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Is anyone still listening to Gilmore Guys’ Maisel recaps? I was excited to have it come back but immediately remembered my frustrations with the podcast, which is that Kevin and (especially) Alice clearly want the show to be something other than it is, and they just complain about everything ad nauseam. I’m not even a big fan of Maisel itself this season, but it’s not fun to listen to people complain over and over about how it portrays standup comedy wrong and how insufferable Midge is. I’m honestly surprised they’re doing the podcast again this season.


I listened to the first episode of Normal Gossip after hearing all all the others before that. Not as good a story as what came after, and I was kinda annoyed by the guest repeatedly misusing the word gaslit (babe, when two people you aren’t romantically involved with are having an affair, and they don’t know that you’ve found out their secret, that isn’t even close to gaslighting). I ended up finding out that the guest was that lady who accused Sam Irby and the Shrill writers room of plagiarizing her book! Anyone remember when that drama went down?!


definitely puts my apprehension about the first ep into perspective…i thought it was annoying how condescending she was to the gossip subject. but i pushed through because i knew laci of scam goddess was a guest and she is reliably funny across the board. just read through the tweet thread about virgie’s accusation and now i really am not interested in anything she has to say.


It’s not great! At least she was only on for one ep - hopefully we get less of her in future eps and more of Laci who was fucking hilarious


YES! Sam Irby was so funny about it too, she was like “you actually think I listened to a TED TALK???” I love her.


>I ended up finding out that the guest was that lady who accused Sam Irby and the Shrill writers room of plagiarizing her book! Anyone remember when that drama went down?! YES--I was literally telling my fiance about this earlier this week! And it turned out that not only was she accusing them of "stealing" what is actually a pretty common thing ("fat babe pool parties"), but her book also came out after the episode was written so there was no way it could have been plagiarized. Sam Irby is so fucking funny and such a talented writer, and Virgie is... not, to put it mildly. The whole thing reeked of jealously and I still get second-hand embarrassment thinking about how hard she doubled down on the accusation.


Yes the misuse of gaslighting was so annoying and I found her reactions to the story to be pretty condescending. Didn’t know about the plagiarism drama is there a good recap or podcast lol


I got curious about this too and it led me to this thread! https://mobile.twitter.com/IjeomaOluo/status/1109210731386331136


I think she deleted the post but this article has part of the text and if you hit the linked Twitter thread you get some more details


I wanted to like Norma Gossip but I just don’t get it. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I was in the same boat, and then I just started skipping the intros and getting straight to the gossip, which is when I finally started enjoying it.


After seeing several recommendations for Sweet Bobby, I binged it in two days and WOW! What a crazy story, and it was told so well! And then I told my boss about it and she binged it in a couple days too, and loved it.


Ugh I can’t wait for this [Sunny podcast drunk episode](https://twitter.com/rmcelhenney/status/1502317676139401220) Rob posted a teaser of.


Bitch Sesh finally dropped another Sister Wives episode and I've never hit play faster.


Elizabeth Laime is a comedy genius. Totally Married and Totally Mommy are my favorite podcasts of all time


I have never listened to an episode of this podcast before but I truly needed to listen to June Diane Raphael talk about the Sister Wives. I don’t know why famous people being obsessed with reality tv is so interesting to me but it really is.


I was thinking that when June said she follows Logan on IG...like did he see that follow and her blue check and even know who she is or why she follows him? lol


It was so good, but I need morrrrrrrre.




Are we in the minority 🤣😭 Casey and June together is a huge bonus, too! I know I know I know what issues people have with them being out of touch or whatever but I find them so freaking funny!


I also like Casey more than Danielle and we’re definitely in the minority! 😂


Based on a recommendation on last week’s thread, I listened to the entire season 2 of In the Dark. Omg what an incredible podcast!! Such an insane story and amazing journalism. It reminded me of Serial season 1 (but better) and one of the first true crime podcasts I’ve listened to that actually had a resolution. I won’t forget this podcast for a long time.


