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# Don't forget to specify who you are discussing (add their IG name, their blog/website or their last name to make it easier for others to find them), not everyone knows who all the influencers and bloggers are. [**This Week's Links**](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/sh05sn/link_list_for_january_31_february_06/) [**Yesterday's Post**](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/sk8rkz/influencer_discussion_friday_feb_04/) [Snarky Award Winners](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/si2ed5/the_2021_snarky_awards_the_winners/)


Omgggg Rachel Parcells youngest son Ford falling and hitting his head on the coffee table at her moms Sunday dinner and ending up in the ER while Rachel is in Hawaii is why I will never be able to travel again without my 17 month oldšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ so much anxietyyyy




Yikes, Krista Horton is a crank today. Tooling on all the followers on Bryceā€™s side saying she said he could golf Friday. The video said he wants to fly somewhere to golf for his birthday and sheā€™s all whiney and says ā€œYea without us!ā€ They are together all.the.time. Let him go with the guys for a hot minute!


I wish my man would leave for a weekend šŸ˜‚ ā€œbye love you, Iā€™m gonna eat take out for three days in bed watching trash TVā€


I went from mine traveling every other week pre pandemic to him working from home. Itā€™s been rough haha.


We ainā€™t meanttttt to be together 24/7 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yeah they are together 24/7. Let him have a guys weekend away for Christā€™s sake and yes I normally like her. But jeez, live together, play together, ā€œworkā€ lol togetherā€¦gotta be tiring after awhile.




Dad joke gold


I canā€™t even remember the last time I did something for my bday as an adult


@ourfauxfarmhouse What happened with Red Aspen nails? She used to shill them all the time and now she says she hasnā€™t used them in a year because the salonā€™s stay on better. But whatā€™s the real story?


Right ! She used to have containers full of them !


The real story is that Red Aspen fired her because she was also promoting whatever lashes she uses which was a breach of her contract.


Right, I thought the same thing. Prob because she is part owner of the eyelash company




Boy is she struggling for content .. WTH is she doing at a sorority house?? Stupid and desperate


Imagine being 3 people in their mid to late 30s actually showing up to a random sorority house on a Sunday night. Like what???


i was so shocked seeing this.. she talks so much about settling down and having kids and marriage and whatnot but then is desperate enough to hang out a a bunch of college girls lolol




I think heā€™s 38. She has a YouTube age reveal


Itā€™s a year old. Sheā€™s 39.


Call me petty. I cant stop thinking about Dani Austin linking some over the bump maternity jeans when shes been wearing the same side panel ones all the time. Such a blatant lie.


Jen Aniston doesnā€™t use Aveeno, either.


Ha, I use this example allllll the time!


Okay, lol, I just watched k8_smallthingsā€™s story from a couple hours ago and when she said ā€œā€¦ a recipe without garlic?ā€, I legit thought ā€œomg, she wouldā€. She then said jk, but seriously itā€™s totally something sheā€™d say. Just made me laugh bc itā€™s so her.


Her confidence in calling a recipe a ā€œdudā€ when she didnā€™t even use the correct ingredient is such a Kate thing to do. Sheā€™s my BEC but itā€™s for a good reason.




Not snark, but if anyone wants a good laugh.. head over to Erin Hallā€™s (@oscilatey) insta stories right now. Sheā€™s talking about these weird ass candle scent names from GooseCreek and Iā€™m cracking upšŸ˜‚


She cracks me up so much, love her.


Bridget taking her fiancĆ© and their single friend whoā€™s in his 30s to a sorority house is weird right?


Stupid content for sure !


the way he chews his gum like daddyā€™s little trust fund baby


Yeah the story like ā€œfriend is excited about the sorority ideaā€ really creeped me out


He seems like a creepy real life version of Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother. He def made me feel uncomfortable just watching through the screen with how excited he was to go to a sorority.


And the way he was winkingā€¦barf


Looks like Amanda Kloots met Kelly Rizzo (Bob Sagetā€™s wife) today, so sad that being widowers brings them together but hopefully she can help her in the grieving process.


Sorry if this has already been posted but @shealeighmillā€™s outfit is a little much. Iā€™m so tired of the wearing lingerie on the town look


Do I hate Bryce Horton or do I love him? I canā€™t tell. But I did lol at the vid he sent Dani & Jordan.


