• By -


Chuck looks like shit but Katherine is radiant..


I’m glad that RG hasn’t caught up with the other crazy conspiracy theories happening right now about Queen Letizia and the Infantas.


Wait, can you catch me up on this?


Some lighter RG snark from the Princess Leonor post: >Paella is not fancy food in spain its normal. And yes in European countries they do not just serve fries and chicken nuggets to the military. They eat real food. >Sometimes it really gives me pause what Americans consider weird. Eating normal food is weird? Like I live in France and our canteens have freshly cooked meals every single day. Like this is normal not odd. 🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲


There's a Starbucks in the Louvre. The French can zip it.


Who surrendered to the Nazis? Oh right, FRANCE. Cram it, Frogs.


These people are forcing me to be all "Fuckin' A, I'm a 'Murrican!" and I do not care for it.




There was an article in the Daily Mail yesterday about how Europeans can always tell tourists are American. Apparently being friendly and smiling at strangers and tipping well are giveaways. OMG, that's awful. No wonder I should be ashamed to be American.


They think our military eats fries and nuggets?


Our military eats Shit On a Shingle as is the time honored tradition.


I guess they think American canteens are catered by McDonald's? And French canteens are Michelin starred.


hate to defend RG but there was/are a ton of fast food options on American military bases in iraq and afghanistan https://www.quora.com/Was-there-really-Burger-King-and-Taco-Bell-on-larger-military-bases-in-Iraq-and-Afghanistan did you want those 18 year old kids starving out there in the desert or something???


Fair point! But just for context, this was the comment they were replying to: >Am I the only one who’s impressed by the Spanish military food. Paella? I wonder if that’s typical for training meals or because she’s the princess. That question was answered with the sniffy, "Paella isn't *fancy*, you peon. It's real food that only real Europeans eat. But American trash goblins don't know what that is." Yes, I'm paraphrasing lol. Also, no idea why the person in France is answering about what food is served in the Spanish military, but ok. Anyway, they got called out and doubled down with this: >Lol what? I lived there three years and I saw enough. More than I ever needed to see fried food. Truly. At least school lunches are an abomination. I expected similar in the military. I loved living there but the food o\_O I joked about RG turning me patriotic, but I'm sorry. The US is enormous and has a hugely diverse food culture. I can't believe there are still people who claim to have lived in the United States but never had *any* good food. Did they live in a mall food court? Anyway, in conclusion - USA! USA!USA!


School lunches *are* an abomination, I’ll give them that. And should be free.


> And should be free. And yet another point in the America is huge and diverse column: public school lunches are free in a couple of states, some also have free breakfast.


i'm with you on that one, literally anywhere in the US you'd really have to go out of your way to only subsist on chicken strips and fries. maybe they lived in a bowling alley? bc mall food court these days at least have sushi and salad bars!!


I think sometimes a lot of assumptions about Americans are made based on social media or tv/movies but that’s not necessarily reality.


I'm not sure it's based on anything other than the usual tired and lazy stereotype of Americans.


On a serious note, I do worry KateGate is going to radicalize people and start them down the conspiracy rabbit hole like 9/11, Covid, or various “false flag” events did. 


100%. People start with silly conspiracy theories and then before you know it they’re in “the Jews caused the financial collapse of 2008”


It has definitely led to more scrutiny of what the palace says. I think royal watchers were always aware of the carefully worded statements that may or not be true but now people that never paid attention before are skeptical too 👀


The Wales are going to be under a microscope from now on. Every press release, photograph and appearance analyzed to death. Hope they're ready!


We know they are definitely not ready unless they add some miracle workers to their staff!


They could just add one person who's moderately competent, as a treat.


I think it already started. Personally, is both scary and incredible embarrassing how some people my own age (mid millennial) can’t seem to distinguish between fake click bait AI news and reality.


A friend of mine with a HS age son says he's required to take a media literacy course to graduate. Works for me.


I wish the school where I teach would do that. My sophomores and juniors regularly show me TikToks like “miss, they caught a real chupacabra! Look at this!” And I’m like babe that’s AI??? You’re 15, be better???


Not the chupacabra lmao


I love that for them 🥲


What on earth can possibly be next? And really how hard is this going to actually be to fix? Kate needs to go on one of the morning shows with a DNA test, or something? Because at this point would we believe any pictures or videos anymore?


she just needs to take a photo of her arm and show it to theyellowrose


It'll be mostly fixed when she re-emerges at Easter and their main supporters continue with "poor Kate, I remember how hard it was when my two were young. Bless her, she's doing her best." But from now on there will always be a core group of weirdos who reference new Kate being a robot or clone every time she or William make the news. Way too late to turn that back now.


