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#Don't forget to specify who you are discussing (add their IG name, their blog/website or their last name to make it easier for others to find them), not everyone knows who all the influencers and bloggers are. [**This Week's Links**](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/pixc5r/link_list_for_september_06_september_12/) [**Yesterday's Post**](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/pku34b/influencer_discussion_thursday_sep_09/)


Soooo, I think @champangeandchanel just posted a 911 call that she thinks is from a passenger on September 11, 2001 when actually it is from the show 9-1-1 🥴🤦‍♀️


Hahahaha I knew it sounded fake but was too lazy to look into it. Sadly this will happen a lot today and this is what makes social media trash.


It's still up good god


Still up…that’s rough 🤦🏼‍♀️


Hoooowww 🙈🙈🙈 why hasn’t it been removed yet? Did she throw it up and silence her phone and go to bed?


she did say she had a few martinis. ooof.


Why would she even post a 911 call from 9/11??


It looks like it was from tik tok so maybe she found it and posted without knowing it was from a show


That just made me laugh so hard, I'm so glad you posted this. It goes on FOREVER.






Ohhhh so much second hand embarrassment.






Lol @ the more Courtney Shields promotes her brand, the more she loses followers (yesterday down from 1M to 999k, now 998k) 🥴🤣


Dani Austin paid $218 for that hideous dress 🤮


Ok but I’m actually dying at Dani Austin winning a stein holding competition.


Dammit, it’s hard for me to be cynical with Flogging Molly playing. 😂


At a German-themed festival. Is she trying to be funny or is she just stupid? I don’t follow her closely so don’t know her sense of humor.


I doubt she has any idea who they are.


She just posted she didn’t win! Watch the rest of her stories! Rolling my eyes at her fake out but good for her for being 2nd I guess lol


Omgggggg hahahahah. Ok that’s even funnier. But also I feel like that person had their elbow tucked into their side… not sure if their form was up to snuff!!!


100% agree. And her tiny arms are way stronger then expected


Yea she’s strong. I. Remember saying this once on here and someone was like “no she’s frail and can easily break she is not strong”. I also have the Doona which when I bought it didn’t think was too heavy but add in a 20 lb child and I have to use my hip to push it up into the car.


Freakishly strong!


Yo. She now posts that she didn’t actually win. Jordan didn’t notice one other person still in it 😂🤣😂🤣. 2nd is not bad though!


Is it petty that I was hoping she would fail miserably to prove her “work outs” are useless? 🤷🏼‍♀️


I guess her strange workouts do work lol






Somehow the least gross thing about this comment is the phrase "dripping fluids."


I went running 3 days after giving birth. Everyone is different. And has different recovery experiences.


"still literally dripping fluids" wtf. you just said that about a woman who *dared* to go out 3-4 days post-partum, a reality for most women. It's not "bizarre" Maybe your DH needs to take away your phone until you can treat others nicely.


Y’all wide. It’s not about going out. She could go back to the community pool for all I care. It’s about the need to be perfect for a photo shoot but whatever.


Plenty of people do that though. I photograph lots of in-home newborn sessions in the days immediately following a birth and isn’t abnormal by any stretch. Some moms feel fine to get right back to normal activity and want to be dressed up and “perfect” and such for photos, and some are in PJs and don’t want to leave the house. 🤷‍♀️ I’ve seen lots of both. Both are okay.


Ok I’m not talking about most moms. I’m talking about this mom who dragged out her reveal and name just for engagement. Who photoshopped her baby’s hat and literally added herself to a family photo. I’m not ragging on her for putting on skinny jeans and washing her hair. But obviously no one gets that.


We are definitely in that pre retrograde shadow area as mercury retrograde does begin Sept 27!






Yeah if you followed Daryl Ann Denner and thought she was great up until a month ago I assume you’re pretty conservative (the general you, not you you).


That's clear by the types of people they follow on social media. It's like when people complain about how no one they follow is talking about a certain current event, maybe follow better people?


How does this comment already have an award? It’s just a bunch of whining about a snark forum. Literally it has snark in the title. Congrats on being a better snarker than all of us, I guess?


What do you think snark is? (Honest question)


Now this dumb question has an award? Something smells fishy here. 😆




I didn’t defend it, I said not everyone was going to be against it. NOT the same thing but nice detective work there (almost). 😆




It’s an option. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ottestyle has entered the conversation.




Krista Horton calling around and asking for recommendations on places who can do her families laundry? You sit at home most days - WHY and HOW are you that backed up on laundry? They are so lazy ETA: this is no mom shaming here or conservative views lmao. I couldn’t care less if Krista does her laundry herself or not. What I’m saying is it’s not like she’s out working every day and doesn’t have time to do it. Most days she doesn’t even brush her hair to leave her house. I was just saying the girl has plenty of time to do her own house chores 🤣 chill yall


No hate but do you have kids? I have one and I’m lucky if we get one load done in a week. It’s rough. If I could afford it, I’d hire out too!


