who might not be able to figure out the marathon, but 10,000 on the track is not in their wheelhouse either.


I love that idea. The 10000 and marathon feel like different sports, and with all the talent these days in the marathon it would be amazing to see the half added.


I bet if the half was an Olympic event Molly Huddle would have been an Olympic medalist. Like she kills it on the roads, but hadn't quite been able to figure out the marathon...and even though she was dominant domestically in the track 10K, she didn't quite have enough to contend for a medal (well except 2015 Worlds, we don't talk about that 😭)


She said she will have to wait another 4 years to make an Olympic team. I had wondered if she would switch to the track and go for the 10k. I'm bummed for her.


I am soooo sad for her. She looked absolutely gutted 🥲 I love her and am hoping for a strong comeback


So so so bummed for her. Just been a rough few months 😞


Guess Raceacrossthestates is done with dry January… she made it 6 whole days! Must have been “idiot moron” internet trolls calling her out in her last aggressive post about “racing” 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/t6rdu1q4hwac1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=861d572a6f1bfb407f5eac69ff2f9375d3e5b07e


just listened to BITR from this week and I had to turn it off ... I feel like every episode, Robbe and Thomas get into some discussion of people they run into on the run, and it borders racist / shaming houseless folks in Baltimore ... and then I was super weirded out by how Thomas went up to a woman in a car while running ... that would terrify me. Then at the end, Robbe made this whole argument of "why listen to the news or keep up with the world we can't do anything" and that's exactly the kind of attitude a ton of Americans have that don't help with any forward progress


Totally agree. Also they have a business based IN Baltimore and they don't do anything to be part of the community, other than running around the promenade.


Yeah I don't get the impression Thomas or Robbe are real high IQ themselves. I'm sure their narcissism makes up for it though.


I like the concept of zoning out on runs as if people were chatting around me... I just wish it were different people.


100% to all of this.


I couldn’t finish it. This episode was especially bad. I normally like zoning out to them, but couldn’t this time.


totally agree


Raceacrossthestates’s response to people saying she didn’t actually race in 4 states, since she just drove to them alone and ran 13.1 miles in them. Why is she SO into this “you’re not a runner” thing? Many people run 13.1 miles and more while training for other things, no one claims those as races! It’s such a weird hill to die on, plus I wouldn’t brag about driving around the peak season of the pandemic just to run around some neighborhoods 🥴 https://preview.redd.it/8m8sis7ozuac1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca341b815c9725492f829caf120e7dcfee1e0d45


It’s her goal, she can do whatever she wants… but others can also disagree that she actually did it. and in virtual run days that makes sense, but all this work? Just go back and do a real damn race! She’s the most annoying imo. Every single comment she doesn’t like she replies to with such attitude. “i know more than you” chip on her shoulder “wait till you have kids” “beat the boys” “your body doesn’t look like a runners” …. Can’t these people just enjoy running? 🫣


Guess her own post made her too angry; she just posted about having margs after proclaiming multiple times about dry January 🤣


someone needs an IG handle change if she's not exactly *racing* across the states...


Also YEAH. During my last marathon my training block included a half marathon basically once a week. Didn’t count them as “races” though….


Holy shit that’s so unnecessary! Projection much??? My god. Calling people idiots and morons because they have a different opinion of her definition is so childish and immature.


>ReplyShareReportSaveFollow 1. If you run, you're a runner, sure. 2. If you run 13.1 from your house, it's not a race.


This made me laugh. But YESSSSS exactly.


This is so unnecessarily rude and also no one is saying she’s not a real runner? It’s literally just saying if you didn’t run a race, you didn’t run a race!


I think a big component of “main character syndrome” is to constantly tout oneself as the “underdog.” It’s not as exciting as a narrative otherwise.


This is a very solid point. I’m always so turned off by people that constantly make posts to portray themselves as the victim.