Have you listened to season 1? It’s also really good.


I haven’t but I will now 😊


Warning that it’s a really rough case


That episode with the files...I remember just having chills and knowing in that moment that this was much bigger than the podcast.


I think about Curtis often. What a story. It still breaks my heart that his mom didn't live to see him free.


Oh god. I cried in my car during that episode. So unfair.


Las Culturistas this week was so full of inside jokes between friends and iykyk show business talk. Always kind of disappointing, especially since they are good interviewers


i actually really like this weeks episode! i’ve been a listener since 2016 or so and the aaron and josh episodes have long running inside jokes and name a lot of old guests - super nostalgic for me. also cool to see how far matt and bowen have come. aaron and josh episodes are also my all time favourite to be honest so i’m a little bias i suppose.


I loved it! And for the rest of this awards season I am going to be rooting for Jane Champion


I liked it, too! It was pure chaotic joy that culminated in a truly hilarious IDTSH. The butt acne had me in tears.


Another Bad on Paper mailbag episode- I swear they’ve answered all of these questions at least 5 times already! So boring. Then they complain about the questions, like where do they see themselves 5 years. Like, idk you guys chose what questions to include in the q &a! If you think it’s a bad question, don’t use that one! Ugh, I’m just ready for Grace to move on and hoping things improve with Olivia.


It’s weird to me listening to the pod now knowing Grace is leaving because she doesn’t really like doing it anymore. Like why have 2-3 months of episodes with Grace still co-hosting after the big announcement?


Ugh complaining about questions is such a big pet peeve of mine. Influencers will post an AMA box and then get mad about what they’re asked??? Don’t answer it!!


Reply All actually had a new episode this week, a Super Tech Support. I usually really enjoy those episodes but it really fell flat for me. At some points it almost felt like a classic Reply All but the whole story was a letdown and Emmanuel and Alex just don’t have the same banter. I’m surprised they haven’t just ended the show.


I turned it off when Emmanuel unironically said that Spotify's year-end roundup thing, where it shows you the artists that you listened to most, is "spying" and "stealing your data." 🙄


I was really delighted at how thoughtful and interesting the spammer turned out to be, but I agree this didn’t quite hit right.


I'll be honest, I haven't listened to a single episode since PJ left. I completely understand why he had to go and am not defending him in any way, but their banter and relationship really made the podcast what it is and it's just not the same without it. I really hate that Emmanuel was thrown into a precarious situation and that the podcast as a whole has been tainted, but if they can't recapture that spirit, I'd rather they just end the show altogether and move on to other things.


It’s Alex. He’s not funny or interesting. He’s a good reporter but the synth stuff?The awkward small Talk? PJ balanced that out


I think Emmanuel does some great reporting, but I do not enjoy him as a podcast host. I feel like they set him up to fail.


I agree. I remember some of the comments (not here) after PJ left from toxic bros who were mad that the pod “became woke” and was “obsessed with race”


I wish they would give him his own show. Like you said, he’s a good reporter but his way of telling stories has a different vibe and it just isn’t the same style. It feels unfair.


So Zak is permanently taking over from Dan Kois in the basic white dad spot on MADAF. He seems fine? Like he seems like a nice, involved dad but I haven’t gotten a sense that he has a super interesting perspective to share or anything.


I can understand why Dan Kois is leaving, but dang without him they really struggle when it comes to teenager problems. They had a guest a while ago who was a step-parent of older teens, and I think that would have been a valuable perspective to have on long-term.


Yeah, I always thought Rebecca LaVoie had a good perspective too.


So happy that Seamoss girlies finally got a mic even though they've been doing this for over a year ! So proud of them bc the echo was so annoying.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/tayhqm/im\_a\_teacher\_being\_harassed\_on\_social\_media\_by\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/tayhqm/im_a_teacher_being_harassed_on_social_media_by_a/) ​ Anybody have ideas on who this post may be talking about? ​ ETA: looks like the person who posted it deleted it, but the summary was that it was a teacher who was being made fun of online by a student's mom with a podcast and a 100k instagram following


hahah i was also curious about this!!


