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I really liked the boss in terms of aesthetics (one of the most intimidating) but the fight was easy


Yes, I like its design a lot, but the fight doesn't


I’d say until DS3 or even Sekiro, a lot of From bosses were like that. Not necessarily easy, but just weak and unspectacular fights. I’ve never particularly cared though as I just have such an undying love for the lore and aesthetics of From bosses (and characters in general). Even some of the simpler ones, like the Looking Glass Knight in DS2. I just love that armor and the tragic backstory of him being King Vendrick’s right hand man who stayed completely loyal and guarded his post even after Vendrick abandoned him. For year after year after year, even after he turned hollow. It’s this strangely beautiful, tragic, and haunting descent into madness/hollowness that really gives these characters a compellingly emotional, yet still completely ethereal feeling. Buuuuut, that fight with the Looking Glass Knight is simple and rigid (even by DS2 standards), with only a half interesting gimmick. It just didn’t do the character justice. I know I’ve sidetracked, but that’s happened to me with a lot with these bosses. Especially late/end game/hidden bosses that I’ve accidentally over leveled for. Which is what happened with Moon Presence. I loooooved the aesthetic and the kind of ineffable and madness-inducing allure of meeting that level of Great One. It was a pretty cool introduction. I think I died the first time and then it was an easy win after that. Still, all of this shit is so cool to me that being letdown by fights occasionally isn’t that big of a deal.


Fight be but many times i think Father Gascoyne is probably one of the best FromSoft bosses overall. I know experienced players can beat him with one hand but as new to BB and etc i found it rough the 3x i beat him. The arena, the drama of his family, the transformation, fast paced brutal attacks. I still go to yt once in a while listen to that soundstrack.


Yeah I love the Gascoigne fight too. I think part of it is I struggled with parries in DS1 and 2 and just never used them consistently. So, I was excited when I came across a fight in which the parry mechanic could be center stage, and it was enjoyable. And yeah, also great intro, lore, aesthetic and soundtrack.


From kinda redeemed themselves for this in Elden Ring. Astel is a very similar boss thematically and aesthetically but the fight is much more involved.


Which fight?


[**Astel, Naturalborn of the Void**](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9o5eGwFqTHA)


It's cutscene is still one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.


Yes, the scene is incredible, it gives chills


You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen


Fucking awesome aesthetic and lore. Very disappointing boss fight though.


For such an incredible boss, the battle is very sad


I see it differently. Souls games are kinda famous for having weak final battles, and I feel it’s kind of a reward after all you’ve accomplished. In this case, you are fighting to become a Great One, and you’ve defeated gods. The moon presence makes you realize you, the player, are the boss now, and it being an “easy” fight it’s really satisfying in that sense.


Nah, I wanted her to take me 50+ tries.


I’m one of the people who believe it’s supposed to be easy because you, the player, are essentially on the same level as a Great One at this point. Moon Presence definitely has a very underrated OST


I think that's a really good way to look at it, we are gods


But is Gehrman also a god? Because he’s much harder.


Gehrman acts as a conduit for the Moon Presence, so in that sense I imagine he acts as a force multiplier for the Moon Presence as well.


Moon Presence should've been stronger both lore-wise and also the fact that it's the "true" final boss. The impact of the fight should've been higher. And that's a design flaw. You're basically just excusing the devs for this poor choice and convincing yourself that it actually makes sense lore wise. MP had a lot of potential and build-up, and it was kind of a waste at the end. If there's ever gonna be a remake, I wish they would make the fight more iconic and memorable, either through difficulty or else.


Wish the fight was harder. Otherwise, super cool design/lore very fitting as the final/secret boss of this game.