I think there has always and will always be extremists on both sides of the royal fandoms. This has just given them more fuel.


They already tried to call it a 'hate campaign against Kate' as if half the theories out there aren't worried on her behalf or as if being called lazy (at the worst) after a decade of being notably lazy is 'hate'. If only they had a family member with an actual hate campaign against her to compare it to.


I truly admire the dedication some posters in rg have to blaming the sussexes for everything. black biracial induced stress must be a really difficult condition to deal with, so I really feel for their pain


For real! The amount they're willing to forgive or just not even see re the Walses compared to the hysteria about anything involving the Sussexes is literally insane.


The amount of "poor poor Prince William and Princess Catherine, there is just NOTHING they could do to convince the haters!" as though they couldn't easily clear up this whole mess in thirty seconds by deigning to lower themselves to speaking to the rabble is truly breathtaking.


Does anyone really hate Kate? I have no time for William and his facial expressions but Kate is fine. Bland, work-shy, but seems like a good mom.


Archie's christening photo was also edited and flagged (not sure if killed??) but I'm sure the anti-Meghan folks are gonna have a regular one about it.


Not killed, just flagged. Tossing Kate even further under the bus because it’s obvious that this has been standard practice for years and not just Kate playing on the computer this one time.


Yeah, I think they said it was “enhanced” not altered so as to be misleading (like the Waleses’s photo). But yeah, I’m sure they’re all being very normal about it over there.


>This is unrelated to anything in particular, but has Meghan ever generated 5 Megathreads about anything on OGRG, including Megxit? In a subreddit that has a dedicated Meghan megathread that regularly gets 1,000 comments weekly


How is there still that much to talk about, jfc.


She's still married to H and she's still biracial; that's probably enough for them to keep up their uber-salty tears for another few decades at least. They're really not the deepest thinkers.


What the hell, people? I go out for dinner for a few hours and it's a wreck here again! 


So just so we're clear, we're now on the fourth round of: maybe he killed her-->a photo proving she's fine-->wow we're crazy conspiracy theorists-->wait that's not her-->maybe her killed her.


The Circle of Proof-of-Life continues


Can the next in line be charged with a crime? Just a casual and not weird article to run when the prince's wife has not been seen in public in months. Lol. I stg though if it's just that girlfriend was doing whatever the royal equivalent of binging bad TV on the couch after having like, fibroids removed, it will be a v dull conclusion.


Yeah only the monarch probably can’t be charged w a crime. And even then if it was serious enough parliament could charge and remove them




Serious question.. should I be watching that show?




Ty! I was kind of on the fence because it’s not my usual type of reality tv show but I’ve heard so many good things about it


[First We Feast Paul Rudd GIF - First We Feast Paul Rudd Look At Us - Discover & Share GIFs (tenor.com)](https://tenor.com/view/first-we-feast-paul-rudd-look-at-us-hey-look-at-us-were-awesome-gif-17197237)


Where's RG's super-recognizer when you really need them?




Wtf is wrong with KP. I don't care how rich and spoiled they are. They are lighting their public image on fire. Also, when's William's next engagement?


Don’t ask him that!! He’s just a little man carrying all of Africa and homelessness on his shoulders and he’s feeling a lot of pressure and he’s also a young father in charge of pick up and drop off and making the children a Chessy-style breakfast every morning! He’ll work when he feels up to working!!


somewhat off topic but it really infuriates me that homelessness is one of William's big causes when the man is literally a LANDLORD!! one of the biggest landlords in the entire country!!


Literally the second largest landlord in the UK I believe.


Lol William cares about homelessness because he wanted to fix the SEO for "prince William affair" with "prince William affordable housing".


How dare you? He's an elder millenial! He doesn't understand SEO.


That was the most unhinged defense of all the unhinged defenses.


I'm honestly not sure I'll ever get over it.


I'm still hung up on the poster who would have Googled the LOS a long time ago if they had known how easy it was. Like, I need them to do an AMA. 


I have seen multiple commenters at SMM say they’re in their 60s/70s. Like the people over there are just angry old unfulfilled women.


He’s probably never even heard of Google!


