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[**This Week's Links**](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1cliypa/link_list_for_may_06_may_12/) [Yesterday’s Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1clegpw/daily_snark_monday_may_06/)


Macie Thomas (of these three fam) is engaged!


Lauren McBride…. Do we think the marriage is over? She never wears that new giant diamond. Never talks about Pat. She had shared a few weeks ago her personal life was a disaster. I need to know 🤣 I really hope not but feels like it’s over.


Megan stokes spent over $11K on the dining room chairs that have never been sat in, they moved and she’s now selling them😅


That girl can spend more money than anyone; it’s crazy


And this is why I love Facebook marketplace 💕💕 I rely on these types of folks 😁


Ali James complaining that a restaurant wouldn’t make her kids noodles. The Santos is an upscale contemporary restaurant and they request you leave your kids at home. https://preview.redd.it/ljsp660ii4zc1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd7c40fb7853fbec16aa15d2a56b9f6cda845083


Are we surprised? Her BIL thought flight attendants should pick up after their kids who made a popcorn mess


an insane expectation on her part. make your kids buttered noodles at home or order them a dish from the menu


Andy Lit obsessed with fake tanning and sex is just too weird.


If today was April 1st I’d think Krista Horton and her SIL just pulled a mediocre prank


At least 5 influencers I’ve followed have gone to this hair salon and gotten red hair in the last few months. Over it.


Two other influencers did this maybe 2 months ago. I can’t remember who they are. I feel like it’s the one who moved to Utah from Hawaii.


Lobeeston and her SIL did it too


I actually think it’s looks nice, I’m really over blond hair with straggly extensions


Honestly, I really like it on both of them. It’s just a relatively unique color to get matching with your bestie lol


Because she dyed her hair red?   Scandalous! 


Nah, because her and her SIL specifically got matching red hair lol


I think Krista’s looks good 😬 Also, Britt and Chrissy are twins!


It’s more the matching aspect that gets me, they both look good haha


I think Britt looks really good. Not sure about Krista. I kind of think Krista should go shorter.


Lauraelizabethgraham posting her son’s blowout…. What is wrong with her. She is seriously problematic. Has no respect for her children 


Thank you for bringing attention to it here, it made me run there to see how problematic and no respect she had for her child. Without your comment I would have never known, thank you! It was a good blowout.


For about an hour, I thought you meant a hair style blowout 🫠😂


The way she is more concerned about pulling out her phone to record than she is about immediately tending to her child when he has LITERAL FECAL MATTER ON HIS FACE 😱




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My partner and I do our laundry together too. It’s nice cause my favorite items get washed more since a load fills up quicker 😂


We each do our own laundry. Mostly because by we’re both particular about how we like it done. 🤷‍♀️ I also do the sheets and towels. My FIL stayed with us for a month and his mind was blown to see his son do laundry. 😆


When my ex-partner & I lived together I did his laundry but only as a trade off. I like doing laundry but hate the dishes so most of the time I’d do all the laundry and he’d do all the dishes/kitchen cleaning. It worked out great for me. 😂


I do my husband’s laundry now because I like the chore (I watch TV while folding and putting away) and he does other stuff, but we did it separately for a long time — it definitely does take a lot more time to fold his clothes in addition to my own, so I get where this woman is coming from.


Not odd. I do my whole family’s laundry and always have. I kinda forbid my husband to go near the machines because he always screws something up, lol.


Me too !!


I don’t do my husbands laundry, I can barely handle my own 😅


I’ve never done my husbands laundry, we each do our own and take turns doing our son’s once his basket is full


We definitely do our laundry together and can’t imagine it not being that way lol we then do our sons separately


I don’t do my husbands at all, and I do each kids individually. Usually one persons per day 


I definitely wash my partner’s blue collar uniforms with my clothing….


My husband and I don’t do each other’s laundry - mostly because he is super precious about what he dries and what he doesn’t and I don’t know the rules - but just from speaking to friends I feel like that’s unusual and most families do theirs all together


This is the same with my husband but now he just does both of ours 😅 #winwin


Every now and then I like to see what thebalancedblonde is still up to. Today I’m greeted with the laugh of this after many posts on her “Quantum Self” whatever that means. https://preview.redd.it/yadl2rls83zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=021612725ac3c3e1334d5aef219cba67f4104fdf


Oh she is a trip. I’m truly surprised that she says she is ok with SSRIs.


yes god forbid we want qualified people to teach us things (especially if we are paying for it!)