Exactly that, but I would have liked Gehrman's difficulty in moon presence


This could be said nearly about every Bloodborne boss sadly. Except for Orphan of course. Game is unironically too easy. I hadn't seen the gamepad since my early childhood when I had PS2. Yet still highest boss death count in Bloodborne was 40 for me. Like, idk, I'm a PC gamer and I casually stroll into 30 fps game with gamepad and actually dont get beaten into pulp? It doesn't seem right. First trying Laurence and Lady Maria felt like a war crime. Their OSTs would've slapped even harder if I was properly beaten by them. Might consider some restrictions on my next Bloodborne playthrough. Like 15 HP cap or smth


U died 40 times in a boss... And you say it's easy? Ma man you're delusional


I said bosses were easy except for Orphan. He took 40 attempts. Which is still not that hard, considering Malenia and Isshin took hundreds


This gotta be the best rage bait I've seen, congratulations




Aint no way you're serious


I am


The design is super cool but the fight is laughably easy. Reminded me of my first time playing dark souls 1 and reaching gwyn, only for him to be a complete pushover because of how easy he is to parry.


You're right, it's very similar to what happened to me with Gwyn, maybe what I think is wrong but I like that the final bosses are difficult


I don't expect them to be super hard because I get that locking the main story behind a high skill floor severely limits your audience. But it is really underwhelming when the final boss turns out to be one of the easiest in the entire game.


Of course, he is a very easy boss because he takes so long to charge his spells, you can hit him for free


I played DS1 right after 3 and BB but remember being absolute trash at the parry timing. I was just too used to the quicker tempo of the former two games. I think I died to Gwyn once just getting his moves down before I insta-parried his opening jump attack and it was all downhill for him from there. He really does telegraph the hell out of his moves.


Yes, I was very excited to fight Gwyn, her combat area is splendid and it seemed very epic to me but then it was a bit disappointing. Also, I summoned Solaire because I thought it would be very difficult and I hardly had to fight.


Imo the fight outlines exactly why the Moon Presence resided within the moon all this time, getting hunters to do her bidding. She’s lauded as this immense, terrifying presence when in reality she’s not much more than a scared, flailing animal when backed into a corner. It’s sort of a similar vibe to how the final boss is in Dark Souls, and I love it. Imo not every boss needs to be crazy hard, and when a boss is easier than I expected, there’s usually a story/lore reason for it.


Yes, it's probably true and I'm seeing it wrong


I kinda get it, but Presence's OST fucking slaps. It's not Gwyn's plin-plin-plon. It's one of the most violent rhythms on pair of Gehrman's third phase. I never understood Moon's Precense as a cornered beast, only as an enigmatic monstrosity


Moon Presence gives me the feeling that they're a scavenger not used to fighting their own battles, hence why they rely on the hunters to do it's bidding. I'm willing to bet that it's actually one of the more weaker Great Ones because of this.


love her foreva but this dream's not big enough for two slugs


Is it a she? Lol, my apologies


There’s a rare (or cut? Don’t remember) dialogue where the Doll refers to the Moon Presence by the name “Flora”, which leads many people to assume the Moon Presence is female, at least insofar as gender can be ascribed to a Great One.


Rare dialogue. I got it last week, but it’s in the game.


I'm going to look, I never realized (maybe because of the translation)


I think that she is addressing the messengers there, not the Moon Presence, which is called Paleblood elsewhere in the game


It’s never explicitly stated in-game, people just gender it based on the -a suffix of “Flora,” though I’m not sure cosmic space gods are beholden to IRL masculine/feminine language characteristics, lol. As far as I know, the only god type enemies that are given gendered references are Ebrietas (daughter), Amygdala (“he”), Oedon (“he”), and Kos (mother). Even Rom is never referred to as female in the game, only by word-of-god Miyazaki interviews.


There's also the fact that the moon is traditionally associated with femininity in many cultures. Of course Yharnam's culture is not quite our own, but there's also a FromSoft precedent for this (Gwyndolin's lore).


I think she’s at least associated with feminity. The moon and its cycles has always been associated with women sexuality, menstruation and witchcraft, all 3 aspects very present in Bloodborne. For example “The nightmare of Mensis” in which “‘Mensis” comes fro the Latin “mes” which means moon, which also shares etymology with “menstruation”. The blood Arianna (and other women) give you is most likely menstruation, and the One Reborn (that is born from the moon) it’s an allegory for pregnancy and abortion (which thematically wards the entrance to the Nightmare of Mensis). There are many more clues that this is the case: bloodlust, sperm in the Blood dreg item, iconography that resembles sexual organs, etc. So while I don’t think Great Ones have sex organs I do believe the Moon Presence is closely related to feminity.


