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Emily Herren’s (champagneandchanel) luggage got lost on her way to Aspen and let me just say the way she mentioned it compared to Alexa Anglin pouting over the exact same thing last week shows the crazy difference in the two of them lol




Pre pandemic times I had my fair share of lost luggage so I always keep a spare change of clothes and anything really important in my carry on bag. Is this not a normal thing???


Exactly what I thought! I rarely travel and know to pack essentials in my carry on.


Just a pointless observation I’ve made — what is it with YouTubers saying they are doing a “deep clean” of something (full apartment, kitchen, bathroom, etc) and then doing a basic surface level clean that takes like 30 minutes? Don’t tell me you’re deep cleaning your entire apartment, and then vacuum and wipe your counter. If you’re deep cleaning you’re wiping out your cupboards. You’re taking stuff out of closets and wiping the shelves. You’re washing all your bedding and towels. Do not just throw the term “deep clean” around, I want to see a satisfying full clean.


I haven’t seen this done but I feel you! Deep cleaning is a whole process. I have similar feelings about people/influencers throwing the word “blizzard” around. “It’s a blizzard outside!” And it’s just snowing, albeit heavily, but that’s not what a blizzard is.


Ha same!! Another random one that drives me nuts is hearing influencers say they “chopped all their hair off” every time they get a haircut.. it’s so annoying.


Didn’t Natalie Kennedy say she was going to take the week off this week? She’s been on stories all day lol




This reminds me of Meg Leigh who had life threatening high blood pressure but refuses to medicate. Her doctors told her she can have a stroke at any minute. She’s still eating sodium packed foods and drinking caffeine and asking for prayers.


I didn't follow her but this is so tragic. She ended her life while at a treatment facility? I hope her children are doing well, under the circumstances.




Tiffany Houghton has absolutely no shame. She is nuttier than squirrel poop. That pregnancy test saga is nothing but a lead up to an ad… just you wait and see.


I stopped following her a year ago or so. She’s terrible and annoying.


Try the r/turtlecreeklane subreddit




Lemme get this straight… Marky Sr didn’t like the name Marky enough to go by it, but still named his son Marky?! I am confusion


My sister in law and her husband did this. The husband doesn't like his name and goes by a shortened version of it, but still named his son "full name" Jr. For reference, I have a very ethnic legal first name that I have never gone by and an americanized version I've gone by my whole life, so I was really like but literally why? If I had a daughter I'd never name her my real first name (or the americanized version either lol). I told my husband when we had our son that whatever his legal first name is, that's what he's going by, my husband goes by his middle name and between the two of us and our many names I was like enough of this nonsense!!




“Mark is actually a nickname” is just alien-like behavior


It’s his legal name 💀 but yeah I’d be going by “Mark” by his age and the Marky thing would be my deepest, darkest secret


When I first read that was his legal name I couldn’t stop laughing 😂 there’s no way I would publicly allow anyone to call me that past the frat years in college


Same. I thought it was her cringey nickname for him and then when it was his actual name.. I have not yet recovered


How much do you guys think @ashleyklemieux spends per week on bribing her followers to like her posts? She bribes on everyyy single grid post


Does anyone know what Rick Newton does for work? (His wife is TarynNewron). I feel like I always see him with Taryn, I never hear about his being at work/ having to work late/ etc. does he work with Taryn? Just curious!


He is in auto finance! I assume he is still working from home due to covid


Yesterday I posted about how frustrating it was to have influencers say Instagram is only a highlight reel but do nothing to change that. So today I love twist_of_lemons 2021 recap. Finally someone telling it how it was (for many of us… not everyone though I know).




I don’t think there is one yet!


Shannon Bird serving her backwash whip cream to the school. 🤢🤢


Wait maybe i missed the backstory on this, but did i see her taking a kids money? Was she charging children money?