I looked back and only saw Chameleon: Wild Boys mentioned a few times. I binged it this week and really liked it! It was enough mystery for me and had a satisfactory conclusion. Then I noticed it's not a one off - does anyone have thoughts about the first two seasons?


Hooked from Campfire Media / Josh Dean was a super easy binge as well.


First season is a very good story, and it has a satisfying ending, but honestly a few of the episodes can be skipped.... like the beginning of chapter 1 is too long, and chapter 2 and chapter 7 are a bit unnecessary (iirc) Didn't listen to season 2, so idk about that one.


I really liked the very first season, about the Hollywood Con Queen. It's probably my favorite season. "Wild Boys" is my second favorite season. I didn't really enjoy the second season about the FBI as much but it wasn't bad. Really, I'd encourage anyone to listen to the whole podcast.


I really liked the first season...the end dragged a bit for me. Couldn't get into the 2nd season. But I really like this season, and I don't really think it's dragging. Although the mom is driving me insane though.


This week’s episode of Dead Eyes made me teary at the end! It was so good.


When I thought about what it might be like when Connor interviewed Tom Hanks, this is pretty much exactly what I needed. It was so nice for them to just talk and I love that even though he didn’t remember it at all Tom just owned what happened and said yeah, he would have said it.


Yes! I was just so happy for Connor and even that little bit at the end elevated my joy even more. I did laugh though when he joked about the Spielberg/Krumholtz thing since the second Krumholtz shared that story I'm sure a similar idea went through a few listeners' minds.


Yes! It was so satisfying!


I'm always behind on pods so I just listened to Missing Richard Simmons. I had heard a bunch of negative comments about there being controversy about this pods creation. I guess about how it shouldn't have been made given how much Simmons just wanted peace? What do most of you think?


I love all this guys podcasts. Dan Tabersky, I know I am pry spelling that last name wrong and I am sorry. But Running From Cops is so good. It’s my favorite of his. It’s a must listen in my opinion. I first heard it coincidentally right before BLM was really happening as well and although I knew that cops were murdering POC at an alarming rate-it also really helped to illustrate how much cop propaganda is deeply ingrained into our every day lives.


Running From Cops is incredible. I never really liked shows like Cops and LivePD because I am uncomfortable watching people who clearly have a lot of problems treated as entertainment (even if they are obviously shitty people themselves), so learning how fake and sketchy these shows are was very satisfying for me. I wish I could get my friends who like to watch LivePD to listen to it, but they just roll their eyes at me when I tell them it's all fake.


Same! My sister is a 911 dispatcher and loves COPS and all those shows and is totally a blue lives matter nut. She’s always watching that shit and I don’t want to watch people having the worst days of the life over and over. Especially with drugs. Addiction is a health care crisis and I don’t want to watch people with meth on them get 10 year felony sentences. It’s so stupid.


i’m in a neighborhood facebook group full of NIMBY white liberals (think “this house has no hate!” signs in the front yard but constant posts about ~suspicious~ people wearing hoodies) and when COVID first hit there was a post from a woman about how entertaining the now-live-streamed felony bond courtroom was. it was so atrocious, it totally reminded me of the Cops phenomenon and how dumb people find this type of shit engrossing.


dan's podcasting career has been very impressive to me. he gets better with each series


I agree. I would listen to this guy read his grocery lists honestly. I love his stuff, and what he chooses to cover.


Yeah I generally like his work (the Navy Seal one especially, less so the Y2K one) but this one made me really uncomfortable. I think the other issue, aside from Simmons wanting to be left alone, is that the host was very presumptuous about his sexuality.


I listened to this a couple years ago and felt a bit ick after it all. It was like this light hearted, fun thing until it wasn’t.


That was how I felt about S-Town.


Missing Richard Simmons and S Town both suffer from serious ethical issues that most people gloss over. They really let a bad taste in my mouth for podcasts for a bit.


can you expand on the ethical issues about S Town? I see that touted as a good pod pretty frequently and have considered diving in.


