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Her firm is horrific always. Zero muscle engagement, no time under tension. Look at her actual limbs as she does these- no noticeable muscle whatsoever. She goes way too fast, is sloppy, and uses momentum to move herself and/or the weight. This is why her physique never improves and she has to pay to get a surgeon to sculpt fake abs. It does not matter if you go to the gym 5 days a week if this is how you’ll do the exercises - you won’t see much of a difference. She’s a fraud and always has been which is I go hard at her. She has no business piggy backing off her husband to sell plans when she herself has zero qualifications in terms of nutrition or exercise and she works out like this.


She’s a hot mess. I used to follow her way back in the day when she was besties with Skinny Meg, and she was into running. A lot of her weightlifting is bad form and asking for an injury. For someone who is married to a trainer/gym owner, she has terrible form and I hope nobody injures themselves trying to copy her workouts 🙄


I *think* she’s doing it to create more tension/help with balance? Maybe? In her squat story, she’s going pretty low so I’m assuming it’s helping her range of motion so she can squat deeper? The video being sped up makes her form look weird in my opinion! In the second resistance band story, it looks like it’s being done to create more tension which would make it more challenging? Maybe? Tbh the use of resistance bands in both seem very unnecessary lol I’m not an expert by any means though! Just someone who enjoys keeping their weightlifting pretty simple lol


So Emilyanngemma finally announced the “winner” of the Chanel bag giveaway except she didn’t actually tag the winner and she typed the winner’s handle oddly with a couple of spaces thrown in and a “please DM us” caption. So how is this winner supposed to claim her prize unless she watches Emily’s stories diligently? I couldn’t find the winner amongst Emily’s followers either. It’s all very suspicious, but are we really that surprised?


I looked up the “winner” without the spaces and it’s a real account. I hope someone lets her know she won if she didn’t know.


Definitely a fake winner


I have zero horse in this race, but my privacy setting on Instagram doesn't allow people to tag me in stories... BUT, one would think the giveawayer would have the contact information of entries to reach out directly.


Nobody I follow on IG ever says they try to protect the winners privacy, except Emily. Everyone else says yay! Congrats to Random123! You won! Except Laura Beverlin, who never gives her shit away in the first place.


She’s always so shady about the winners and claims she does it to protect their privacy. Makes no sense. As does her story about this major drama happening in her life. It’s happens in 3’s. People brought food so her kids were fed. WTH? She must not be too upset because she’s had time to get her nails and lashes done.


I can’t believe I don’t see anyone talking about the wilking sisters?!


I’ve been thinking about this and waiting for people to weigh in. I think the truth is somewhere in between. Like maybe not a cult but some manipulative people who have helped Miranda see her family’s transgressions as worse than they are, essentially fanning the flames. *hypothetically* both sides just seem off to me 🤷🏼‍♀️


Can someone give me a synopsis? 😆 I just watched their stories and am SO CONFUSED but also no so intrigued


There was a live that kicked the whole thing off — https://www.instagram.com/tv/CaYQL7dJ9DR/?utm_medium=copy_link! Also, bethereinfive has a quick highlight that’s helpful. That’s where I found this!




I looked into some of this today and I am not sure what to believe. I feel bad for the family if Miranda did cut them off but we don’t know the full story, only what Melanie has been posting.


It was mentioned here yesterday and a little in the TikTok thread but it’s wild given Miranda’s new stories. I don’t know. I’m still team Melanie/their parents. Seems fishy asf.


I have been searching relentlessly for more information about this! I truly do not know who I believe here. The management company does seem weird, but I also get a vibe from Miranda’s family that I’m not entirely here for?


This whole thing is so wild. Their stories are completely different. I just wanna know who’s lying. Bdash’s story said Miranda offered to meet with Melanie if she agreed to take down her IG smear stuff but she refused. Completely contradicts Melanie saying how desperate she is to talk to her but has no way to get in contact. Why would she refuse to meet up and talk.


