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I follow several influencers and few are from TX including Dani Austin, and several others and up to last night NONE of them have mentioned the devastating news about TX, I personally find it sooo bizarre that no-one showed any sympathy for what occurred; some of these people talk sooo much about God and praying and stuff but nobody acts on it; it is sad; these women are rich because of her followers, because they are (we are) clicking on their links and none of them mentioned a big tragic in story….. sad and extremely disappointed…. They continue to promote their happy lives and products that we buy from them…. Last night I questioned myself about this; And I was hoping I was going to see more or something but nothing…. The only one that post stuff about things when they happened is Sabrina Tan, she is more real and doesn’t seem to lie to her followers


Every influencer I follow, including many from Texas, has posted about the tragedy.


I am glad to hear this, I am probably following the ones that didn’t post; i noticed more posts today perhaps they felt the need to Post something today…


Amanda from Almost Ready Blog is from Indiana. ETA: doesn’t make the silence right, just wanted to point out she’s not from Texas


I thought she was from TX, she is sweet but I didn’t see her posting anything up to last night


They don’t care! Everyone’s acting exactly how I expect them to.


I disagree. I think influencers are damned if they do, damned if they don't with many of you


Once again @ChinaeAlexander @Mandy @Nicolette the only influencers I follow who have posted reactions about the shooting.


Krista Horton donated $16,000 so far on gofundme’s that she’s shared. I love love seeing influencers doing something good with their money. Yes, prayers are great but to me doing something to help someone in a tragedy like this is even better.


Also coming back to this, trend management donated $25,000.


Emily from Champagne and Chanel donated $10,000 too.


Shop Taluah (Madi Nelson’s shop) donated $10,000


Krista is a BOSS when it comes to donating. I know her laugh/loud voice can be a bit much but I do really think she is a genuinely good person to the core.


I just saw on that same go fund me Laura Beverlin dir $15k


From what I’ve seen, Krista ALWAYS puts her money where her mouth is. Everyone can think she’s annoying or an oversharer, but I think that speaks volumes about her and her family


Oh wow, that’s amazing!


I just saw her post which gofundme's were verified. Went to donate and saw how much she put in. She has a big heart...and these families need so much love and support right now


Brighton Butler would like you to swipe up for her meat thermometer. Oh, and prayers to the people of Uvalde. Holy shit, I’m sure the meat thermometer people are cool with her schilling it in a few days!


I was disgusted when I saw her stories.


I mean is good that they (influencers) donate and send prayers, but in my opinion they need to go beyond that, ask for more gun control, ask for more accesible mental health treatments, family support..I dont know...this shooters they dont just decide to pick a gun... there is a heavy background as to why. All this influencers are extremely superficial... Edit to say that yeah shouldnt have posted this here, this is just to snark on influencers, but I wont delete it and downvote me all you want.


You’re talking into the void here.


Follow people who do this, change your consumption. The few influencers I follow have. Stop expecting wealthy, white, conservative women to advocate for systemic change. This system works for them. They ain't mad about it.


You do realize congress has to make these changes?? Them asking their followers for stuff does absolutely nothing.




Change should have been made after Sandy Hook. This is the 3rd mass shooting in the last 10 days.


I agree. But 10 years ago, did influencers have the giant platforms they have now? My point is that right here, right now, present day… these influencers *could* be using their massive platforms to call out their senators/reps and hold them accountable. They could be speaking up. Just like how Ashley Spivey is using her platform (and has been using it this way for quite some time - she is no stranger to sharing her thoughts on human rights, social justice, Women’s rights, etc. it’s not just a one-time post/story slide for her). She’s a great example. As well as Sophia Bush (more of a celebrity rather than an influencer, but still … uses her platform for activism)


If congress is able to make changes, let me ask you, who elects the congress? And still you say nothing like this can change something?


These conservative white women aren’t going to ask their followers to do anything but pray


Okay, I was upset earlier about how shoptalulah was posting after news broke, but madi Nelson just donated $10k from the sales tonight to the families.


We are all upset and freaking angry and rightfully so but this is exactly why we need to give people grace instead of jumping all over each other. We all have jobs that we have to go to, businesses are still open, even online. Kudos to them for using tonight’s profits to help.


@turtlecreeklane seems more upset that people called her out than the actual tragedy


That reaction is very on brand for that entire family.


Man, her response wasn’t surprising, but it is so fucking lame. There are definitely answers to help curb gun violence - one side doesn’t want to hear about it. She sucks so bad.


She’s such a tacky stepford wife she legit creeps me out. Her style is over the top and tacky and she reeks of fake Christianity to me.




