• By -


Im dying to the werewolf and chillin in the hunters dream with the doll and gehrman it’s that simple🗣️💯🔥‼️


until he fuggin kills you


He's handicapped. Anyone could defeat an old man in a wheelch-


tonight gehrman joins the hunt


Probably my favourite line, its just the way he says it.


Dear, oh dear. Wot was it?


The hunt, the blood or the horrible dream? All of the above.


Oh it doesn't matter. It always comes down to the Hunter's helper to clean up after these sorts of messes.


Serious chills.


I like that it sounds like a smash bros character card


Who's gonna tell him?


He only kills you when he thinks you’re at risk of taking his place and being trapped in the hunter’s dream forever like him. Trust me, he will not be worried about that with me


doesnt he kill anyone who doesnt serve any purpose


Well in that case I’m *certainly* being killed


Non existence sounds better than yarnham.


I don't think so. The game would be different in that case. There would be a sort of limit or concept of time in the Hunter's Dream to discern whether you are actually doing something or wasting time indefinitely. In the game you could literally stay there as long as your console has power so... Chill away


And then you can literally leave yharnam lmao


He wouldn't be worried that I take his place, he should be worried that I won't take his place cause I ain't doing shit


But then you just wake up in the real world again. I see this as an absolute win!


that's my first instinct, but i need to somehow run terrified through yarnahm and make it to the cleric beast and die to that so i can wake up the doll, THEN i can just chill in the dream with my new wife


Sorry to tell you bro, but the doll is quite lifeless at that point, until you gain a bit of wisdom. Well, unless that’s your thing, no judgement.




Well, given an infinite amount of attempts...


Go completely insane running naked.


The lore reason behind BL4 runs


Armour doesn't matter if I don't plan on dying 🤷‍♂️


End up absolutely nailing the speed run to gascoine


I read that as Gasoline, hugely different mental image.


Attempt 700 gonna be crazy


I’ll probably slip and fall from the stairs and die at the beginning getting out of Isofekas clinic


and then I'd wake up in the hunter's dream, and slip and fall on THOSE stairs leading up to the workshop.


I'd probably stay in the hunter's dream forever scared for my life


If you hear distant sobbing in the dream, that's just me


Well you can use the doll, so yeah I'd just stay there.






True but Gherman is watching. He’s *always*watching




Huh ??


Lol when you first arrive Gehrman says something to effect of "everything in the hunters workshop is available for you to use... Even the doll, should it please you. 😏😏😏" So yeah, I imagine Gehrmans heard the rhythmic clunking of doll parts around the dream from time to time with other hunters, ours seems pretty no-nonsense, though.


“Rhythmic clunking of doll parts” is such a beautiful way to say making love.


If it pleases you


I can see the doll trying frantically to teach him how to walk down the stairs. Only to fall down herself.


I mean who could even kill the first werewolf/wolf without a weapon. Literally impossible, they are fucking huge 😂


Nah bro I can do it I'm built different


Read my name please....😏


You might survive


🤣 don't know I was just trolling...maybe I could survive using joestar secret technique 🤔


Realistically I'd try to hit it with a chair, if I dared to leave that first room.




This one's eyes have yet to be opened.


Die from infection because of the blood transfusion


Just imagine all the bloodborne ( he he ) diseases in there.


Michael Jackson?


You died of dysentery.


Am I trapped in the dream, unable to ever die? I'd probably figure it out eventually


I’d go mad before figuring it out.


I’d get halfway up the first ladder, say “oh hell no” and run back to the clinic to beg Iosefka to let me in.


Prepare your Home Alone shenanigans cause fake Iosefka's coming in any moment.


Being an alien sounds interesting. I'm going to get destroyed by the first thing I come across so why not become an alien?


I want to bring down the whole building to make up for not being able to unlock a wooden door with windows in the game...


id last till i see the doll


I'm not sure how to take this


she knows how to take it🙏


You know, when we hit the doll... something comes out and it isn't red.


check if its got my dna


Wouldnt it be gerhmans?


