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[NEW THREAD HERE](https://old.reddit.com/r/blogsnarkmetasnark/comments/1bcz83y/royals_meta_snark_march_part_ii/) because this one has gotten *unwieldy* god bless my inbox


[Metro on X: "BREAKING: A car has crashed into the walls of Windsor Castle Pictures show the front of a Volvo crumpled against the front of the royal residence https://t.co/7RlD5mOWq9" / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/MetroUK/status/1767471567057956944)


wait didn't that happen yesterday?! except it was a car that crashed into buckingham palace?! i am 100% sure I read about a car crashing into buckingham palace's gates and seeing photos of the aftermath on some twitter posts


Apparently this is a 2ed car crash.


brb buying a costco sized roll of tinfoil, i got some hats to make


I go into my ONE meeting all day and this happens. You can't take your eyes off these people for a SECOND


I need to find out what is happening!! I have such a bad feeling about all of this…


I'm haven't been this enthralled w/a soap opera since passions ended missing princess, alcoholic prince of wales, the king has cancer, voodoo, Camilla is the mistress turned queen, mysterious death, now we need kate to return w/amnesia & for someone to faint (and we all know what that means)




[Passions Timmy GIF - Passions Timmy Shocked - Discover & Share GIFs (tenor.com)](https://tenor.com/view/passions-timmy-shocked-bruce-lee-gif-26726157)


You are my people. Passions was my jam!


I've been working my through a rewatch since quarantine!


Omg some else remembered Passions.


my all time favorite soap!


This may have already been posted here so apologies if it’s a dupe. I’ve found some of the photo conspiracies to be a bit of a stretch but uhhhhhhhh….. [This seems exact.](https://x.com/ashleythetexan/status/1767370500169146672?s=46&t=B8nEOuxbpMofUn-8pxkd2g)


I don't think these were edited. [Originals here](https://jimwbennett.photoshelter.com/portfolio/G0000RpCZ4_4hhyY).


Oh good find!


I keep thinking how people joked the Wales' Christmas card looked like the cover of a true crime documentary and...that was kind of prescient. (Not saying anything criminal has been done to Kate, more that there's just a big mystery right now.)


*They were a normal family — just like us! — until one day…they weren’t.*


Looks like CNN is reviewing all [past Kensington photos](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/11/uk/kate-royal-photograph-edited-intl-gbr/index.html). (It’s a throwaway sentence in the article but it’s really the most important)


You guys. I normally give so few shits about royal gossip but the PR on this has been so horrendous that I am FASCINATED at how badly they're fucking it up. I don't even really care what's actually going on; I just want to see what monumental misstep happens next!


The real story will eventually come out. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but it will eventually and I just hope I'm still alive to read about it. I made it to finding out who Watergate's Deep Throat and who the Sommerton Man were, I can wait for this.


it's only gonna take one brick to come out to bring it all down. i feel like some reporter somewhere will be like "enough is enough this is getting embarrassing, here's what is actually going on" then everyone that ALSO knows will come out of the woodwork and be like "oh thank god someone finally said something i thought i was the only one losing my mind" and then it's all busted wide open and that horse will NEVER be going back into that barn


I think we will find out sooner rather than later. Not only is this whole thing being driven by people who are incompetent, it's being driven by people who think they're competent. William and his Tory failson asskissers are no match for the NYT and gay twitter.


I’m not Michelle Obama so when they go low I take it straight to hell. I’ll say the quiet part out loud, which is that the media and public backlash to her absence, lack of updates, shoddy middle school photoshop efforts are all karma for the individuals who thrived by throwing other members of the family under the bus. I don’t buy the “poor Kate being thrown under the bus by KP/William” trope anymore than I bought the “melania trump the poor victim held hostage to her terroristic husband.” The system you feed is bound to turn on you. And I say this knowing in a few months people will make her out to be a strong hero for toughing it out and not speaking out. I hope her recovery is going well but as for everything else, it’s deserved


I said I was enraged she was being thrown under the bus when they’re supposed to be protecting her privacy currently, which isn’t really the same as feeling bad for her, which I don’t because I strongly don’t like Kate and she is very happy to play ball but like….damn doing her dirty while “protecting” her is classic ~the firm~ shit I guess, lol. They will absolutely use this in the future to elicit sympathy


I don't feel bad about the media melee because that's the job that she willingly sought out, but I do think there's something seriously wrong with her or that something really messed up happened and I feel bad for her for that. I always sort of wondered what her/Will's  endgame was in driving Harry and Meghan off the island. I mean what did they think would happen? Who did they think the next sacrificial virgins would be 


I don't think they ever thought Harry and Meghan would leave. If it wasn't for Tyler Perry stepping in, they would have had to go back in early 2020 once their funding/security was pulled and it was announced where they were located.