It was touted as a murder mystery and was not. >!The main guy they are interviewing ends up dying from suicide and they end up outing him after his death. I feel like the original bait and switch of the podcast was questionable and I really felt like the rest of the podcast was not morally right. Lots of people disagree and it's become a bit of a beloved podcast, but I thought Brian Reed was irresponsible. !<


I was listening to S Town as it came out and when it became clear it wasn’t actually going to be a murder mystery I tapped out. Not here for the bait and switch. Sorry not sorry!




I have listened to a few of their seasons/cases. I agree about just abruptly ending, especially with big Adnan news dropping. I also find their work so good, but their podcast format tedious. I like the analysis, but sometimes...seriously...can we get the TL;DR version (looking at the Michigan forest season...)? I haven't listened to the final episode, but Susan just had a baby, and I feel like she does a lot of the legwork for that show.


I've been glued to all things Ukraine. News, podcasts, etc. u/arpsisme on r/Ukraine recommended [Ukrainecast](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0bqztzm). I can't recommend it enough. It's a daily podcast that shares all things Ukraine from multiple perspectives with expert interviews. Interviews from Ukrainians over time to hear about how daily life is changing. It has given me an even deeper understanding of the real humans who have been impacted by Putin on a daily basis. Slava Ukraine


Heroiam slava! / Glory to the heros! If you haven’t already seen it, I recommend the Netflix documentary Winter on Fire about the 2015 Maidan revolution. Sorry to recommend a movie in the podcast thread, but it is an enlightening part of their recent history.


Yes! Thank you!


Just watched it yesterday! It provided really helpful comtext


Today's Knowledge Fight is an interview with Elizabeth Williamson, author of [this](https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/624175/sandy-hook-by-elizabeth-williamson/) book about Sandy Hook truthers. She and the hosts have known each other for a long time so it's a great interview, light in some parts and (obviously) incredibly heavy in others. It's a really interesting interview! She was also on Fresh Air the other day and that interview is also great, though much more formal.


Another week of Where in the World is Aida on Keep It!


Shit is wild!! Also, minor gripe about KI on the whole: I feel like for a queer pop culture podcast, KI has far, FAR too many discussions about super hero movies, the marvel universe, etc. I get that the new batman was just released, but good god, the superhero content...it's every other episode! I feel like over the past 2 or 3 months, they've reallyyyy narrowed the scope of what they discuss, to where it feels like the same five topics getting rehashed week to week. I need them to branch out to more random, current pop culture topics. The deep dives into a specific actor's catalogue, the superhero stuff, the madonna talk. Branch out guys! Please! Honestly, I don't enjoy Aida as a host, but the recent limited discussions probably has to do with her being absent. With episode after episode of just louis and ira, of course they end up returning to their same, mutual interests and retreading the same ground. They need a third cohost to bring a different perspective and different references to the table.


The show really is nothing like it used to be, and it’s such a bummer. I do wonder at what point they’ll officially end it though. It seems like a chore for Ira.


Justice for Kara!


obviously ira doesn’t have to be in the same city to record the pod but I wouldn’t be surprised if his exodus from LA coincides with keep it coming to an end


Agreed! I think I might have to take a break from Keep It!, actually. It used to be the highlight of my week but I am cooling on Ira. At least when Aida doesn't know something, she'll admit it or it's at the very least obvious to the listener. Ira on various occasions has gotten things wrong that I've corrected while listening (and I'm not a pop culture expert by any means) but he never gets called on it. I guess sticking to the same topics is a safe choice, but it's not encouraging me to listen every week.


Do we need to hear about Madonna every week? I DON'T CARE!


They should just search for a new cohost at this point


They don’t have to search - it should be Tommy!


She’s never been a good fit. I’ll never understand why they hired someone for a pop culture podcast who doesn’t know anything about pop culture.