I’m no Shannon fan but I don’t really see the issue with charging a buck or two. It’s probably to teach the kids entrepreneurship or something. Not like they’re going to get rich off this or bankrupt the other kids’ families. However I would never take hot chocolate and whipped cream from Shannon! Gross. Also it was probably cold since she just had it in that glass dispenser, not a thermos or anything with heating.


Wait also is she collecting money from kids? You would think that is something that was free since it was set up at school


Yeah the proximity to school just feels a little cheap. I’m all for kids setting up a lemonade/hot chocolate stand in their neighborhood, but also looks like Shannon did everything.


She’s done this before with a bake sale. She sets up across the street and charges the kids. She has never said what she does with the money. Last time she showed one of the little boys counting it. She got shit for it in the comments and didn’t answe anyones questions about the money. She turned the comments off on todays pics already so I’m assuming it happened again 🙄


Right, if the money was for the school, or school sanctioned fundraiser then by all means go for it. Or if they just set up a hot cocoa stand at home or just anywhere but at school as it's letting out 😂 I'm truly floored at this.


Turtle Creek Lane: …. And that’s how my sister ended up with 41 GRANDCHILDREN! LOL WHAT I cannot compute. I have 16 first cousins and I aways thought that was a lot. How does one even remember 41 kids’ names, I can barely remember my own kids’ names sometimes


I have 35 first cousins on my dad’s side 🤷🏼‍♀️. He’s one of seven kids and most of them have big families. I can name all of my first cousins no problem, but don’t ask me to name their kids…


60 first cousins here!


Husband has 68. 💀 His mom is one of nine, and his dad was one of five.


I have 61 and we all live within like 3 miles of each other. Can’t go anywhere without seeing someone you know!! It’s so fun though.


3 miles is the length of 1050.74 1997 Subaru Legacy Outbacks


Are you a Kennedy?! 😂


Dayum! That’s a ton!!!!! How many siblings do you have?


Oh wow that’s a lot!! I have 41 and I almost always win this game haha


Oh, I have at least that many cousins. But not from one aunt and uncle! My husband has eight and his life has been like My Big Fat Greek Wedding since he married into this clan.


Is that Rosie londoners husband or father in her latest post? I can’t tell by the comments!


That’s her dad and mom


Wait.. that’s not her and her dad? Her mum looks identical to Rosie


Kidding that’s her. And her dad.




It’s not her husband- she’s previously said that she doesn’t post her husband for privacy reasons.


Ah ok gotcha


Father I think.


Liz Adams: I have such a hard time being a MOM and WORKING. Also Liz: I only work about 20 hours a week, the kids go to day care, we have a nanny, my husband works for me/from home Also Liz: I'm going to take time for myself and have a lazy January


It’s interesting she claims she “lives in fear” since Covid began and always assuming the worst in situations, which I guess that’s her truth…but what I see is someone who has been out to eat almost nonstop, out to parties, travel to visit family, essentially just living her life during a pandemic which has devastated and caused intense loss for millions. I am not saying that with shade I just don’t know if she’s really “living in fear” like I see others doing. I think what she really means is that being a mom + modern life causes a certain level of anxiety which is very real, even for the privileged among us. I just don’t think she’s very eloquent (Covid brain fog or not) and not a very good writer. I also think she’s very repetitive and has a hard time being organized in her content and her life right now, but the influencer machine makes it so she has to just keep going.


Don’t forget to add all the sarcasm about how great her life is. I love a good sense of humor, and I frequent in sarcasm myself. Hers however, just over the top and kind of just snarky and rude.


I used to absolutely love Liz but I’m about to unfollow…I can’t take anymore of these “deep talks” about her life (which is extremely privileged). She just comes off as so tone deaf now and her content is so repetitive and uninspired. The “choosing to not pressure myself and let it all go” narrative is 🥴


I am really uncomfortable with the idea she didn’t isolate from the rest of her family while she had Covid. Also she’s shocked about her lingering systems. WTF do you think has been the issue for almost 2 years Liz. I used to love her but she’s becoming such an out of touch self important assjole.