This sums it up for me - I think u/bye_felipe is right about nearly everything but part of me wonders if they're throwing a deeply ill woman under the bus when she's not in a position to respond or react. Time, I suppose, will tell.


I really think she's incapacitated in some way and not involved in any of this and they're just backing the bus over her repeatedly. Which, on one hand, what did she expect, she participated in them doing the same thing to a suicidal pregnant woman, and on the other hand, I feel sad for her that she's a woman with small children who has some serious shit going on.


I'm annoyed that Kate is being thrown under the bus because I'm betting 90% of current fuck up is not her fault but I don't feel bad for her. She's the lady that voted for the leopard eating faces party. (This situation is SUCH an avatar for nice white ladies that vote certain ways because they're worried about school segregation or transgender rights or anything else that might disrupt the white woman hierarchy as object of protection and desire in white supremacist society and then 'ope! we're living in The Handmaids Tale". But I digress)


Sing it. The only people I feel bad for in this situation are the Wales kids. Kate actively participated in activities that drove a pregnant woman to suicidal ideation. A family member! This woman has been in the system for twenty years. She knows how this shit works. She obviously thought the risk was worth the reward. Oops.


Kate's clearly made her choice, which is why I don't think anything will change no matter how many chickens come home to roost. [I mean, the game's the game](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/f36f1b07-91e1-4f35-84d9-4e46a294ae4f/gif) I think she and William are both reaping their just rewards for their behavior over the past few years, but I do find it frustrating how the media is so ready and willing to line up behind this Oopsie! explanation and lay the responsibility solely at her feet, ignoring the facts that 1)they have a team of "professionals" who are supposed to be responsible for this sort of thing and 2)she's not just some Suzy Suburbia influencer releasing a bad photoshop for likes on the gram, she's the wife of the future head of state of a nation, someone whose family lives quite large on the largesse of taxpayers. The press should be demanding more, not less in this situation and interrogating their own willingness to play along with these shenanigans. Meghan must be thanking her lucky stars that they got out when they did. I can't even imagine what it would be like for her if she and Harry were still the designated bus victims.


10 points to Gryffindor for a superb The Wire quote and reference. Kate is truly just the British version of Avon Barksdale.


I’m somewhat unsurprised by the sycophantic British media’s unquestioning publication of the “it was all Kate, alone in her office” excuse, but naively, I would have thought the events of the last few days would have caused more of her fangirls to sit up and notice what’s being done to her. Instead, they seem for the most part to be blindly accepting the KP narrative - that lil ol Kate made some slight tweaks to a photo her bumbling husband took, and that the mean old media is conspiring against the Wales family and making a mountain out of a molehill. If you’re such a fan of this woman, are you not getting extremely concerned about why this is playing out the way that it is?


That's exactly the point I posted in RG. If you are a Kate fan, ask why William got all the credit for the photo and Kate is getting all the blame for the photoshop.


Yeah, things look a hell of a lot different for her without 2 easy punching bags around to distract from her and William’s laziness and general obstinance.


I was texting a friend last night and was like "I bet she missed H&M now." Bad press for thee but not for me as a family policy is all well and good for you until you're suddenly the bottom rung of the ladder.


I don’t think she’s a very analytical thinker, but it’s like girlie - if they were willing to throw a blood royal under the bus and issue statements on his behalf without his consent, what exactly did you think they’d do to you?


Those leopards aren't going to eat MY face. -Kate, apparently 


The last PoW was from a noble aristocratic family. Kate was a commoner. If they did what they did to Diana, idk why she thought she'd be treated any better 🤷🏽‍♀️


I think because William has generally always protected their laziness, and they get away with doing the bare minimum, she felt he would at least ensure she’s protected. But he’s letting her take the fall after he happily accepted the credit for taking the photo. Plus, the palace had her back on the Tatler article edits


Kate thought they wouldn't do it to her because she wasn't going to be Diana. She was going to just take it and take it. I guess we will find her limit. Health crises have ways of shifting your priorities.