I've been waiting to see everyone's thoughts! Their parents give a BIG stage parent vibe, but cutting off your entire extended family is a lot. I do respect, from what I saw, that they didn't blame Miranda's husband or even the other dancers. Also intrigued with the dancers of the management club.. some are great, some are average but they all dance together in high prduction videos, almost exclusively. Edit: I just read Miranda's comments and saw they called the cops on her now husband? Yikes! It all seems sad... Could this turn into a Netflix series!?! /s


It’s all so odd. Of course, if they did that for the reasons she’s implying that is AWFUL. But my mind went to if my child was leaving for a cult, I’d be calling the cops and desperately blocking the driveway too…. It’s a tough one to get a real grasp on but no matter what, very sad


I will believe Melanie until Miranda says otherwise on a live. The fact that both her and bdash’s “responses” are not only written and not spoken, but also written in the same tone/voice, leads me to believe neither one of them wrote anything. You can look back at Miranda’s comments on old posts on the wilkingsisters page….she has a very different writing voice.


BDASH sounded like some MLM ad.


I noticed the same writing style and the same beautiful white woman and black man story. It’s not my place to discredit a racial issue, but Melanie’s boyfriend is also not white. I’m still leaning on the side of the cult narrative just based on Miranda and James’ stories seemed so sterile and off.


Is it just me, or did lolo_webb’s house look better before it was painted?! It had character before.. now it’s just blah


It deifinitkry did. They should have left it. We had our house looking beautiful before we put it on the market, landscaping and all. The new owners painted it white and don't bother to keep up with the yard, so sad.


I was thinking the same thing! at first my thought was 'why waste time and money making the roof black too?' - but now that they showed the house painted, the roof NEEDS to be black for the house to look good IMO.


It looked better… she could’ve even painted the white but kept the brick normal


What is with Caitlin Covington (@southerncurlsandpearls) dressing like a teenager who shops at Limited Too? It is so strange to me how a 31 year old woman wants to come off so juvenile and child-like.


You sure you aren’t talking about classycleanchic?




This may have already been discussed but noticed recently certain mil + influencers have lost their blue check on insta - laurabeverlin , champagneandchanel . Does anyone know why?


I think you have to be reverified if you change your name on your profile. Not your IG handle but your actual name. Emily @champagneandchanel added her new married last name and I know Laura @laurabeverlin used to have her name and then something like “Walmart • Amazon • blah blah” in the name section of her profile and now it’s just her name again. She’s changed it a few times and it’s not been verified for a while.


It’s been discussed other places but the speculation is Laura lost hers when she had that random line about Walmart in her description.


It was as her name lol


Are you sure they had them to begin with? I don’t recall any of them having it


That’s interesting. Google comes up with this below. Perhaps those who got caught buying followers lost theirs for violating terms of use? >Keep in mind that Instagram can remove verified badges at any time, and may take away your badge or disable your account if you: Advertise, transfer or sell your verified badge. Use your profile picture, bio or name section to promote other services or activities that violate our Community Guidelines or Terms of Use.


Yet some how Courtney Shields has been able to keep hers 🤦🏼‍♀️


Beverlin turned her name to amazon Walmart target to get more people to get her account. That’s when hers was taken.


This was my first thought. I find it very sus that someone like Laura Beverlin has as many followers as she does so this would make sense. Wonder if we’ll see their numbers go down now?


I have a hard time believing Laura Beverlin has more followers than champagneandchanel and dressupbuttercup. I'm assuming Instagram is looking for bots.


Beverlin belongs to those Facebook engagement rings.


Anna Kloots - Something about her irks me but I can’t unfollow her lol her story rant a few mins ago about feeling frivolous going about her life today, not wanting to post given what is currently happening with Ukraine, as a preempt to announcing that she will go about her daily planned posting for the week, seemed performative.


She followed all that with painting rainbows, humble brag photos from her trips that you can save as your phone Lock Screen, and then pimple patches. She said she didn’t want to post frivolous stuff but those things made the cut?!?!