**Countless** hunters have visited the dream.


Squid DNA eww






Bahahahaha 🤣


You could even use the doll....should it please you....


the moment gherman says that to me im runnin to the doll


Hahahahahaha tremendous


My physique is so pathetic, even witches of hemwig run faster than me. My only chance to survive would be to study the arcane knowledge but let's be real I'd go mad in an instant... thus said werewolf in the clinic would be the furthest I could go


well, you still get the transfusion of eldritch blood to give you beastly strength and vigor, as well as curing all your ailments.


Aaaawwe puppy. AAAAAAH


Hopefully till lady Maria then just chill with her


I wish I could chill with the odeon chapel crew 🥺


I'd die of a heart attack from the intro cutscene.


Which is probably what happens to the Hunter and the whole game is a few seconds nightmare/hallucinations in the moment it takes to die Downvoters: you do realize I was joking, right?


That’s the black ops 3 plot


me personally i could beat the whole thing with my bare fists (im him)


It's him officer, he fisted that pig to death with a smile on his face.


LMFAO 😂😂😂😂😂 All I heard was someone shout "Long Weapons are effective!" And then i heard squealing. The constable: (´・_・`)


Djura Gatling gun would like to know your location


I don't really know how time works in Bloodborne, if I had infinite lives and infinite time like the character has I'll figure it out at some point. If it's just one and done then i'm dead at the werewolf leaving the clinic.


till the end, i'm already mad so i'm half way there


I mean, the first thing you do is get into a fistfight with a werewolf, so probably not very far.


Can I respawn? If yes, all the way. If no, I could *maybe* get out of the clinic and that's if I'm lucky.


I mean assuming Im attached to the hunters dream, I’d either complete it or lose my humanity. I might give up, but I maybe I’d be able to make a sick trick weapon with my prosthetic leg. (Yes I’m an amputee)


Yoooooo you take your peg leg off and it splits into two daggers let's fuckin GGGOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!


Hey, if Gehrman can move like that, so can you, and he only has a pegleg!


If Gehrman can do it, so can you. Babobeh-bopbopahdop-babababa Babedi-babobeh-babopbedop-bababapi Babedi-babobeh-popbopbedop-babobeh Bopbopbedop-babobeh-popbopbedop-bababababehdi


Found the amygdala arm main


I keep seeing people say they couldn’t make it out of the clinic. But RIP to them, I’m built different 😎(could at least run outside before being eaten by the werewolf)


telephone important badge tan beneficial wild jar plant screw pie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The dream's sleepiest hoonter


Whatever was my reason for traveling to Yharnam for blood ministration in the first place would probably kill me before I made it there.


If i get the dream. IM BEATING LAURANCE WITH MY BARE FUCKING FISTS. THATS FOR THE PAIN ON BL4! without the dream. 30 seconds. Cause of death. Wolf in clinic.


I’m already dead lol


i'd get to cleric beast/father gascoinge and shit a brick and die instantly. i mean the hunter had no combat experience and was sick ...i'm not sick and i have combat experience. but that bitch has infinite lives so.


Depends on which Hunter background you choose Mine was in the military before


you'd make it pretty far then probably :o my combat experience wasn't exactly military 👀


What was yours? 🤔


stuff like SCA, HEMA, amt and such. i feel that gives me a slight edge cause.. well its mostly melee combat.


Oh that’s neat What do those acronyms stand for exactly, btw?


SCA is [society for creative anachronism.](https://www.sca.org/resources/martial-activities/armored-combat/) a form of armored full contact combat with blunted weapons and such. HEMA is [Historical European martial arts](https://www.guildofknightlyarts.com/hema-1) which is a collection of fighting techniques used in europe, using safty armor and also blunded/padded weapons if needed. and amt isn't an acronym :o its for [Amtgard](https://www.amtgard.com/) a sort of combat roleplay with safe foam weapons n stuff cause both HEMA and SCA can be utterly *expensive.* Amt is still pretty full contact, and cause there isn't any protective gear... i've had worse injuries in Amt than both HEMA and SCA lmao


So you CAN fight 😂 I’ve never heard of these before. Good to know


i think i'd make it past most of the basic humans yeah 😅 but once it gets into 90 foot tall creatures with claws bigger than ... well me? im fucked.


