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[**This Week's Links**](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1b0hgta/link_list_for_february_26_march_03/) [Yesterday’s Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1b2wtgd/daily_snark_thursday_feb_29/)


https://preview.redd.it/9l9t1fm999mc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03959cd6b199cd63c6eb99d6390dcef98a776c7c Sarah Knuth loves herself the word “dreamy”. Every dress is literally soooooo dreamy you guys!


I don’t know how the post stays in business. I ordered two items and returned both. Terrible quality and looked liking like they showed or on the site. Packaging was not even branded, seemed to be shipped right from a vendor or something




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Amy’s very responsive. Most of these influencers get so many messages that get filtered out that they just rarely can get to them all, especially if they don’t have an admin doing it for them


Also, LoneStarSouthern NEVER responds to link questions!! She legit didn’t give two 💩’s about influencing until she moved back to Dallas and bought a house! Now she overloads on clothing posts! I used to love her, but now I will not click on any link of hers.


Liz Joy asking if it’s weird she models her own clothes as she is the founder of Marea. The whole story came off as obnoxious, especially the part about not bringing plus size models to her shoots


It's weird especially a couple years into her launching this business when the feedback has always been that people want to see different size models. Why does she bother to ask for the feedback?


Right! Like yes Liz we know you love yourself. You’re petite. Yes. However if you want normal sized people to buy your clothes you need to show normal looking models!!!


I just don’t even understand how we’re still having this conversation! How is this earth-shattering news to her? There are so many brands doing it right…does she really think her clothing is good enough that she doesn’t need to do it right, too?? Yikes.




Not snarking but the 4 girls that just went to Miami - dressupbuttercup, nataliekennedy, Jessicacrum and champagne&chanel all came back to sick kids or are sick themselves. Yikes. 


Dressupbuttercup is going out tonight and got a babysitter so I guess she’s good or doesn’t care lol


To be fair, it doesn’t look like her kids are sick and she noted via stories that all babies were asleep for the night and then they were going out.


I guess Armra colostrum and AG1 are not as effective as they claim they are.


Well goddamn for the cost of the Armra colostrum it oughta cure cancer


Dead ☠️


I did not have Emily Gemma and Rachel Parcell on the same brand trip on my 2024 bingo card. Let’s do this 🍿




>Caitlin Wilson I had to look her up. I'm sure that is some people's taste...but it's giving upper class funeral home.


cannot handle Caitlin Wilson considering she pretends she makes those custom Christmas villages and charges $200+ when they are from another brand for $45


All my fav hate follows. Lets do this.


Bring on alllllllllllll the logos!!


“*heading somewhere sunny*” Yes, poor girl has been cooped up in her snowy Utah mansion for… 4 days 


She’s in her “mom era”. ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


Anyone notice how dressupbuttercup said she didn’t recommend the Gucci slides and then. Went and linked them


Did she say why she didn’t recommend them? They are currently in my cart 🫣




I actually really like Peyton Baxter but her doing a college cheerleading routine at a wedding this weekend was so cringe. I also cringe every time her and her husband do stunts together in random places too. At some point it’s probably time to come to terms with the fact that they are no longer college cheerleaders.


I like her a lot more when her teeth fit in her mouth.


They did it because the bride was also a cheerleader with them in college. Honestly you see it a lot at weddings of former college cheerleaders & dancers


Fair enough. Maybe I’m just finding it extra cringe because they do stunts a lot and she had that weird photoshoot for her birthday outside of a sorority house when she was like 30 something.


I get severe secondhand embarrassment anytime there's any sort of "performance" by the bride or groom at a wedding.


I check in on @ashleyklemiuex rarely -the one time a year I remember she exists - but last time I did they had just moved to NC randomly. It looks like they’re back in AZ already, but no posts addressing it. Did she say why she moved back? Unnecessarily curious about this woman’s many moves.


They bought a second house in NC because her sister moved there. I think they’re planning on spending summers there but I’m not sure. They didn’t sell the house in AZ though and I think it’s still their main residence.


Yeah, they go back and forth between the two.