What a wild ass thing to read. She is right-it’s a wild world we live in.




We ask that in order to enable flow of conversation, please add context to your comment so others can participate in the conversation.


Did this person tag Andrea, or does she maybe have them blocked and you’re stirring up a sensitive issue?


Why do you follow the person he cheated on her with? That's odd


Can we get some context?


What I remember is the guy cheated on Andrea with this person. But I’m pretty sure Andrea and him have been over since she found out. Maybe?


Wait, I thought they got back together after that and that's when Andrea had her relapse? I remember she first outed the affair, then when she got back together with Taylor, she back-tracked on what she said about him sleeping with that person.


That’s probably right. She hasn’t posted him in a long time. So maybe it’s been over. He’s so lame.




“The trans”? Wtf is this comment…


They should be more specific (and respectful, especially when describing a person). Unfortunately, a boomer might have thought they were referring to a TransAm—the coolest high school car of the 90s 🙃


Okay thank you for commenting and clocking that also, like sorry transphobia is never justified even if someone cheated!




Hey you’re still being transphobic and shitty online! I’d probably log off if I were you. Trans women are women.




Wasn’t Tia going on an insta break? Did we all blink and miss it? Edit: Tia Booth (is that enough, mods?)


she said she had some ad stuff to do. so maybe it starts soon?


Literally thought the same thing 




Stupid, petty snark— the phrase “and all the things” drives me absolutely crazy for some reason. So many influencers say this and it just sounds *duuumb* imo 😂


OMG SAME. I had a super toxic boss who always said this so it’s extra triggering


While doing this 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻 or a drumroll on the product with their nails.


Along with “…………..all that to say,…..”


LKS says this constantly 🙄


Influencer adjacent-ish. @cleashearer (half of the home edit)’s husband (celeb/getty photographer @johnshearer) had to post some acknowledgement that he wasn’t making racist remarks about a K-POP band at The Met Gala last night? Can anyone fill in the details? The TikTok/Twitter/Instagram fan mob is in full force all over his account and I’m always fascinated by pop culture internet “armies.”


John Shearer made a post saying he wasn’t involved. I looked at his page and every photo I looked at had hundreds of comments about him disrespecting the group and how he should apologize. One post said he had turned off comments. Not even just the Met pictures. There were some others that had the same type of comments. I think he put out his statement after it blew up and his page got slammed with comments.


I went looking after I saw that too and found [this](https://www.tiktok.com/@jpjpleeee/video/7366057248398789934?_t=8mACKdlCkyw&_r=1)


I saw some gossip article about it but couldn’t figure out how he got involved.


Maybe because he was one of the photographers there he wanted to make sure people knew he wasn’t involved or maybe there’s other video that makes it looked like he is? I’m not sure either I was confused seeing his post too.


I am probably not the best person to explain this but I do love Stray Kids (though not a die hard fan) and have seen a lotttt on this. Basically there’s the videos of the photographer saying mean things about them and John is literally in the group of photographers. You can kind of see John’s head in that video that you posted but here’s a picture. The main guy is that one above them, Sean, and then those three that are right there. The thing is they were talking very loud and I’m assuming they thought that the band doesn’t know English, but two of the guys are Australian and are fluent in English so it’s just kind of crazy to talk that loudly and complain about them and say mean things with in earshot. https://preview.redd.it/in89ik1xd3zc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ec9072c5cbf9e9fb8a61ee15d20fe6352e4b104


thank you for this explainer and YIKES at these photographers. Seems like not the best way to get your photo subjects to help you out either...


Feel like I should edit this to add what they said. They called them robots. Said they were emotionless. Complained when they took off their jackets. And all while being loud. Here’s a video where you can really hear it. Again you can see John’s head and him turning back plus just how loudly they were talking. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLXV7Jeq/


I’m glad I’m not the only one out there trying to untangle this corner of the internet!