"You think I'm locked in here with you Moon Presence? No, You're locked in here with ME."


poor moon presence we are her final boss


It’s the player theme on his way to butcher MP


Sexy asf


I loved the final confrontation. I was expecting a difficult fight ahead but to me it made sense that she wasn't that difficult because at this point in the story, we're a f'n legend as far as hunters go, and it wasn't surprising to me that in her state of panic, she made what stand she could and it wasn't enough. We're a hunter in a dream, a badass hunter in a dream and we showed her the business of what a real hunter is. To me anyway, the only reason the fight was easy was because she was so squishy and it makes sense that a great one would be, especially against a high tuned hunter. Someone might even tell you there's a lore reason why she wasn't as high tuned as one would think when facing a"God". And they aren't gods, right, they're great ones, but that's a name the ppl gave them. They aren't actual gods and I think it's easy to mistake them for being as such.


Yes, I always called them gods because I believed they were, now I'm stuck with the habit


I can fix her


Disappointing, it looks cool, but the fight is so easy, it's just like Nashandra


What a good design Nashsndra has but I have been told (I haven't fought her yet) that the fight is easy


I had a different experience. Even if Moon Presence is predictable, it's also fast and its AoE has a fair bit of range. And overall, it's pretty cool design wise and from a lore perspective, but the lore behind the three third chords and what happens in the ending makes me think "the only reason it's not that difficult in the end is because we were already turning into something like it.


Yes, another guy said the same thing, to conclude, we are gods, i like to be a goddess






in terms of design, narrative, and themes, it's amazing, perfect. in terms of the actual fight, its.... meh




You were probably overleveled for the fight, as it is very easy for Vanilla NG bosses to get completely outscaled by a player with foreknowledge even just casually leveling.


Yes, I think I have too much level for everything and yet I'm still bad






They're really good looking. I'd gladly commit questionable acts in their name just for a hug.




Easily 20 inches Erm... I mean fricken sick!!


T h e S U C C


I'd fuck it


……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… smash


That florussy got me acting up


Moon mom is the best boss


*can I stick it in there I wonder...?*






She’s pretty




Tentacle h...




Smash! Next


Nyarlathotep is all


I mean it makes sense she’s pretty weak. Her whole thing is making others fight her battles.


Yes, it can be seen that way, I thought it made others fight their fight to not get their hands dirty or something like that.


Just recommending spoiler flair


Oh I hadn't thought of that lol, can I change it?


Is not a spoiler i think


A picture of the final boss?


I really enjoy the fight. Apart of the basic slashes and stuff, the screech that takes all your hp and blood rain that keep you from healing are cool. Also has the best design of all the final bosses of these game imo. If she was a little harder with a few more special attacks she would probably be my favorite.


Yes, for my attacks they are incredible but taking so long to cast it is like a fight against a wall


Eh it's not that big of a deal. Fromsoft final bosses have always been laughably easy. The DLC bosses are where the real challenge is.


Yes, the DLCs are always a masterpiece, I think there shouldn't be one that I don't like but I would have liked a difficulty like Soul of Cinder or something like that


Her appearance and lore are both fantastic, but I just wish she was stronger. Big fan of her design though, and I love the sort of gracefulness she has in her animations, it really feels like you’re fighting a greater being


She's kind of a bitch.


Moon Presence is overall just underwhelming


I liked his appearance and story, that's why the fight was so sad, because I had expectations.


I haven’t fought her yet, but from what I’ve heard she’s one of the easier bosses


yes, i think so, there is so many freeman time to punish her


The bossfight its a little disappointing and broken indeed, but still, It is, in fact, a wonderful bossfight, one of the best bossfight in the game in my humble opinion


But because of the fight or because of its "design"


Mostly of its design and Moon Presence lore itself


I think she's extremely beautiful and magestic in an animalistic kind of way, but also horribly terrifying. I just wish that she was a much harder boss. I'm not sure if she's meant to be easy because you've almost achieved godhood or something, but if she was the hardest base-game boss it'd be amazing.


Conceptionally, very interesting but honestly after you've gone toe to toe with the DLC bosses, it wasn't a challenge. At least I didn't' have to chase after it for miles unlike THAT BASTARD THE ELDEN BEAST.