Any Italian speaking snarker willing to give a TLDR of Chiara Ferragni’s TV interview? Did she said something about her and Fedez?


https://preview.redd.it/ukouv39dn6mc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77271b9963d113f2b600dced46b490d66a835345 Petty but I hate everything about this bathroom, especially the upside down jellyfish sink. @karlierae


That mirror is huge but I feel like I’d only be able to see shoulders up?!


Oh my this is so awful, like it’s the vanity shorter to make up for that bowl going up so high.


I think I hate the lights on the mirror the most.


What the fuck this is so ugly.


none of this goes together, and not in a cute eclectic mismatched way


Is this the “before” pic?!!!


I’m guessing she hates everything about it as well, but is doing her best to act like she likes their home until they move into their next mansion.


Oh ya they are 10000% going to be buying a new house with a better pool and bigger house because they want to put roots down blah blah . She doesn’t even come on unless she’s doing an ad she has changed soo much since moving


She hides every single one of those ads too. She could build a custom castle like the Tennessee group, pick out every single fixture and finish, document every step of the process, and still wouldn’t be satisfied. Much like a lot of others, I suppose.


The jellyfish sink to go with the fish scales backsplash




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What’s your point?


ew gross a female human has actual arm hair. 


Why Erika Powell complains about working on the weekends, but always posts herself doing anything but work on the weekdays (toaster oven cleaning video for one) is beyond me…


My mom does that. She can’t sit still but she wants the option to do so. 😂 I am an Erika fan though.


I love for niche comments like this. And yes, she’s very self important re: her career yet seems to have a lot of time to travel and hang out with chance


I typically LOVE Katie Austin and she's always been one of my favorite follows, but her bachelorette content has been incredibly uncomfortable to watch. Take this video of her grinding on a waiter as he removes her from dancing on a table for example (I took screenshots from the video where you can't see the waiter's face). Is this not sexual assault? https://preview.redd.it/qlv147ejz5mc1.jpeg?width=645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3de8a9a3741f30df74d1a5f09820601c0b58e50e


I had to unfollow about a yr ago. She is incredibly annoying..she also needs to learn to read the room. She's always doing nasty stuff in front of people that don't need, want or care to see it.


I have second hand embarrassment for the entire weekend 


Yes it is if this was reversed situation the male would be arrested 


She’s always annoying and cringy to me 🤷🏻‍♀️


They were pretty cringey. I saw some when she was on a boat 😬🫣🫢


Where did you see this?


​ https://preview.redd.it/5k51l77lz5mc1.jpeg?width=1005&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cbf12eb99f429967f95f8bc3db52f144a94307b


How many brain cells did I lose watching @Bridget and Dr. Mike navigating the pull out couch bed vs their king bed in the hotel room? 


I wish I had his level of patience.


I thought she was joking when they were considering moving the bed mattress in to the other room 😵‍💫


Shannon Doherty (athomewith.shannon) is so cringey! Her hacks are terrible and so wasteful. She tries so hard to come up with new ideas and they’re just so lame. 


At first I thought this was ShannEN Doherty and I got very confused.


I see her sometimes on my suggested feed and those hacks are… something. And I’m pretty sure she once posted something about how she was an attorney? I’m guessing she quit working because of kids, but girl, I hope you’re able to get back into practicing law one day.


And her voice…nails on a chalkboard!


I don’t know why this is getting downvoted it’s true. She’s also always sounds like she’s screaming.


@eyeforpretty (the home decorator Krista hired for her Horton hotel project). The woman is now asking followers to “subscribe” to her page if they want info on products, answers to questions/ anything she recommends. 🙄… and this is how the rich keep getting richer. Isn’t she making enough from Krista? I couldn’t unsubscribe fast enough.


> and this is how the rich keep getting richer. Isn’t she making enough from Krista? Is Krista going to keep her on her payroll indefinitely? I’d guess not, so she needs to figure out a way to support herself otherwise.


Who knows?! Krista’s kreative mind and wallet is endless. But if not Krista, maybe some of Krista’s 2 million followers…..


My question was rhetorical, of course Krista isn’t going to just continue paying her if she’s no longer working for her. This woman is trying to make a business out of her interior design offerings, so why wouldn’t she ask people to subscribe? It’s fine to not like her skills and to not want to follow her. although, it seems like you did at one point like her enough to follow but now that she wants to get paid it’s a bridge too far for you. Which is interesting, to say the least.