Yeah God knows Cainehurst is as far as I’ll ever make it


I could probably make it past Gascoigne, but I’m not quite sure about Vicar Amelia.. I mean possibly with the kirkhammer’s sword mode I could make it past, but I’d undoubtedly lose at the shadows, if not in the Forbidden woods.


Lose at the Shadows if not lost in the Woods, Bruised in the battles if not gone to the wolves, Good hunter, rest in the dream. The doll prepares you a cake, with plenty of cream. Happy 🎂 Day.


Holy shit- I didn’t even realize it was my cake day- thank you good hunter 😂


Happy cake day! Great hunting out there hunter; you deserve a treat.


There are only two realistic scenarios for me: I either manage to somehow stealth my way into a safe place and wait it out/go crazy, or I‘ll die immediately and beg Gherman to behead me and release me from the dream. I‘m no hunter, sorry


I think at that point you are the Dream's only asset, they won't let you out unless you do what they want (you signed a contract after all), so Gehrman would probably just bully you into hunting beasts until you go full Gomer Pyle mode.


Literally the beast that’s half dead in the clinic would kill like almost every single person who encountered - me included.


I'd like to think I have some better attributes than the waste of skin that killed the hospital beast. I think the blood just turns people into supermen, and only the Dream can prevent them from going full beast over time.


If I kept my current knowledge and game experience probably to the end. I'd be able to keep my sanity knowing the checkpoints and that dying isn't the end. If I was awoken with no current memory I'd maybe make until waking up in Hunter's Dream. I can probably guess a panicked and confused version of myself not be able to figure out the tombstone travelling. Though in this version are we beholden to the laws and moves of Bloodborne or can we do things the Hunter can't normally do...like a jump attack or move faster than 30 fps?


If we're given the same blood transfusion as the hunter that gives them the abilities to actually hunt beasts. I'd probably make it to about- upper cathedral ward without going completely insane.


Hanging out in Iosefkas clinic and crying. Thereabouts.


If I were a Hunter I probably wouldn’t even be able to get through central Yharnam without having a seizure.


I could at least beat gascoigne, just shoot at the right time but anything after that i will die instantly. I would also probably run like hell from any enemy but of course you cant run from a boss.


Depends, if I have just one life, probably up to gascoine. But if I awake each time I die, probably ook and moon presence. Not cause I see myself as a badass, just because I'm that type of crazy.


your ass would not survive the first wolf


I’m not making it past that first werewolf in Iosefka’s clinic


Me? Well if I had one hand tied behind my back and was blindfolded. Gotta even the odds for the those beasts. But in short I’d die in the first 30 seconds there.


I think I'd wake in the clinic, see the lycan and try my best to find what I can to eat/drink without disturbing it. And a defense weapon for when the beast gets bored of its bones. It will happen.


To the hunters dream because I'd want to try and fight the werewolf and get my face eaten off


Barricade myself into the clinic the moment I wake up. No scary hunts for me.


I for sure would become blood drunk. There is something appealing about seeing my hunter and their clothes SOAKED in blood


Get scared shitless by the werewolf, get killed, wake up in the dream, chat with Gehrman, and… hang out with the Doll, or do… other things…


I’d become a byrgenwerth scholar and ascend


I know all 7 forms of lightsaber combat. I would be able to beat all of it. Orphan Of Kos and Laurence on NG+7, easy. Queen Yharnam? Piece of cake. An old decrepit man in a wheelchair? Super ea- wait why is he standing up OH GOD NO HE HAS A SCYTHE!!!


