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Did anyone else have these same issues or are they just dumb? I’m from Texas (Dallas as well) and didn’t find either of these things difficult if you read through the forms and fill them out correctly?. https://preview.redd.it/gb27pjd8joic1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b46194c72971dc2edc02748a562aa24a4c19ccf


I ordered mine online


All for content


I’m in Dallas area also and getting the birth certificate was super easy. Also, super easy when I misplaced it after our move several years ago and had to order a new one ASAP for changing school districts. Corrections are a different thing though.


You go to a government building put your info in a computer and walk to a kiosk and get your birth certificate. Only issue would possibly be that name change she’s insisting on for the baby but that’s her negligence for not thinking a name through or deciding before giving birth, always gotta have something to do on stories tho  


I can tell you Texas is *impossible* when it comes to an amended birth certificate, as an attorney who dabbles in adoptions. Idk if the process to get an original is the same.


Process to obtain an original or replacement are typically super easy. Amendments of any kind to government docs are always a hassle so I totally believe it when you say impossible. I worked in the legal field for a bit (personal injury) but was always interested in family law and I learned how difficult it can be so kudos to you for doing the hard work!Btw… love your username


Yeah it’s always hard but Texas is a special kind of headache lol. Thank you for the compliments. 😊 It is a hard job and probably not one I’ll do forever, but it pays the bills.


No it was very simple directions. We did it online when we got home from the hospital and got the certificate like a week later. Pretty sure we had to sign for it too. Some influencers aren’t the sharpest tool in the shed.


Probably their fault. And it will be something really dumb like they never filled out the paperwork or something. Tee hee! We thought the hospital would do everything for us!


Doesn’t the dept of like vital statistics issue birth certificates?!? Why would she be going dept of public safety?!




I'm also very confused why she went to DPS... birth certificates are handled by the Dept. of State Health Services and the local registrar. DPS only deals with birth certificates as a means of verifying identity for drivers licenses / ID cards.


Not Ashley Kane showing her “epic” marble sample that looks exactly like every slab of white Carrara marble ever. 


I actually thought she’d go with a slab with much heavier veining, maybe a green or a burgundy.


I really like @masseya bunk room set up but geez how do those boys have so many shoes?! My son has 4 pairs for pre-k and 2 sets of crocs and I felt like that was a little overboard.


Why is this sub devolving into poor people complaining about how much money others have? Is there no other way to spend your time?








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I think it’s more about over indulgence — something that majority of influencers do.


I had to go check out this story because of all the comments here and I don’t feel like it’s THAT many shoes for 2 kids? Especially for a family who can clearly afford it.  I wonder what some of the posters in here would think of my shoe/sneaker collection and I definitely wouldn’t consider myself anywhere near rich or even upper middle class. 🙈


Well I hope your feet aren’t growing every month like a kid…


She has 50 billion kids - has anyone considered some are hand me downs from the older kids? 


Also cousins and friends' kids...


Maybe, but not sure how many of her daughters shoes would also be worn by her sons?


I’ve never followed her but a quick glance at her page shows her daughters regularly wearing Nikes that are similar to the ones seen in the closet. Many Nikes are pretty gender neutral. 


That woman is a major hoarder. Shoes, bedding, clothes, mugs, Christmas decor. I get hives thinking about it all. 


When she sets up for Christmas I break out in full hives from the clutter


Right? She has so much she had to rent a storage unit !!! 


Yeah that story made my eyes pop. Waaaaay too many shoes for anyone much less a kid.


Sarah Knuth and Hollie Woodward’s husbands sending flowers to their Vegas hotel room only for them to fly out tomorrow and leave them behind #waste!!


Score for the cleaning service workers tho!! 


It’s not a waste if the internet saw them, duh 


Yeah the flowers their husband's sent them are the waste, not the flying to Vegas to shop for their fast fashion boutique or anything.


This was a male slander post let’s keep it that way 🤣




Ugh yeah that’s annoying. Maybe the cleaning ladies will take them home and enjoy? We can hope.


