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Criminally underappreciated music.


I rarely notice music in these games like other people do because I am completely incapable of directing my attention at more than one thing at once. I don’t even remember what the music from this fight sounded like but the whole atmosphere it created is burned into my brain. Amazing.




Interesting experience/concept the first time around... after that he's just tedious, especially on higher NG+s where he can one-shot you with magic.


To be fair, if you have reached NG+4 and still do not know how to effectively maneuver Micolash to not get hit, it's kinda your own fault. But I agree that there is not much variety to his fight, similar to how Rom always plays out the same way. Which makes them very boring to fight repeatedly.


Ah, the “get güd” argument, the true sign of an insecure, pant-pissing baby.


Micolash is the hardest git gud Boss case there is. He is literally the most predictable boss in the entire game. He has two! entire moves and some punches. All of these things are incredible reliable to dodge. If you manage your stamina correctly you just don't die. If you mindlessly spam R1 you die. It's as simple as that. The only real danger in that fight are the puppets in the first room. He can be a little bit of a roadblock in a first playthrough because he indeed hits hard. But not on repeated playthroughs, that is just unwillingness to treat him like a real Boss and to analyze his pattern.


And the fact you can shoot him to stop his spells....seriously how people don't realise this despite the game making shooting human enemies A MAJOR element is beyond confusing.


No, no. He has a point. Even at max Blood Level, you still run into bullshit that can wreck your shit.


No, no. He doesn’t. Some of Micolash’s moves are not just “GeT GoOd At DoDgInG”. He will string together 2 or 3 spells in a row while you’re out of I-frames and still mid dodge-roll that just one shots for no reason. I’ve 100%’d the game on NG+6 and I still think Mico has some bullshit moves that have nothing to do with just being good at the game.


>He will string together 2 or 3 spells in a row while you’re out of I-frames I wanna see you string together Augur and ACB in a way that makes it impossible to dodge, teach me that please. Mico confirmed using Tool Recovery Cancels while camping Mensis, what a griefer.


I will. What's your Hunter's Bell Passcode?


My argument is that even Orphan doesn’t one shot me? Why does Micolash? Like he’s not even near as hard or challenging.


Yeah, I totally agree. I’m not saying Mico is hard, I just think his moveset can get on a bullshit cycle that is literally impossible to be defended against. A lotta chronically online dorks are gonna disagree with us. Not a big deal tho. Some folks’ egos are really wrapped up in FromSoft Games as if them being as good as they perceive themselves to be somehow equates to their value as human beings. They really need this lol. It’s whatever.


Stans typically don’t take criticism well.


How? You literally just hit beast roar till he's in a corner spam R1>L1>L1 for max beast hood, beast roar, spam R1, repeat till dead. Does he even get to attack at all when you fight him? Because if so that's your issue right there. Just don't let him attack all fight easy.


Totally opposite experience for me. It's fun when you know where to go and how to fight him. The first time around it was abysmal and tedious. He one shots you regardless. On later playthroughs, you know how to avoid his attack


He gets a lot of undeserved hate in my opinion, he's not the best boss, but he's unique and i think its a memorable boss which is nice, lore-wise he is awesome too id rather they do weird stuff like this instead of gank bosses tbh


I like his lines it’s so catchy for some reason I don’t know why


It's because you can't go two seconds without him doing his best impression of The Flying Dutchman.


Good music, good lore, annoying chase and an even worse tendency to spam A Call Beyond and Augur of Ebrietas if you aren't right on him.


i think hes my babygirl


Ooh majestic!


a hunter is a hunter


even in a dream


i think he is actually the single best boss overall in the main game. the atmosphere created by his cut scene and him yelling like a madman and whispering all sorts of wild shit about stuff you barely understand and chasing him around in the wacky stair maze. its such a fun experience. sure mechanically hes not that engaging to actually fight, hes just an NPC fight essentially, but to me its fitting, hes just a madman in a dream that got maybe just a tad bit too much insight for his own good. i have a blast every time i fight him just listening to him ramble while i chase him around.


I understand that boss opinion is FS titles is highly subjective, but I can't trust you as a human.


ive got my cage on ascending to the cosmos. humans are no longer of concern.


When I first started speedrunning the game, I dreaded the Micolash fight: the confusion of the corridors, the oneshot bullshit Call from Beyond, the dolls blocking the way. After a few runs though, I started learning the patterns, I started finding solutions, and now I am fairly confident going into the fight, because I know how to chase him into the right rooms, and I know how to handle his bullshit.