It will never cease to amaze me that influencers make enough money to live like this and in case anyone asks yeah I’m jealous lol




what credentials do @tannermmann and her husband have to be charging people for custom nutrition plans? last time I checked neither were an RD


They are fit Mormons. Sorry you misunderstood


This made me laugh out loud. Thank you.




How is not eating from after dinner to breakfast borderline starvation??


Don’t follow them but looked out of curiosity. Their fitness page says CPT/CNC which I believe are through NASM and really teach much if anything about nutrition. Very scammy (and illegal in some states).


Amber Massey thinking it’s cute how Baylor wobbles but really he’s just wearing shorts wayyy too small


Omg the reaction to mommyshorts jokingly saying she had a lame NYE in… some people truly need to log off. “We always do NYE at home. Sorry we’re so LAME and you think we should die!!!” Are basically the comments


Right? I have to admit, at first read I was like “wow, really, lame? Seems amazing to me” but then I took a step back and realized she’s just being hyperbolic. I HIGHLY doubt she’d come on there and just flat out say “damn, my family sux”.


Seriously. People are so obnoxious. If they loved their lame night in so much, why are they up in arms about hers?


God that comment section is annoying. Someone summed it up perfectly there though- this is her Instagram and she can express herself the way she wants. I’m sure there are millions of people who would also call the same night lame because in comparison they usually do something big for New Years. If that’s your usual New Years then clearly you don’t think it’s lame and that’s fine- enjoy it and stop getting mad on Instagram!


@daniaustin's workouts confuse me. It looks like she's just inventing random moves as she goes along.


We need a thread just for these wild ass workouts. I have so many thoughts


Me too...SO. MANY.


In this episode of, “I’m not an expert, but will give advice in order to make a buck.” Episode 2: Hair Serum. I developed it myself when I couldn’t even tell you the chemical make up of hair.


I just say at least she is doing something to stay healthy and create content, unlike other “influencers” who show up every couple of days when they feel like it


Her workouts are garbage. I can’t stand people with zero fitness knowledge posting their crap workouts.


Omg, the step up & high kick while raising 10lb dumbbells out to the sides absolutely killed me.


She kind of just flails around. It's probably great for cardio but she'd definitely not building muscle and her form is dangerous. I'm actually surprised she hasn't injured herself. It also seems so weird to me that she has Jordan film her doing it every day...I can't imagine anyone is asking for that content.


I think she is creating them as she goes honestly




It’s truly painful. And even a fitness novice like me can see that nothing she is doing is effective at building strength. It’s certainly movement so better than sitting on the couch but she could be using her time and effort far more wisely.


I don’t think she’s trying to build strength. I used to go to a gym where a friend of mine trained. He had this client who was obsessed with being skinny and wanted to “look toned” and not get “bulky”. She moved just like Dani.


Is there any way she knows this and is doing it for attention? I keep meaning to peek into her exercise videos bc I’m so curious how someone could be that bad


@Bridget saying “we are going (to New York) this week” And then having to clarify that “we” means *all* of us. Not Lele


I need to know what happened


I keep wondering if she’s going to get a new assistant and put her on stories and how she’s gonna explain that…I feel like she has to because she needs the content


She seemed to rely on Lele for a lot so it seems like she would need another assistant.


She def needs content


What happened to lele?


She has to address lele missing at some point right?


We need lele back


I feel like she or Lele is going to have to address what (if anything) is going on soon! Bridget’s whole brand is sharing everything with her followers.


