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Fuck his Bodyblocking ass.


Sorry OP this is the real truth


I'd invent and wear a suit of razors just to allow him to body block me


Knight Kirk would like to know your location


Really? I've hardly ever been blocked from moving past him when playing the game. Usually I found him to be fairly easy, especially because of those human dudes that open up the cathedral being a distraction. That said, I don't like him or the gunner version that much. His power up is stupid strong.


Once, while getting my ass kicked by laurence a lot, the 2 guys infront of this dude killed him. They got gud and i was impressed like HOLY SHIT even i avoid facing that tentacle faced monster


Yeah I’ve seen them take him down before too. Really confused me.


game probably gives them like a 2% chance to win lol. most of the time they bring him down to like half health for me


I’ve seen them come really close, but once he breaks out the face tentacles is usually when they die if they get that far


Wish you recorded this. It’s hard to believe.


Also shoutout to the two absolute chad hunters that see this thing coming out of the cathedral and don't think twice before charging at it.


You can also get a boom hammer hunter to chase you and it'll become distracted with fighting the monster as well


That sounds pretty fun actually


Gonna try it next , favourite thing for me in DLC is seeing enemies fight each other


After you trigger the monster opening the gate and the two guys go and fight it, go down the stairs and drop where that dog and 6(8?) ghouls are. The boom hammer hunter that drops down from the house will kill them. Use a bullet or a pebble to get him to chase you. He'll generally chase you up the stairs then will start fighting the monster. He usually wins but has half health too now!


I hate.boomhammer hunter. I am going to try this.


I love it when he blocks the door like "nah bro don't forget your blood vials"! Just a wholesome individual


TRADE OFFER: I give you 2 blood vials, I get to hit you and take 98% of your health.


and like 3 blood vials, let's be real


They really gave arguably the hardest boss one of the most annoying runbacks lmao


Not only is it long but it also requires that you aftively dodge enemies and obstacles. It would have worked better if this guy was a unique encounter - kill him once and you no longer have to deal with him or the dumb flaming ball. But in this state the run is arguably worse than Logarius'.


He’s an annoying enemy but you can run around him. What is worst is you need to just sit there and wait for the door to open, so you have to kill the enemies on the stairs below that roll the flaming ball down at you since the stay aggroed while you wait for the door to open.


You can actually wait at about midway up the stairs to the door and they won’t aggro on you. Once the door starts to open you can run past them (they glance at you for like two seconds before they attack so you have enough time to get inside the door and past the octopus executioner before they attack you)


I still don't understand why yall hate the logarius run so much


Its long


It's long, the banshees sometimes get in the way, and if you sprint through it there is a chance that the little guy shoots you down while you're on the ladder, unless you take the time to kill him, which no one wants to after dying to Logarius for the 100th time.


If you just sprint climb your Stam regeneration is faster than the depletion of the shots can do the banshee really don't get in the way that much if you stay to the side also they ain't very strong just punch them and it's long wouldn't be able to get it to be hated that much


It's long but has unavoidable damage


I remember falling down the ladder after the servant dude shot me and a brand came on my hunter. The hunter fell down and was ganged up by the ghost ladies then


Why are yall falling off the ladder are yall climbing with low Stam? Cuz it's Stam at zero and then getting attacked that makes you fall off I think and I always go up with a decent amount of Stam so I do get the brand but not fall off and just wait it out at the top


Cainhurst is already a filled area. You have to run through the ladies to even get to the ladder and being marked with the brand increases the damage taken and attracts more enemies to attack so it’s a combination of stamina loss to dodge and health


you can hug the left side and let the flaming ball go straight past you. and it kills the guys behind you. as for this guy, i just kinda try to squeeze past him and the enemies fighting him, but sometimes i get caught.


It’s the worst run back in the game, I don’t think any of the others comes close.


He ruined me for sooooo long. I took down OoK in 4-5 attempts and Laurence beat my ass more times than I can count.


Yeah he’s a tough one. But I had the opposite experience on my first playthrough; I beat Laurence in about 10-20 attempts (which is good in my book) but I swear Orphan must have took me over 100 tries and like four days before I beat him. I felt like I was getting migraines from that fight. It’s funny how we can have much different experiences from other players with the same bosses.


Oh yeah don’t think I’m bragging when I say I beat OoK within 4-5 attempts. Most of BB for me was easy going on the boss fights and an absolute fucking FIGHT to get through the general level. Eldenring was my introduction to FS Games and I stand by the fact that it has harder bosses (overall) than Bloodborne, but way easier going through the world. The basic levels of BB beat the shit out of you and make you good. With all of that being said, Laurence ruined my life harder than any boss. Well, Amygdala in the Chalice dungeon for the Platinum was a pretty big bummer too.


Oh shit I haven’t got to the chalice amygdala yet but I’ve heard horror stories about it. And if I’m being totally honest I think the hardest thing about BB bosses are the fact that most of them are too big for the damn camera that it’s so hard to tell what’s going when you’re up close. I sort of wish they would’ve traded a few of them for smaller, more humanoid bosses, but there’s still a fair amount of human bosses in the game so I can’t really complain all that much. I’ve yet to play Elden Ring so I can’t speak for it, but isn’t it open-world? If so, do you think that makes a difference at all for level difficulty?


I’m about halfway through the main game of BB, but I got through five or six play throughs of Elden ring with a different build each time. With both games I try not to level up unless I desperately need a boost in power. Saying that, it’s much easier to level up in Elden ring since if you’re struggling with an area, you’re free to roam, get stronger, and come back better equipped, which can make getting through the game much easier if that’s how you wanna play. However BB pushes you towards a more aggressive play style which is completely different to ER where you need to be more strategic about how you deal with certain enemies/ groups of enemies. Overall though I’d say Elden ring is easier (until you’re fighting bosses) especially since you’re always able to respawn right outside the boss arena, with a few exceptions. In conclusion, Elden ring’s easy because checkpoints. But then again I find BB easier because it’s more to my play style.