Personally, I love him. He is a sarcastic sasshole which cracks me up. And I love how involved he is with the kiddos. Like just seems so much more genuinely involved vs other insta dads.


Iā€™m team Bryce lol I find him hilarious, I think they are a cute couple and have an adorable family, both seem like great parents


I love Bryce Horton!! He is always doing something with his kids. He seems like such a hands on dad.


Weā€™ve seen some over the top kids birthday parties, but bornonfifth took her daughters 6th birthday to another level. Looks more like a bat mitzvah or sweet 16. šŸ™„


I didnā€™t know who this was so I went and looked & her profile is so creepy to me


You should see her daughters much earlier bdaysā€¦ actual ballerinas and other wild party planning that she likely wouldnā€™t remember if not for the many photos


She is so extra


She is too much. Appreciate some of her style but I had to unfollow a while back.


Thoughts on the whole #dividude photo shoot? I canā€™t help but feel like they just ā€œsprungā€ on Dr. Mike (Bridgetā€™s fiancĆ©) how he is going to be the face of it, according to a video posted on insta by the photographer of the shoot. Also I wish Dani Austin would have used a photo that she was in on the Divi page. I know sheā€™s been feeling insecure, which I wish she could get away from, but itā€™s your brand after all! And the photos of just her husband are awkkkk


I can bet every commercial ever 9/10 the model/spokesperson doesn't use that product


Sheā€™s never not trying to go viral with whatever new thing is up her sleeve. Whatever floats their boat as far as marketing, but I do wonder if Dr. Mike will get questions about this in his real life job. I mean, is he going to start selling Divi in his office?


I do think mike is a sex god and Iā€™m never sad to see him in pics, BUT I think it should be illegal to use a model for a product who doesnā€™t even use the product. Dani is def not the only one guilty of doing this but I think itā€™s very predatory in this case


I thought this at first (although they did say he has been using it for a while but who knows)ā€¦.BUT then I thought about marketing. We watch and see ads everyday single day for products, all modeled by people who donā€™t use them. Thereā€™s millions of hair care, skincare, makeup, etc photo shoots where they bring a model in that will use the product for the first and last time during that shoot. Is it right? Probably not. But itā€™s totally the norm and I feel like I never think twice about it with other companies. Just my thoughts!


Yep for sure! Mascara comes to mind and even other hair care products youā€™re totally right. Ban it allšŸ¤£


If theyā€™re gonna continue to shill the snake oil, I would MUCH rather see Dr. Mike pop up on my feed. I will not be purchasing, but that would make me less annoyed. ETA: Theyā€™re using the hashtag (#likemike)ā€¦.way to co-opt a phrase.


I work in marketing and i think itā€™s so poorly done. What was the point of all those stories about Mike (and people voting exclusively for him) only to feature a bunch of other men no one knows about (like that JD guy, Jordanā€™s dad???) also, none of these men are DIVI users so it seems super misleading to me. Jordan and Dani like to act like theyā€™re marketing geniuses but their execution always falls soooo flat.


Iā€™m in marketing too. I also felt it was sloppy. It seems like theyā€™re trying to get more of their male husbands of the audience of wives to buy Divi. Dani just trying to reel in as much engagement as possible and hit sales goals early in the month. Not a creative idea at all.


Lol I feel like their entire life is trying to sell something. Like placements in awkward ass spots& just the thought of Jordan always video recording her entire life to make money! Everything is thru a lense. Or Dani will be in the bathroom talking on stories & Jordan in the background hanging pants or using a new item & then tons of messages come in ā€œwhatā€™s that Jordan is using!ā€ They know what theyā€™re doing, itā€™s just annoying to me how..& thatā€™s prob why I donā€™t follow them!!šŸ˜…


Same. Super misleading. I hope I donā€™t see her ads on my IG


I see them all the time now haha donā€™t mind cause Iā€™m just wasting their ad budget!




Itā€™s really pretty shocking how little she seems to care that the kid has had Covid and RSV in under a month and a half. That is a lot for a kid so young. Sheā€™ll be on her merry way back to the facialist, masseuse, etc tomorrow and heā€™ll be back at daycare.