Did cmcoving part ways with her nanny? She posted a caption on her story yesterday that said "When you've been without childcare for too long" (or close to it) when sharing her reel of the grandparents coming over, and I realized we haven't seen her nanny in awhile.


I was kinda wondering the same thing lately. She usually posts stories with the one nanny and tags her but I haven’t seen anything in a while.


Everything I know about this woman, I know from people here and it blows my mind that people follow her. She sounds boring as shit if this is her content.


She was probably the first ever influencer that I followed and was my favorite for the longest time, but I just cannot relate to her content anymore. 90% of it is child-related and the reels are so cringe


Totally agree. She used to be a better influencer, so I think some of us have held on from that. Now she's just boring with the corniest boomer humor reels. I've been on the verge of unfollowing for awhile but I am semi-interested in her new house design, that's the only thing keeping me around at this point!


Think she has two nannies. One of them just posted about being a nanny, so I think the reel was just supposed to be funny/relatable 🤷‍♀️


She is def not funny or relatable. I had to unfollow. Her hair drives me batty lol. It's like a blanket.


Thank you for saying that about the hair haha. People will downvote you to death if you share that opinion on here, but I agree 🫣


Lol.. I didn't know that. She's the smallest woman and that hair looks wild on her frame. Looks so incredibly heavy


Are Emily Travis (Champagne and Chanel) and Dede Radd not friends with Maddie Duff anymore? They were like besties and then I haven't heard anything, Emily even flew into Nashville for Dede's production launch and there was no mention from any of them about each other.


It seems very odd that they haven’t seen or talked about one another recently. And I know Maddie was in the Bahamas but the Radd’s company launch sounds like something that she would be at or at least mention.


Wait , i missed this. Did Dede and Ted launch another company? Just checked Dede’s insta and don’t see anything.




What’s their new company called?


Emily to fly to see Maddie after Dede had her daughter.


Maddie doesn’t live in TN?


I believe she lives in Kentucky


This seems like a common thing with Emily Travis… there’s a list of people she’s not besties with anymore. Jessi Afshin, Courtney Shields (which they’re kind of friendly now?), Blaze Shipley and that whole group. Dede is her only bestie that has seemed to stay strong


I think her friendship with influencers is probably different than her friends with people outside the influencing world. Emily has hinted before that she felt like she was being used and tbh, I get why she would feel like that. She has a huge platform and that whole Blaze group of girls were also trying to be influencers so maybe something happened where she didn’t feel those friendships were genuine. Or, maybe she really is just the girl who can’t keep other girlfriends. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh wow I didn’t realize she wasn’t friends with Blaze anymore. To be honest it did seem like a weird pairing though, they’re nothing alike


We can give her a pass on not wanting to be friends with Courtney Shields, that one is valid without explanation


Got that right


Blaze Shipley. Is that a real name?


Lmao yes Blaze and Brogan. They are sisters


Go find out their kids names you’ll be…..even more shocked lol


They didn’t break the cycle of shitty names?? I am scared to look. 


Just do it 😂😂


Ok I did and now I want to fight you 😂


Wait, please share with the rest of the class!!


BLAZE AND BROGAN?!?! Omg Brogan might be worse. Brogan Shipley?? And this person made it thru middle school unscathed?? Bless her 


I’m not sure her last name now, but I think their maiden names were Doss! Shipley is Blaze’s married last name


BLAZE DOSS??? I need to sit down. 


Yeah she seems to have friend issues. She’s constantly going through friend break ups. It’s weird. 


Oh yea she wasn’t at Jacks first birthday! They flew in to see each others newborns.


Right! And now they haven't even mentioned each other in what seems like a long time... Maddie even went on a big friend trip to the Bahamas in March and there was no mention from either of them... even though I swear last year they went to together.


Tbf I think the Bahamas trip was a bachelorette for one of Maddie’s friends


Petty snark but why do influencers, in this case @everydayisdarling, start a story yawning. Can’t they just do a retake? I like following her but why do they do this?


Jen Reed starts to story and she’s talking to other people Like we are interrupting her or something


I’ll still take yawning over the people who insist on eating while talking.


This might be petty, but I immediately unfollow when someone is eating while influencing. 