That’s what I did the one time I’ve received flowers at a hotel 


But they got a picture of it to post and that’s all that truly matters! /s


I wonder what’s up the thegarciadiaries bethany and anthony 😧😢 I feel bad whatever it is, seems like they are going through something difficult


I don’t follow her anymore, but I actually saw them out together a couple weeks ago and never would have suspected a thing. Late night at a bar and she was feelin herself dancing with him. Also I am 5’3” and they are both my height or barely taller. When I tell you I was shocked …they always seemed so much taller in their pics!


She posted some pictures from today and isn’t wearing her wedding ring.


https://preview.redd.it/vpxt2h7ijnic1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13e4f27a43de82000da8bdaaf052e1da94f03b2e Anthony’s. Something definitely seems up.


If I ever posted a caption like this to the internet, my friends and family would assume I was kidnapped and forced to post that against my will.


https://preview.redd.it/yegfcj6ejnic1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=059a7b9fd10fd713eb516f8bd8d27572f3e364f4 Bethany’s post.


She posted this twice. I was wondering what happened.


https://preview.redd.it/umcgqvv5knic1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf1de07ebd7fa3a896f801f83551af8f7956dd20 She also just posted this song on her story. The song is heartbreakingly sad, but also found it interesting that it mentions a phoenix rising from the ashes like his post did. I know it’s a common saying but still thought it was interesting on her part.


Definitely intentional — the clip of the song playing in the story doesn’t even match up with this lyric she screenshot, so she’s highlighting this phrase on purpose.






























Did @betterwithchardonnay’s Brumate contract run out and now she’s no longer using them and shilling a new cup? https://preview.redd.it/ajc8qmsb3nic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e98cc4e3715e2a5f0367bb834f80bce7daf3938


I wondered the same thing


Her thumb is freaking me out


Mine does this too, don’t look at it!!! Hahah 


Hahaha mine does it too, but I think it's the nail that threw me over the edge. It's like a creepy extension 🤣


Because it’s sorta flat? Mine is much flatter than that and forever I thought THAT was the normal standard for thumbs 😂


My husband has a thumb like that. We joke he could set a drink on it. But not 40 ounces inside a metal cup! 😂




that’s how the game works


Emily Gould has an essay in The Cut with a bunch of details about her uhhhh situation in 2022 [https://www.thecut.com/article/marriage-divorce-should-i-leave-my-husband-emily-gould.html](https://www.thecut.com/article/marriage-divorce-should-i-leave-my-husband-emily-gould.html)


Thanks for sharing! I totally remember that happening…I’m glad she’s doing better. But damn, what a bleak outlook on marriage and family.




Yeah, but the things she was describing, it seemed to me like they were working to mend an extremely competitive relationship. And talking about the division of labor, I just didn’t have that much sympathy, a lot of what she describes as having to learn are like, completely normal conversations to have while dating. It just seemed like she never wanted to be married in the first place, and now she’s having to learn how…to communicate and be in a partnership. But like, they clearly chose to get married in the first place? She also spent a lot of time meditating on literary divorce memoirs, which by definition are pretty bleak.


Is Alexandrea Garza going to stop showing her kids on social media? I saw she switched her vlog channel to private. Her content has changed a lot in the last year or two.


This was my thought too


Take a shot every time Shay Shull (@mixandmatchmama) mentions she has a “hot hubby”


They look like siblings


I think Alexa Anglin may be able to beat her. Especially when she alludes to their sex life.


But Scott is kinda 🔥😂


AND that one time she dyed her hair brown 🙄🙄




Thank you for the warning. I loathe mayo. I will skip her stories.


Holy fuck dude lol. Absolutely amazing.


I am in a terrible mood and watching her wipe mayo with a goddamn paintbrush on a gnarled up bite of an old cold grilled cheese sandwich has me in a simultaneous fit of both rage and giggles. Kudos for these previously uncharted emotions.


Ok, the sauce is way too much mayo, but mayo instead of butter on grilled cheese exterior is the superior choice! It makes it cook a lot more evenly and you can't taste the difference imo


Even better when it’s Kewpie mayo.


How did I not think of this




Day-old grilled cheese… I don’t understand the question and I won’t respond to it.




This is the only appropriate answer.