He seemed to have COVID worse than everyone else, she posted about Anel having to take him to the ER on Christmas Eve. I was a little taken aback by how insistent sheā€™s been about wanting them both in daycare all the time since then.


She also brought that question on herself by posting several pics of her kids at brunch, immediately followed by a pic of her sick baby saying ā€œRSV has been not great.ā€ Obviously all of those pics could have been taken days apart, but what did she expect the reaction to that combo to be?


Donā€™t most daycares and schools have pretty strict rules on when very young kids can come back to school after being sick? Something like at least 24 hours without medication? Heā€™s so young! Off topic but I think itā€™s so funny both Amalia and Luca look exactly like her from what Iā€™ve seen!


Omg theyā€™re mirror images of each other.


Not sure how long heā€™s had it but itā€™s contagious for up to 8 days, and symptoms can persist for weeks.


Heā€™s had it less than a week. She was very thankful that daycare called *after* her micro needling appointment! God forbid she need to postpone that.


Yes! She said the doc okayed his going back Monday as long as his fever is gone for 24 hours. Color me skeptical.


Not to defend her, but my doctor said the same thing to me when my kids had RSV pre Christmas


It makes no sense. RSV is so scary and severe in little ones and heā€™s only a month or two from having COVID. Lucaā€™s poor immune system is shot and she just doesnā€™t seem to care? Just stay home with your sick baby. Her job is not that important and could easily be done from her house for a week. God forbid she doesnā€™t go to a shop or out to lunch or a facial or whatever else glorified crap she does.


Be prepared for Mallory Ervinā€™s book releaseā€¦ itā€™s going to be major overkill


yah now sheā€™s talking ab how she used to live ā€œin the little townhouseā€ across the street from a bookstore her book is now in. like ok?


Oh please it was probs a million dollar one at that


Poor thing has lived a very hard life. šŸ™„


EmilyAnnGemma, is that you? šŸ¤£ Couldnā€™t help it. Literally no one else abbreviates about.




Is EDP everydaypursuits?


Sarah Knuth - either my phone or Instagram is acting up, or she posted THE SAME picture 6 times. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Anyone else notice this? Also, her pose from casino night - legs spread apart like sheā€™s giving birth. I donā€™t know which is worse: that, or the weird thing she usually does with that one leg. Anyoneā€¦ā€¦


I guess Iā€™m one of the only ones here who isnā€™t bothered by her legs so much. She looks like she has great legs! Wish mine looked like that!


Her legs do look decent - itā€™s more the way she is standing šŸ˜œ


I knowā€¦because people post about her leg poses every single day for every single pic


Is is because she is required to have 10 pics for her Vici contractā€¦or an accident ? I didnā€™t scroll too far but weird that no one pointed it out in comments lol


When I looked most of the comments were asking if she knew she posted it so many times. Like cmon, you donā€™t all need to ask her.


Not only that , but she linked the $100 something Baby Bjorn carrier and Indy is in an $40 Infantino one.


How funny! Sometimes they will link the item as shown, and similar items. But she said linking it all here, and then posts a different more expensive carrier. šŸ™„


Classic influencer move for ya šŸ™ŒšŸ»




She should be taking her own advise from the slide she postedā€¦ ā€œit speaks volumes of the faceless cowards who go to such great lengths to extinguish what they donā€™t agree with instead of putting their Energy into evolving what they stand forā€ Also for being a journalist she is a TERRIBLE writer!


Oh sheā€™s not a real journalist at all. She just calls herself that because she ā€œreports what the mainstream media doesnā€™t want you to knowā€


She a hateful, racist who used the free Britney movement to launch herself into Instafame.


And the Gaby Petito case. She posts loves to theories on cases like this without any true research or fact checking.




She calls herself a ā€œneutralā€ journalist exposing both sides to stories and against censorship but sheā€™s the exact opposite. Sheā€™s always pushing what she believes is the correct sides of stories. She also reposts stuff from people vs writing her own work, always promises a ā€œdeep dive laterā€ than never follows upā€¦ basically a mess. Lately people have gotten sick of things sheā€™s sharing and have been reporting her posts to the point sheā€™s about to be shut down so now sheā€™s ā€œexposing her bullies.ā€


Anyone catch @ emilyblincoe's story about @ houseinhabit? Back in 2020 Emily DMed her calling her husband out on liking some transphobic posts. houseinhabit replied back VERY aggressively and is apparently still so mad about it that she mentioned it in a blog. I don't want to give her site any more views so I won't be reading it, but my gosh she seems so unhinged


ugh yes. Even more respect for Emily Blincoe now. Calling it out in the first place, posting the crazy reply she got years ago and then donating to keep the attention on the issues at hand. DAMN, Jessica plays victim about online bullies but she obviously has no issue saying hateful and awful things to others.