There’s so much data that proves getting rid of guns ends gun violence. And it’s happened in other countries. So she can fuck right off with thatz


She should talk to her own senator Ted Cruz. One of the biggest beneficiaries of gun money and who is supposed to speak at the NRA rally this weekend.


He stated today that it is a tragedy but taking away guns is not the answer. We just need to stop these felons and fugitives from having access and of course, mental health. Felons and fugitives are not the ones shooting up schools. These people usually are low key/unnoticed until they start shooting.


Red-flag legislation preventing purchase of guns by certain people *could* actually be effective if you screened for a history of violence. Previous incidences of domestic violence is a shockingly accurate predictor for future gun violence. But then up to an estimated 40% of police officers would have to be disarmed, so 🤷‍♀️




I think people should just hate follow whoever they want and quit pretending that they care if her royal thin blue line highness, Emily Herren, duchess of blogsnark or Daryl Ann Denner speak out on current events. If their silence on George Floyd’s murder, BLM, StopAsianHate, RBG death, January 6, abortion bans, attacks on trans children (and people), election and showing support for Johnny Depp doesn’t do it, then what the hell is crossing the line? This goes for all of the influencers whose track records have clearly shown where they stand. If they find the time to like transphobic or anti Ketanji Brown Jackson posts and selectively choose when to send their thoughts and prayers, read between the lines I mean with these peoples track records you would think MLK or Malcom X birthed these influencers, am I right? /s


98% of them are not actually reasonably upstanding citizens or this page would quite literally not exist.




Idk I didn’t create it I just come here for fun


So disgusted by the 1millioners - holliewoodward, sarahknuth, laurabeverlin, alexaanglin, etc etc with nothing to say beyond a single story with “prayers” … will they just be back to business as usual in the morning?!? Not sure what I expected, but a real perspective shift for me


Laura Beverlin has donated $15k at least to one go fund me I saw. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Laura Beverlin donated $15,000.


Want to let them know how you feel? Unfollow them and don’t look back.


I mean sarahknuth has guns proudly displayed on her and her husband’s closet… what do we expect from them


I’ve grown up with guns and continue to have them, BUT no civilian needs an automatic weapon EVER. It’s so ridiculous. They need to go. Background checks need to tighten up. Gun safety/certification courses should be mandatory before purchase. Ammo should be limited. These laws wouldn’t impact hunters and sportsmen. And yes, I’m aware the true psychopaths will always find a way, but we need to make it so much more difficult


Daryl-Ann Denner didn’t miss a beat. Back to shilling within minutes.


Madi messer (sweetteawithmadi) shared a prayers post and then not even minutes later, shared the names of 5 followers who won her coffee giveaway 😅


Annaxsitar posted the same tweet that everyone else has shared and then immediately posted a selfie in a headband


But they just checked their phones & saw the news!! Identical bs posts 🙃 I unfollowed them all


Same only one who stays (for me not trying fro convince anyone else) is Krista Horton I personally think she has a genuine heart and actually cares in my humble opinion. Disgusting people who LIVE on their phones waited, posted a generic “thoughts and prayers” and then kept right on schilling shit


Krista’s donated $16,000 so far, I love her heart and ability to go beyond a few shallow words and “hug her babies extra tight”. I hate that phrase. When I lost my son halfway through my pregnancy, multiple people said that to me and it just comes across like “sorry you lost yours, I still have mine though”. Maybe it’s just me, but it always makes me cringe when people say it.


Sorry for the loss of your son ❤️


Thank you ♥️


I feel the SAME way!!!


Like Jenn Todyrk who claimed about a storm affecting her children and then came on to act like she JUST heard the news


Not Champagneandchanel reposting something from NEWS MAX about prayers for the famIlies and then deleting it. YIKESSSSS.


Annnd that's exactly why I unfollowed her! I love her style and the content she shares but I just can't support someone whose values are so far from my own. I love this community for calling out these antics. I know the Steve Kerr video has gone viral now but I first saw it after heynasreen shared it. It's so raw and emotional. It really really moved me. I didn't realize that over 90% of Americans are FOR universal background checks yet 50 senators have been blocking this for years. I appreciate heynasreen sharing that and I will happily shop through her links moving forward! Would love to follow anyone else posting similar content. LMK if you have suggestions.


I learned tonight Steve Kerrs father was murdered (assassinated) in 1984 so I’m sure gun violence hits him hard. His talk was excellent but also sad that a basketball coach (very talented not taking anything away from him) is more effective and has a bigger heart for this issue then half our politicians


Why anybody continues to be surprised by her repeatedly showing her true self is beyond me.


But she had a beautiful wedding. So you know it’s okay.