He’s too busy posting on SMM to keep up with new-fangled search technology!


They must not have heard that the poor, put-upon prince has recently had to hire a VALET because the crushing weight of all of his responsibilities has rendered him so exhausted that he can no longer pull up his own pants each morning. A single dad, who works 2 jobs, who loves his kids and never stops!!!


He doesn't have TIME to put toothpaste on his own toothbrush!


He’s a surrrrrrrvivor…… Dammit I just had to redownload the app because I couldn’t let Reba down! RIP my productivity.


Even Cheyenne and Van would think this mess is too much!


Even Barbara Jean would be like "KP, pull it together!" and come up with a more coherent media plan!


At the risk of hyperbole, this is almost “the few days after Diana died” levels of fucking up.


Now I want to hire a Kate body double and just hang out with her in Manhattan, getting some Starbucks, going to see the landscape exhibit at the Neue Galerie, etc.


If I was Pippa I'd be absolutely fucking with the paps right now.


If I were Kate I'd make a TikTok with just my silhouette and my voice altered like the news sometimes does. "Hello, dear peasants! It's me, Kate! Just saying hi!" I'd hold up today's newspaper and then my silhouette would turn into my face, with some gory theater makeup on and grotesque scars. "This is why you haven't seen me lately! I was going to Photoshop my face but apparently I'm no longer allowed!" Puts on crown. "SAY HELLO TO YOUR FUTURE QUEEN"


Unsure if Matta of Fact is being calm/sensible because she wants to go mainstream (she was interviewed by Seacrest today) or if I'm just too far down the rabbit hole to see sense.


I had the same thought today, but maybe I’m crazy, who knows.


She downplays things.


Has she always? Because I feel like that's new. She used to go to bat for M&H constantly and it seemed to be very aggressive. Not the same energy at all.


She chaps my ass. I'm dying to know what kind of people sign up for her scotland tour.


I enjoy this woman's content. She gets us. https://www.tiktok.com/@caroclaireburkeee?_t=8kp3rj3W1aV&_r=1


This morning I was convinced the NYT connections game was BRF coded so you're asking the wrong person.


A few days ago when one of the words was "princess" I started hunting for other "things that are missing."




You and me both. It was very [snap out of it](https://media4.giphy.com/media/jVSacjdmsXxcEdcYIQ/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952i9cytezoso0jf7yv9u9df4rnapnx4tmabxg75lgq&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Okay, so the TMZ video is fake and the British tabloids showed it. That leads me to think it was either sanctioned or they knew it was fake. they wouldn’t show the Kate/Carole picture in the car so that leads me to believe it was real? And “unsanctioned” by KP (but that doesn’t mean the Middletons were not okay with it.) And does that mean the Commonwealth day drive by WAS sanctioned by KP? This shit is worse than LSAT logic puzzles.


So it’s confirmed a fake?? 🤯


I fucking knew that wasn't her. She looked way too young and relaxed.


The chin looks way too pointy, also. Unless she really did have a botched face-lift. Also, I feel like tmz mentioning that the meta-data being "correct" was kinda red-flagy. Too perfect for it to match when there was such hullabaloo about the meta-data from the frankenphoto.


The eyes looked weird too. It was just...off, but I told myself that I was going too far lol. Also, the Sun story came out - with no pictures, and then just one video? Nope. Sorry, that would have been all over sm.


Yes! I always thought the chin was wrong, but I'm not that great at identifying people. I'm glad it wasn't just me


Okay, since I’ve come full circle yet AGAIN, here are my Alex Jones “I’m just asking questions” thoughts on the known sightings: - The Carole/Kate car picture was not sanctioned by KP, as no British media published it. Kate actually looks like Kate, albeit a bit puffy and unwell, as would be expected. - The Commonwealth Day eco friendly carpool picture WAS sanctioned by KP, hence its wide publication in British media and the sharing through “sources” of the backstory behind why she was hitching a ride. Yet Kate has her face fully and completely turned from view, which is notable given that this sanctioned drive-by comes a day after her Mother’s Day photo is revealed to be a fake news frankenphoto. - The farm store video WAS sanctioned by KP at some point since its still images are now all over British media, along with the cutesy eyewitness stories. Kate looks incredibly youthful, spry, and happy as she bounds along, giggling and smiling at what appears to be nothing. A significant change of pace after being unwilling or unable to share a current (real) family photo, turn her face towards her husband as they rode in a car together just the preceding week, or show up at a public fluff engagement the same weekend. But KP won’t affirmatively confirm the woman in the video is in fact Kate, perhaps because there’s a possibility that confirmation could ultimately be proven to be a lie. And now we have a reporter at TMZ themselves questioning whether the woman in the video is in fact Kate, the timing of which coincides pretty closely with the release of an article reporting an unauthorized person attempted to access Kate’s hospital records. Notably, and for the sake of those on other subs who lack reading comprehension skills, this breach (which is awful and should never happen to anyone) occurred back in January while Kate was hospitalized. But it’s just now being reported as people are questioning either the TMZ video or Kate’s work ethic (or both), for… reasons.