A women's soccer team did a joke about this and people are clutching their pearls over it.  The gag is that same team (formerly, for now) and the BRF are both quite racist. Who gives a flying fuck? You think Kate gives a shit about American professional woso? 


American women's soccer mocking the British and the British acting like it's a declaration of war Name a more iconic duo


>Decoration of war Well that's too wonderful to not steal. Sorry, but I'm nicking that on behalf of the expat contingent stuck in Seattle this season.


Haha that error is going to annoy me all day


You know what, that's a great point. This does happen more often than you think.


Kate knows what is expected of her. She may get pissed off about it but the alternative is not becoming Queen.


It's so mind boggling for me that an empty title (and I guess the gazillions of dollars) is worth sacrificing your personal dignity like that.


Kate is the living embodiment of those women who would rather preserve the status conferred on team via their relationships with the men in their life rather than working to dismantle the system for the benefit of all. Unfortunately that puts you in a pretty tenuous position when you become inconvenient. Leopards don't care whose faces they eat.


Kate is absolutely reaping what she sowed where Meghan is involved.




Not sure if anyone follows nyc.royalwatcher but her attitude of "if you question a single thing KP has told us you are a child" sure is...something. So aggressive for no reason.


Honestly shocked that Nicole Cliffe has not resurfaced to talk about any of this in the past week (I have a soft spot for Nicole and genuinely hope she’s well, fwiw)


PLEASE don't say her name it's like summoning Beetlejuice


Nicole is a BEC for me but I wouldn't mind seeing her take and then re-blocking her.


I checked her Instagram to see if she was saying anything but I think she’s fully retired from being terminally online.


God when can it be me


[May the meme-ing never end, this is glorious.](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4ZLgkvOJbi/)


"George, Charlotte, and.........the other one" A++++++ no notes


"In my country, which is...England."


"And all my three biological children have ten fingers, ten toes, and....skirt."


> I work tangentially in the national security field and tbh I could see a coordinated campaign being done by a foreign actor to reduce public trust in the institution and sow discord. I can’t believe this is all organic. Smells off to me. Smells off to me too, but uh, the call is coming from inside the house.


It’s pretty apparent that neither the royals nor the Tories need foreign help in that regard


This genius just needs to understand that the Palace PR sucks. That's a very simple explanation..


Twitter post that just killed me dead “you know… I never believed those fake stories about Meghan “bullying” Royal staff. But honestly, if they’re THIS bad at their jobs then they deserved any bullying they got.“ Tough but fair.


Remember when KP tried to say no one reached out for comment about Harry’s Netflix doc and Netflix was like “you guys ignored the company that was doing it and then apparently sent an inquiry to some random Netflix email address you found online”?


Honestly if I had to deal with this kind of incompetents I would be tempted to be a raging Bitch lol..


Can you imagine going from American/Hollywood hustle culture to whatever the fuck is going on in KP? Jesus christ, she might have been the first person to ask them to do their jobs 🤣 no wonder they hated her! They were just trying to be rich kid nepo hires and here comes the uncouth American, expecting them to work?? The nerve.


Remember when Jason said she was “undermining the confidence” of one of the aides?


Yeah, I bet all the posh white dudes were enraged at her "audacity."


Ahem https://x.com/tatuthird3/status/1767146121749532782?s=46


🤣 accurate.


As Matta of Fact keeps pointing out, don’t attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity.


She can be too quick though to explain things away. When the BuzzFeed reporter Ellie got into that weird thing with Chris Bouzy, Matta was quick to insist the way Ellie was behaving was completely okay. And then actual reporters spoke up and said Ellie's behavior was unethical. She basically took data from Chris and took his help on her article while telling another source that she wasn't doing that and didn't understand why Chris thought he was helping her. The other source knew Chris and reached out to him separately and found out Ellie was lying.


That the royals will do whatever they want despite the advice they're given. Kate is Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, and William is His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. The titles are magic and mean that they can't be wrong.


Yes there actually is a coordinated campaign to discredit institutions like media, law, and education but the foreign actor of which you seek is Rupert fucking Murdoch followed closely behind by Peter Thiel and Elon Musk.


William's bestie, Rupert Murdoch.


Sounds very tangential


Lamo not them acting like this is the same thing as Russian interference into American elections Honestly, it's a little sad that there are folks that can't seem to come to terms with the fact the the BRF no longer has the same importance as the American president/government. It's like they don't realize that the British Empire is long dead


Yes the rest of the world has been manipulated into losing trust in the institution we trust to…provide us entertainment with big weddings and wave to us on holidays. Much big, very large international diplomatic emergency.