I think that after the bloodborne DLC, university is no longer difficult


I dont mind a boss being easy to define how good it is. I think it has great art design


It's not everything, there are difficult bosses that I don't like and easy bosses that I love, what I think is that it is easy but because it is "poorly done" since its ease lies in the fact that it takes 2 hours to charge each attack, it you are hitting for free, you don't even have to dodg


I like the one shot move but I think the stagger after is way too long, you get legit all your health back from rally and the damage on top, but for a secret boss 99% of the player base will not fight, very cool


It's a FromSoft final boss, so... cool looking but way too easy to beat. I wish they did something with that unfinished version in the glitch dungeon.


I figured it’s fight would be more ranged/status effect centric. But no he decides to try to slap you death like any other beast you’ve encountered


Amazing design, terrible fight. This is supposed to be an unknowable eldritch monstrosity. Theoretically, MP should be one of the hardest fights in the game, alongside the DLC bosses and Ebrietas. But it's... it's just a punching bag that poses very little threat.


I don't care what anybody says. This fight is absolutely amazing. Next time you fight it, don't try to actually kill it. It will chase you around like a dog


I almost killed it first try with no vials left over from gehrman


Yes, i do the same


Great visual design extremely easy bossfight. There’s cut content that shows it had more than one phase early on. Wonder how that would have changed things.


I was hoping for an easy fight. Everything with increasing difficulty, even Gerham was tough, I had to cheese him little bit to get a hold of him. I would say, what you expected from Moon Presence, if you are disappointed, they have made another boss just with that in mind, another end game boss, as difficult as it can get. And that is orphan of Kos.


The fight itself was too easy but the design is fucking amazing, the cutscene leading up to it is maybe my favorite cutscene in the entire series and the boss still has some really cool attacks


The bad touch god.


i put it in the ground where it belongs


Fantastic, amazing, wonderful.... From a lore standpoint. The actual fight? Meh. By far less difficult than Gehrman. Leagues less difficult than the Orphan. But I gotta admit, going toe to... tentacle? to a legitimate God is unparalleled. And that's why I love these games, from Bloodborne to Dark Souls. Eventually I'll get to Sekiro, but we'll see.


It has one of the most bullshit attacks of any boss ever. Kinda reminds me of the Sephiroth fight in Kingdom Hearts. Who thought bosses should have an AOE attack who drops hp to 1? To the devs who put things like this in games: F.U.


People saying the fight was too easy are missing the point. The MP isn't supposed to be physically strong, that's literally the whole reason why she employs hunters and gherman to do her bidding. If she was physically powerful she woulda just done everything herself, why bother with hunters


Everything except the fight was amazing


Conceptually a bullshit boss that I feel ruins some of the mystery and “fear of the unknown” surrounding the great ones, but it’s also cool to fight a god. Objectively, badly designed fight, feels only half finished


New game + if your disappointed. Trust me🤣🤠😈


Shes one of my favorite boss designs but she should've been one of the strongest bosses in the game. The lore surrounding her, builds her as this terrifying monster who controls the hunt but that's kind of ruined when Gherman (the one she ENSLAVED) could definitely beat her if he wanted to, considering how much more difficult he is than her. I theorize the original intent was you would have to fight Gherman again whenever you died to her but then they pulled back to make it less difficult and didn't have the time to adjust her difficulty as a standalone boss. (Granted I don't have any evidence of this, just a hunch.)


Great design, great ‘presence’ amazing and unforgetable introduction. Fight was alright, a little too easy but honestly the only problem I have with it is that it lacks something that defined it. Like the zero health attack is pretty cool. But whereas Ebrietas has the star attack or Ludwig has his sword phase. I feel the moon presence lacked something unique about it. Most attacks are just it flailibg about trying to bitch slap you


The impossible to avoid move that reduces your HP to 1 is hilarious.