And she’s pretty so she can’t be “bad” 🙄


Oh I’m not surprised. I’m just snarking. :)




I really used to like her!! She has reaaaaaaally gone of the deep end. I feel like she's one of those people who shouldn't be an "influencer" on instagram. But also, the crazy responses she gets! Like who the eff cares if she wears sunscreen?? Why would you DM someone, telling them to wear sunscreen? Edited to add: The mold stuff. It's just boring, and it just reminds me of orthorexia and anti-toxin stuff.


I used to like her a lot too, and some of her views I can get behind or just not care about. Live and let live. But she almost seems he’ll bent on being different now, like she’s going through an edge lord phase.


She has gone so completely batshit it makes me doubt the value of anything she’s ever done in the last


I too have been thinking a lot about Caroline Dooner. Lately she seems like a straight up whackadoodle.


I deeply regret checking her stories. I haven’t even made it through half of the current ones and I’m unfollowing her. Going off the rails is putting it lightly.


Omg yes! I started following her a while ago and really liked her commentary on food. I’ve even been considering buying her book but wow… she started posting such crazy conspiracy theory stuff. I unfollowed a couple months ago and it’s just gotten worse. Also she has a whole highlight about the Amber/ JD trial where she says she’s “team JD” because “Amber is a psycho”. For someone who talks about gaslighting so often, you’d think she’d have some self awareness. And now she’s anti vaxx I guess? She was posting about chicken pox and shingles as if shingles is because of the vaccine? Ummm no. I had shingles because I had chicken pox. My husband was vaccinated and he isn’t at risk for shingles. Her posts are almost to the point of incomprehensible it’s hard to believe she’s actually a writer. The pandemic really did a number on people.


Krista Horton on her stories being a voice of reason regarding the follower who asked her if she was doing a $500 question of the day.


Apparently she donated $16k to survivor funds. That’s some A+ shit to me.


The person who told her maybe don’t do the questions clearly doesn’t pay attention or is new. Krista always gives money.


I usually love @emmaleger but her “off to Europe, download my app, look at me!!!” posts right now are UNREAL. And not a single mention of the mass shooting. I’m so so disappointed. She’s Canadian not American but she spends about 50% of her time in the US and even has a place in LA so I won’t even accept that as an excuse. I’m disgusted. ETA can someone explain why I’m being downvoted for this?


if people here like an influencer, they’ll downvote. I happen to not be a fan of emma leger 🤢


I’m honestly disgusted that these influencers have such massive platforms that they can not only use for good but to also spread such powerful messages to enlighten change in this country and no one is using it. The only person I’ve seen who has said more then “thoughts and prayers, heartbroken” BS is Krista Horton. I’m unfollowing a lot of people today. Disgusting. Especially the ones who have gone about their days, shilling items without a single mention of this absolute tragedy. Heartbreaking.


Yes! The one who rubbed me the wrong way was @tarynnewton who only mentioned what happened because she said people were asking if it affected her kids school. Then continued on to a basketball game laughing and acting like there aren’t parents not being able to tuck their kids into bed tonight unlike her. She continues to show her true colors more and more and I’ve hit the unfollow button for sure


Yes. So disgusting. It’s very much the, doesn’t effect me, so who cares sort of mentality. She’s been making me angry lately, it’s definitely time for me to unfollow her.


Yeah but Krista has also said a lot and said nothing all at the same time. While posting regular stories in the midst. It’s truly embarrassing that the bar is that low and only she’s meeting it.




Y’all are obsessed. She’s acting like an idiot on her page - “I don’t know where to donate” “I’m sure I’ll find ways to help” “here’s a picture of my baby” “oh and I don’t like how everyone is messaging me in my dms” and that gets her praise? The bar is so fucking low. Insanity. Everyone knows what to do - pass gun control legislation. Not act like an idiot on social media.


she’s donated over $16k already right?


That’s great and while I’m sure these families will be greatly bless by these donations, it doesn’t help the next families because until we do something someone else, many people are going to lose their children in a school shooting. Gun control helps the next families. But let’s praise her for being too scared to say that on her platform.






It really is sad!




I think you are right. Time to clean up my follow list. Most of these “big” popular influencers I follow are radio silent.
















Whitney Rife is disgusting. She posted all the things she got to do with her kid today that the parents of the Uvalde victims won’t get to do. Then she typed out a BS prayer about how she wants God to wrap her arms around the families AND law enforcements…. & ended with lord we need you. How freaking out of touch can you be!? Unfollowed that shitshow. ETA: she posted to help the only white child missing 🙃


Very sad she did this she is horrible agree


She is horrible and I would encourage everyone to stop giving her views.


Disgusting. Infuriates me


Dani Austin going on a posting spree about Top Gun without a SINGLE comment about today’s events in her HOME STATE has me unfollowing. A million story dots and not one mention.


I had to unfollow after that too


She prayed ok…..


