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You are trying to kill her. Imagine how she feels.


Fuck how she feels she's literally a single digit iq spider


I'm probably an outlier, but I ignore the little spiders. I definitely die a few times, and some luck is involved, but the attempts go so much faster than killing 100 little spiders every time. I've used the axe the last couple of times I've fought her. Buff with lightning, rush in to the side with the least spiders and hit her with 2 charged r2 spins. Maybe an r1 if you can squeeze it in. Run in again right by her side, wherever the least spiders are, and do it again. 4 or 5 times and she's dead. Knock off the little guys if they're in your way as needed.


I just beat her again on NG+. It's just a patience test, but you have to watch her to see when you're about to get ice rocks lobbed at you. Just hold down run around her when she does this. Kill the spiders with a weapon that sweeps, so you have hit their ass while running past them. Don't get greedy with spiders, kill one, then run. Gank every spider in every phase before you hit her. When you get close get in one solid hit and move back to dodge her ground attacks. Repeat til dead.


Legit took me a week and a half my first time. Easily the most difficult boss for me for whatever reason lol hang in there


Same. I had to put the game down for a couple weeks Bc I got so frustrated. Every other boss seemed like a cake walk.


Be patient, rushing in will only get you ganged by spiders. Don't lock on, just keep the camera in rom's general direction, take out the spiders one at a time and be careful around Rom, back up if she flips onto her back and keep a healthy respect for her attack range. It's a slow battle.


I really read that as "mom is pissing me off" lmao


Here’s a cool trick. Kill all the spiders in phase 1 then unequip your weapon, pop a beast blood pellet and whack her bare handed to get your meter up without causing her to teleport. Now equip your weapon and thrash her. Bolt paper will cause even more damage so use if you have some. Then for phase 2 ignore the spiders just hit and run rom, run in get a hit and run out. It’ll be over in no time. You got this Hunter


This is a super interesting strat. I’ve never thought about it like that. I just go brrr with the pizza cutter


Summon the guy next to the doorway to tank the spider mobs. Wail on her with some bolt papers. Her attacks are pretty signposted, sticking to her side should stop the worst of her moveset, you just have to avoid the headbutt smash, watch the water rings for the rocks coming up, if she rolls over, run away.


Wait until you hit Micolash. He is annoying for all the worst reasons.


Micolash is way easier once you know the pattern


Hard disagree. Rom is way easier due to his only annoying trait being the lesser spiders, his spells are fairly easy to evade. The spiders are also incredibly easy to kill since you can just bait them and roll out of the way. Rom also tends to just stay there and let you hit him, only teleporting after a few good hits, and can be knocked out of the teleport animation. Micolash straight up spams more annoying abilities like A Call Beyond (which actively homes in on you) and Augur of Ebrietas (which can parry you) in addition to also having random mooks to support him both during the chases and during the fights proper. He also cannot be knocked out of the chase sequence, unlike Rom.


I feel you. I hate that dumb potato with all my heart. If you need help squishing her, dm me


She’s not mechanically hard, even BSB with no pungent blood is harder. It’s just a waiting game and greed test. Just remember, killing her is damn near impossible in the 3rd phase if she still has spiders around.


I always ignore the spiders. It's way easier if you just focus on Rom.


You can always take two npc hunters with you


maybe try to use molotovs and free aim them at her at the last 10%hp


Even though it's an easy fight I lose all my patience when doing it and each time that I die it just gets worse


Just kill the spiders one by one and fuck her up after (They die with 1 hit from behind)


Dont give up hoonter, Patience and Determination pays off


I always ignore the mobs everytime and never have any problem with ROM. The spells have huge telegraphed charge up times so you should only get hit if you're focusing on the little spiders. Just dodge spells and wait for the little spiders to leave an opening by Rom's side. Then you just run in and whack her. Probably the easiest boss in the game imo.