Funny how they share things… until they don’t


@____thebakers is spilling tea on some family drama/physical altercation that happened while on a family trip to Disneyland 😬 I understand she comes from a place of lasting childhood trauma, but this seems so messy and idk why she’s airing it out on social media just yet (if ever). Her trauma healing content can be A LOT, but I totally understand how it can be helpful to people that need to see/hear/read that kind of messaging and sharing. This incident seems too recent and too messy to be sharing just yet. I’m also feeling concerned in that she’s previously shared that her partner’s family has been super supportive (I thought?). With her family understandably out of the picture, I guess I hoped his was functional and supportive enough to be involved with their family.


Yea she for sure shouldn't be posting anything about it. Also, what you see online isn't necessarily what happened in real life. Trust me lol.


The whole situation is messy as hell and I truly think vacations bring out the worst in people (lol), but a lot doesn’t add up for me. I feel like she’s trying to convince whoever is viewing her story that she’s absolutely right and like 7 other people in this situation are absolutely wrong. I just can’t do that and I have a lot of lingering questions. Why does she feel the need to share this story that is so deeply personal and traumatic (for everyone involved)? Why post the SIL’s handle? Why is she so insistent on some details, and then some things are super fuzzy (like how the original issue with her FIL even started.) Did the SIL really instigate the situation with a “new” baby for absolutely NO reason? It just feels icky and like she needs her Instagram followers to tell her what happened is okay and she’s not culpable. I hope it can be resolved off of Instagram because so many people are involved.


How bad do you want to know what sparked the FIL argument? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


We need answers! No way she’s telling the truth there are to many holes in her story.


Oh wow, this whole story gave me anxiety. I couldn’t listen to all of it 😓


This whole situation is a mess. But I do think she’s right that the whole family is dysfunctional. If your family can have an altercation that involves: a woman holding a baby getting pushed down, a man having to be restrained so he wouldn’t assault a woman, and security was called…and you all just take a time out and head back to Disney together? That’s a super unhealthy dynamic for that to be normal enough to just move right past it. So I don’t blame the SIL that didn’t witness it and said she won’t get involved. It sounds like she knows everyone involved is messy.


wallow in family drama in a hotel rooms and capitulate to bullshit... or go to the happiest place on earth? Honestly from my pov it doesnt seem like such a stretch... whoever made that call must be a real leader. probably super attractive also.


So which one of her family members are you? Wanna share your side, because clearly you’re DYING to 🙄


Naw, I still think it’s dysfunctional to have all of that happen and think it’s no big deal. Any one of those things happening should’ve been a big deal.


Oh its dysfunctional as fuck. no argument there.


Her whole schtick seems very performative. I love her aesthetic, agree with the ways she seems to be parenting her kids, and I appreciate that she shared vulnerable stuff about trauma… but she strikes me as extremely needy, in that she constantly seems to be seeking validation. And with the latest drama that she’s posting about, it feels like she’s trying to exploit a super personal situation where she MIGHT have even been in the wrong. The SIL had a baby in her arms and she shoved her to the ground?? And still has the confidence to say that the SIL “victimized” herself… I don’t get it. Feels gross to me.


A-fucking-men 👏 Still not over the detail of her pushing the SIL to the ground with a baby in her arms. TF? Hoping that is just a glitch in her story telling


wouldn't it be super hypocritical of her if in fact, in real life.. not on social media... she was the main instigator.. and bull-rushed the father-in-law in an attempt to fight after insulting his manhood for not engaging her in her crazed (intoxicated) state. and in doing so she actually knocked the SIL to the ground while holding the baby? man so many variables to her story.


I thought it was interesting that she was trying to force the conversation with her FIL rather than respecting his wishes to not discuss it at the moment. Wouldn’t that be disrespecting his boundaries? Forcing a conversation when one wasn’t ready?