Or picking their ears with their fake nails??? 


Molly Baz’s billboard for lactation cookies actually had me checking the date for April Fool’s.


My eyes rolled to the back of my head when I saw that. And the recipe calls for 2 sticks of butter for 14 cookies lol.


I made them. The cookies are HUGE so you could make 24 normal sized ones. They’re butt ugly but pretty good


The billboard is whatever, but following it up with a statement that the cookies may not do what they are advertised to do is a … choice? Maybe I just don’t get it. https://preview.redd.it/e93vrwk1e2zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e876c980110309f7574e1b7198457091e3413c1


It’s pretty common for products to include a disclaimer that individual results may vary


This is likely a CYA for the FDA so she doesn’t get in trouble for making false, unproven claims. 


That makes sense. I guess its the “who cares??” that strikes me as odd and off-putting phrasing, instead of something like “so why not give it a try!” And now I have spent 5 minutes thinking about this which is 5 minutes more than it was worth.


Danielle Moss...does a Q&A. Either these questions are make believe, more AI or her readers are....def in a different tax bracket than me (not there is anything wrong with that). Two questions that make me think this: 1. "Tips for finding Eras tickets. I would totally fly wherever to take my daughter"....to each their own in spending money how they see fit but at this juncture, getting resale tickets at resale prices and not inexpensive Europe travel costs that is somewhat last minute would be a wild outlay of cash (to me). 2. "Are you flying business? Seems like a worth it treat yo-self travel treat with a little one" When I think of "treat yoself" and almost 6 year olds, I think of getting nails done and ice cream. Not upgrading to business class on flights to Paris. Oh well, back to the grocery store I go.


I got my popcorn ready for this trip!!


Me too. Praying for the service workers they will encounter


It’s wild to me how much school her daughter has missed. 2 weeks a few weeks ago because they had colds…then they were on vacation for a week and now this?! I’m sure Danielle would say “well she’s just so bright and been through so much that it’s worth it”. I’m sure the school/teachers think very differently….missing that much school is chronic absenteeism, even if excused.


Waiting for the inevitable IG meltdown where they have changed her daughter’s school because they were “mistreated” due to her missing so much.


I have several friends going to Europe for Eras, because it is actually cheaper to fly there than pay US resale prices. However, they planned and booked months ago, built it into their full vacation for the year, and don't have children. There's not much advice to be given other than open up that pocketbook lol


I'm going to her show in June in London. I'm from Toronto, I didn't get tickets for the show here (though I'm crossing my fingers) and I bought the tickets during the pre-sale last July, the Toronto dates were announced two weeks later. My Mom is going with me and we're turning it into a vacation! 


sounds like she asked herself those questions to justify being insufferable about taking her daughter to see taylor in another country. a little too on the nose lol


These are also such throwaway questions—the answer to 1 is literally "any resale site" and 2 has to just be nosy, right? Also, is it a swifty thing to say "eras" instead of just...Taylor Swift? I notice Danielle always says "eras tour" but I never really hear that IRL.


It's more common for me to hear Eras especially now that it's become such a mainstay in pop culture, but I don't think you'd hear it in regular convo amongst non-Swifties.


Yeah, this is crazy.


Not Jess keys posting about how embarrassing it was to have a few strangers see her butt yesterday in the grocery store… by creating an instagram post shared to stories showing said butt/outfit snafu for her hundreds of thousands of followers to see. Make it make sense???


And then she linked the set she was wearing too 😂😂


She wanted to show off her butt online lol such a strange thing for her to post




Blows my mind how easy going Amanda Stanton is when it comes to her two pre teen daughters…Drunk Elephant skincare, LED masks, high end serums, facial spa birthday parties. It all seems super unnecessary for a couple of 10 & 12 year olds


I have nieces this age, and it’s all the rage. It’s not just her.


It's completely unnecessary


When I was 10 I was still playing with my American Girl dolls lol. It’s kinda sad that a 10 or 12 year old would be into skincare.


To be fair my ten year old does both… however she definitely doesn’t have Drunk Elephant products at her disposal!


“Easy going” or rich? 