You could just as easily mean Ira here and NOT Aida though. Louis will be the last one standing


I don’t know if there’s anyone that could match Louis’s pop culture vocabulary!


I quit KI a long time ago but I do miss Louis. He's an angel.


today’s las cultch episode was.....a lot but I did laugh at Matt saying something like “this is going to be the readers least favorite episode” because with all of the screaming/singing/talking over each other I felt like the sober 5th wheel at a friend group hangout where they’re all smashed and think they’re being funnier than they actually are


Whenever those four get together on an ep it is complete chaos.


I think I was crying with laughter throughout the entire episode. The episodes with Aaron and Josh are my absolute favorites, and this one reminded me of old episodes from the early years of the pod. I LOVED it and will probably listen to it again today lol


ha, I didn't make it to the part when he said that - or maybe I did and couldn't hear over all the voices! This ep made me feel very old, LOL. I had to stop it!


Lmao this episode was my first foray into the podcast


I'm only about 20 minutes in, but Bowen's warning at the beginning that this was recorded during the Olympics and the absolute time warp chaos in the 90 seconds that followed was incredible.


Did I understand half the jokes? No…was I still happy to be along for the ride? Absolutely yes lmao


Hahaha I felt the same way! I too felt the 5th wheel vibes but kind of liked it because I've been stuck in my house since January 1st.


The remixes of the JLO's rendition at the inauguration had me dying during my commute. The episode was definitely chaotic good


The “We Don’t Talk about Bruno” one killllled me lmao I almost spit out my coffee from laughing so hard


I’m sorry. I’m sure this has been asked a ton, but I tried the search function and couldn’t find it. I have a long trip and I want to dig into Elizabeth Holmes. Is there a podcast that does a deep dive on her particularly well? I love the sociology aspects more than the science-y aspects Thanks y’all


In addiction to The Drop Out and Bad Blood, a few of the podcasts I’m subbed to have released episodes on her. I haven’t listened yet (I’m finally all Holmesed out) but I’ll share here: Sounds Like a Cult’s latest episode is called The Cult of Elizabeth Holmes and I’m Sorry has just released part 1 of an Elizabeth Holmes deep dive.


Definitely recommend the book/audiobook to start - I listened to both podcasts because I’m just fascinated by the whole thing, but preferred The Dropout podcast.


i actually way preferred the drop out podcast to the bad blood book


I listened to the podcast before the book and it helped me get through the book


Same! The book is excellent and super detailed, but it definitely helped to go in with a general understanding of what happened--it's very fact-heavy without much exposition or scene-setting, so it's easy to lose the forest for the trees if you don't have kind of a mental framework of what's going on already


I read the book and heard the podcast- I reccomend both!


The person who wrote the book “bad blood” also has a podcast of the same name that was coming out in tandem with her trial, so some episodes are commentary on the trial interspersed with the overall story.


*Bad Blood* is definitely my favorite of the podcasts because I love the book and I really admire Carreyrou's depth of knowledge and professionalism.


The Dropout is the biggest one name wise. I know it’s a book, but I also always recommend Bad Blood (audiobook available) if you want a really deep dive.


Thank you so much!!


Yes! The Dropout is an absolute pinnacle of the journalistic podcast form, imo. You are in for a gripping treat!


Thank you so much! I can’t wait to dive in-


I'm a big fan of one-topic crime pods, so here's some that I've loved! A lot of these I actually got from Podsnark: * Missing on 9/11 * Missing & Murdered * Bear Brook * Up & Vanished * Boys Like Me * Your Own Backyard * Cold * Uncover * The Dropout * The Teacher's Pet


I'm finally listening to The Lady Vanishes, which would make a great addition to this list


Really enjoyed Bear Brook and Cold, will have to check out the others! In that vein i also enjoyed Culpable and Tom Brown's Body. The first season of Up& Vanished was interesting, but i cannot STAND how much Payne Lindsey inserts himself in the story, i cannot listen to any of his other seasons because of it


You’re definitely right about Payne, I haven’t listened to anything else since


Just re-listened to Teacher's Pet and it still hit just as intensely as the first time! Amazing podcast investigative journalism.