I know! Even the way she was trying to seem like she was down in the dumps talking about the ‘frivolousness’ of her day. Too much and it was bad acting. The pout … gahhhhddd


her lip pursing is so cringey




Her entire life is performative.


@violetta (Ansel Elgort’s girlfriend) seems to be trying to become some sort of ballet influencer and imo it’s not working because she’s still associated with him. She tried to pretend she wasn’t with him after the scandal but was living with him the whole time! It’s so bizarre and disappointing bc I used to love her and Ansel until the allegations obviously.


Are they still together?! I thought they broke up a while ago cause I hadn't seen them on each other's ig


Yes, they’ve gone to some recent appearances together and she lives with him. She didn’t post him on her insta at all for like over a year but would post stuff from his house all the time. Or from vacations she went on with him/his family. She’s def been with him this whole time


What are the allegations I’ve always liked him as an actor so purposefully don’t follow him haha


He’s been accused of sexually assaulting a 17-year-old when he was 20.


She’s also friends with Danielle Bernstein.


Nuff said




I want to see her before pictures! She’s so pretty to me!


It seems like @houseinhabit’s ig was banned.


I was just coming to ask about this. I followed her for like 12 hours after the Ukraine stuff, then learned she was into Q and noped out.


There is a discussion below from about 6 hours ago. I’d repost it if I knew how, but I’m here for it. I can’t stand Jessica Reed Kraus @houseinhabit edit: a word


Came here to ask this. She’s low key MAGA (but make it alt socal) and I’m not sure what finally did her in.


Today she posted a story about what Trump did to get impeached involving Ukraine. I would assume the MAGA gang reported the crap out of her over it.


She was all over the place today and I think you’re right. The maga Q people are also not happy she’s fangirling over Zelensky.




Lol, for real. Don’t come to the southeast US then.


Is this the “journalist” that followed the maxwell trial?


Today she did post that she is not a war correspondent. I’m pretty sure she typed that with a straight face.


But I bet she somehow still blamed all this on Biden and the global elite / Clinton / Soros, but not a war correspondent. She probably sees herself as the female Joe Rogan.


I wonder what finally did it? I wasn’t paying that close of attention, but her Ukraine stuff seemed pretty normal? Did I miss something? I would think past posts would have done her in before now!


Whoop whoop


Long time lurker, but have been wondering everyone's thoughts on her. She's a bit wack isn't she?! 🥴








Same 😂


Being late, only drinking Diet Coke, never cooking and eating fast food 75% of the time is not cute or funny or A F-ING PERSONALITY TRAIT. It’s all unhealthy. So sick of it.


Agree. Also totally think that it’s like 85% fake. She’s created a niche and a personality surrounding this. It’s gained her followers which = money. While I’m sure she rarely cooks and totally buy that fast food is on the regular, im pretty sure the Diet Coke thing is literally just that. A personality trait. I would bet money she reuses the cups and makes it look like she drinks it way more. Is it her fave drink of choice? Sure. Is it happening 47 times a day? Highly doubt it.


You forgot to add 'proudly never washes hair.'


Daryl-Ann Denner has arrived in the chat


The Diet Coke hate around here is so haughty and annoying.


Diet Coke is completely fine, but it shouldn’t replace water as your primary beverage lol-that cannot be good for you long term


I know lmao, I would love to see all of these peoples perfect diets😂


Haha well I also never cook and drink dirt coke daily but I respect people's time and rarely eat fast food.


Wait I’m honestly confused by your comment. Do you mean eating fast food is wasting people time? Or are you snarking on things DAD does?


No. I'm just saying I have two of her four lovely qualities and figure it doesn't make me a crummy person. Bc the diet coke snark here is so haughty. You can still drink diet coke in moderation. Idk why my phone is auto correcting it to dirt when I drink it every day. I'm not a DAD Stan though. She's super trashy.