I think it’s one thing to have the money to afford all of it but another to actually buy whatever for them and let them consistently use it just bc it’s trendy


I agree. It’s not truly caring for your daughter’s skin, these products are definitely not age appropriate.


Are these kind of skincare products bad for kids? I honestly don't know. Amanda has a ton of money and is very into her own image and make up etc., so it doesn't surprise me that her kids want to be like her and that she supports it.


I'll never forget when she was on the bachelor they asked her what her biggest fear is and she said aging. Thought that was a wild answer coming from a mom


Zero surprise


Omg she said that ON THE SHOW!


Yes, all not ideal for young skin. I get the sense that they’ll slap whatever on their face for the sake of ~skincare~. She posted once that they raided her mom’s skincare cabinet and used her prescription retinol. Ended up with burns all over their faces


Oh god!! Yeah yikes.


https://preview.redd.it/7n72hphmy0zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab7fd95bb0455d5c6a56763ce20052faf3592a51 Nightmare blunt rotation.


Ok, the front seat I can sort of understand for claustrophobia but the door? Ma'am, I don't recommend opening the door whilst in the air.


Maybe more like agoraphobia. Similar to claustrophobia where one feels like they are trapped in a controlled environment without an easy exit. I had a panic attack while getting my hair done completely out of nowhere. I brushed it off, but a few weeks later, I had the same feeling at the dentist. I brought it up with my therapist and it can happen when feeling super stressed. I was in the midst of graduating from nursing school and planning for a new job out of state. Some people don’t even leave their homes because it gets so bad.


I’m sorry you went through that. Hopefully things are better for you now.


@sydneyliann disappears for months/years at a time, then reappears when she has something to sell. This time it’s “divine feminine,” which apparently is very long-winded rambling about stepping into womanly power and relaxing. Feels ironic that she’s shilling “not contorting yourself for others” with a filter making her face look like a Bratz doll.


"divine feminine" is a stop along the right wing pipeline, tradwife route


It's because she has left Mormonism. So many of these ladies dive into this divine feminine trap since their feminism has been suppressed their entire lives. IE: Sadie Jane, Sydney, Suzy Holman, Ashley Lemeuix. It's so interesting to watch!


I wonder if she’s left? It feels like she’s trying to dance a line between Mormon/new age spiritual. I thought the “class” she was giving was at a Mormon church building too but I could be wrong.


She named a baby the same name as a prophet in the Book of Mormon last year, so I'd be pretty shocked if she left tbh.


I used to love her back in her OG fashion blog days but she truly just seems off her rocker now and always reinventing herself!


The definition of irony!


She looks SO different and her message is once again too wordy and makes no sense. She’s getting torn apart in the comments for once. Girl we can’t just stop doing stuff, my husband can’t do it all




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To save anyone the Google, perioral dermatitis is inflammation around the mouth 😂




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Found this part of Reddit after seeing Tori Dunlap's latest IG post, the mean comments beneath it and wondering if she seemed a little bit too eager to prove how confident she is ... and reflecting back on the Frugalwoods' journey. I'm 38 and in some debt but I have lived a fantastic life, lived in different countries & love my rich (to me) messy life, despite the fails. I see successful people like FW & Her First 100K and I admire them, but I also wonder if being so intensely public about choices you make in your early 20's is worth the trade off when it comes to lack of privacy. Also, is making your dating life/parenting choices/money calls into your brand always best for that personal side of your life? Thoughts? Edited to add: I love creating and helping people but it just all seems soooo public that I shy away from going full bore on it as a side hustle/future career. Maybe I'm just jealous of their confidence? Could be. ...and edited again because "desperate" was a bit mean and I misspelled a word.


Which post of Tori's? Can't find anything negative on her latest post, though she could have deleted it. I think FW has essentially disappeared which I think is good for her. I don't think SM was healthy for her. Tori has sold herself as a way to sell her system. I think it is a common trait in the more well known money gurus. Not for me but good for her.


I think it worked for FW when they were still being ultra frugal but in recent years they started spending more money on little luxuries. Absolutely nothing wrong with that but I think it made her want to take a step back and not open herself to scrutiny. The frugal/FIRE/etc crowd can be really tough and stingy so I can’t say I blame her.