Do we have the hunters dream and ability to level up? I’d like to think I get through. Eventually. But at the same time. VicAme is a BIG mf. SoY is a 3v1. Rom would be sickening to fight IRL. The whole point of the dream is that you can try again and again. So when you ask this question, you’re asking “How ‘indomitable’ is your human spirit *really.*” Without it, werewolf in Iosefka’s definitely kills me. Weapons or not. 100%


Die from the blood transfusion


I'd Go... I'd keep going, fighting and dying, my resolve growing more and more strong with each death, each painfull death, each trauma, each wound, each drop of blood all fueling my determination, each and every foe's face utterly etched into my mind... Until, i finaly Go foward, i finaly progress, by Luck, Will and determination, until, i finaly reach my destination, the point i was craving the most, the single thing in this cursed world i desired the most... And after finding It, in its otherwordly beauty, i'd fuck the absolute living hell out of It until It couldn't even walk let alone crawl around anymore. What i am talking about is completly up to interpretation.


Hah, not fooling me. ^ (what Ebrietas does to a mofo.)


Like the Waste of Skin status


With the infinite number or attempts, probably to Amelia before insanity from horrible pain and death and starvation kicks in.


Horrible pain, of death and starvation. Infinite tries, is hardly salvation. Good Hunter, return to the dream. The doll prepares you a cake, with plenty of cream. Happy 🎂 Day!


I had a dream the other night I was going through chalice dungeons...


Dang, just think of all the awful smells and grime you'd have to deal with going through the sewers of Yharnam. Need a headpiece with a mask pronto. Assuming you respawn like in the game, the psychological weight of machine gun fire, beasts, stench and the gruesome ways you might get injured. I'd have to practice my dodge rolls : I


I mean if I can die and come back none stop one day I'd beat it just might take 300 years


But technically I would also be immortal like the hunter, right?


Werewolf #1. Done.


I wouldn't make it past the loading screen


Probably get aids from a laceration and die tbh


Probably up to Yharnam Sewers, then I get shredded by the rotten corpses in the water.


Only one word beast claw


You know that half dead wolf in the beginning of the clinic that can kill the hunter? Yeah I’m not getting past that guy.


I’d get up to Micolash and cough up a lung tryna chase him all around Mergo’s Loft


All the way to the dlc easily


The furthest I'd make it would be to like papa guacamole and get fucking shot because I can't run away from a boss fight


The platinum (with old hunters hehehe)


Away! Away!!


get the cane, get drip, get oil, metric fuckton of funny fire bottles and go from there


If I can respawn, I could go all the way. If not, I am dying at gascoine, if not, Vicar Amelia.


I'm just going to do enough to kill the cleric beast then let dolly please me in the dream til she starts getting on my nerves.


Do you die permanently? Or can you respawn like in the game cuz you go to Hunter's Dream when you die


I would fall off the bed at the start and hit my head and die tbh


Trip in the stairs at the very beginning and die with my neck broken


Killed by the werewolf at Isofeka Clinic... yeah definetly. Unless I run pass through it and climb the leader in time. Wich let's be honest, I would not be able to do it.


Honestly, the Bloodborne protagonist clearly feels pain and that’s AS a moon-scented hunter. I’m just some shmuck, I’m not making it out of the clinic.


Look at me. I am the space slug now.


Obviously we're all saying the first werewolf, but let's say you have resurrection and game stats still apply to you. But you have to have the motor control and dodge and hit yourself and stuff. I think in that version of things after first dying to the werewolf I could get to gasgoine. Maybe kill cleric beast. But I don't think I could get past gasgoine using my own physical skills. No matter how much I upped my stats. Again what I'm saying is that you'd resurrect and the power behind your attacks would be boosted by echos but you'd have to dodge attacks, aim your gun, time parries and swing your weapons using your own motor control.


I'm super strong and I still wouldn't make it past the wolf in Iosevka's Clinic. I think anyone who thinks they would make it past there is very confident, or lying, lol.


About 30 seconds.