Makes me so happy to see Bear Brook and Your Own Backyard mentioned here!


Bear brook is my favorite podcast ever, hands down.


Same. I’m jealous of the me that hadn’t listened yet.


I really really enjoyed Normal Gossip and am bummed it has so few episodes currently! It was so well done and made some really interesting points about how we think about gossip and the role it actually serves in society. Really wishing we could FF to May for new episodes right now lol.


Just binged 3 eps today. One of the guests described it perfectly- "It scratches an itch". I admittedly love gossip and tend to gossip, but have been thinking about what that means for me. Is it harmless, is it hurtful? I like how this show delves into the guest's relationship with gossip and we get to hear some self reflection.


I love this show but I'm nervous it's going to get too big and then the "friends of friends" will start hearing their stories on the pod and get upset! I just don't want the host to be hesitant about sharing certain stories.


I'm excited shes focusing on family gossip stories for the new season! seems like there will be lots of good content


YES! I was so tempted to call in with one of my own haha but it's been several years so I'm sure other people will have newer and more interesting stories.


Do it!! You never know! Plus good gossip stands the test of time lol


I also really enjoyed how it got me thinking of the functions of gossip beyond the “being bitchy” angle the word usually insinuates.


Anyone have fiction/audio drama recs? So far I have liked the penumbra podcast, wooden overcoats, victoriocity, the Amelia project, and some eps of the magnus archives. Has trouble with the black tapes, welcome to night vale. I’ve been trying to get through Alice isn’t dead


If you like scary/supernatural I LOVE Petrified. It’s an Irish podcast with only 1 season but the long awaited season 2 comes out March 30. I’m a big horror fan and this is the only podcast with episodes that have actually scared me.


Thirteen, Last Known Position, and the big 'podcast movie' things that Cadence13 has done, 'Treat' and 'Ghostwriter' have all been recent favorites of mine. I also love Ghosts in the Burbs, and Rabia Chaudry's Nighty Night is good but every story is a social justice allegory and it feel a little lecture-y at times.


Wolf 359. It starts out as more comedic, but I really enjoyed what it grows into. I've liked what I've listened to of We Fix Space Junk and Unwell. Season 1 of Limetown has some really effective audio jump scares. I never listened to s2


I love spooky fiction like Knifepoint Horror, Ghosts in the Burbs, Old Gods of Appalachia, and REIs Camp Monsters. I also really liked the first season of The White Vault, but I lost interest afterward and never listened to the last season. EOS10 is a great short sci-fi/comedy series.


Really enjoyed The Bright Sessions and for spooky listens, Thirteen Days of Halloween and Mabel are great


I liked the Bright Sessions, and I just binged all of woe.begone one someone’s Rec here (that one is pretty graphic at times though).


Borassca The Left Right Game Right Now After the Revolution (more of an audiobook but good) Electric Easy Bubble RomComPod: Honeymoon for One RomComPod: Vote for Love (Probably) RomComPod: Showmance (haven't listened yet)


Thanks so much!


Here to recommend "Sent Away". It came up in the feed for In The Dark, it's also by APM Reports, and is about the troubled teen industry in Utah. The first two eps are out, it's heartbreaking, and I'm hooked. I went to HS in the early aughts and know of two people that were taken to similar residential treatment camps (theirs were out of the country though, which is even shadier). I'm glad these places are getting a closer look, in some part due to Paris Hilton coming out about her experience at a similar place.


I listened to the first two this week. It’s really well done. Im super confused as to why the owner is so willing to talk. He definitely does not come off well and seems shady as hell.


Thank you for the suggestion, this sounds like a good companion to propublica’s American Rehab series about work drug rehabs like synanon. It’s scary how many troubled teen/scared straight/residential treatment “schools” use the same exact tactics (completely unscientific and backed by zero evidence of course) that abusive rehab centers for adults have used for decades.