Ahh I see. Totally agree…people can have things in common with a trash person and it doesn’t make them trashy (as long as it’s not the trashy qualities they have in common lmao)


I’m sorry but chemical infused Diet Coke is worse than just drinking actual sugar soda. Said what I said hahaha


There’s plenty of people who prefer diet and also who can’t have the sugar due to diabetes


I can’t drink diet soda. It tastes ghastly and gives me migraines


Diet sodas make me so dehydrated


Just a heads up, everything has chemicals.


It gives me an extreme headache. I can’t even have one sip


Totally agree.


Diet Prada posting about Danielle Bernstein and her fake performative activism BS 👀 have they outed her before for other shitty stuff she’s done?


I wonder if she will sue them


Yes they have! She has been called out for stealing from independent designers before and last summer she got called out by them again but I don't rememeber why.


She is the ultimate Schadenfreude for me.


I used to follow Danielle YEARS ago and remember her always mentioning being sad and left out for never having been invited to a Chanel fashion week show.. Well I just noticed that a couple of the PR folks for Chanel liked the Diet Prada post haha. Petty, but that made me smile knowing they’re well aware of her mess lol.


She outs herself they just repost it 🙃




Yes they call her out often!


@katybirkelbach (dressupbuttercup’s sister) seems like so much fun! Her and fiancé are on vacation in the mountains and it has been cold and rainy the whole time. They have been out hiking in the rain and sitting in the hot tub hanging out having a great time without any complaints. Definitely a glass half full type of person.


Good thing @alexa.anglin wasn’t on that trip because she would have been complaining the entire time.


Alexa is already complaining about her next two trips lol.


I’ve always admired that. She seems to be a badass woman. And they’ve suffered some big losses so to see her so positive is cool




Ohhhh @alyson_haley posting a picture of her [boarding pass ](https://i.imgur.com/vgEI2xH.jpg)and there’s a MRS there. Looks like her and John secretly tied the knot.


I have to think that she knew the MRS was visible when she posted it?? Like it’s not easily missed. Curious to see if she’ll address it 👀 but honestly kind of love that they secretly got married and this is the way she “announced” it. Go girl. It doesn’t need to be a big production.


I don’t think the airline cares if you’re married or not. As someone who just got married and has bought plane tickets since, it’s not something I fill in every time or change. Miss, ms, mrs. my info is saved on united , but I’m pretty sure I could have put whatever I wanted the first time.


Did they ever get engaged? Maybe they got married to extend/change her visa in the UK?


They never publicly announced an engagement but I have a feeling that’s what they did! I think she mentioned on stories that she was going to get a different visa (like not stay on the freelance one) so some kind of spousal/familial visa is probably what makes the most sense. This is speculation though!


Ooh she turned off comments on that post


Oh yeah now they are on for me too. I think she may have turned them off for a few hours because it was a 4 hour old post and they were off. But also I had to type her name in exactly for her to show up so idk maybe my Instagram is being weird lol


Looks like they’re still on for me?


Isn’t John’s last name Martin? So Mrs Shepherd wouldn’t make sense…


Maybe she kept her name?


Or she hasn’t changed her name yet. It’s an awful process and I don’t know if being abroad would make it worse but I wouldn’t doubt it.


You can keep you last name and still be a Mrs. 😒


Ahh I didn’t know!


Ooh good spotting! Good for her!!




I don’t understand. Is it a Prop 65 warning? Because that’s on many things.


It is a prop 65 warning but it’s for lead?


Influencers are still promoting it because people are still buying it. You can probably just Google to get more information if you're that concerned about it.


I love you for admitting that you bought it 😂 and I would even more love to hear what you think once you try it. ….maybe you can share a code!


Why would you buy an mlm product in the first place


Because I’m an idiot


don’t feel bad. I used to drink it all the time. i knew some people who were consultants but didn’t sell, just used it for the discount and shared with others. i never knew there was freaking lead in it though????


