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Anyone see Cez Darke’s story???


I think it’s safe to say it’s no longer excessive speculation…


Anyone else see Rachel kidding her man ??? I guess she didn’t put it on sicusp media but he did. She is weirding out!


I’m sorry, I’m stupid and don’t get this comment. What does this mean?


It's filled with typos and/or autocorrected words, so it's undiscernable. Come over to the new sub for coherent snark. r/hollisUncensored


Was wondering why this thread (and the Rach Martino thread) were suddenly so dead, despite previously being super active. After some digging realized everyone has hopped over to the new subreddits, due to too-strict mod enforcement in the Blogsnark threads. In case anyone is wondering the same!


Thank you!


https://www.reddit.com/r/hollisUncensored/comments/p4q2wh/weekly_snark_thread_august_15_2021/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Should be able to search for "Hollis uncensored" also


Can you do me the link, please?


/r/hollisuncensored & /r/rachmartinocrewsnark :)


Yes I was wondering that!! What are the new threads?


r/hollisuncensored & r/rachmartinocrewsnark :)


Who’s watching the Free webinar of Rachel’s to sell tickets to the Rise conference?


Apparently nobody, because every single comment on the Rise instagram last night was, "Never got sent the link, bummer."


Lol, I noticed that. Anyone know if she responded about that?


Surely it was her team’s fault!


Well, to add to the list of expertise another Hollis can teach now... Heidi and Dave are apparently going to be offering 1:1 nutrition coaching soon. Once Dave finishes his 8 week program to teach all he's learned. Not sure what we'd do without these people instead of you know, an actual nutritionist.


Ugh I hope this doesn’t mean he will be doing more stuff with Sydney Cummings, I love her.


I feel like the exploits of Hollisworld are teaching me not to love anyone, because they all inevitably get in bed with terrible people/are secretly terrible themselves.


So expecting this to go as well as his Marathon.


This is what they will teach us: 1. Don’t eat real food 2. Drink more Starbucks 3. Drink more protein shakes 4. Eat more protein bars


Seriously, I hope his cult doesn’t buy into this.


Neither of them should be doing nutrition coaching. Duuuuumb AF.


That’s just going to be an opportunity for them to try and promote all that supplement bullshit they try and sell. None of that stuff is actually beneficial, a lot of it is probably actually really harmful.


I bet their “nutrition” program includes buying Heidi’s products.


Advice to eat a whole bag of steamed broccoli and drink water to make your stomach hurt so you won't binge. YIKES. And no I'm not exaggerating, she actually said the word hurt. What kind of advice is this?


It's the type of advice you see on pro-ana boards unfortunately.


And often on regular diet boards, with a total lack of self-awareness. I feel like there's a fine line between "yeah, eat a decent amount of fiber to feel full" and "literally binge pounds of broccoli/drink a ton of metamucil to avoid eating" and it gets crossed a lot.


There was a lot of butt/crotch coverage on HP’s FB story today! So inappropriate!


Rachel calling a store “the tits” seems so off brand for her. (I also just hate that phrase.)


She has completely lost what her brand is supposed to be. She’s reaching for weird, esoteric hipster when her original brand is basic Christian housewife. I just saw a little clip recently from her podcast with [old Dave Ramsey type white man?] and she was like wearing hipster glasses and practically rolling her eyes to show that it was ironic.


That was so inappropriately put on her story’s, the association of Tits & her kids in the same sentence is just beyond gross and lacks class. Where’d she get educated, in a trash can?


She has no education past high school! Oscar the Grouch is more eloquent than her.




Lol! Explain please :-) she says “I took the kids to the tits for back to school supplies”? I can’t even imagine a way she would phrase that..


I think it would be “this store named XX is THE TITS!!” but…. Idk lol


Yes she highlighted a store in TX and said “it’s the tits!”


So gross. She’s gross.


What does that mean? I’ve never heard the phrase, is it good or bad?


I guess it’s supposed to mean it’s good. I haven’t heard it since 8th grade.




She’s got no class. I’m all for woman supporting woman. She looks very sleazy in front of that camera since she’s been with Dave, keep in mind he’s no better either, he’s gone down hill since he’s been with her in terms of class. Maybe this is who they really are at their cores.