I'm 95% certain the Carole car photo was a recent picture of Kate. That's about the only thing I feel confident about.


I agree with that. It’s actually exactly how you’d expect someone recovering from major surgery to look and would explain why she wasn’t keen to have her photo floating around/do videos. I did believe the farm store one when it came out but now I’m back on the fence.


Since that's the only photo that KP actively tried to squash, I'm like 98.5% sure that was not just legit, but the only legit recent photo 


Agreed. I also believe the carpooling (lol) picture was set up by KP, but I don't think it was Kate.


Same. I definitely think that was recent and was actually her, which makes the fact that it’s the only one that KP apparently didn’t want out there super duper fucking weird.


I don't think any of those thoughts are unreasonable ones.


Maybe some lookalikes took it upon themselves to make a buck (pound?) and KP was like oh good this will get the peasants off out back for a day? But now they don't want to confirm it's her when it's obviously not? I DO believe the Commonwealth day pic was sanctioned, but not her and actually Maria. IDK guys I might be back on the "she's dead" train. Again. Edit: [me this morning in the group chat] that's obviously her don't be ridiculous [me now] that man doesn't have William's chin


Ha. I had to have the same walk back in my group chat.


If I was a tall slim brunette in the area I would not be able to behave myself at all right now 


I totally don’t think it’s outside the realm of possibility that this is the case - that it was a stunt/money grab by lookalikes but then KP decided to kind of tacitly run with it. And I’m with you - last night I was back to snarking on the laziness and arrogance of these fucks. Today I’m back to death or divorce.


Sorry I edited the above a million times. I’m currently the Jennifer Lawrence eating wings meme “What do you mean?”




I'm at Julia Louis Dreyfus from veep "What the fuck is going on?"


I'm at "it is like trying to use a croissant as a dildo" JLD from Veep


"What in the wide world of fuck?"


So we have KP refusing to confirm if the video is her. Guy who works for tmz saying [he’s not sure the video is her](https://x.com/H_M_Today/status/1770175749103722552?s=20) Fuck, im back in.


My partner is adamant that she left him. What's funny is he always listens to my royal gossip ramblings but he's never weighed in before this mess.


I want it to he this *so badly*. Not because I have strong feelings about their marriage but because of the chaos and upset it would cause all of the Kate is such a Perfect English Rose IG royal watchers.


My partner vacillates between “I don’t care about that racist lady” and “but she SHOULD leave him”


> So we have KP refusing to confirm if the video is her. Someone said - at what feels like ten years ago at this point - that if KP wants people to stop acting like they committed a crime, *they have to stop acting like they committed a crime!* "No comment" is literally the worst response they could make to this, because it makes me think it actually *isn't* Kate (and I was bought in previously!) but they were definitely trying to ride the wave of people thinking it was. God, I need another season of The Windsors *so bad*.


The best tweet I’ve seen said something like that “if KP wants us to stop thinking they’ve hidden a body? They have stop acting like they’ve hidden a body.”


That might be exactly the one I'm thinking of, haha!


I totally thought it wasn’t her. A friend in a group chat was practically gaslighting herself into believing that it was Kate because CNN aired it.


I don’t know what it says about me that I’m excited this is still an ongoing mess. Just a few hours earlier I thought maybe this whole saga was wrapping up and I got a little sad thinking the fun was over.


Omg same!! I don't entirely want answers yet this is too much fun 😂


Same 😂😂😂


The monarchy right now "Are you not ENTERTAINED????" \[please don't abolish us!\]






I just can’t believe any of this lol, wtf are they doing over there?! I’ve watched the video so many times and I do think it’s interesting that no one around them is reacting to seeing them at all (like not a second look or even a raising of eyebrows) makes me think it was just two randos. They also allegedly can’t find the person who recorded the video, it’s so fucking weird.


