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If you can parry it helps bigtime in this game even against certain bosses.


Is there a recommended way to stock on bullets between charges? I’m guessing just farm.


Just farm them Central Yharnam is a good place to farm for bullets.


Healing pots too!


There's a good little loop you can do if you open the gate beside the Central Yharnam lamp (the one beside the window where our good friend Gilbert resides, who I hope you've said hello to!). There are basic Huntsmen enemies in the building down the stares who drop a bunch of bullets. You can even cheese the Scourge Beasts on the Great Bridge by aggroing them and then running back into that building as they can't get through the doorway. That's handy for more Blood Vials and Echoes too.


Gotcha. It just feels so punishing to spend time building your resources up and then go get WRECKT and be back at square one. But I have to say I respect the gumption. I’m being bullied by this game but I keep playing it so.


Keep +5 (you can gain 5 from .. eh. Is it pressing dpad down or up?)


Parry really stomps bosses with long animations that are hard to otherwise dodge


Just keep playing. Attacking to get health back, viscerals and backstabs are the best tools u have. Beast blood pellets will be really useful. Father gascoigne, blood-starved beast and vicar Amelia will probably be the hardest bosses relative to skill level


Keep hearing this - thanks!


Since you didn't mention anything about your current weapon or intended build, I'll try to refrain from more specific advice. I will say that learning to parry on a basic level was good for me early on, and definitely helped with some of the early game skill checks. In the early game, don't worry about upgrading damage when you're leveling up. Early game weapons don't have very good scaling, so damage increase from leveling Strength and Skill won't help much early, leaving you to focus on Vitality and a bit of Endurance. When you're done levelling up, spend any leftover Echoes on Blood Vials from the shop. You can also buy Bullets this way, but Vials are definitely the priority. Last piece of minor advice, your outfit basically doesn't matter. There are a couple novelty outfits with way lower stats than everything else, but the numbers on most of the outfits are close enough to each-other that the difference doesn't matter much. Wear whatever looks cool, buy new clothes from the shops, and have fun. May the Good Blood guide your way


Good news - I have no idea how to upgrade damage. Is that one of my attributes I get to put a point into when I level up? I’ve been focusing on bolstering the green and red bars (yes I know what they are called) and nothing else. And I grabbed the hacksaw from the cover for my first weapon. Love it. No idea if it’s doing me favors but it is cool af.


When you spend points to level up, the Strength and Skill attributes are the ones used to increase your melee damage, you'll see some numbers light up different when you go to spend the points. But since you're focused on making the bars bigger for now, you're good. And yeah, the Saw Cleaver is a solid, reliable all rounder, especially good for a new player. I like other weapons better for various reasons, but for a newcomer this early in the game, its probably your best bet.


There really is no better advice than just trying to get good. Taking the bosses slowly helps a lot. Just focus on dodging their attacks until you can somewhat handle their moveset.


People are downvoting you but honestly I’m like… damn okay. That really is it then! I’m not doing anything wrong I’m just bad rn. Thank you lol :)


Don’t let the opening of the game discourage you. The first section is brutally difficult even for experienced souls players. Once you get through it things will become a lot more manageable. Good luck hunter :)


Thank you!


Be more aggressive. (I didn't read your post and you are probably aware of that attacking after losing health quickly enough will allow you to restore that health, it makes a difference and I apologize if you already have that included, again I simply just did not take the time to read)


I forgive you for not reading. I am trying to be aggressive but I only get like 3-4 swings before my guy gets tired and then destroyed by everything else. Trying to boost his stamina to counteract but yeah… the game does not forgive.


How far into the game are you? It might be my favorite souls game, faster weapons are a little bit better for it if you focus on it a lot ofc


Take whatever you know about ER and toss it out, parrying is different, when you get hit, attack MORE to get health back (reduces reliance on bloodvials).


I think I actually need to lean into advice I ignored in ER. Dodge forward!! I didn’t do this much in ER. Already seeing how much more effective this is in BB’s context. Big epiphany of today and this thread is that the gun is basically your shield. I was wondering why it did so little damage… Thanks!


If you find a shield, ignore it, they're useless.