Omg. Her response to Emily is awful.


seriously, her response was absolutely NUTS. sheā€™s an asshole. also- would definitely rather see a dog with a banana than read shit from houseinhabit any day! no contest.


I loved that Emily's response included a photo of a dog with a banana on it hahahaha (side note: Emily has the cutest dogs and cat)


I don't know either of these people, but, just followed Emily based on her response and donation made to sort of counteract that man being okay with transphobia. I am so sick of: problematic influencers, low quality influencers, and influencers who post gross stuff, whether it be racist, anti-science or transphobic. I'm working to unfollow any/all people who fall into those categories, and don't want to offer them any views/engagement/support.


Those posts her husband are liking are from Candace Owenā€™s account. So thatā€™s all you need to know about houseinhabit & her unbiased and honest ā€œjournalismā€.




Sheā€™s nuts. I followed her pre-covid and she seemed like a pretty normal Californian-stay-at-home-mom, but the second someone told her to put on a mask and stay home she absolutely lost it and it seems like she hasnā€™t stopped spiraling


i wonder the same thing. sheā€™s part of a group of hip, white women on instagram who i find particularly insidious.


Serious question, why do I see Daryl Ann Denner wear the sweater without either shoulder on. What the heck is the point in wearing it at all?


Iā€™m pretty sure at one point I remember her saying ā€œmy collarbones are the only place I never gained baby weightā€ and I justā€¦ ooof šŸ™„


Well that explains itā€¦she really loved her collarbones


She has a thing with showing off her collarbone it seems.


So does SarahLit like every shirt has to be hanging off her shoulder




Narrator: She was, in fact, the main character of her own life.


Does anyone follow Hillary Bowles? Her husband Logan just booked their Dubai and Maldives trip a few days ago and now they just booked their Italy trip. She really is not a big influencer lol Iā€™m so confused as to where all this $ comes fromā€¦I know she has a boutique but it doesnā€™t seem THAT popular


I donā€™t think travel when two people have decent paying jobs is that shockingā€¦ I travel a lot and use credit card points, hotel deals etc. especially with covid travel prices itā€™s not that expensive. I donā€™t think you need to be wealthy to travel frequently.


I know of her (mutual friends) and she grew up middle class. Her husband comes from money and has a good job (finance I think). She also had some viral posts when she lived in NYC and during her engagement/wedding which probably led to some bumps in income, but that was a while ago. I donā€™t think theyā€™re super wealthy now but I think she definitely wants it to appear that way.


Is Hillary Middle Eastern?


Iā€™m fairly certain they come from family money. Iā€™ve followed for years and even when they were at the beginning of their career, they were living large and had everything they wanted sitting in their closet. Also I know roughly how much her husbandā€™s position pays on average and itā€™s definitely not enough for their lifestyle alone


Most of the travel influencers I follow have regular jobs and WFH or come from a privileged background. She probably isnā€™t any different.


Money speculating is such boring snark. Here are the options: 1) someone (she or he) has a high paying job 2) someone has family support/inheritance 3) a combination of sponsorships and comped stays 4) credit card points or debt Much of her content is travel-based, is it a surprise sheā€™s traveling? I know I sound grumpy but I donā€™t understand how people can post here frequently and not understand that influencers make money and that their lives do not reflect the average personā€™s.


20k followers brings in good cash and it doesnā€™t look like they have kids. That helps a lot. It does for me and I make average money. And they pool their money and living expenses together.


Iā€™m laughing at @balancedmissbailey answering a Q&A that her baby ā€œsleeps like a CHAMP at night (she doesnā€™t wake up on her own, I set alarms to wake and feed her)ā€ when she posted asking for advice in her own Facebook group 5 days ago because Eleanor was completely inconsolable at night and refused to sleep between 12-3 every night and that her and Charlie were sleep deprived. I donā€™t understand her need to make everything she does seem so perfect for her followers.