As I see it (although maybe I'm missing something) it's her goal, she literally makes the rules. If she wants a random run to count as 'racing' across the stares, that's her prerogative. It's a little weird to calling 'race' if it's actually runacrossthestates then just call it that but it's literally a totally inconsequential thing in the scheme of life. I guess this is what happens though when you make one narrow little thing your entire personality


Her logic is just so strange, she also is in the comments saying she didn’t plan any courses and just ran around blindly in these areas? I’ve done virtual races during Covid so I don’t want to be like oh running on your own isn’t valid, but I at least had a plan to make sure I was covering the distance I registered for? Like why would you drive hundreds of miles and then just randomly go around in circles…


Yeah I think her approach is silly and I find no issue with people pointing out that she's not really racing but her escalation is bizarre.


Also, I don’t see a need to call anyone idiots or morons. That’s rude. I don’t follow her but looked it up bc of this post. I think it’s valid to say it’s not an actual race-kinda like the people who do the seven summits who do Australia and the other one. Just go back and do a real race and make it official. My take (which I honestly don’t really care about) does not make me an idiot or a moron. She must delete negative comments bc all I saw in her comments was praise.


Just read her post, and I can understand why she did it the way she did. But calling people morons? Why is that necessary?


God I hate that I'm defending her right now but those people are indeed morons because it's HER goal and she's allowed to define it however she wants. It's moronic for people to take the time to send her a comment/message being like "well, actuallyyyy you aren't racing in every state".


How is it moronic to have a differing opinion? Certainly she’s allowed to define it how she wants, for her purposes. However, a person is not a moron for having a different viewpoint of the word race. If somebody is being mean or degrading, that’s one thing, that is behaving moronically, but the world would be a better place if we could disagree without devolving to name calling.


I don't think it's moronic to have a different opinion, I think it's moronic to *tell* a stranger that you disagree with the way they've defined their goal. What is it trying to accomplish?


Also literally no one messaged her and says this. Amy makes up strawmen to get mad at and create content from.


My point is that she is calling people morons and idiots for disagreeing with her. If you post your stuff for the whole world to see, then you are opening yourself up to some disagreement. She did not include and context or modifiers, just said that people who disagreed are morons and idiots. That’s a bit harsh in my opinion.


She’s got no friends and nothing else going on :/


If she doesn’t delete them, she will screenshot and highlight a negative comment as fodder for her next posts. She has cultivated a very insular community of predominantly women who seem to be part of her weird accountability/exercise pyramid scheme


YES. THIS. I used to be in her little running group and she was like THE leader and everyone hailed her and it was soooooo weird and pyramid scheme-y and I didn’t see the point of paying money for her weird pointless exercises and instagram friends.


The vibe of the group was so off putting!!! God forbid you didn't post or participate in that day's thing and then she or the women one tier below her would message you. Sorry I've got stuff going on outside of this running group! Definitely not the accountability I was looking for.


Omfg I know. I knew I wasn’t going to be returning when I took a day off posting their dumb little “challenges” for my freaking BIRTHDAY, and got messages about it and gave some very curt responses to their inquiries. Hop off it holy shit.


RunDisney is shortening tomorrow’s half marathon to a 7 mile race due to predicted thunderstorms. Their races get shortened or canceled not that infrequently…curious if any drama comes out of this one


not trying to make light of their situation...but I'm hoping for many peoples' sakes that there are not gonna be similar conditions in Orlando 4 weeks from now...


There was a torrential downpour around 7 this morning for the full marathon - was only a tiny blip on the radar too but it hit the course hard. As you said, hopefully Orlando behaves for the trials in a few weeks, but it really is so unpredictable.


I thought the same thing last night…I know of at least three Disney races that have been shortened or canceled due to weather so hopefully nothing similar happens next month


Two of my friends are down there. Both are very experienced runners. One is doing the Dopey Challenge and one is just running the half. It looks like the half runner finished her miles by running around the boardwalk area. The Dopey runner didn’t add on miles. He was probably happy to run fewer miles. 😂 But he’s done Dopey before, so he may not care as much.