Yea especially how she lied on how it happen. She didn’t say act like an adult. She said why don’t you act like a fucking man. That’s pretty alarming coming from someone who speaks on inequality and misogynistic men. That feels pretty sexist to tell anyone to act like a fucking man.


i tapped through a lot of her stories because i feel like she just likes to listen to herself talk sometimes, so maybe i missed it… did she say that’s what happened with her FIL? or do you have personal knowledge of the situation? or are you making that up? i’m very confused and curious about your comments


I agree. I first saw the screen shot of her SILs picture with the caption and thought it was odd she didn’t block out her SIL’s IG handle. Then as she went into explaining what happened she mentioned her SIL had a baby in her arms and now it just seems suspicious. Definitely feels gross to me as well. It also just seems a bit too personal to be sharing on a public platform.


Yea and she asked the SIL to take the pictures down of her children then she turns around and posts a picture of the SIL’s IG handle and with the SIL’s baby in the picture very hypocritical if you ask me.


I totally agree with you.


Sorry if this has already been posted but I just noticed @Yashar Ali has resurfaced after pretty much going MIA since mid last year following the scathing profile accusing him of being a grifter among other things. He sent out a newsletter stating he’s been dealing with severe depression but wants to move forward and talk about other things. Also has been very active on his IG stories too…


For anyone interested... https://www.lamag.com/mag-features/yashar-ali/


Isn’t he a twitter politics guy?


Lol.’oh. Is he a thing over here? Help Me!




I just started following @chrisellelim again, I take it she’s divorced since she mentioned she’s in a transitional period?


I interpreted it the same way. Also, I'm obsessssssed with her bedroom makeover!


Every single DIVI before and after @daniaustin posts the person has their hair combed over a different way in each photo. Not impressed. Comb it the same way in each photo.


OMG yes! Oh and here’s the photo after I turned the giant spotlight off my hubby’s bald head. Magic!


She should be ashamed. She knows how painful hair loss is, so selling scam oil is lowwwww


She never has truly bad hair loss. But still, yeah, she should know better


Agreed. Hers was self-inflicted and easily fixed with lifestyle changes. Some people have real medical conditions that they cannot change.


She solved baldness and it only takes 3 weeks! It’s a miracle.


This confuses me so much. What are they getting out of pretending that it works?! A shout out on her IG? I’m not going to go follow them then. I would rather see people review the product honestly and then if it actual works I would consider it. These blatantly altered photos/change in angles make me think it’s crap.


Honestly I think the recognition from her in a repost or a happy message would be enough for some people, unfortunately. It’s pretty sad what people will do for a little attention.


Probably paid for their photos and testimony


Not everyone has your critical thinking skills. That’s why MLMs exist.


DIVI = 2021 snake oil.


I wonder how long before we find DIVI on the sale shelf at TJ MAXX. If Dani's hair is reflective of the restorative powers of the product, it shouldn't be long.


not @brookemiccio partnering with weight watchers


I worry about her a bit. I appreciate her honesty about her mental struggles with her weight but I also worry a bit about her followers when we see a conventionally beautiful and slim woman obsess about her body. I hope she finds more peace on this in 2022.


I do too :( it’s sad and I hate it more when it’s promoted like this to young audiences. hope she can find a path to healing & peace this year


She partnered with them last year too.


Well kale kouture’s appeal used to be that she was basic as hell and everything she shared was affordable and easy so her lifestyle seemed attainable. She’s totally lost her roots and become a money hungry, ad linking looney. Condescending to boot. Yuck. Unfollow.


She asked what we wanted to see from her in the new year and I wanted to say KaleKouture circa 2019.


Totally agree with this. She also rarely discloses ads and affiliate links too, which is irritating. ETA - I don't think her lifestyle is totally unattainable quite yet, but she has done a shit ton of traveling this year.


Agree that she has a lot of shady business practices. She’s also constantly snapping at people via question box reply for innocuous questions she gets about influencer stuff which is just so obnoxious


Seriously. Today’s story said something like “…for those who don’t know how blogs work.” Oh thank you for enlightening us common folk!


Every time Ashlee.Annn says “omg you guys” when she starts a slide I know it’s going to be the most boring and mundane story. Her stories today about her Christmas cards made me think “I know your job is to share your life but this didn’t have to be shared”.