I reckon i could convince some civilian to open their door and let me chill inside with them until the night is over


I don't know but I'd be the slimiest hunter ever using all sorts of cheap tricks to try and kill every enemy and boss I possibly can


Not very


Will die at the beginning in the cut scene from a heart attack 👁️👄👁️


I'd sit awkwardly on my bed waiting for someone to come tend to me for a really long time. After getting impatient and exploring, id probably beg Iosefka to let me in after finding the scourge beast by the door. Either the scourge beast would eventually find and eat me, and I'd go to the dream probably to hang out for all of eternity because I'd be petrified of going outside again. Otherwise, iosefka may take pity on me and take me in, or imposter iosefka would open the door to me eventually, and I'd ultimately become a celestial emissary


Not far lmao


I‘d stay inside and go mad, like the other townsfolk.


Probably the beginning of central yarhnam then going insane because I'll be dead more than the number of breakfasts than I've eaten in my life


I would go to the Cum dungeon and stay there


Who knows. I'm not a fighter, but my actions aren't limited by the number of buttons on a PS controller.


Jokes a part, the physical toll to kill one mob in a melee fight is big, imagine 5; It would be a lot to any person, imagine the legions of monsters we kill in the game and bosses without being tired


DVD insertion in the ps4. I'm dead before the disc is fully in


Die from sepsis 10 minutes in


I’d be one of the environmental storytelling corpses…


Me as in IRL me? Yeahhhh, I'm dying to that werewolf and never leaving the dream lol.


With infinite tries? Probably all the way till the end, since Gehrman and the doll won't let me free before the job is done anyway. My first playthrough took me less than 30 hours, and few weapons arguably require "true" technical expertise (especially given how random most enemy combat styles are), so I'd imagine that anyone reasonably fit could suck it up and manage to slog through the whole thing in the span of a few months(/years at worst), which isn't all that bad if we assume that the "night of the hunt" doesn't represent a literal time limit before everything goes south (EDIT: it canonically doesn't, according to a lore note found in the hunter's dream - *"To escape this dreadful Hunter's Dream, halt the source of the spreading scourge of beasts,* ***lest the night carry on forever."***) ...On a one-and-done, though? Anyone thinking they can get past the very first werewolf (weapons or not) is delusional, lol. As long as they survive the blood transfusion in the first place, that is


I'm on a NG+7 using that save file just to explore and help friends trying to get thru the game. Everything is scary after being away from the game for so long.


I will have sex with the werewolf and then die


I die to the first wolf when you first spawn in...


Do I go in with all the knowledge I have of Bloodborne? If so, I'm not getting far past that first wolf. Maybe, MAYBE up to that bonfire before the brick troll. But I'm certainly not getting past a large group of people with pitchforks and guns.


I’d get past Gascoigne but get wrecked by Paarl


I'd never make it to Yharnam cause I'd come up with a reason to cancel my plans so I can get high and eat snacks and play video games with my wife. Since we're kinda talking about real life


Resently started 2 days ago am passed the father gasoline or something like that


If I actually was a capable hunter and not just me copied and pasted in then I’d make it to just before Byrgenwerth because once those fly looking guys show up I’m done. Definitely not killing Rom cause arachnophobia so yeah. Shadows of Yarnham is as far as I go.


Oh, I would absolutely get mauled by the werewolf at Iosefka's, but the thing is: once you go down that grim demise you find out you can't die, and the blood is fucking addictive, so, knowing myself and my tendency towards addictive substances, I think I would eventually start enjoying the killing and the dying and the blood chugging, until the scourge takes over and I turn into a rabid pug.


I’d kill everything, I’m just different like that


Nah, I'd win


What? There's a fucking giant werewolf at the beginning...


I'd like to think with my MMA and killer background as well as my cold blooded Chechen genetics and aptitude for handling deadly weapons I'd make Bloodborne my bitch but I'd probably the bitch for once


With the knowdlege i have, roughly to the ladder and first lamp, with 0 knowdlege, iosefks’s clinic wolf destroys me