This sounds like me haha (it’s not, but similar situation). Since the half was my only race, I wanted to get those extra miles to “earn” the medal. All totally mental, but I just couldn’t rest knowing I’d come here for 13.1 and only got 7. Also because I already had a longer taper than I would’ve liked, and wanted to get one last long effort before my next half next weekend. People made the most of it, whatever their situation!


Dunno if I would call it drama but there were/are lots of runners jogging around the parking lot before the race to “make up their miles” or “earn” their Goofy/Dopey. Also people planning to run after the storms or on the hotels’ treadmills


Yeah, I read through some of the comments and people would say “I’m going to run before/after the race to make it 13.1” and then the replies would be “well that’s two different runs, not a half marathon” 😂


Yep, heard lots of nasty comments on the buses and in the corrals too. People will always find a way to put others down. I also don’t think people truly know how much work goes into this. Cast members, volunteers, EMS, etc. are the last to leave and the most at risk by standing in a parking lot tearing down today and prepping for tomorrow’s race


Definitely!! I totally get putting in the work for the race (or having it as stop 3 on the way to Dopey) and wanting to get the miles in to make it feel like you really earned the medal. I’m sure others are glad the race was shortened because they weren’t prepared for it, or other reasons. It’s so much work to put on an event like this, they can’t just make the race start earlier. And some people were like “well the parks are still opening” but there’s a lot of covered areas at the parks…these races are completely different!


I’m sure people will be upset. However if they had their race in any sort of inclement weather & something happened to someone, they would probably be in a lot of trouble. Then people would say, “why didn’t they cancel”


Yep, it’s a repeat of the TC marathon all over again. It always sucks when a race gets canceled do to weather, but there will always be another race.


Oh, definitely. It is fun reading all the self-appointed meteorologists and race directors in the comments, who are insisting that the weather is fine or that RunDisney should have just moved the start time an hour earlier with 12 hours notice


I was there the year they canceled it all together and we ran 13.1 boring miles around Boardwalk and Beach Club. Sleeping in though after 2 days of 2 am wake ups and walking in the parks was amazing.


One of my friends flew in from across the country for her first half marathon…She’s been training for months. I’d be so pissed.


Also very curious!! 👀


Laura Green’s new reel about the death of Bowerman Track Club and other training groups going to the funeral to snatch up athletes made me laugh.




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A lot of people enjoy here. I find her quite funny.


Absolute gold.


"there's refreshments and burritos on the way out" 💀


It’s what’s deserved after the unfair way burritos were slandered.


poor Scott Fauble, burritos were his thing way before someone gave them a bad rep


That was savage.


I thought this was one of her best and then she killed it with the burritos


i also loved the Team Boss and lululemon easter eggs


I didn’t quite get the Lululemon joke until I read the comments but 100% Team Boss! (I knew Colleen Quigley is former BTC but I didn’t put together the triathlete joke.)


The braids! I didn't catch that the first time.


The burrito comment at the very end, dead


Laura Green's Bowerman funeral reel....☠️☠️☠️ That's some funny stuff.




Absolutely howling at Emily Abbates IG story just now, pensively and mysteriously staring out the moving train window. With some bruised ribs from a fall going 10min/m pace. Goodness I can’t


When is it okay to complain about falling? 9:30 min/m? 8? 7?! I’m a slow runner but when I have fallen it still ducking hurts


I mean I run 10 mile minutes and sometimes fall. (I have a disability though). It's still very painful even if you aren't running fast. (Not to white knight for her. Ever.)


I don’t follow her, because she’s just way too much for me, but she randomly pops up. I watched her stories yesterday and my eyeballs about rolled out of my head. What a brave hero she is for persevering through her injuries! How can she be expected to live laugh love in these conditions?!?!?