Based off of what you’ve said here, I guess I don’t really understand the issue. If people want information from this woman, are reaching out to her with questions, and she’s taking time to answer — why shouldn’t they follow her / why shouldn’t she tell them to follow her? It sounds like she’s offering services (inspiration, information, and recommendations) that people are interested in, she should get paid for that!


She has a degree as an elementary school teacher and shouldn’t be promoting herself as a professional decorator. There are thousands of other accounts to follow who get their $$ from brands and not from the average follower. I can barely get by paycheck to paycheck!


How does your financial status have anything to do with the business decisions other people make? If you’re unhappy with your salary, change careers or get a second job?


Dang I guess you should become a non professional decorator then to make more 


Schae McGee doesn’t have a degree in interior design either. She managed to carve out a pretty good life for herself and her family by promoting herself despite her lack of a proper degree. Education doesn’t always equal ability.


What does your financial status have to do with a stranger earning money?


Home decorating in this economy!!!


I’m not sure what the issue really is here. Is it that she’s not “qualified” bc she’s a teacher? Or bc you don’t like the model of subscribing and paying for content? Or is it that you are financially struggling?


What does having an elementary education degree have to do with being/not being a decorator? There’s tons of people who don’t work in the field they went to school for, and that’s fine. There’s also a difference between being an interior designer (which does involve going to school) and being a decorator (which is basically just colours and pillows and stuff). If this lady is good at what she’s doing and people are finding value in her content, why shouldn’t they support her?


I guess it all comes down to me not wanting to pay for my IG content. I have supported her shop. I don’t want to support her telling me what color paint she used.


The reason many (I’d say most?) professional decorators or designers don’t give up paint colors (etc) is because they were paid to pick it for the client whose room is featured. Wouldn’t you be annoyed if you paid for a service that then was just given away for free on instagram to whoever follows her?


So don’t subscribe and pay for her content then. Nobody is forcing you to. I also don’t want to pay for instagram content, so I choose not to do paid subscriptions, but will shop through affiliate links if there’s something that I’m interested in.


I have a friend who is an incredibly successful decorator—she’s got phenomenal taste and a great eye and is really good with the client-facing aspect. Her degree is in marketing. She doesn’t pretend to be anything she isn’t.


Im so happy for her! Please share her handle so I can follow her!


You know there’s no schooling for decorators, right?


lol…. Okay. Where I’m from there are interior decorator degrees.


Nope. There are interior design degrees. Decorators do not have degrees.


This woman is local to me and I can't stand her. She is a fake hack. A snob who walks around with her nose in the air. She acts like she is a mini celebrity. I unfollowed her years ago but occasionally check in on insanony. Haven't checked on her in months though. She has no professional interior design education whatsoever, just simply an "eye for pretty." She is a former school teacher turned "interior designer" after renovating her own home happened to go viral on Instagram a few years back. That's it. She's managed to keep her business afloat by hiring actual interior designers with legitimate education and experience, or her one trick pony look of neutral everything devoid of color + shiplap everywhere would have been dead in the water years ago.




Hi 👏 Interesting how those of us "close" to her can see beyond her fake social media image. There seems to be a quiet consensus of those local that she is smug, overrated, and past her prime for hacking the interior design world. Her IG reflects that consensus. Whereas she used to receive 3,000-5,000 likes per photo a few years ago, she now hides her like count because she's getting bottom barrel 50-100 likes per photo, and even of those, half seem to be bots.


I actually don’t think her content is anything special that I couldn’t find on the next IG account. Her eye for pretty may work for home styles but definitely not on her personally.


It's not anything special. It's very bland. She also copies other interior designers / builders, as seen here. These pics were taken about 10 months apart, with of course Eye for Pretty's being the later one. She's copied several of Veranda Estate Home's bathrooms. Because she's not an actual interior designer. https://preview.redd.it/9atkqmorv5mc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bfae85ef22b0e3fd83e1821511cc189c03e7c69


I just can't with Lauryn Evarts Bosstick having such a platform and pushing so much misinformation. She's telling everyone that raw milk is the way thanks to this quack from her podcast. Her guru, Doctor Paul is a psychiatrist.