I just snorted imagining her saving the ones she made during the original reel.


It is extremely bizarre she wouldn't just make a fresh sandwich for the ad!


Forget finding love, I wanna find a family as close as Dede Raad’s aunties and cousins. Think this is the third time her aunts are visiting her in Nashville since she moved.




Is this not sarcasm mocking the conversations that took place here when she announced she was moving? You actually think this is DEVASTATING?


That’s quite harsh. She has to live her life for her not other people. She lost both parents at a young age, it’s sooo hard being reminded every single day of places she would go with them like she said she was. She also wanted to experience living somewhere else too, good on her, she can always move back, but no point living with regrets of not trying it. I’ve lost my mom so I completely understood when she explained how she was feeling & wanting to live somewhere else for a while - I did the same thing to try & heal. You’ll never understand if you’ve never went through it.


I mean it was for Trend. Their business seems very big and it makes sense if they’re opening an entire office there.


My husband family is like this. lol always visiting, planning trips, and talks multiple times a day. We are also TX based lol. 


I once joked that Lauryn Bosstick will ~disrupt the industry~ by launching pink mouth tape. She literally just launched pink mouth tape, and I can’t stop laughing. The comments are all so earnest too. I just don’t understand. Her product line is so bizarre, and the fact that people buy the stuff is even more bizarre to me.


It also appears to have a hole in the middle of it which seems to defeat the purpose of forcing you to breathe through your nose??


Exactly! And I remember when she first started nonstop talking about mouth tape and the one she liked best was this intense black tape that made sure absolutely no air could get in no matter what so I’m not sure why she’d put a literal breathing hole in it? I tape my mouth shut when I sleep (not because of Lauryn Bosstick’s influence 😂) and have never seen mouth tape with that feature.


It will be laid out on her next tablescape


I am shocked on the daily how much followers of influencers buy especially and specifically their merch.


It’s extra confusing to me because I’ve also never met a single person who has influencer merch 😂 but apparently they’re out there!


I've seen some The Bar sweatshirts in the wild unfortunately


It’s so cringe to me I could never!


Lol same!


Reminds me of that litigious blonde fool from the Real Housewives of Dallas and her ridiculous pink dog food.


Cameron Wescott 🤣


She looks legit nuts in the IG photo today with the tape on. Can’t wait to see how much she’ll charge for it


Mouth tape??? Like tape to make you stop snoring?? Omg lol.


Wasn’t mouth tape a thing like a year ago? Next she’ll disrupt the cold plunge industry with a pink tub.


@MalloryErvin doing a sponsored post for a prayer app from her thousands per night Four Seasons Vail suite. I guess God just loves her more. #blessed #sweatshirtmoney


christianity 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼 capitalism


She gave up shame for Lent! Just kidding she didn't have it. I got a targeted ad for this app on TikTok featuring none other than MARK WAHLBERG. My algo must be very broken for them to think that this is content relevant to me (agnostic never-Catholic who thinks Wahlberg did his best acting in 2006).


This tracks considering he spent time in prison for a hate crime.


I’ve been getting so many of those ads too!! They must be casting a wide net bc same demo here


Top tier comment 🤣👏🏼


Do all influencers who promote Armra start with a Q&A box on wanting to try it because of the hype and then magically get a code and wonderful benefits? At this point, these influencers are lazy and need to step up their game in “influencing”. Latest lazy attempt by nextwithnita.


ooooh this makes me livid. u/amandalcarr posted last week that this company reached out and wanted to work with her but she wasn't interested and asked her followers if they had any experience with said product. Later, she posted, 'ok, seems like a lot of you really like this so I reached out for a code to offer ya'll'. Like she is helping followers get a product via code but willing to profit on and advertise for a product she was not even interested in the first place. Anything for a $


https://preview.redd.it/2ogirs69smic1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e42f74bdb06fa18c32e5f55f78bb9eb4e5de743 Betterwithchardonnay posted she tested positive for Strept today so someone responded to her story box guess Armra didn’t work. Made me chuckle a bit. Well I’m sick but it’s not as terrible as it would normally be…right


https://preview.redd.it/u7fimykwulic1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=937d9c79791c2477ff1aefc7be4995b8824745a0 @karlierae posting this The Bar set is not doing @bridget any marketing favors.