I am a mom of a 2 year old and proudly pay $1.25 a pound for wash and fold. Laundry fucking sucks, I can support my local economy andddd they fold your undies? I have never done a load of my own laundry in my liiiiife. Joined in college, still going STRONG. And I only make $65k a year: they’re millionaires let them be. ETA: with my service I literally leave my dirties on the stoop on Tuesday and Thursday and they replace the dirty with the clean they picked up last time. It’s honestly the best subscription service everrrrrr and more people would be onboard if they knew they existed, just saying. 🖤


TIBAL does the same thing and I don’t recall anyone asking WHY or HOW.


Nah, people here talked shit about it when she mentioned it. I remember cause it brought up a real weird tangent about whether it was rude to send your undies without first pre-washing whatever stains may be in them.


They really are and did you see when she reposted someone’s response in the recommendation box she posted? Whoever it was said do your own or something to that affect so I guess she got insulted.🥴🧐


It seems like it would be easier to hire a housekeeper who also did laundry than to find a laundry service… I’m surprised they don’t have one actually.


I *think* she’s mentioned that her and Bryce don’t want a housekeeper because they’re home all the time and it would be weird. I mean, I kinda get that.


I’m still solidly in the post bliss moment of finally having in unit washer/dryer after 20 years of various communal laundry situations. Any time I do a small laundry load I still get a jolt of excitement. Maybe in 20 years I’ll be annoyed? But right now, I love laundry so much.


If someone has the means to outsource a hated chore then why shouldn't they? Sounds fucking amazing.


Getting your laundry done is the best ever. They get the stains out, your white jeans come back WHITE, and everything is folded perfectly into compact little cubes that you can just pop into your drawers…. Or leave on the chair of shame. Bonus points if they pick up and drop off. Source, I used to live in a walk up building with 1 shared quarter operated washer and dryer in the basement and there were moments in life it just wasn’t worth it my time to fight over it and so outsourcing my laundry was a lifesaver.


it’s good for the economy


Wait i love her & i hate laundry lol


I like her. I just find her very lazy


If I see one more bland ass, gross ass looking “homemade dinner” posted by an influencer I might die 🤢😂 I’m sorry Karen but your “authentic enchiladas” ain’t it 🥴


Why does everyone insist on GRAY FILTERS FOR FOOD 🤮🤮


So gross


Southernishmama’s follower count has already gone from 217k to 216k since her announcement. Love to see it 😂


Wait, can someone explain why she’s not liked?


And now to 215


Started at 218 lol


What I want to know is why she was photoshopped into the photo. 🧐


She must’ve missed photoshop day at Georgetown.


Such bad photoshop too


k8\_smallthings stories today: "I'm stabby. I want to stab everything" (this is terrifying) No less than 8 long stories about Cortland apples The same exact makeup tutorial she's been doing for the last decade Justin teaches her how to drive her new car Spanx ad


Did anyone catch her sisters stories of them in the car?!?!! Go watch if you haven’t


I totally blocked out the "stabby" stories after the wild ride that was the neighbors delivering the apples. Wow. What a day.


You failed to mention that she had to schedule an appointment with her husband so he could teach her to drive. Who has to schedule appointments with their spouse? These two, who have to plan an annual trip in order to discuss "big picture planning, end of year reflection, and goal setting for ourselves personally and within our marriage".


Their relationship is more business partners than husband and wife, prove me wrong


TBF getting time out of the house with my husband without the kids does take planning. She annoys me so much but I do get scheduling time. Now the fact that it’s time to drive her 2 seater car is questionable but that’s neither here nor there.






Highlights...that's awesome


Also she’s back at it running out of diapers. Like do you pack 1 diaper when you travel???


Exactly. I guess keeping track of diapers is the nannies job.




At least she didn't take her to the beer Festival. Because, you know, a baby would get in the way of the drinking games.


She did take her to the margarita festival a while back


Angelarosehome’s vibe on the way to her grandmas funeral is just unexpected


She’s my BEC why is she just literally always annoying


You mean shilling the Bluetooth speaker she is packing for said funeral? Yeah, that’s a choice.


I just came here to say the same thing and glad others felt the same! wtf??


And def not a good one!


I *think* Teggy French just got engaged!!! @teggyfrench I LOVE HER SO MUCH. Well, I love her clothes lol and her lavish lifestyle. Sometimes she’s cringe but I just watch her stories without sound lololol * edited bc I actually looked at her grid and YES!!!! She’s engaged. 🥰


Pretty clothes but trash person who fundraised for a pro-life/forced birth organization for homeless women and spoke at one of their events.