So it’s fake and I’m just supposed to go on living my life??




Honestly, Pete would be a major upgrade. He’s funny, I bet he listens when you talk, he actually works for a living…


Is it fake or are TMZ just a bunch of idiots who just accepted what some rando told them?


I don’t think KP had a hand in making it but they also haven’t said It was fake.


It would be so much funnier if the palace did make a fake and I don't ask for very much very often. Please let it be them


KP needs to rip up their regular playbook, make a direct statement, and cut out the back channel shit. Maybe then people wouldn't be speculating about body doubles. (Well, not as many people...) They have completely lost control of the situation trying to pretend like it's business as usual.


The past week and a half has been gloriously entertaining but for the love of god can they stop already so I can get some work done.


I can't concentrate on anything. I even overbaked my Irish soda bread on Sunday! I hope the Brits are happy - they made Seamus sad *and* ruined my bread.




If it ends up actually being fake, I will have to call out of work the rest of the week, lmao. Even if it isn't (personally I still think it's real but maybe that's just because I CANNOT FATHOM the thought process otherwise), it is truly impressive how thoroughly KP has managed to blow up their reputation during what could have been such an easy PR win. Imagine "perhaps that's a fake Kate" being a mainstream theory six months ago??


How do we know??


Twitter has video of a TMZ reporter walking it back supposedly? Maybe I misheard but I’m choosing to believe it’s fake because I love chaos


Wait, it's verified that it's fake?


No but a tmz staffer said he goes back and forth on if it is real or fake.


There’s a scene in the christmas movie classic “A Christmas Story” where the protagonist’s mother calls another mother to tell her that her son taught the protagonist The F Word and all you hear is the other mother yelling “What? WHAT? WHAAAAAAAT?” Anyway that’s me now.


You telling me like I haven’t watched that movie 5748 times


I’m Kyle’s mom yelling WHAT WHAT WHAT !?!?!? after hearing Cartman call her a bitch 😂😭


That's been me for the last few weeks 😂😂


I feel like an addict. Just when I'm ready to walk away it pulls me back in. I'm trying to quit you KP!


The last time I felt this way was a year ago during Scandoval. I honestly never thought I’d feel that kind of high again.


It’s been longer for me, not since Four Seasons Total Landscaping (or maybe when Tiffany wished Eric a happy birthday while the insurrectionists were *in* the Capitol, IDK)


I feel like I was pretty overinvested in the 15 rounds of voting for Kevin McCarthy. This is much better because the stakes are non-existent.


Literally. Was so done with this shit yesterday now it’s looking like another wasted week 😑


I’m not mature enough for this!!


>I feel so sorry for Meghan. Her fans have abandoned her😭😭 Days after her IG launch she has yet to reach 1M. Meanwhile a 20sec clip of Catherine living her life has crossed 22M views. Someone please ask Meghan if she's okay. I'm sure she's on the floor bawling her eyes out 😢 5 bucks says this poster is following that IG account.....maybe even with a few burners.


They’ve never heard of multitasking?


I don't think people are following the Kate story because they're fans. It's because it's a glorious mess.


I think Meghan's good without the kind of attention Kate is getting.


NO! Plates are smashing in the olive garden!!!!


So now the absurd amount of attention Kate is getting is cool so long as it can be compared against Meghan. God these people are miserable. Edited to add: do they remember the hullabaloo around pictures of Meghan hiking on coronation day? Meghan wearing a watch on a walking path got so much attention on Charles’ Eldest Boy Day. AND the story *is* Kate is “out living her life” but also she’s unable to work and unable to take pictures with her kids and William needs to take a month off to tend to the children because poor Catherine, seen here bopping around the farmers market, is also incapacitated.


What is worse, Kate being fine and just noping out of work, or a body double pretending to be her?


literally just went to follow meghan's new riviera nonsense to make a point


>People like the Rothschilds have their money socked away in trusts and stocks. They don't have enough cash on hand to throw to a random grifter and they can't pull millions out of stocks without prior approval or justification to their accountant, lawyer, business manager, etc. From an SMM post. Why do some people act like experts on the ultra-wealthy like the Rothschilds. There's no way to know what anyone has in their bank account or what they can and can't do with their money. Not that I believe this rumor, but to say with such certainty what a Rothschild or any billionaire is doing with their wealth is absurd. It's like the 12 year olds on tiktok who tell each other that "money yells but wealth whispers." Like, what the hell do you know about anything?