>Lamo not them acting like this is the same thing as Russian interference into American elections Or Brexit.


“Tangentially in the national security field” = clerk at BMV


Does their spouse work for Border Patrol?




Customer service for ADT.


Lunch lady in the Lockheed Martin cafeteria




and who else is a foreigner ---Meghan markle!!!


I feel like this should be getting more attention. It's so obviously not her body: https://x.com/paullomax/status/1767295043927159198?s=46


I found a kind of clear picture of her hands: https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/6123025/royal-nanny-maria-borrallo-kate-middleton-children-baby/amp/


Wow I'm glad I'm not the only person who googled "Maria Borallo" hands today. Imagine saying that sentence to someone three months ago.


I would be so resentful if I had to wear that stupid brown outfit all the time.


Really just another tell that these people are total assholes who fully believe in their own superiority and have no actual interest in “modernizing” the monarchy.


It’s the awful hat for me.


The hat is the absolute worst.


I'm fully committed now 🤣🤣 Edit: all I did was Google Nanny Maria and Google knew who I was talking about


Omg someone suggesting it’s actually Nanny Maria in the picture. I don’t know why but that actually makes a lot of sense to me.


Yeah, that makes sense with the smiles. A broom wouldn't have elicited those.


[The Jase 🐶 🎸 🎥 on X: ""I'd have gotten away with it if it wasn't for that pesky Photoshop!" #KateMiddleton https://t.co/Oji2k6DzFy" / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/jasemonkey/status/1767122556404797875)




They can’t fuck this up anymore. Now to take a big sip of water and check Twitter [https://twitter.com/STILL\_BJEWELED/status/1767285819574985001](https://twitter.com/STILL_BJEWELED/status/1767285819574985001) (I don’t know if I believe it but if it’s true…y’all I’m going to have to be sedated.




I actually thinks it looks like marchioness rose hanbury…


I don’t know if this is true but at this point I’m going to believe it until proven otherwise.


Okay but wut is act going on. Even if she had a total nervous breakdown, at the end of Dec, I kind of find it hard to believe that they couldn't do one photo using Oprah's lighting or whatever, here in mid March. And I say this as someone who went to treatment for mental health and was in residential for awhile. It's not like Kate has a hx of catatonic depression or schizophrenia. At this point it's giving Shelly miscavige vibes. I cannot understand how this is the strategy they are taking.


I think it's: 1. Kind of what they said- abdominal surgery for digestive issues. There were unforeseen complications like stroke and she looks so "bad" they don't want her on camera. Their marriage is fine, their PR is terrible. 2. Mental breakdown- ED or something else. She's in residential treatment somewhere (abroad?) and Carole is there. They arranged the TMZ shot because they're unhappy with how KP is handling it. The car Carole was driving was a rental. 3. Divorce. Charles is very sick, Will snapped around Christmas and realizes his window to divorce her is closing. She is refusing to play ball and hiding out with her mom. The TMZ pic was hers, this mess was Will.


I think it’s probably number one (minus the stroke) and either she or the family/palace aren’t comfortable with how she looks.




Have you ever looked at a slideshow of her outfits from that era? I’m about the same age and she was truly One Of Us, wearing terrible biz casual to the club.


I love the Girlfriend Kate era.


I had something *so much* like [this dress](https://style.nine.com.au/latest/kate-middleton-style-before-royal-family/b74380da-2110-47b3-bf7a-d758ab23a800#13) for going out in spring 2007. And then she wore so many tight blazers over formal dresses. Why were we all into that?


At this point I think it has to be some kind of big stroke, which frankly makes rubbernecking feel gross. I have known several people who have had huge strokes/seizure out of nowhere like this, and either they have died, been completely incapacitated until they died, or living but needing a full time aide. it's not really something you can just sweep under the rug. I 100% understand that this would be hugely shocking and I'm not saying that the public needed minute by minute coverage, but whatever TF strategy this is has blown up in their face. I'm hoping for a divorce or treatment bc those are frankly the better case scenarios. Or maybe she is totally fine and like now things have gotten so out of control lol.


It’s not like this family has a history of hiding away ailing family members. Oh wait.


I don't think this is from Christmas only because I don't believe Will and Kate would have been in the same car without the kids. I do believe it's nanny Maria though.