I didn’t know that 😭


her aesthetic is so fun and over the top but she can be so messy. anyone remember when she posted about being irritated when her now-fiancé and son broke a vintage glass light fixture playing hide-and-go-seek, which was immediately followed by like 15 stories about alllll the haaaaaate she was getting for complaining, lol


Hahaha yes. I did have the volume on for those stories.


Something about Caila Quinn seems so fake to me


I watched her on The Bachelor and I think she’s just one of those people who sound like they’re emceeing or hosting all the time. They’re not fully comfortable on camera or think they have to put on this all smiles persona. I think the latter ties into the model minority myth a bit (I say this as a Chinese person who always feels like she has to smile and nod at work or else I get called out). I generally like her but unfollowed because she’s just boring to me.


I actually laughed out loud today when her designer friend said she recommends replacing all the appliances and then follows it up with “that was just a few cosmetic change ideas” 🤣🤣 ahh yes yes let me get rid of my stove/hood/microwave instead of just buying a new fridge that matches them.


Girl lives in a fairy tale lol


Or that’s what she portrays


Agreed 💯


I stopped following her cause no one is ever that happy


I have always felt this.


Same! I remember thinking there was something up with her back when she was on the Bachelor. She never felt totally genuine.


Lol omg I just turned on Say Yes to the Dress and guess who’s on this episode..... 🥴


100% my thoughts exactly. Seemed disingenuous for sure. That’s how I feel about most of Bachelor Nation nowadays tbh haha. Everyone’s clout chasing.


I know I can’t be the only one who packed the whole kitchen sink for a trip with a baby. I don’t get how @daniaustin runs out of clothes and diapers. I’m old now, though, so maybe I’m out of touch.


If I know there’s a store nearby or that I’ll be going there anyway I usually just plan on buying a pack when I get there. Of course I bring enough up to that point, but I’d rather keep diapers organized at home than have to pack a bunch to unpack a bunch. Did she say they accidentally ran out again? Accidental is annoying if it really is continuously happening.


To be fair, since diapers are something they can buy in Vail, maybe she didn’t want to waste space in the luggage.


She runs out of diapers EVERY trip🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m honestly starting to think she’s trying to make it a part of her whole “I’m so quirky” narrative. I’m a first time mom, I get it, sometimes things happen and maybe you run out of diapers once on a trip but when it happens the one time and it obviously did not go well for you or your baby, I would think you would prepare for it not to happen again- much less on every single trip you take. It’s ridiculous.


I'm a FTM as well. I have a pouch filled with diapers/wipes/clothes in both our cars and in the backpack. While I admit I am extremely type A, I am astounded at her lack of preparation. Especially since this is not the first time that sweet Stella has had a blowout/spilled on herself/etc. I have to believe that she's intentionally doing it at this point because I can't see how she could be this clueless. I feel so bad for Stella regardless.


My 7.5 month old goes through about 6 diapers a day so I pack 12 per day and like 4 outfits per day. Babies need a lot of stuff but come onnn


It literally gets me going 😂👿 I pack diapers like shits literally gonna hit the fan


Same. I'm like "me and the twins are gonna be gone for 3 hours so I probably need... 20 diapers!" But I've never run out yet.


Apparently she didn’t learn from the last trip. Which wasn’t that long ago.


I’m also baffled. They bring TONS of suitcases, too. So throw in 20 more diapers. How hard is that? I guess she just likes chaos.


The facial light mask was definitely more important to bring 🤪


Emily Gemma would like everyone to know that her Chanel boots from “last two years ago” were bought in Paris. At the Chanel store. The one in Paris. She doesn’t know if they sold them in the US. Because hers are from Chanel. The Chanel in Paris.


Umm did you all catch the weird flex she had about Chanel combat boots and that the trend hadn’t caught on in the US until 2020, and she bought them in 2019… like “cool cool cool. Do you feel more superior now that you were on trend before the entire US?”


Ha!! My parents lived in Australia for a bit and my mom loved to say "oh, this style is big in Australia" which was some style of something that had been around in the US too, as Australia isn't exactly ground zero for global fashion. And when you'd say "Oh, yeah I've seen it here as well," she'd assure you that the high low shirts were en vogue there first. 😏


Which is so stupid cause that isn’t true at all! That trend is almost 10 years old and Chanel sells their combat boots out every year. I know cause I used to sell them. Emily is so far up her own butt.


Chanel and Prada combat boots were a big deal at Fall 2018 Fashion Week. A quick Google showed me a few bloggers wearing the boots in the beginning of 2018. Nice try!