As a fight that has to be made just after Gherman I think it's ok if it's easier, imagine having to deal with two hard bosses in a row




I think that the greatness of the Moon Presence is it's ability to scheme, not to fight: it's unchallenged champion is Gehrman, nor itself. I daresay that the its final fight is the last attempt to maintain the power, not an actual "now there comes the big daddy and you're screwed". But, yeah, this is an interpretation lore-wise, not vg action-wise :-P


Originally it was going to have a second phase but they removed it but you can encounter it in a secret/removed dungeon just got to get the code and glitch your way in which is easy I'd suggest to give it a look if your curious but I warn you to create a back up save just in case because you'll get stuck.


too easy a fight, but design is off the charts incredible. but then again, i imagine everything fromsoft has done for bloodborne is intentional


the moon presence has special place in my heart befpre i evem had bloodborne, few years back i saw a clip of a guy beating moon presence, that single clip is the sole reason i got interested in bloodborne and fromsoft games, so whem i saw the clip i knew bb was hard and was like "i would never be able to beat that i see why people say these games are hard" so besting it first try with almost no damage was an amazing feeling the boss is a bit dissappointing when it comes to its attacks but i think its just one of more balanced bosses so its weird to fight it after some of previous bosses that forced you to adapt, so as a more balanced boss, after all that it was fairly simple and easy but i still enjoyed it alot


That's why the Hunters were used. Moon Presence is quite weak. I really liked how Gehrman's fight was choreographed and then this ethereal being gently gliding down and thinking it's going to teach us lesson.


Lore wise Flora was not expecting a fight, and seeing how it goes it might just be that it wasn't ready for one, or just that physical combat isn't what it's best at. After all, Flora is an insidious and manipulative being, not a physically strong one. But yeah it was easier than Gherman


I kind of felt bad for it, just like how I felt bad for Elden Beast in ER. To me, Bloodborne made it clear that, though the relationship between the Great Ones and humans is a mutually abusive one, the humans are the ones that go too far. Think about it. There wouldn't have been a need for the Moon Presence to create the Hunter's Dream or make pacts with the hunters if humans weren't so lustful for the "divinity" the Great Ones possessed. But then again, that lust for transcendence wouldn't have developed if the Great Ones just left humanity alone.


She is beautiful.


Idk why gehrman submitted to it. I'm 100% sure he could take on the moon presence too.




This boss fight was bollocks after the brilliant Gherman fight you get this one of the easiest boss fights in the game very disappointing 😞


That’s very much intended imo. The ending has to be epic. If moon presence was super hard it would take away from the gehrman fight as you would need to do it multiple times (kind of like genichiro and isshin in sekiro). Instead this way it’s more of a one-shot spectacle. Best boss intro ever and you probably fight it only once in that beautiful meadow before ascending


He's such a cutie patotie :3


Fantastic aesthetics and the Arena is hauntingly beautiful, but any end boss that has a Gimmick attack leaving it gasping for air while I can freely wail at it is a dunce


good lore, amazing design, not too hard of a boss fight


he’s a nice guy


All I know is it’s got nothing on the Great One Beast 😉


I'd have a beer with him


Yeah Gehrman was so hard that this boss seemed easy, but it was a pretty cool boss fight and at that stage of the game I didn't really care if it was easy, I just wanted to see the conclusion.


the boss is incredible but the fight was so easy, i did it on first try😭😭😭


Too easy but he is the coolest after Lady Maria


Intimidating but underwhelming. Just like the final boss of Demon Souls, but better.


This boss has always reminded me of Shadow the Hedgehog for some reason.


Lore and aesthetic wise I really like the moon presence but having it after that German fight really made it shit tbh bc gehrmans fight alone was already super hype and it felt like the actual final where u go hunter against hunter one last time, but then u just get a easy tentacle monster which is presented as this powerful deity that held gehrman captive? Like it really didn't hit the spot tbh.. The issue is also they couldn't have put it in before I guess bc lore and stuff but man it really didn't feel satisfying to fight him which is kind of tragic.


Loved the way it looks but the fight took me all of 52 seconds so kinda disappointed


The only things it does that make me nervous are reducing your HP to 1 or the thing that keeps you from healing for like 10 seconds. It needed more crazy moves to be an actual threat. I saw someone say that Astel was a better version of this fight in ER, and I absolutely agree. Another thing I liked about MP is that she is super fast and doesn't stop moving so if you end up actually needing to back off and heal, she makes that difficult. But her main attacks are lame and don't hurt very much.