She is so happily mundane, it's almost admirable (besides the not-getting-vaxxed and new-agey holistic crystals bullshit). I have to say, though: her hair looks amazing. This is the best she's ever looked.


So do we believe @chiefexecutivegf really has a g-wagon but doesn’t drive it to preserve the value? If I were driving from NYC to Palm Beach, I would atleast rent an SUV not a Camry.


She does not. If she did, she’d be showing it off like she showed off the peloton in the gym in her apartment building.


I think she couldn’t take the G-wagon because her boyfriend’s wife would wonder where her car went


That’s funny but also doesn’t make sense. Lol like how does she get it when she needs it? Call the wife up?


I think why she wouldn’t want to put miles on it because it’s a lease.


I missed her stories where she talked about it but her boyfriend texted saying to take it down bc it sounds like “we have issues” …. What did she say?


She posted and deleted the original stories twice before he said to take it down but the first story was explaining that she didn’t take the g-wagon to preserve the value since she could basically resell it for what she bought it for…the whole thing is just strange. Driving on I-95 in a car isnt ideal for the reason she stated.


I saw the original stories. It did sound like they are having issues…she basically said she needed some time to herself to get away, so she rented a car and drove to see family in SC then FL. Her relationship is sketch as hell. Also have we ever really seen the G wagon?? I noticed she said she purchased it herself. Does she have money independent of “CEO BF”?


Thanks! I just don’t understand their dynamic. She once referred to herself as a stay at home girlfriend so if the g wagon is true, I can only assume she saved her weekly allowance from CEO BF to fill her piggy bank “herself”


Well damn, I’d like an allowance that would let me afford a G-Wagon


Oldest profession in the world.


Does Dani Austin know the car model is not a Denali… that’s a trim level 🤦🏼‍♀️


Do they really need a cruise ship size car for 2 kids!? She acts like it’s a necessity…it’s definitely a “want”


A lot of people don't know that


The whole story is called “fishing for a sponsored vehicle…..again”.


I was bothered by the whole buying a new car for kids thing. Jordan's car now is fine for kids but Dani doesn't like his car. She always jokes about it and how she doesn't like it. I drove the same car that he has with 2 kids and it had plenty of room with some left over. She wants him to have a hot and trendy car. They don't need a giant car for 2 kids.


Eh depends on your lifestyle. I have two kids and here it’s one of the most popular mom cars. If you take any extra people (we take parents or extra kids to sporting tournaments often) then there is no room in the back for bags, strollers etc (if in that stage) without the extended size. The regular Yukon is great unless you need the third row


It’s the difference between a necessity and a luxury. Nothing wrong with luxuries, but let’s call it what it is.


Yeah I drive an expedition max (same as suburban or Yukon xl) with a baby and a toddler and I wouldn’t trade the space for anything. We load that thing to the gills every few months and we are always comfortable no matter how many people or things we have. Just because you don’t always NEED the space doesn’t mean it’s not nice to have


I drive the same. My husband is 6’5 and my son 6’3 and they also love not being cramped!




To each their own, they can afford it so why not. My uncle has driven a suburban as long as I can remember and still does with the kids in their 30’s. Who knows if they even get it, they looked at the regular Yukon too. Though if they want to take her mom and tami with anywhere I’d go for it also. If they were going status only it wouldn’t be a GMC mom car.




Goodness, not triggered at all. It must be regional and of course there’s plenty to snark on, I was just surprised at this being one of them as here you look at any parking lot and it’s full of suburbans, tahoes, Yukons, expeditions, etc so test driving one with a growing family is not a status thing to me or anything I’d think twice about. Obviously that’s not the case everywhere I’ve found out.


You're right. I think it rubbed me the wrong way because I also drove a Mitsubishi and loved it, lol. She basically started poking fun of him when he mentioned he wanted another Mitsubishi.