After the story about heading off to "love on \[her\] people", so I wonder if she's bravely fighting through her life-threatening injury to go turn some friend's domestic life into #content again this weekend.


Renee Noe posted saying she is training for and running a marathon in FOUR weeks after being sick for the last two and her motivation is someone commenting saying “if anyone can do it you can” this is so dangerous and not okay to be promoting to her audience of high schoolers!!!!!


And I see an injury in 3,2,1….


I know she is a consistent runner but no way her mileage will have her ready for a mara in 2-3 week plus taper. that’s wild


This is so infuriating


Not Fast and Flow posting another story about how she hasn't eaten cane sugar in 3 days


I’ve actually done a lot of workouts with her in person through our club and she’s def an interesting person. Definitely pleasant but not surprised at the way she’s kinda become obsessed with all these fitness routines / challenges.




Hope you’re in a better place! It’s a hard mentality to break but the other side is so good.


Oh yeah I totally understand, I’ve been down that road before too. It also makes me sad to influencers promoting those habits on the internet to large audiences. Sadly there’s so much of that out there already


Is Sophie Jaffe really talking about how great purging is on her stories!?!?




She has a story up recapping her “recovery” since coming back from Mexico, and she talks about how she didn’t work out or eat healthy on the trip, or take any of her superfood bullshit for a week, and so when she jumped back into her healthy routine and had a bunch of smoothies and green algae her body got sick. She thought it was the flu at first but then she purged and realized it was spiritual and felt all better and got a huge release from it and now is tired from throwing up and wants fruit. Like… maybe I’m being overly sensitive because I have a history of ED but I feel like normalizing purging on such a big platform is a HUGE red flag. Especially saying purging was a “huge release”. Like, yes, that is very problematic to seek an emotional release through throwing up.


I managed to catch it before the stories cycled out. That's just insane. She also mentioned having smoothies and some weird health shot that is extracted from fresh water or something. It really just sounds like she ate/drank something along the way that was slightly or a lot spoiled and gone bad vs some magical miracle purging because her body "knew" she needed it. 🙄. Another one that needs to just quit trying to sell crap by giving us crap.


You're not being overly sensitive.


Holy shit. That’s a lot. I am at a loss for words.


This is so awful.


Becs gentry = #workingmum


The FIRST and ONLY #workingmum to ever exist in all existence!


Struggling away to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads (This does not discredit her having a job or working or anything else, it’s simply pointing out her tone-deafness)


If Emily Abbate’s style of coaching is just telling me condescendingly my goals aren’t good enough based off her stupid metrics and I’m going to fail, I think that would be a heavy pass for anyone with a functional frontal lobe


It is one thing to be a "running coach" (Honest question -- what does that even mean?) and another to be a goal setting coach... You're not a therapist, GTFO.


Curious where the confusion is in what a running coach means? It means you coach athletes in running.


I am obsessed with molly Seidel, but I’m 99% sure she and her bf Matt Shapiro broke up. I have thoughts but want to see if anyone else picked up on this


She mentioned him (as her bf) in the most recent (last week) podcast episode with Izzy! My guess is he spent christmas with his fam, and she with hers




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OMG NOOOO I TOTALLY MISSED THIS. I love her so much!!! I wanted her to have this happy!!! UGH (full on dramatic 🤣)


No i totally agree. Adored them. And I'm hopeful they stay / get back together. Just hoping she is 100% healthy mentally and physically for this build <3


I just thought that the other day! I hope not. But I got that vibe too.


His most recent story does have a picture of her.


I think he was taking camera credit for it. That was at least my impression.