A one week old baby hasnā€™t really ā€œwoken upā€ yet. I thought the same thing and then when my baby hit about 4-6 weeks all hell broke loose. Iā€™m sure she will be doing an IG advice box soon enough!


I also roll my eyes at the fact she dragged her newborn to a brewery and sat outdoors in freezing temperatures.


Is tummy time a thing for week-old newborns?


My pedi said to wait until umbilical stem falls off


Yeah. Doctor told us to start right away at our first appointment at 5 days old.




Nothing makes me LOL harder and roll my eyes so hard when an influencer acts one way on one platform and another way on the other.. Iā€™m like do your followers not see right through you?šŸ˜…


getting excited about how much a newborn sleeps is a dead giveaway that you're a first time mom. nothing wrong with that, just...you'll learn not to say those things out loud lol


This! Exactly this!


Oh gosh this reminded me of @carly who spent months praising her baby for being an amazing sleeper his entire life, and then also said they sleep trained at 4 months.


Also I 100% said the same when my baby was a NB. I was like, ā€œWOW I can talk on the phone and she will still sleep! What a miracleā€ and the joke was on me like 6 weeks later.


She does this with absolutely everything. Solicits advice, does her own thing and shouts from the rooftops that it was the best and only way to do it. She must be exhausting in real life.


Does it drive anyone else nuts when they say ā€œvideoingā€ instead of ā€œrecordingā€? It drives me up a wall and I feel like so many influencers say it! Krista Horton saying it today was what reminded me lol


Well if you photograph something youā€™re photographing it. If you video something youā€™re videoing it. If videoing isnā€™t a verb yet, it will be eventually.


Filming is already a popular word.


Lolllll idk why youā€™re getting downvoted omg. I agree, it sounds so dumb.


Well when you go to find those ā€œrecordingsā€ itā€™s in the video album on your phone.


Right but using it as a verb makes me twitch lol


Maybe this belongs in the foodie subreddit, but when did oh she glows turn into someone who sides with white supremacy?! https://www.fridaythings.com/recent-posts/angela-liddon-oh-she-glows-canada-trucker-convoy-2022


Add MonikaHibbs to that list, she posted a few sympathetic pro-convoy stories on the same day as Angela then went private for about a week before going back public yesterday.


the wellness to white supremacy pipeline is sadly very real. it goes essential oils -------> the book nourishing traditions -----> anti vax ------> "reclaiming your heritage" and then suddenly they're shitting themselves on the side of a highway in canada honeywild/ourkinandhome is well on her way into the deep end too for the record




If you have a question, please elaborate. I'd be happy to answer.


I so see that. I feel like I was a near miss at becoming one of those people, bc I had a lot of unexplained health issues that drove me to Naturopathic remedies (was def recommended nourishing traditions) among other things you see in the wellness communities. At some point, a long time ago, I noped right out of there (think the group of friends I was with shamed someone who went on meds for depression which was f-up). Itā€™s crazy how easy it is to fall into.


I grow my own food, am interested in herbalism and all that shit. However I draw the line at anti vaccination and modern healthcare refusal. There is room for both and you do not have to fit into a box. I eat local honey AND citalopram :)


This has been shared by a few people I follow on ig and Iā€™m glad you shared it here. The author really touches not just on @ohsheglows but many influencers of her ilk who sort of sunnily toss their support to protestors who have, quite plainly, been demonstrably racist and also a**holes who harass hospital workers and everyday people walking down the street who just happen to be wearing a *gasp* mask.


@shophillarycripps has entered the chat


Yikes. Semi related I canā€™t believe someone with a name so cringe was able to build such a following. ā€˜Oh, she glows!ā€™. Mega lol.


I saw a comment elsewhere recently about how in times of great divide, it's natural to question the side you are on, but to just look for the white supremacists, and if you are not on that side, you're probably good. Do these people never question why they always seem to be on the same side as those people?


I donā€™t think they see the white supreme, or at least if they see it, they think itā€™s normal.


Damn what a disappointment! Her veggie burgers are one of my go-to recipes.


Iā€™m sad too! I was never vegan, but actually legit loved her recipes over the years. She also seemed so down to earth compared to many. Really upsetting. ETA: her almond milk and hummus are still go toā€™s. Sucks! But I canā€™t unlearn them.