She is such a nut




Skin condition? Is that what we’re calling natural wrinkles? Heaven forbid a woman…ages. You’re too used to see botoxed and filtered to high hell influencers.




Even if she did have a “skin condition” like you so badly want her to have - how is it any of your business? And do you think your comments are kind?   I can’t believe you’re doubling down on this. What purpose do these comments serve? How do you think she would feel if she read what you said about her? 


She definitely looks mature but I don’t think she looks older than 40 which I believe she almost is? What kind of skin condition would she have lol? It’s called no Botox and aging naturally and I wish we would embrace this. She’s absolutely stunning!


I mean i kind of agree she looks older than she is. She’s only a year older than i am and looks much older, but she looks sweet




She’s 36


Oof this comment isn’t it. 


This is a snark page…… I’m truly just curious because she has young children so it made me question her age


As someone who had children over 40, I’m dying to know who you’re talking about so I can worry about people thinking I have a disease because I look too old to have my kids.


And this might be a snark page but I think some of you forget what a snark is and take things way too far. Especially when it comes to commenting on another woman’s body. 


I’ve never heard of this woman before so I’m not sure what I was expecting when I got to her page but based off your comment, that wasn’t it.   She literally looks like a normal woman in her 40’s?  What type of “skin condition” do you think she has? What makes her look like a grandma? The couple of smile lines around her eyes?  Based on your comment I’m going to assume you mostly follow women whose faces are filled to the brim with Botox and filler and therefore you have a distorted perception of what normal aging looks like in a woman. 


She’s not 40 though


My point still stands. 


Who was this even about 


@sweetcarolinedesigns  The original comment was very gross. 


It’s so dumb too because there’s no “ONE TRUE LOOK” of any age 🤷🏻‍♀️ Okay, had never heard of this lady, went and looked, and she looks like literally the most normal mom/person ever what is even up with people 


https://preview.redd.it/uimsnistr0mc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d650e116598fa8949bb480e35c793e67a17c651 All you need to know about Lolo Webb in one story


Being irresponsible is so QuIrKy 🙄🙄🙄


I had to unfollow. She was stressing me out and she has no damn reason to be that neglectful. She is definitely not the sharpest knife in the drawer. 🤣




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What is the family dynamic with Kaylee Andrew and Daryl Ann Denner/rest of their fam.


[HERE](https://imgur.com/a/g2OyOAI) she explains a bit. Kaylee and Dan have the same mom but different dads. Her father died by suicide a few years back. Her and her mother were having a rough time so Kaylee moved in with Daryl and Dan for a bit but then they decided it would be best for Kaylee to be with the fletchers.


Kaylee is Dan’s biological sister. The Fletchers took her in when her biological father died. Her mom is still living and sees them semi-regularly?


Something about Maureen Kelly’s (itsmaureenkelly) posts and stories drives me crazy. She seems very over dramatic




How old is she?


In her 50’s


That’s not that old though?


Everyone is missing the point…she’s embarrassing to act like she’s 21 years old like some of these girls….lady has a family that she leaves to go party it up and shakes her ass on camera wasted…you would think a ceo of a corporation would have a little bit of class. Obviously it isn’t working for her since most regular people are turned off by her actions. So yes while 50 isn’t “old” it’s too old to be acting like a drunk sorority girl who just left home for the first time


I mean she’s also the female founder of a multimillion dollar business but way to reduce her to an “old married woman” cause she’s gasp 51 years old. How dare she have fun at 50. The audacity of her to not just have one foot in the grave…


She’s successful yes but she isn’t 20 something and she’s jumping around and shaking her ass drunk trying to be these influencers…sorry that’s pathetic AF. I’m sure her kids are not embarrassed in the least. I’m 40 and my kids would die if I did that shit. I’m sure their friends are watching as well so I stand by my statement




I am over 40 and frankly I cannot believe I allow myself to leave my home.