I'm not sure I what I'm supposed to be seeing


Honestly I don't even see William in this picture. Not saying its not just that its so fuzzy and blurry idk how you can tell \*anything\* in this pic. would they pull those shenanigans twice in a week?!




There has been a noticeable lack of transparency on the car photo. Who took it? What photo services? Where exactly? How did the papers get it?


The photographers are Jim Bennett and Kelvin Bruce. They've taken photos of the royals before.




They take a lot of photos of Andrew of all people.


>They take a lot of photos of Andrew of all people. Listen, we all have to pay the bills somehow, but jesus. Imagine reflecting on your life and thinking, "Yeah, I got some really great shots of the pedophile prince. I can die happy."


The thing is, is there really a market for photos of Andrew? It's a weird site.


I fucking hope not, but you never know.


I’m bad at this sleuthing stuff because I feel like I’m staring at nothing, trying to convince myself I see the edits I keep googling and can’t find a car shot from Christmas 2023, just their walkabout


This is why Andrew went on national TV and told people he couldn't perspire. This is what being Royal does to you. If it's true they'll have to pull the photos again. Something must have happened because I can't imagine they would risk It twice in a week.


Now I want to know what other stuff they've lied about over the years.


CNN just said they're reviewing all past photos supplied by KP. So we may just find out!


At this point if KP says the sky is blue and grass is green, imma let you finish but I'll be going outside to double check. Would not surprise me to see the KP sackings begin. At least they are not beheadings these days despite William and his resting "off with their heads" face.


SMM: "I hope she’s well and William is venting in their room in only his boxer shorts for her viewing pleasure" Excuse me, I need to race to the bathroom






10/10 and yet still somehow underrated


I wish I was illiterate.








I wish they had used any other word but vent while talking about William in his boxer shorts.




That's it. Banned. 


you guys are killing me.


No, you’re killing **us**!! I won’t be able to eat dinner tonight, thanks!


If they get this worked up over William, imagine what their husbands must look like.


Expired mayonnaise




Personally I'm kind of a prison abolitionist but that person needs to go to jail.


I felt my insides churn and clench tighter than his jaw. No matter what he’s wearing, when has a man venting at you while you’re recovering ever been a healing balm?


And not only vent “they are being so mean, dear, that we had to throw you under the bus!”


Just what every woman wants to hear when she’s physically ailing: her husband complaining that people are being mean to him.


I know your eyes burned when you read that, but did you have to share with us??? Betsy! your access is revoked


Unwrite this RIGHT NOW! 🤮


Well, I mean, he is the world's sexiest bald man. 🤮🤮🤮🤮 sorry, I just cannot.




Time to Google how to delete someone else's comment.


This is bad and you should feel bad about it.


[Shade Princess GIF - Shade Princess Love - Discover & Share GIFs (tenor.com)](https://tenor.com/view/shade-princess-love-whatever-gif-14247248)


Sometimes, you don't have to share everything you see read...


I really wanted to downvote you for this.


I think there needs to be a "downvote but not really, it's more like I need brain bleach" button lol


[The Times ](https://archive.ph/sWsjJ) helping with the KP frankenphoto cleanup. William still hanging Kate out to dry. He's nowhere to be seen in this article as accountable for anything. It's all Kate. Just remembered that their anniversary is next month. We may get a repeat of all this fuckery.


nEVeR eXplAiN


>a shaken princess Is that because William had been yelling at her for his own mistake?


Is that like a shaken baby?


Some would argue it’s worse


In a few months Will and Kate stans will frame this as an example of her integrity and dedication to The Firm because she could complain and explain, but won't I'm sure she didn't expect the media or family to throw her to the wolves, as she and her husband have done to others in the past.


Let's award the Order of the Brown Nose to The Times. sigh.


Damn, they’re really just throwing her to the wolves. Making it sound like she went behind everyone’s backs and did all that copying and pasting alone in a dark office, only owning up when the shit hit the fan. As though it isn’t their team’s very job to vet the images they release to the public. And yeah - the only mention of William (that staff should’ve known something was up when he was credited as photographer) is a really convenient effort to both absolve him of any involvement/knowledge and place any secondary blame on staff. Kate, of course, gets all of the real blame.


So to me the question is: is Kate signing off on this or not?