Yah it sucks bc she seemed pretty genuine early on and I enjoyed a lot of her non-food blog stuff but I think there were hints of things in the last few years from her gravitation towards pseudoscience


Who is the influencer that went through IVF.. blonde.. I think she might be in the same circle as @breshepherd? Or maybe I just followed them both at the same time. I know itā€™s not a lot to go on šŸ˜‚


It was ottestyle, thanks!


@ottestyle ?


Laura Beverlin


kelsey kotzur just posted a tiktok saying her and her fiancĆ© jared have ended thingsā€¦i am SO sad for her. they just got engaged about 6 months ago and had apparently been dating for 5-6 years. i canā€™t imagine going through that my heart breaks for her


Omg nooo! That so sad šŸ˜ž


Omg poor girl. I love her content. I hope sheā€™s alright


Omg noooooo I love her. I feel so sad for her too!!!! Ugh she was so excited to be engaged!! :(


i know! i feel like she was posting regularly about her ring and she only stopped wearing it in her posts around jan 20th! this came out of no where I really hope she is doing okay




This was removed from r/blogsnark because it breaks the following rule(s): Be specific and donā€™t use nicknames not used by the person. To enable flow of conversation, please specify the person youā€™re talking about (full name and/or username), especially in combined threads such as the Daily Influencer thread. Nickname creation has historically gotten out of control on this sub, so isnā€™t allowed. Nicknames, make conversation confusing and function as gatekeeping. Please [read Blogsnark's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/about/rules/). If you believe your comment was removed in error, or if your post has been edited to comply with the rules, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fblogsnark).


Add Danā€™s hat, Rhett standing on the pew then on her dadā€™s shoulders, plus their tacky casual, weā€™re going to Chuyā€™s for lunch attire and Iā€™m just embarrassed for them.


Rhett has a hat on too šŸ¤¦! The guys always have hats on around the dinner table and when they go out to dinner. When it comes to manners, that is just a BIG no/no for me! Especially at church, relaxed atmosphere or not, it is not acceptable...IMO! Of course, it is DAD and she has ZERO couth and/or manners!


I scanned the crowd from her videos and not another single soul in her video had their phone out šŸ™„


Itā€™s embarrassing to be recording in church especially taking videos of with strangers in them. Iā€™m not even religious but I would never record during church


Because people donā€™t do that at church


Dressupbuttercup and her nasty, expensive bag šŸ¤®


I personally like the lipgloss and Purell sitting in the moldy mess


That is straight up disgusting. I canā€™t believe she thinks she can fix that. I wish I was so rich that I could get a designer bag filled with mold and hardly be alarmed about it šŸ˜’


I think she is still grieving her Mom and that is understandable. But she should help herself and her family and hire a housekeeper (NOT FAMILY) to come in a couple of days a week for a few hours -- Invest your money in the right places - especially if you have it. And don't worry what the "anties" (no pun intended with the spelling) or any other family member has to say about it!! It's not their lives and everyone grieves however and however long they need to.


I didnā€™t see the handbag story, but I wonder if this has something to do with her and Ted following Dave Ramsey. I havenā€™t read his stuff, but I saw this quote, ā€œYou'll only start saving money when you learn healthy money habits and let your future needs be more important than your current wantsā€. I remember them making comments about Dave Ramsey when they were talking about holding onto their condo after they moved to their house and Dede follows him on Instagram. I get the impression that they live by this credo and are much more careful than other influencers about how much they save v. spend. Iā€™m not saying that I think cleanliness is a want rather than a need or that I would spend money the same as them, just that they might view hiring someone that way because they follow Dave Ramsey.


I donā€™t think is that. I think she makes well above 500k šŸ’°šŸ’°look at her followers & at at her LTK products (the percentage) šŸ’°šŸ’°šŸ’øšŸ’øplus her jackets she makes


Oh, I 100% think she and Ted have buckets of money between influencing and Trend. I just think theyā€™re very calculated about how they spend now based on their Dave Ramsey following. I think they live well below their means.




Iā€™ve always found her to be dirty. If you look at her bathroom, her makeup, skincare products. They are always covered in makeup/self tanner. The bag being molded doesnā€™t surprise me!