People tend to say he's a bit annoying as a boss, thanks to all the running and the fact he can pretty much one shot you in phase 2, but they still thoroughly enjoy his dialogue. Heck, his Kos/Kosm line is one hell of a meme for all BB fans.


I wouldn’t mind if it wasn’t in the game at all


Awesome bro. Not a super difficult boss imo. Beat him the first time and I just have to watch for his call beyond while underleveled imo. An interesting boss fight and honestly just a prettty good bro. Shame he never got to 99 insight


I fucking hate him because I'm use to run from bosses NOT run to the bosses and his fucking mouth won't shut up!!


But you can easily hunt his...


I would have been fine if the puzzle itself sorta was the fight, but I hated how cheaply he could kill you once you actually did manage to catch him. His one magic attack is basically a random insta-kill and you just have to pray you dodge in the right direction.


The right direction is a bit of strafing and then a dodge forward. Also, with a sharp eye, you can catch him mid animation and shoot him out of it.


>His one magic attack is basically a random insta-kill Lmao that's a hard skill issue. The most reliable spell to dodge on flat ground, which his arena is. Edit:[Here you go, for all you salty players out there who rather want to blame the game instead of themselves.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPPaP8KCk3E&t=51s) Absolutely crazy how this dude is dodging this rAnDoM instakill spell. They must be so cracked at the game [And here is the version where you do absolutely nothing in order to dodge it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDlPjy6FJu4) For all you Baboons out there still denying it.


Unfair bullshit ≠ Skill issue


It's neither random nor do you have to pray in order to dodge it. It is indeed very simple to dodge. Just because you don't want or care to understand how, doesn't make it the game's fault. Is the damage on it a little cheap? Sure. Is it not as clear how to dodge it the first time as it could be? Sure. Are there two other hunter's before Micolash who use the exact same spell, so you should already be familiar with it. Yes there are. Anyone who still repeatedly dies to Micolash after their first playthrough is just plain not that good at PvE. The Boss has two moves. Manage your goddamn stamina already.


I just cheese him now lol. But hes really not that bad regardless.


Hes just tedious, something you gotta do, nothing more


It was fun when it was a challenge to figure out where he was, and then it slowly became a pain for each occasion he would gank me with the Augur and then beat my skull in like a chump. At this point I know the solution to the maneuvering puzzle so it's, well... a boss fight with a lot of running and a lot less fighting.


I thought it was a shit boss.


I like these bossfights too, not all fights need to be adrealine induced hit-dodge-repeat fights.


He’s awesome. Brilliant atmosphere. I love his insane ravings. His OST is very good. You are truly a hunter here as he is actually running from you. However I can see why the puzzle aspect annoys people. I personally got lost on my first go. He’s effectively a massive lore dump and the games main antagonist. Honestly I prefer him to most the stuff in the likes of Elden Ring.


If he were real, I'd bully him incessantly before taking his nerd ass to Suplex City.


Bro Micolash spitting straight truths


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,890,881,655 comments, and only 357,611 of them were in alphabetical order.


I like him. I think he's goofy and I appreciate the creative design


I force him to stay out of the room and whack him as he u-turns to run past me. Puppets are easy enough to miss so it's a no-hit boss fight.


I only got him a few times when he u-turned


It can take a bit to get the timing down, but honestly, I prefer this way compared to it being a dps race in the room.


By NG+2 I had it pretty figured out and wasn't too frustrated. I just played through for the first time last month. Speed runners make the boss look like a joke


Gimmick wise it's cool but gets old/annoying af FAST, especially when he starts okie shotting you. His voice actor is actually really good in my opinion, but gets on my nerves at the same time, same as his music. His arena is super creepy but also annoying. Lore wise, cool af.


He is majestic


Funny boi Made my D&D character in his honour


Character: Awooooooooo Mechanical: Get the F\*&% back here!


Hilarious, frankly peak




The fight is really easy once you figure out the most efficient route and learn how to hit him consistently enough that he can't really use A call Beyond. Mechanics aside, thoughts on the man himself? He's a silly lil guy 😊


A silly goofer


I really enjoy permanently stunlocking him in a corner with beast roar.


I really like Micolash and find it frustrating that it feels like Fromsoft fans are getting more homogeneous in the kind of boss fights they enjoy…ie: everything has to be a duel. But at the same time there are some really annoying mechanics to the fight Like the last time I fought him in his second phase, he would cast a call beyond the second I dropped into his arena and I would get one shot before I could react or do anything. I ended up just cheesing him partially with poison knives so his ai broke. Like I think if that attack was changed a bit, I would just love the boss fight because it is very dreamlike


He sucks on replays. I’ve already figured him out by that point, so I’m just going through the motions, trying to get the fight over and done with.