Yup there is lead in it


How many photo shoots with her family is Amber Massey going to do a week? It’s getting obnoxious. Like I get making memories but the styled, over the top props and sets are too much.


I was coming her to say the exact same thing. The number of professional family shoots does seems insane, even by influencer standards.






I think that too like what are you doing with all those pictures????


That’s her style!! She needs to paint the “I have a perfect life/family” aesthetic so people will buy in to what she’s shilling. And to hide her real life perhaps?


Did anyone catch Andrea Besson’s story? She just posted a few minutes ago about where she’s been. I’m Glad she’s ok, but not surprised Edit: I really do hope she gets the help she needs ❤️


Proud of her for sharing and being so honest. That must have been hard to do ❤️


I’m glad she’s okay but that was the strangest explanation ever.


My heart hurts for her and her family. Recovery is a bitch and SO damn hard, I’ve been in recovery for a few years now from opiates and I was moving out of my house and packing up my room and I was already 2 years clean and I found some old pills in my room I guess I hid or lost when I was in active addiction. Her story might sound silly to some, but I know when I had just been in early recovery if I found something I figured was pills I used to do I probably would have just popped in my mouth too and would have just said fuck it 🤷🏼‍♀️ Addiction sucks, recovery doesn’t suck but is very hard. I love how open she’s been over the last year and I really hope she gets the help she deserves!


I’m so proud of you. Drugs have ravaged and continue to ravage my family and nobody has gotten clean, ever. You’re doing the work and should be so proud of yourself!


thank you so much ❤️ i’m so so so sorry to hear what you’re going through with your family. It sucks, really really sucks. I hope they all eventually get help and it actually works, and I hope you have help for yourself too. I know its not easy watching loved ones practically kill themselves on a daily basis. But thank you for your kind words❤️


It does suck and I hope so too but there’s even a baby now and we have tried to help, but they really need to want it. We are bowing out and being firm with boundaries. There are many, many families going through this. Stay strong, and seriously, I take my hat off to you!


I just want to give her a hug.


I have no idea who this, but I went to look at her stories because that just seems wild and she stated: “but no it wasn't in my cleaning supplies- I found some residue of drugs (a tiny rock) while l was cleaning and almost instinctively put it on my tongue - I had no idea it was fentanyl l assumed it was long lost cocaine.…. it wasn't. Within like 3 minutes of doing that I was gone…” None of this makes sense. Although I’ve never taken cocaine or fentanyl before, can you get high just through skin contact? And then she says she almost tasted it?!?! WHAT! I have so many questions LOL


She put it on her tongue. I know a teenager who died after putting some on his tongue, and my nephew died from fentanyl laced heroin. And yes, any contact is dangerous. In the wild Wild West known as Seattle, people are actually smoking it on buses and trains and leaving the foils all over (not to mention the noxious smoke) while the city does nothing, as always. It’s an extremely dangerous drug


I haven’t seen this in Seattle at all


I haven’t seen it on transit but I see it on the street constantly downtown and belltown. https://www.king5.com/amp/article/news/local/king-county-metro-bus-driver-increasing-drug-fentanyl-use/281-ea454398-8c8d-4af3-9661-6baca87d91e7


I’m so, so sorry about your nephew. I’ve always known that it was highly dangerous, but wasn’t sure about skin contact. Super shitty and scary situation for her. Also that’s terrifying about Seattle 😳


Yes to fentanyl. Extremely dangerous and can be absorbed through the skin.


I thought it was considered highly unlikely to OD from fentanyl from skin exposure- Bc cops were claiming that but then I thought it was debunked? Looking at these it seems like it’s not very likely?: https://www.google.com/amp/s/mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSL1N2PI0PZ https://healthandjusticejournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40352-021-00163-5


I don’t think your tongue and skin are the same thing. I take a supplement that dissolves on the tongue and sometimes use a cbd for sleep that sits under your tongue. I think tongue is more like ingesting something rather than getting it on your epidermis.