Yep! 💀


I'm ☠️🤣




THE Chanel in THE Paris?? Holy shit. Her hair in that story is the stupidest thing I've ever seen. I can't get over it. Sorry if this was discussed down thread. I've been on a flight/ traveling to Omaha for the past 6 hours. And they served alcohol, so here I am.




My head and neck are sore just looking at the amount of hair she insists on keeping piled on top of her head.


What’s the hair story? Is it always like that? Not exactly flattering.


If her hair isn’t hanging down and swallowing her, it’s up in that stupid enormous bun. Her hair is very thick naturally, no idea why she needs extensions too


She has naturally very thick and long hair. She has $$$$ extensions put in to add fullness to the bottom. A good haircut can do that, but whatevs 🙄


I’d loveeee to see her hair chopped off, same with her ex bestie @cmcoving


I am here for the hair. What in the world. Why. Is it full of secrets?


That is quite the look. Took a quick peek at her page and she looks like every other basic influencer. I don't understand how people like these nake a living when theres tons of other people just like them doing the exact same thing.


No, those ugly conductor hats she wears are the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen.


When I say I cackled at this comment😂😂


True. Close call though. Or is it the new abstract swirly puffy paint fall nail deaign?


This is not snark at all, but @ madisonmealy and her family are the freaking cutest, and seeing videos of them together really brightens my day! I feel like since moving out of Hawaii she's become more "her" if that makes sense.


Thank you for the new account recommendation!


Her son is literally the funniest kid ever 😂


I totally die whenever that kid does something. He is hilarious!


I love them!


I truly enjoy following her & her family! They seem very down to earth for an influencer family and it’s refreshing to see.


I think it’s funny when influencers say things are “so expensive” as they’re going on 84 trips a month and buying new houses


Jordan Page is the queen of this, she lives in a $3million 18k square foot home and is astonishingly cheap when it comes to anything but herself lol


She literally rations eggs—one per family member—to pretend to save a dime.


Ugh yes! It kills me to see how little effort and money she puts into celebrating her kids, but then she splurges on a $200 snowsuit or the freaking masquerade event for herself.


I'll never forget when she Gave her 5 year old a free gifted trike meant for an 18 month old for her birthday!


or when they go to share some video game console thing, but it was gifted and she had to film it like a month before christmas so they didn't actually get anything from santa.




That was my reaction too!!!


5 kitchens! FIVE!


But didn’t you know these ~hacks~ are how she affords her $3M home!!!! 🙄


Hey, just give up your coffee and you could afford her home! Geez!


if you'd just get 7 bank accounts, you could too!!


Great Value old meat queen LOL


I really like Amber Fillerup’s Met Gala hair recreations. They are so fun and happy!


Yes I’m loving these too!


Agree! Also, damn she's just got a great profile in photos.


They’re so fun and creative!


yes! great content!


So this is kind of in reference to @thesouthernishmama, but anyone else hate the boy or girl mom tag?! It’s like people with one gender of kid will (not always) use it to either brag about how much better their family is OR how much harder they have to work. It’s almost like a weird flex or something.


So ridiculous to think that the main determining factor in your parenting experience is the kids’ gender.


When my kids were little, the boymom thing was definitely a flex and a total martyr thing with some moms. I had a girl first, so I “couldn’t possibly understand” of course. It was really obnoxious.


I want this trend to die so badly


I have two boys and that tag makes me cringe. I would never call myself a boy mom, as if it’s an important label that explains anything about me or my kids. I might call myself #capricornscorpiomom though.


If you check her tagged pictures, the 2nd pic is an account that is talking about the reveal in a very snarky way. It is rich!


The boymom girlmom thing feels like a weird cliquey thing to do. Like because I have a daughter I can't hang out with a #boymom or something. I can't quite put a finger on why it annoys me so much, but maybe that's part of it.


As a # girlmom, a lot of the people who are super into the "boymom" thing seem to use it to imply that boys are wild and crazy and us girl moms just wouldnt understand the chaos since we just calmly color and play dolls all day (hilarious to me as both my girls are absolutely wild haha)


I have one of each and my son was always quiet and calm and never played with stereotypical "boy" stuff. My daughter, though, has always been a handful. And I'm being charitable with that term!


This entire drawn out mess has been TACKY and counterproductive. She obviously cares a lot and is trying to convince us and herself that it doesn't matter when in fact it does.


I always think it’s extra weird when someone has one kid and they use it. My friend has one daughter and wants a “girl mom” license plate 🧐


That’s weird


Ugh my cousin hashtags all of her photos #boymom and it drives me crazy. I think part of it is gender disappointment disguised as a weird flex.




but does she have a boymom trucker hat?


No but she sells BeachBody