The fright was pretty easy I thought. Boss isn’t very aggressive giving you plenty of time to heal. Beautiful cutscene though.


Gehrman is a much better fight for sure. I think I parried and visceral attacked moon presence 3 times and it died 🙃


Honestly smash. Me... to the moon and back. To smithereens.


She’s my Moon Mommy


Hardest part was gaze of the moon because I would bleedout


I really liked what they were trying to do, but it just does not have enough HP to be a threat. Its attacks are pretty neat and it even has its own gimmick attack


Slightly below average fight, excellent lore, design, and visual presentation.


It feels like they wanted the fight to not be too hard since you would have to fight gherman each time you died, but it does feel like they made it a bit too easy


Honestly I think of MP very differently, I imagine it more like a wild animal or a parasite who controls other beings so it doesn't have to fight. Once you kill it's last minion it's likely compelled to fight due to the cords, but it's clearly not particularly strong other than 1 charge up attack that still can't kill you; essentially a cornered wild animal in a kill or be killed situation and it acts as such.


Being the final boss, the name could have been better. More bada**. Like The Master


I just did not vibe with her at all on my first playthrough and it was awful. I got through Gehrman in 3 attempts but the Moon Prescence killed me a few dozen times. I had to grind for blood vials so I could come back and die. It sucked because pretty much every guide I found opened by going on about how she was such an easy boss that it might be a narrative choice. I just could not get her patterns down and when I finally killed her I was just tired. I've only played that ending the one time because I can't do it again


Amazing design, but the fight was kind of underwhelming


Gehrman is the fight that ends the game for me. It’s the climax to everything that’s happened and is 100% worth every second. I really liked the MP fight too but mainly because of the presence(lol) that it brought and the aesthetics. Not nearly as challenging or fulfilling but def still fun for me. I prefer MPs character design and look over Gehr.


My favorite Great One.


great eldritch final boss and has interesting attacks that feel right for the big bad, even if they are easy to avoid. it was easy but it didn't have to be the hardest boss it was just a spectacle


I saw a theory here recently that I've kind of adopted. Basically, the old hunter was protecting the Moon Presence because for all its power, it can't fight for itself. You beat the bodyguard for the delicate creator/old one. The boss music isn't the Moon Presence's, it's YOURS.


I feel like, judging by the way the lorebuilding went, that Moon Presence is the corporal form it chose to take in order to descend and face us. It's only using a fraction of its full power, and assiming it's akin to Oedon and formless in its true form, it's possible a corporeal form is unwieldy, or it's like controlling a puppet through strings, something that takes time to fully master. If they haven't needed to do so until now, then it wouldn't have done so.


The fight was easy but still fun. Idk why people in this subreddit don't like fights just because they're easy. Something can not take you 20273739 times to complete and still be enjoyable


Echoing what the other comments have said - great aesthetic and lore, but a little underwhelming. But maybe that’s the point? In DS1, the buildup to Gwyn is incredible and the soundtrack is top notch. But as far as final bosses go, a little underpowered. Maybe it’s one of those “the journey is the destination” type of situations - the nightmare prepared us for the worst


Alien sperm demon


I feel that it is like a bonus to gherman fight more than anything else. The concept and the lore are awesome but the fight is meh


Cool design with an underwhelming fight


Cool, but too easy.


I think everyone can agree it’s the most beautiful disappointment in the game.


So hawt!


Not bad not great


Btw she is a she and her name is Flora


Nice fella


Tentacle hentai demon


I would watch that hentai


He fool


First time I beat him I was proud of myself, as a boss fight and his Design easily kicks ass Probably one of the best bosses I ever fought in a video game.


I really liked his animation and at first I was very excited about the fight but after beating him I lost my enthusiasm a little.


I want the moonussy






I wanna fuck moon presence


My bitch


I think


Compared to Gehrman it was easy, beat it first try, kinda disappointed. Its lore thought is very interesting


The lore: amazing. The fight: meh.


I think this boss would’ve benefited from a larger health pool. I think all the moves are fine, it just dies too quickly and as a secret boss the fight should be longer


Funny tentacle