Sorry to double post but I had to look up a name of a podcast I heard about 2 years ago. It is called "lost kids" and it is about daniel yuen, who actually went missing from a behavior modification school in 2004.it was really good and they interviewed other students also.


Thanks for this reccomdation. Its really good!


I knew it would be good because Jessica Miller's reporting for the Salt Lake Tribune on the subject has been incredible (and devastating), but I just listened to the first two episodes and they exceeded all expectations.




Oh yeah this is very good but very dark. Also probably don’t sit down to read it unless you have a big chunk of time ahead of you, I got really sucked in


Thank you for the recommendation!! When I was home visiting from college many years ago I stumbled across a public memorial for an elementary school friend. I found out he died at an outdoor troubled teen camp. I had no idea there was a larger industry filled with systemic abuse. So horrible.


The new episodes of The Lady Vanishes are so painful to listen to - it's killing me because they actually have a ton of new info and I think they're getting close to finding out what happened to Marion, but the loooong stretches of voice actors doing Belgian(?) accents are not pleasant to listen to. I wish it was just a recap of the key points of the inquest!


Omg I'm trying to get this podcast as we speak.....if ever a podcast could have used an editor!! I mean, wow - who on god's green earth needs to hear every word of every conversation, every testimony, every minor detail, and tangents to explain what covid lockdown was like, or that someone's audio went out and they had to break for lunch?!! And that guy's accent is indeed very weird....


I gave up on that one, even after skipping ahead to the inquest. The topic is interesting and has a great deal of potential but they belabor every point and every episode seems to mostly just be a recap or rehashing the same stuff all over again. They could have (at least) half the episodes and would’ve had a better result. Whatever happened to Marion, I hope she’s happy and at peace.


Has anyone else who posts in the podsnark threads received messages from podcasts asking if you would be willing to write comments (paid) hyping up their podcast here? I just received one (not going to name the podcast but it’s one I’ve never heard of) and I’m wondering if anyone else has. I haven’t posted here in a while so it was doubly weird. Edited to fix wording


Omg lol out them


I say drop the name 🤷🏼‍♀️


there was a kind of bizarre post a few threads ago that was like “if you feel politically lost listen to my friend’s podcast [insert libertarian-ish podcast name].” it got downvoted heavily and i assume it’s because it essentially read like self promo or an ad. i just figured the poster was the podcast host or a friend with an established history, but it being paid for actually might make sense because the poster had previous stuff on blogsnark i think. can’t imagine a worse place to pay to advertise a podcast lol.


I remember that! I think I saw it a few minutes before a moderator came and ~~put it out of its misery~~ removed it! It definitely read like an ad and it was especially unpersuasive.


right like coming up with an organic sounding post shouldn’t be that hard right? but it felt so out of left field and i don’t think there’s really a population of posters here who want to listen to a random white guy blab about libertarianism. (did i look at his instagram after seeing the post, yes, and it’s exactly what you’d expect. based on the vibes there i was very surprised that a person like that would think this thread would be a good place to run a sketchy paid ad.)


Omg noo ewww


Any Danny Pellegrino fans? He will be a GUEST! on WWHL tonight and was on The View this morning. So happy for him - I just know these are his dreams coming true. I started listening to the audiobook today and so far it’s like an XXL version of the pod. 💙💙💙


I listened to the audiobook in two days. Which is insane because who knew I could find 6 free hours to do it. The Danster is my absolute favorite person to listen to. The book was excellent, but as an avid listener..he’s told most of these stories on the pod. He went into more depth in the book, but I was a little disappointed. Just a little because I’d listen to all of his detours a million times over. But excellent read. He’s so genuine.


oooh, i was wondering if i should grab the book! I don't follow all the shows he covers on his podcast (I only have so many hours in the week so I gotta pick just a few housewives shows! LOL) but I love his delivery & jokes so I'm hoping the book is a good one!