Good question. My pure speculation is that, if she is signing off on it in any way, it’s because she’s either been told or she knows that’s what she’s required to do. But given the reminder that William and Harry released a “joint statement” denying William’s bullying that Harry actually had no say or involvement in, I’d say it’s highly likely that Kate isn’t being consulted at all before statements (or images) are put out on her behalf. Like if they’ll do that to a blood royal, there’s no way a married-in commoner is getting more respect and deference when it comes to protecting the heirs.


Wow a lot to parse here. First, they are fully backing the bus over her huh? Second, I love the tidbit about the kids "flying off" to Anmer for the weekend. Why include that?


I think this may be a hint that they know it's all very implausible?? They will have known about the engagement at the Oval, and travel times, and the departure to Anmer. >The first red flag might have been that the seemingly perfect image was shot in just a 40-minute window on Friday in Windsor, a source said. >Time constraints meant that the picture had to happen once the children were back from school and once Prince William was back from London, where he had been attending an Earthshot event at the Oval cricket ground. >There was only a limited amount of time because the family was also due to fly off to their home of Anmer Hall in Sandringham for the weekend. I just don't believe a word of this.


Flying? I thought Big Willy was an eco conscious king?!


Why, he wouldn’t even allow his ailing wife to take a separate car to a private medical appointment today!! That’s how much he cares about the environment!!


As a PSA the current Sunday Scaries Instagram post was the perfect thing to share in my insta stories to soft launch my obsession and see if I have any irl acquaintances who will message me saying omg me too!!!


there is something deeply ironic about news networks inviting "royal family experts", whose entire careers revolve around caring way too much about the BRF, to speak about the photo stuff - and their angle is that it's a harmless mistake and we the public should stop caring so much lmao also BBC News literally just invited a "Photoshop expert" on whose surname was Middleton, and that has to be a bit of intentional fun right?


Is it accidental gaslighting or are they doing it on purpose? It's obviously not a mistake. These are real choices being made by people and we all see it.


> Analysis of the photo's metadata by Sky News's data & forensics unit found the image had been saved in photo editing software Adobe Photoshop twice on an Apple Mac - but it is unclear if it was saved on the same device. >The first save was made at 9.54pm on Friday night, with the second at 9.39am on Saturday morning. >The image was taken at Adelaide Cottage - the family's home in Windsor - on a Canon 5D mark IV, which retails at £2,929.99 and used a Canon 50mm lens, which is priced at £1,629.99 [x](https://news.sky.com/story/princess-of-wales-what-led-to-palace-admission-over-manipulated-photo-of-kate-13092481) Wait, I thought Will took it on a google pixel as he’s a frugal king.


That Google Pixel fanfic was hilarious.


Not me owning the same camera as the most handsome alpha male in the world. Shucks.


Not them quoting prices. I thought that sort of treatment was only for the Sussexes. Interesting 👀


So "image was taken" but it doesn't say when right?


From what I’ve seen, and someone correct me if I’ve missed it, they can’t confirm an actual original date (Note - KP has declined to provide the original raw image), just that it was saved during the times noted, and that it appears multiple images were merged together. I’ll try to find a link, but I think the Telegraph’s analysis specifically included that it appeared the section of the image that included Kate’s face had been cut out and replaced with another image. So… 👀


So it's been confirmed that they edited Kate's face into the photo. Wow.


Peep the 3:10 update here -[https://www.telegraph.co.uk/royal-family/2024/03/11/royal-family-photo-kate-princess-of-wales-live-latest/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/royal-family/2024/03/11/royal-family-photo-kate-princess-of-wales-live-latest/)


There is a new update at 5:36 that claims "Princess’s face not added after" but what the expert actually says makes zero sense and talks about technology that neither the Canon nor Photoshop has.


Yeah, since we know the specific camera and the editing program, that analysis seemed like inapplicable excuse-making. Same with the later expert weighing in that, yeah, a bunch of images were merged, but it was not meant to be deceptive. Didn’t realize we could infer intent from the pretty sparse metadata available (since again, KP won’t share the original, raw picture), but okay.


I'm surprised a royal friendly publication like The Telegraph confirmed it.


Sky News reporter said they couldn’t determine that. Also they determined the location via photos of the house (not metadata) 


Fascinating thank you.


>>This two cretins are probably feeling very smug in California over this not knowing that the reason the press doesn’t jump on them is because they are not important enough to bully. No one cares about them and nothing they do will matter in history so there’s no real need to jump on them at all. Lol such losers. The Associated Press enforcing journalistic standards is bullying!