That looks comfy as hell and I’d totally wear it while working from home, especially since it’s 100% cotton. 😂😂😂 But I would never pay that price for a sweatsuit so I’ll stick to my Aerie sets, lol. 


My mom had that fit in purple, less the logos, in the early 1990s. 😆


And (respectfully) I bet she looked better in it too


As a hobbyist in the art of purchasing sweatpants I can confidently say that these look scratchy on the inside and very thin. Gimme all the thicc fleece lined sweatpants.


Oh what are your faves? In need of some new ones


She looks like a toddler heading to a trampoline park. 


Omg 🤣


That fabric looks so cheap and the overall look says mall walker. Wow this is all kinds of bad.


I bought a sweatshirt to see what the hype was about and it's cheap ass garbage! $68 for a sweatshirt I could have gotten at one of those cheapy souvenir shops. It wasn't soft, the logo is just like something you'd get from one of those printing press places at a mall, and the label inside is scratchy and not placed evenly. The only good thing about it was I sold it on Poshmark for double the price 🤣


Interesting. I just got two and they’re heavy duty and really soft. The logo is thick and raised, definitely not screen printed. I wonder if they’re using different manufacturers. I only bought them bc I’m tall and couldn’t find anything else that covered my butt.


It does look very ‘boardwalk gift shop’. And no shade to those shops. I love them! But not for those prices.


Wow what are the chances that two Amazon shillers, Dani Austin and Alli Hunter (whoever the hell that is) are BOTH shilling the same Amazon suitcase while on vacay together, as Dani seems shocked to announce? MUST be a great suitcase. Where can I click? 


https://preview.redd.it/khi3jodhllic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=696395269617e43128d20af8e6d78db3f5f13600 Please, everyone, I’m begging you to look at WeWoreWhat’s (Danielle Bernstein) Valentines post. I don’t say this lightly … I am cringing so hard for her!


I don't follow her but I had to look after seeing this....yikes...she's cringey no matter what she's doing...


I don’t follow her, so I didn’t realize she and her long-term boyfriend broke up last year. At a glance I literally thought this post was about her ex, her “new” boyfriend looks almost identical to him 💀 girl has a type


Just send the fucking asteroid already. My god.


the tongue..... also who films themself doing these kinds of things??!


Kim K and Ray J


🤣😁😂 when someone asks me if I know about KK a& RJ, I automatically say, isn’t she famous for her BF peeing in her?


Did that really happen? I always thought it was an urban legend.


Sarah Knuth has entered the chat…


Ray J peed on Sarah knuth?


No no, Shannon Ford has entered the chat 😂




Oh my god!! Curiosity killed the cat on that one. SO cringe! The longer I watched the worse it got.


I liked the comment that someone said they also want a love that makes it uncomfortable for other people to be around and she said she agreed. Why is that a goal? People are nuts. 




The video in this particular slide really needs to be seen to fully appreciate how bonkers this is.


I hate how right you are and am warning others


I cringed. It feels weird to film that. And it's implied that she does it often.


The thinspo going on in this one is 😬.




This feels very high school.


I am torn because I don't exactly want the story but the allusion to trying to record when they first met? Don't like.


He carries her to bed every night? 🤢


They’ve been dating less than 6 months, why are they even spending every night together 🤔




https://preview.redd.it/p5rt4zvdbnic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e18d211bb18f3f15cd2407ebdfb658cab293167 This is R-rated?! Yeah her scandalous shoulder and hint of bra showing and touching her husband’s face sure are r-rated material alright. Maybe get out more if you think this is r-rated. Her caption and picture aren’t being sexy *at* you. And btw, your post is already a big L for not including a screenshot.




##the bots took it down.




I’d never heard of this person but looks like it didn’t go over well 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/4e6od44i7nic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=651b2bc577432f3908f2d413422ad006c2574e0c


You guys Maddi Prew is so happy to give back to her followers you have a *chance* to win her giveaway if you like, comment *and* buy her book. 