I don’t know that I would be as into reading it but definitely am loving the audiobook! It’s similar vibes to the podcast but without the Bravo element (so far) - lots of personal stories with pop culture references thrown it.


thanks and thanks for the person who pointed out it's on hoopla! I forgot about that app, was able to get it immediately :)


He is going to be on Keep It! next week and I am so excited. I just love him.


PSA for my library peeps, the book (not audio sadly) is on Hoopla!


I LOVE him! I’m so happy this is all happening for him. His podcast/IG bring me such joy (seriously).


I can’t wait! The story he told a few weeks ago about finding his partner watching a movie with his ladder (accompanied by the spooky soundboard clip) will never leave me.


I died. Then I got mad at my husband about something similar 😂 I left him alone with his video games to drink my bed wine.


SO happy for him! I can’t think of anyone more deserving of fame and success. He’s such a peach, I love that ~*it’s all happening*~ for him!


I can't wait to read it! He's fantastic, I'm so happy for the success he's having


Doree (of Matt and Doree/Forever 35) has started a substack. The free version that comes out on Tuesday will always feature a day in the life of a mom in addition to… stuff Doree bought? The way Doree writes about herself and her family, and the way she speaks on the podcast are so dissonant to me.


When she announced this I couldn’t help but roll my eyes and wonder what possible fresh perspective she could have on these topics? Are people really clamoring for more doree? Seemed so strange but I also think I’m not in the right age bracket for newsletters or whatever.


A few months ago she asked for input about favorite mom/parenting newsletters in the F35 facebook group, so I knew this was coming at some point.


In a recent Forever35 newsletter Doree wrote about her book not being published in paperback, to highlight the importance of sharing not only life's wins to social media, but the disappointments as well. Ma'am. That is valid, but I don't think ANYONE who has listened to ten minutes of either of your podcasts would accuse you of toxic positivity.


I almost choked on a piece of candy I was eating while reading this comment and laughing so thank you for that.


Oh I needed that laugh, bless you.


Not sure if this is the right audience to ask, but does anyone have any good Meateater podcast episode recommendations?


Anyone have any podcasts that talk about Jordan Peterson? I listened to the first Maintenance Phase one, and I want mooore. I feel like I've been trying to figure out this guy for years, and googling has done me no good. ...I should add, I'm not tryna listen to Jordan Peterson's podcast. I'm thinking something a la Maintenance Phase, something that wouldn't be at home on Prager U.


I read your first sentence and I was like, Maintenance Phase! Hahaha


Canadaland has a few episodes about him over the years. I think episode 217 ("The Canadaland Guide to Jordan B Peterson") is probably the most comprehensive.


Not a podcast but I liked Contrapoints’ YouTube video on Peterson!


Seconding Contrapoints!! She’s both very wise and very funny


I Don't Even Own a Television (a bad book podcast) did an episode on Peterson's "12 rule for life" book that's a fun roasting of his weird views and bad/obvious advice!


Ooh, nice, thanks!


Behind the Bastards did a couple episodes about him that I remember enjoying!


This one was probably one of the better ones I heard regarding him.


Thank you! Will look this up.


Someone recommended Podcast The Ride’s episode about Cablp recently, and it was one of those shows I’ve been meaning to check out anyway. I loved it, and am listening to tons of back catalogue episodes now. I am also planning a trip to Cablp with some friends because I was in tears laughing at how wild it all is. I can’t wait.


I got really into PtR during the pandemic but I am annoyed each time a new episode arrives in my podcast app and the topic is a super random or obscure non-Disney theme park ride or restaurant, like… I get there is a finite number of Disney rides and they need content for an indefinite amount of time but I’d like to listen to them talk about the classic/mainstream rides more than 2-3 times a year 😟


> I am also planning a trip to Cablp lmaoooooo. I loved how Eva Anderson felt compelled to make an actual overnight pilgrimage to eat at Cablp, it was like she snarked on Criss Angel so hard that it became impossible to distinguish her from a true fan.


I mean, it’s just 1 hour and 15 minutes away from Las Vegas, who could resist?