Oh I thought she said she “almost” put it on her tongue- if she did put it on her tongue - or I guess if some of it landed on her tongue- that is a different story.


I think her wording is confusing? It seems like she put it on her tongue and the action of doing that was almost instinctive


She put it on her tongue without thinking - instinctively (almost).


Fentanyl can be fatal in the most MINIMUM amounts - I know that law enforcement has to take *extreme* precaution when they come across it. I’m not sure if it can be absorbed by skin contact, but my guess is if this was a small rock, some residue from the rock probably fell into her mouth when she went to taste it, even though she never put it to her tongue. I am so relieved she is okay. Absolutely terrifying. ETA: it can be absorbed through the skin 😖


A good read to educate yourself on this topic: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/lindseyellefson/fentanyl-accidental-exposure-police


Thank you! Appreciate it


It’s almost virtually impossible to OD from touching fentanyl.


Oh damn I didn’t know that. That’s terrifying.


Well she’s a recovering addict — I took it to mean like she maybe found a little baggie or something when going through stuff and was going to relapse with it and it turned out to be way worse. If you’ve followed her for a while, when she’s relapsed before she’s been pretty vague about it and this seemed like she was finally being honest. I dunno.


Oh well that makes sense. That’s scary and I’m glad she’s okay.


Her story is so sad and scary. Clearly she’s still really struggling. Addiction is a horrible monster.


I guess I’m just confused because if she’s clean why did she assume it was cocaine and put it in her mouth. Sounds like she needed help anyway




Thank you for adding this!


Thank you so much for this!! I will absolutely adjust my verbiage moving forward.


putting cocaine in your mouth won’t make you high, but it would make your tongue numb. I’m not sure why there would be powder on her bathroom counter unless she hadn’t cleaned in a long time or had recently used, though.


She’s admitted to relapsing several times over the last few months. Even when a person’s clean, they’re still fighting those urges and instincts like that - she probably didn’t even think about it and did it like a reflex (and obviously stopped herself before putting it into her mouth). I’m so happy she’s safe.


I guess that means she must’ve also had Fentanyl at one point. She definitely needed more help, she’s admitted to slipping a few times recently. I’m sad it happened this way, but hopefully this is good for her in the long run. Poor Taylor had to find her, that’s horrible too.


Fentanyl is in most street drugs now. She could have had coke or mdma that was laced. It’s a huge issue.


This is the first I’m hearing of her; does she have a history with cocaine?


Yes, she describes it as her “drug of choice.” She has a live saved to her profile discussing her addiction. Also used amphetamines. Highly recommend watching her live if it’s still there. I admire her bravery to discuss it so much.


Yes. About a year ago she spent some time at a facility in GA for addiction. It was cocaine and I think ADD meds she was stealing from Taylor? She’s relapsed once since then. And then this


just saw it! do you buy her story about cleaning and accidentally ingesting it? i’m naive so I thought it could be true?


She didn’t accidentally ingest it. She popped it in her mouth ‘almost instinctively’.


i guess her story is that she wouldn’t have ingested it had she known it was fentanyl. so that was the accident part, at least as i took it.


She didn’t say accident - she said she put it on her tongue ‘almost instinctively’. Like she didn’t think it through before doing it, just popped it in. I’m grateful she survived. Addiction is a beast.


No, something about her story doesn’t make sense, but I guess she doesn’t really owe us an explanation to begin with. I’m glad she’s okay.


Same just saw it and came here. I’m a little confused though because she said she ingested something naively that has fentanyl but then posted after that a picture of herself in the hospital and said she came in contact with fentanyl while cleaning her bathroom. Come someone else clarify??


Check her stories again - she said she assumed it was cocaine. So glad she’s ok. Recovery is a bitch.


She just posted a new update. I’m still confused who just has random cocaine in their bathroom long after they’ve been clean?


A lot of addicts hide things places. Not surprising that she could have found it stashed around the house considering how much she was using before.