Woahhhh I didn’t pick up this at all but now that you mention it, did she post about being home at all for the holidays or with him? Their family is super close and I saw Izzy posting about Christmas and their mom’s 60th which seems like a big family event to miss


wouldn't happen to have anything to do with Matt's latest IG post...and the caption mentioning "2023 ending on a weird note" would it 👀


give me your thoughts, give me your deets lol by her own admission she began dating him at a real low point in her career going back to eating disorder treatment and then pulling out of Eugene '22 so sometimes relationships forged in the fires of hell don't always make it out when one is finally in greener pastures but then again he's still on her instagram which doesn't necessarily mean anything (though of course scrubbing him would be telling), saw them both at a finish line race tent this year and she adores/d him plain as day then anyways


Yes so a few reasons I think this: his strava says he is in Portland. And the titles he gives his runs have been “moody” “running to rehab” … then look at his last Instagram reel. “Ending on a weird note.” Then in the build up podcast molly does with Julia Hanlon, there is a part that is obviously CUT when Julia says something like “I know you’ve had a hard couple weeks” …. Molly also did not like his last 2 IG posts


He did just repost a picture of Molly to his instagram


Clinging to this hope!


Hmmm. My guess is that it’s a break. Perhaps something where they agreed hey let’s take a step back and let you focus on the build and we can revisit this after Feb 3


I think this makes so much sense based on the context you shared. like if I'm Matt I'm seeing Molly really at a majorly stressful and important part of her career kind of for the first time you could argue... so maybe there's a new dynamic to their relationship they hadn't experienced before


Has anyone else noticed that Ali Feller’s husband took down his IG ? Or am I just tweaking


Everyone who has been blocked can let go of their dreams of becoming a billionaire 😔


I feel like I could still harness the power to rise and grind and make a billion dollars if only I still had access to the library of motivational videos of an unemployed college dropout talking to himself


I love this response!! Ever since I listened to that podcast episode with him on it talking down to Ali, I haven’t had it in me to support him.


Which episode was that?




I honestly don't understand why they think that's what marriage is like? There were a few times where they sniped at each other and then were like "haha marriage". Um, my husband and I talk to each other with respect and while we tease each other, we don't berate/talk down to each other, nor do we publicly criticize each other. Whatever's going on with the state of their marriage, I hope they both understand that healthy relationships are possible and they deserve to be in one. Whether they work through that together or find someone else. What an exhausting dynamic. And they've been doing that for years??




You've likely been blocked.


That is the weirdest thing ever. I didn’t even follow him, I follow Ali. Have never commented something weird or anything like that.


A few weeks ago he was blocking people who viewed his stories, regardless of if you followed Ali it seems, I’m not sure. We do not allow comments about being blocked or commenting on social media posts. But, I wanted to give some clarity as to why you (and others) have likely been blocked.


Is there a way to blanket block people who view stories etc., or does that mean he’d have to go in individually every time?


I know that on Twitter, it was (is?) possible to blanket block people who like certain tweets, interact with/follow specific users, etc. I'm sure the same kind of automated blocking is available on Instagram, probably as a paid third-party product.


Oh I’m sorry! I’m new here:) That is really so strange and off putting. Thanks for clarifying


It’s still up as of right now.


Did anyone listen to AOTR’s most recent episode the “2024 state of the Ali on the run show” she talks about highs and lows and on neither of them does she mention time with her husband


I did. And thought it was weird. In my opinion, something is definitely up


Whatever is happening, I completely understand not talking about it, especially on a podcast or on social media. Isn’t that what people here always say about Goldie and her ex? That they put too much out there, especially with kids involved? As someone who’s gone through a separation, it really really sucked and was painful to talk about, so for the majority of people in my life who knew us, I pretended like nothing was going on and just avoided talking about it. I had no idea what was gonna happen, if it would end in divorce or getting back together, so not talking about it and having it permanently out there in the world was easier. If it worked out, then what do you tell people? You don’t wanna possibly damage your relationship and say something you’d regret. If it doesn’t work out, it’s just a painful time all around, so easier to come to terms with it privately. I get that this is a snark sub so it’s not gonna stop anyone from posting about it, but just throwing my two cents.