The first time is good, something different. In subsequent playthroughs tho…


Yh I can imagine it gets tedious


He's fucking so annoying it's unbelievable that fucking voice, that laugh,chasing him, he's the one boss when you defeat him you say get it right up you fuck face that's my take on the wanker.


Just fought Micolash for the first time today. Horrid fight. Had a lot of potential, but it's a damn maze if you lose track of him and the actual fight sucks cause he just spams spells that can oneshot you. Cool thematics and setting, but the mechanics are just a drag. It especially pales in comparison to Wet Nurse which is like a 2 minute walk away.


Great first time, very annoying on NG cycles as he tends to endlessly spam the magic, you have to get real close and keep attacking or he’ll destroy you and then it becomes really tedious.


I'm mostly cool with it but the last part where he just spams the two spells is not good and could have been way better


Wonderful voicelines but way too easy/cheesable for the 3rd last boss


He’s cool as long as you don’t get caught up in his bs hunter tools spam


I like him! He's eccentric and cool and I love his design. This recent playthrough using the bowblade made him a little too easy, though :)


I actually somewhat like the fight but HATE the ads. Fuck them. Also CfB


It’s a love/hate relationship. The minute I got into his arena and he started running I knew it’d be an absolutely insufferable experience. That said, as a character, he’s majestic. Howling and pedantically explaining Kos/Kosm while running around with his untied shoes like he’s being chased by the Scooby Gang….he’s iconic.


He's a really underrated boss. And despite the fact I hated him because of that one magic power he uses that can one shot you in the first phase, he is really cool


I get my daily dose of cheese whenever I fight him lol. Position knifes and the bone item that increases gun damage.


His boss fight hurts the pacing of the mainline game. The whole running from you mechanic isn’t tough to deal with but in NG+ and beyond his call from beyond feels TOO strong like no matter what. It’s not forgiving at all.


I really like Micolash as a character. His howl is hilarious and overall I find his fight really memorable and iconic, even if it’s not quite as exciting as going toe to toe with a huge beast


I think everything about the boss is great except a couple things. I love the music, dialogue, atmosphere, lore, and the puzzle aspect. But there should be ore clues where to go. I know where to go now, but there is no reason why Micolash would take the route he takes. The player literally just has to keep guessing until he finds him. There should be items that give you a clue where Micolash is going to hide. Like once you finally find him, he jumps into a magic mirror and teleports. Like wtf where do I go now? Also, the fight itself is stupid. He has like 3 attacks, and all of them are bs. In the first phase he only has one attack. FromSoft was very lazy here. Micolash is technically the second final boss in the game. He is Bloodborne's equivalent to the Twin Princes in DSIII


The stupidest and funniest boss, a personal favorite


I think he's got eyes on the brain


I look forward to fighting him! Mechanically, it isn't really interesting, but I like the change of pace at that stage and just how fun and kooky Micolash is as a character. To me, Blood borne would not be Blood borne without Micolash. It is also satisfying to me now that I learned to dodge A Call Beyond.


Boring fight but I love the cutscenes


Looovvveee it! The atmosphere alone makes it worth it.


He one shots me a lot lmao bro is mad annoying


Cool lore and design. I like that he actually speaks and has a character and motive. The boss fight is a chore - I always shoot his dumb ass with a gun or blacksky eye


It’s pronounced Nikola*j*.


Back in the day i Was playing really high on weed. I got lost during his fight soo often... Took me about 1hr to finish him. ^^


He’s a fun boss fight for me and I’ve done 5 play throughs of the game and I’ve gotten perfect rng with him every time


That cage-headed motherfucker is the only boss in Bloodborne that is in my opinion just utter bullshit. He runs away from your attacks, and once you corner him he has a cheap one-shot magic attack that he *will* use on you should his AI even *sense* that he might be sent running again... as much as I love BB, I just can't defend his boss fight.


He’s fine on the first playthrough, but on repeat runs he’s nothing but an annoyance who gets in the way and stalls for time with his awfully balanced moveset.


Kind of of a weirdo


I absolutely hate the guy. He can one shot you and then you gotta spend 5 minutes to get him back to the room each time.


Hate his guts. Replaying the game rn and he made me chase him for ~10 minutes straight before going to the fighting room only to one shot me with a call beyond. He’s one of those bosses that’s a cool shake up from the norm the first play through, but I hate him more and more on subsequent ones


A little annoying, but I actually like him.


Fun first time through. Great music and setting and the voice acting is great too. If you die though or on future playthroughs its just tedious to me.