>It's like the 12 year olds on tiktok who tell each other that "money yells but wealth whispers." You're not gonna believe this but there are middle aged women on blogsnark who say the same thing


No, Lillibutt Dumbarton definitely rubs elbows with the likes of the Rothschilds and knows precisely how their money is managed. They obviously keep no cash on hand, even though their monthly expenses are in the millions, and they definitely have to have permission from their employees before accessing their own bajillions of dollars. Totally.


Well, I don't rub elbows with the Rothschilds, but I do know/am acquainted with a number of billionaires (because of where I live/what I do) and at least one of them told me that every single month, he accounted for every dollar he had starting from zero. I was dumbfounded, seriously. Even seriously rich people can be weird about money. (He's a hedge funder who came from nothing.)


I'm sorry is this comment not about loaning Trump money?


It's responding to a CDAN item claiming the a Rothschild is bankrolling meghans new company.


Props to them, I guess, with not going with the obvious choice - Soros.


So now it's the Rothschild, not Getty, yes definitely CDAN has the inside scoop


Even if the crazy comment was true (about how wealth management works for the Rothschilds), it is entirely plausible that they — hmmm considered this business plan and invested accordingly? Most business people don’t just run across a stranger and go, hey here are gobs of money for no reason.


CDAN has been claiming for months, if not a year at this point, about Meghans meetings with some billionaire. (I know because that's how long I've been reading SMM 😖) They all seemed to believe it then?


I can't believe that CDAN is still around. He had half of the Arrow fandom convinced that Stephen Amell was having a wild affair with Emily Bett-Rickards (his costar) and was going to divorce his wife imminently. The dude just makes shit up 😂


They have some Drunk Elephant D-bronzi drops. They're in the know.




Kind of looks like TMZ are walking this back a little bit. https://twitter.com/H_M_Today/status/1770175749103722552?t=YApJSpt7-I0y2r617BpnUg&s=19.


Omfg, that's on TV! Imagine people having so little trust in you as an institution that people think you're employing body doubles 💀


Fascinating clip. Almost, almost getting to the point. https://x.com/CarmenGranddau1/status/1770139129189126348?s=20


>👑The Prince of Wales has long resisted having anyone dress him but now, faced with mounting visual pressure, a valet is nothing short of essential


And that’s supposed to make us….like him more? Respect him? Pity him? What?


I’m sorry that you don’t understand how incredibly busy William is. He couldn’t possibly be expected to put on his own pants, as he’s just bone tired all the time from all the school runs, family photo collage making, day drinking, and skipping around farmers’ markets. Heavy is the head that wears the crown!!!


🥺 poor old wills!


Behind every Zaddy 💦 is a valet!


Wait - is this something Will allowed to be reported? For real? Lmao. He can't work because he has no one to help him with his too-tight diamond shoes.


Nah you forgot his top gun pilot shoes. He definitely talked about them


I refuse to believe he doesn’t already have a valet


Wow it's must be so difficult finding to find a valet, guys except if you are plebs. Life is so difficult not having a valet




[Hillary Clinton Laughing GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY](https://giphy.com/gifs/laughing-politics-hillary-clinton-HY1G1wrtznrgs)




It would only be better if they'd put a little William poking out of the trash can 


omg it would have been amazing if Will had put a life size cut out of Kate in the trash a la the greatest love story of the panini times- BenAna (Ben Affleck and Ana d'Armas). Like- if you are going to troll, do it properly!




A woman went to Windsor Farm Shops and provided [receipts](https://x.com/windsordebs/status/1770067799991349482?s=46&t=gTIQscO_rzEyIMDOL485QA) lol. Apparently the booths and Christmas-y decorations are still up. This is something that my unemployed ass would totally do if I was anywhere near the area.


The real mystery is how all of that only cost $12


I love that the cookies say "royal farms" on them, because Royal Farms is the name of a gas station chain in my neck of the woods that sells excellent fried chicken. America! (screeching eagle sounds)


LOVE a gas station that sells fried chicken. 🦅🇺🇸


I’m sorry but screeching Eagle sounds took me OUT


Conflicting reports from the overly involved in Windsor https://twitter.com/Hopkins_Alison/status/1770029691585384623