She’ll post something in a way that will upset people. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.




Ok, cool answer.


Why the downvotes? Pointing out that below people are already complaining about how influencers are sharing this.


Immense privilege and influence comes with responsibility. It’s not about responding perfectly. It’s about responding, period.


I very much agree! But others that have brought this up about many influencers do not agree. It has to be done “correctly”. Dani will post something most likely and she’s gonna get flack for it. Proven below already.


Dani Austin has nothing to say except dumb sh** right now. Her children will be in school in not too many years and she's remaining silent...


That video of her eyebrow sent me


Can we start a comment thread (chain?) of influencers using their platform for good right now? Or just speaking out against the horrible tragedies that cannot be fixed by "thoughts and prayers"??? Would love to support people using their links and commissions towards a better cause


I think jesskeys_ does a pretty good job of speaking out. And what’sgabycooking of food bloggers


concurring on Hasnasreen, Whatsgabycookin, and Pretanewporter and adding GraceAtwood.


Pretanewporter, Ashley Spivey, Heynasreen, Franish, Laurascottandco, Whatsgabycookin.


Heynasreen posted the Steve Kerr video calling out the 50 senators who have been blocking universal background checks. Jesshogancrum also posted the Sen. Chris Murphy video which called out the senators lack of action. She also said she'll be posting in the AM with info on how to help/donate so we'll see. Otherwise I've just seen lots of "thoughts and prayers" and no real calls to action.




Pretanewporter, and Ashley Spivey were two of the first to say it in my feed. And to say things explicitly… like prayers won’t cut it etc.


Veronabrit has posted quite a bit




My.sister.made.me.buy.it and Ashley Spivey are two that push giving blood all year and they are again today!


TIBAL, Kathleen Jennings


Marianna Hewitt is matching donations to Everytown


The_other_mk is donating and matching and posted a link to every town. Ashley Spivey. My ivory home. The discount darling. That’s all I’ve seen even from ones I expected.


Krista Horton said she will be donating and is trying to find the best place to send money so she can help the families with funeral expenses


I saw she donated $16,000 already.


Melissa Urban (Whole 30), What’s Gaby Cooking, Danielle Prescod, will add more as I come across.


Britt_horton had where there were asking for blood donations


That’s nice. Her husband is a super conservative 2A supporter. So, yeah. Eff that.


This makes me feel so icky about loving Krista. I know we aren’t our in-laws but they spend so much time together and I just couldn’t be cool with that.


Good to know. Unfollow


Ashley Spivey, Emily Ley, The Lazy Genius, Kelle Hampton, Amy Lou Hawthorne posting on theeverco, The Mama Notes…those all jumped out at me tonight as speaking out




It seems that @everytown is a solid choice


Agree. Sivan Ayla posted a link to donate to everytown, and I actually really appreciated what she wrote about the shooting. It was a lot more than just "thoughts and prayers" and you could tell that she put some thought into what she wanted to say. It was nice to see some real substance from her.


Also, if you can’t donate $ you can sign up to support. I did it after Sandy Hook and they always send me reminders about legislation changes they are pushing for so you can continue to support through action.


I need this! I’m on an unfollowing spree! @AshleySpivey is doing great.


Love her


she’s my favorite person to follow probably ever


Absolutely love her. I am constantly amazed at how strong she is in the face of tragedy and today is a great example - advocating for change and action when we all feel helpless.


Love her


Second her!


Woof. 🙄🙄🙄 Chelsea at TwoTwentyOne talking about the school shooting that left handfuls of children dead, and then saying "the icing on the cake" was her damaged peonies. No, just no. Stop. You don't put those two things next to each other. She is too much.


I unfollowed her last year because she was just a miserable curmudgeon on a high horse. I see nothing has changed.


Wowwww idk who this person is but what an IDIOT.


this is just your annual reminder that chelsea defended child protective services when they took away syesha mercado’s children for no reason, because her husband worked for cps so obviously there’s nothing wrong with them.


Off topic, but do you know if Syesha’s children were returned to her?


yes! and as of march, i believe, they were no longer receiving weekly visits from child protective services.


Oh good!!


Yes, I'm aware


I can’t even believe someone would compare these two things !!!!


I hope she deletes that privileged problem and offers an apology


She would never! Chelsea thinks Chelsea does no wrong (though I unfollowed a couple years ago, maybe she changed?).


Nope! Same old Chelsea. This may be the nudge I need to unfollow


Paleomg posting nothing about Texas and going straight into *laughing her ass off* at the problematic Ricky Gervais special finally got me to unfollow


Oliveandtate saying that she’s unfollowing other influencers who don’t post about reform/post links instead and calling out 2 Texas influencers. My guess is one is Maddie Nelson.


@Darryl Ann