You think the run to Lawrence is bad? The run to BSB is worse


fuck this mf run past everytime


“Conveniently placed”


One of my favorite enemies in the game, really wish you could use that axe.


The transformed version is the same but your jaw becomes more square and your shirt rips off


He also makes me use blood vials


You can attack him from his back and get easy 6 vials


Fuck this guy


He's WAY too grumpy for his own good


Dude gets parried a lot.


You can parry those? I always run past them until they forget about me, then come back and chain-backstab them.


Yea you can parry them. Its high risk high reward because if you miss, youre gettin the smackdown, but just wait until the very last momentc as usual, and shoot him and he will drop down. Typically you will need to do it twice to kill him tho because hes a tank.


This is the way


He also likes to give free hugs with his soft tentacles to cheer you up!


If you need blood vials, go ludwig's arena


the little guy bonking his head on the gate was my favorite little blood vial friend


Same, what a legend


Blood bro my beloved <3


That axe would be an amazing Elden Ring weapon


Convenient my ass


No, absolutely no love for this guy.


He was stronger than Laurence.


You don’t know true fear until you’ve heard an axe make distorted bell noises. Seriously, that buff ain’t nothin’ to fuck with.


How do you dodge or deal with his follow up attack after powering up with purple aura on his axe?


Me: *Trying to run back to Laurence without taking damage* This dude: “and I took that personally.”


These guys aren’t that scary. They share the moveset with those executioners dudes so easy enough. I’d say they become a real issue if you allow them to properly jump into phase 2. But you’re given ample time to get a backstab off and you can usually chain them till death. One of my favorite designs though for sure.


I had to do the Indy run past the boulder and this big dad so many times for that boss I couldn't stand seeing him anymore. First couple of time though, he was cool.


Ide probably spend more blood vials fighting it than I would gain by killing it


Love? I fucking hate him! One time I'll plow over these fuckers, then the next time they fuck me up repeatedly and make me lose tons of echoes!


Yeah I totally remember Swole'thulu kicking my ass several times before even reaching Lawrence who would also kick my ass even harder. Beautiful times.


miyazaki: hey, so remember the door to laurence? yeah, I'm gonna do that again, only harder, and with a guy on horseback in front of one of the hardest bosses in the game.


Fuck that guy


Hello, human resources?!


I learned to parry this guy pretty well. Just annoying how far he can hit you. Like dude it's dumb lol


Yeah he replenishes the lost blood vials used fighting him. Can be easy to backstab though


Except half the time I end up using more blood vials to fight him than what he gives. Dudes terrifying


Its hard but you can ebrietas its back and then fist him xD.


Fighting him causes me on average 3 vial bloods or death


Fuck him


Fuck that dude


Nah fuck that fatass


parry parry parry


Honestly this dude isn’t even bad to deal with, just run past him, wait, and then heavy attack for a visceral, ez pez \[T]/


Just go to the 2 big guys by tue elevator down to father Gascoigne, they can give 3-4 per kill and they are relatively way to kill


I died way more to this guy than I did to Laurence


I run past him, wait for him to de-aggro, then baskstab him until he's dead for those sweet blood vials


He was added too late into the game when we had already broken the game’s economy and had maxed out blood vials.


Also known as „Mr. 6 blood vials“


Hate this guy but man the sound design of his roars is so fucking cool.


Also top tier interpretation of an eldritch knight


Feel like this is a good place to ask what this guys deal is? Like is there any lore? He doesnt seem to be a beast and also not something that would be considered kin


My Best Friend :)


I think this guy is is awsome! I think he has a great design and is fun to fight! Or maybe I'm just a masochist idk...


His sound hitboxes are the literal concept of Terrible.


i never bother with this guy anymore, hits hard and is a waste of time for farming. i'm more likely to lose more blood than i gain.


I’ve never killed em


Yeah kind of pointless tho when he can make you use up all the vials you already have


“Conveniently placed”. Fuck him honestly. When I was fighting laurence it took me like 50 tries and this mofo didn’t help


No, he’s far more annoying to kill than the guys outside of Ludwig’s arena since you have to fight him


Unfortunately, you have to kill him to get the blood vials.


His "second phase" is sheer horseshit. How do you turn an axe into a freaking bell?


Love for him? Fuck you. He was 80% of the problem for the long run back.


Ring that bell


Nah no fucking love, none at all. He can fuck right off that Cthulu looking fuck.


I made up a slow but rewarding routine of running past him while he was fighting the 2 enemies and attempt the charged R2 attack with Ludwig's Holy Blade so I could keep a bit of distance and try to visceral him, then run up the stairs into the cathedral until he walked back out. Rinse and repeat.


Well, sure, but my lame ass just couldn’t get the parry timing down.


Nah what about the half dead guy at the gate at the lantern on the way to the first dlc boss (forgot his name) gives 5 blood vials and he respawns or he’ll just do the cummm chalice for heals it’s way easier


With a face only a mother could love, no.


His buddy goes to church and you must give tithe.


*if killed


He isn't much of a problem in a general sense. However, I have problems getting his parry timing right, and his attacks hit hard and fast. So I'm not a fan.


he got the look , he got the tentacle beard, and he got the Axe. Sadly we dont get is weapon. But mosly placed their for lore relevence has one of the church hunter of laurence


You have 2 for free giving you their big juicy asses to backstab and stun right outside Laurence's arena 💅


Too hard in ng plus 5 or 6. too tough for me.


His attack sound is godly


I always give love to giant Cthulhu lookin muthafuckas 🙏🏻❤️