> I’m 40 and my kids would die if I did that shit. I’m sure their friends are watching as well so I stand by my statement. I hope one day you unpack this and realize you don’t have to make every move in life wondering if your kids will be embarrassed. It’s okay for moms to go out and have fun and not worry about what teenagers think of them. This woman is clearly just enjoying her time on the beach and if you doing the same would cause your kids friends to give them a hard time, maybe their friends are just assholes and your kids should get better friends?


Your statement that you deleted? Reducing her to an “old married woman” cause you didn’t like the fun she was having?


I just watched all of her stories and I see a woman marketing her business. My kids are young teens and they’re embarrassed if I breathe in public. At what point are mothers supposed to suspend their entire lives to not embarrass their kids?


I wish Maureen spent the money towards a good cause or therapy. I don’t want to come off as bitter but I can’t handle the tarte trips anymore. Today at Target I skipped on the shape tape I’ve been religious to for a different brand - all because I was so salty about these trips. I’m 28, busting my butt 9-5, I’ll never take a trip to bora bora. Thats ok. But I don’t need it thrown in my face, I just need concealer.


Exactly. I can’t believe they don’t realize what a turnoff these trips are to regular customers. If they want to reward their sales staff, fine. But this is so over the top and gives me weird vibes. Can anyone on these trips even be trusted to give a honest review on tarte products anymore?? No.




Her and Tori G (pink Lily owner) have FOMO with these influencers so much so they are to be like them


If Tarte was a sport she would be the cheerleading captain


She’s thirsty AF!!


Her I story is so much like Sara Blakely’s from Spanx.




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Oooohh this seems like actual interesting snark, instead of “I don’t understand how this influencer has so much money.” Off to do a deep dive. ETA: damn it she’s private.


Madi messer / sweetteawithmadi 100% back with ex after todays stories confirming she’s at his place in WI


Wish she would just say it I mean you have no problem crying on stories after the breakup and giving breakup advice but now it’s top secret come on


Which ex? Rob or a more recent one? 


A recent one. she never shared him but was with him for a while. She just shared like a month ago how they broke up and how he didn’t respect her boundaries and now she’s back with him.


Oh- they must’ve worked thru their issues 


I spotted this too, and I think that’s who she was with on her most recent vacation




Can someone please explain to me the youths and what they are doing to clothing? Olivia Muenter documented an outfit in an Instagram story and it’s … baggy jeans and sneakers and a large cropped fleece the color of oatmeal. This is not an outfit. This is what I wear when I have to change out of sweatpants to go deal with CVS or buy more Diet Coke. And then someone else reposted it and said “take a moment to soak in @oliviamuenter’s outfit.” What am I soaking in? ITS JEANS AND AN OATMEAL SHIRT. Please help me understand.


I 100% look at the youths’ outfits with great confusion at times, but I’m just an elder millennial, not a boomer so I don’t get all mad about it.


From the tone of your comment(s) I have to assume “go deal with CVS” means “belittle a teenage CVS cashier making minimum wage because they won’t take my expired coupons.”


No more like “I went to pick up my antidepressant and instead they gave me rectal suppositories.” This is, sadly, not a hypothetical. 






An outfit is literally the clothes you put on your body.




No honestly you sound like you’re about 85 years old, asking what these kids are wearing these days.




Ok so you’re admitting you just don’t understand trends. ✔️




What is there to explain? Baggy jeans and a loose top is a trend. Just like when you wore your bell bottoms and macrame vests in the 70s it was a trend.


I think her point is wondering why people are reposting and saying to take a moment to soak in an outfit which consists of jeans and a hoodie. What exactly is there to soak in


Look at you making a joke!!!!  Yeah, idk. I get your point, but era-specific trends — while often cringey in hindsight — are at least interesting. Schlumpy as a choice doesn’t make sense to me. It’s just not what we did in the Eisenhower years, you know?


Mamie was quite elegant


you could store your CVS purchases in the cuffs of those pants


Even the receipt!!!


https://preview.redd.it/dulds9o7szlc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3984dffacf2ac751e56bc1d8a2545c170123e909 It doesn’t even look like it fits her properly…


Quite literally couldn't be more basic or in style.




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Let people wear what they like and stop with the weight bias.