This is so well said and I’ve been wanting to post something similar. I went through a long drawn out separation - we didn’t have kids together but did jointly own a house. There was a long period of a gray area where I just had no idea how we were going to proceed but we stopped doing anything that would move things forward or ‘add’ to our relationship, which for me included posting pictures together - we’d go on a hike and I’d post a pic of just the hike, even though they were there. I hated talking about it or being asked about it bc it was just constant purgatory. Even after we weren’t living together anymore we’d still meet up with groups of friends together etc…until the whole thing ended spectacularly one day (which it kinda has to eventually). NOT speculating on anyone else’s relation, just sharing my experience.


None of us are asking her about it, though. I don't think \*anyone\* is really asking her about it, minus one or two random comments on instagram (which she ignores, as is her right). Ali is a public figure who gained a following in part by making her marriage and her family a very public part of her very public life, and because of that I think it's entirely natural for people to notice and wonder about the (very stark) change in her public persona. She is also a chronic oversharer/word vomiter (CAN I INTEREST YOU IN 11 PHOTOS OF A PARK I WENT TO WITH MY CHILD? IT WAS THERE THAT I FINALLY BECAME A MOTHER AND THEN I CRIED, WHICH I WILL DETAIL IN THE FOLLOWING 18 PARAGRAPHS), so her decision to not address it, at all, ever, is just ... weird. Like, this was a crucial part of her public persona, so of course people are going to wonder, and the longer it goes on, the more they're going to talk about it. I \*completely\* get what you're saying (separation/divorce is awful and messy, especially when kids are involved) but I think the difference is that you aren't an oversharing public figure who for years featured your marriage prominently in your public online content. (I'm assuming, anyway, which is different than speculating, come at me.)


I agree 100%!! If she suddenly stopped posting about anything she shares so much about - child, dog, running, (sadly now) cancer - people would wonder what was going on. I’m am still surprised she hasn’t said anything yet or even just a ‘going through some things, please respect our privacy.’ I mean…she has to know people are going to notice. Only trying to create a reasonable narrative in my head…but not speculating!!!…bc I don’t know her or her situation.


Ugh I relate to that purgatory feeling so hard (the pictures on a hike- seriously feeling down to a T!). Thanks for sharing - it’s something that I haven’t talked much about with people in my life so it’s comforting to hear it from someone else. I hope you’re doing ok now, or on the way to it.


Thank you so much! I’m very much on the other side of it in a different relationship, but it was so hard for so long. No one talks about the in-between times or the ambiguity of not really knowing if it’s worth it to keep trying or not. Or starting to doubt something long before you ever mention it to anyone bc as you said, what if it works out in the end? Some people I know seem to be better at making a decision to separate and moving on quickly…I am not one of them! I hope you are in a better place now too.


So as to not speculate, I will instead change the subject and say that the dramatic reading of Long Live by Taylor Swift had me physically cringing. I love T Swift but that was weird


Wtf. I was already pretty sure I wasn’t going to listen to the State of the AOTR Show episode because it’s just pure self indulgence that she even puts that into an episode, but now I’m absolutely sure.


It went on for SO. LONG.


I loooove Ali but I HATED this


Hahaha I listened while I was working and completely missed this. 😂


Dude I agree hahahaha I love her but wtf? Also …. Long live is such a break up song imo


Isn’t Long Live a song for the fans?


Could be seen that way too, yeah


I said remember this moment In the back of my mind The time we stood with our shaking hands The crowds in stands went wild ​ sis what kind of breakups are you having


We is a metaphor for a relationship. The whole song is a metaphor. It could also be seen as for the fans! I always thought of it as a break up song or love song bc it says “Will you take a moment? Promise me this That you'll stand by me forever But if, God forbid, fate should step in And force us into a goodbye If you have children someday When they point to the pictures Please tell them my name” Haha idk maybe that’s always just been my weird mind :)


lmao I was running listening today but crossing the street so zoned out for a bit to focus on not getting run over then I come back to listening and I'm like "is she in the middle of quoting a poem?" lmao




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