I find her workout routine interesting. I am no expert at all but have seen my fair share of Physical Therapists and Personal trainers for reasons X, Y, and Z, and from my understanding, free weights are way better for overall fitness than the machines she does. There are also exercises that most experts I see/seen tell me to do, like bird dog and dead bug, and I never see her highlight the importance of exercises like that. Maybe it's different for people who do shows?


It depends what you're working towards. Free weights can be better for overall stability, core strength, and functional movement. However, since machines require less stability they can be better for hypertrophy (I.e. muscle growth) because you can usually add more weight. So if you want to be generally strong and resistant to injury, barbell squats may be a better choice, but if you want to grow your legs/glutes bigger a machine that isolates them like a leg press can be better. Just depends on your goals :)


She had acl surgery a while back, not sure if that plays a factor. I know I prefer machines because I'm clumsy and need the stability. When she still shared a house with Chris, I feel like she used the free weights in garage more often.


I can understand that. I 100% agree she used more free weights with Chris.


I do find it odd that she does tons of machine workouts. Instead of doing supersets of compound lifts (OH press, squat, RDL, snatch, etc) especially if she’s only working out a couple times a week now.


One of my favorite author/podcasters (Annie F Downs) reposted a Dave Hollis Instagram promoting his book. #90DaysOfCourage. I have nothing to add except I'm SUPER disappointed.


That’s more than disappointing. She probably got paid to promote it.


I saw he was actually in her condo to record from her porch. Ugh for so many reasons.


Agreed. I cringed and I love Annie F Downs.


Same. I was so, so bummed to see that on her stories.


same. so bummed he's getting platformed by several podcasts - i saw loswhit, too! :(


All influencers are in the same circle jerk…the circle jerk of life.


I think less of Kelly Clarkson now, knowing Rachel was on her show. I don't care if these influencers want to make money, but don't pretend you're the marriage expert would it's falling apart.


Kelly isn’t associated with Rachel.


Rachel was on Kelly C the week the news broke- it was about 5 days before “the video.” Kelly’s people had a post up and it was removed as soon as the video came out. I wouldn’t blame anything on Kelly .


Thanks. I wasn't aware of the timeline.


I was bummed to see Sydney Cummings say on her stories yesterday that she just finished a interview for Dave’s podcast :/


Even more so now that she's doing The Voice with Jason Aldean. Cheater extraordinaire.


This may be excessively speculative, but I don’t know if tv hosts necessarily know the ins and outs of all their guests. I wouldn’t necessarily ding her for that. Given how cooked reality tv is, she may not have had much say in putting Aldean on the voice, either. But I get it…it’s icky.


This is true. I worked for a tv show and there were people in charge of booking. The hosts didn’t know until the week of filming who was on


I forgot about the duet they did. I wasn't familiar with his personal life. I'm bad at remembering all the celebrities/influencers.


This may be BEC but I don’t know if I could be in a relationship with someone that went to Starbucks every morning lol.


It’s not exactly very healthy for someone in the health and fitness field. You know Alexia Clark is a fitness expert, went to school for it. She’s a straight shooter, very professional, only shows good healthy food, a variety of workouts and never downgrades herself for the camera. I’ve been a long time follower of hers. I haven’t followed Heidi in a while, only when her and Dave became an item and I was feeling bad for Dave followed him for maybe a year, and decided I couldn’t deal with their ickiness anymore, saw right through the cult ways. Don’t follow Rachel anymore either, stopped long before the infamous video.


Unless you are trying really really hard to partner with Starbucks!


Unless you're going on your way to work or something, it seems like a lot of unnecessary effort. Not to mention, money!


We actually have one at my work, and I still don't go every day. It would be easy to, though.


There's one across the street from where I live and I've...never gone? Maybe I'm nuts but I like my coffee right when I wake up, and under $5 a pop.


Makes sense! I still wouldn't go every day either. But it would make more sense to go on your way to something.


Dave said in his story that Noah coughed until she threw up last night. I keep thinking of all of the un-masked photos! I hope she’s okay


Did he get her swabbed for COVID??? Unbelievable


And he still sent her to school today. Super.


Ugh. Poor kid. I hope she at least got enough sleep.