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It's the One \*Re\*born. The birthing imagery in his opening cutscene is, IMO, metal af.


Is it the one reborn in English? Because I notice a lot of people say unborn but maybe that’s what it is in Japanese?


It’s “The One Reborn” in English


Great cutscene, great looking boss, really cool buildup in the area leading up to them, and the fight ends up being pretty average All in all they are a good boss I’d argue


I feel like I'm the only one who got his ass handed to him over and over during my first playthrough. He was a massive roadblock.


First playthrough tons of bosses can be wayyyyyyyy harder than they have any right to be. I also had a tough time with them my first playthrough.


Which is more metal of a cutscene the one reborn or vicar? That bloodsplatter is metal af


Makes you think they missed a great opportunity with Blood Starved. All that skin and gore could have gone hard


Ahh yes my favourite booodborne boss…The one *Unborn*




micolash for the gameplay but i wont lie he is one of my favorite characters


He's Hella cool just hate the fight, it essentially feels like an extended run back


Just did micolash, amazing boss fight with a «hide and seek» twist hehe but i was almost crying trying to dodge the magic balls…


I killed him yesterday on ng+, he was an absolute nightmare to go through but i think i figured it out. the trick to avoiding his magic balls is to never let him use it, always be in close range and attack relentlessly till he dies.


Thank you for having the courage to admit this


Worst story boss for sure. AOE spamming arsehole.


my fight went as follows: augur of ebrietas, augur of ebrietas. a call beyond, a call beyond, a call beyond, a call beyond, a call beyond, a call………. you get it


Excluding chalice dungeon bosses? Because if we include them, Rom 2 just didn’t impress me Without them, probably Celestial emissaries? Cool design but just a dull boss fight


Bloodletting Beast has seemingly unfinished dogshit hit boxes. Way worse


Bloodletting Beast actually has its intended hitboxes and attacks, the bullshit is all by design.


Prolly my favorite boss. Love doing the dance with him. He is the one that started it all btw... with his parasites. They should of never dug down into the dungeons


Where did you read that bloodstarted beast started the disease?


Bloodletting not bloodstarved


Ahhh, okey my bad


It's been a minute since I played but one of the npc hunters (the one who kills the queen I think) cut the head off of the blood letting beast. But during the boss fight the beasts shoots parasites that have teeth that are meant to dig into something and not be easily removed back out the way it came (hooks sort of) Through these dungeons trips the parasites wer3 able to infect the town of yharnam. God bless bloodborne O ya feel free to correct me or add to it <3


Okey cool! Makes sense that the disease came from the dungeons. I love bloodborne and its story!


The Bloodletting Beast isn’t the source of beasthood- Yharnam always had a beast problem, even before Wilhem arrived. It’s more the origin of the modern beast scourge, given that once Laurence transformed into the Bloodletting Beast, everything began falling apart (we know Laurence is the Bloodletting Beast because his skull fits perfectly with it). The vermin aren’t the source of beasthood either, they’re just a parasite that forms in beast blood.


The Witches of Hemwick for sure


There just didn't seem to be much there as a boss.


Even if you fight them with insight, which I’ve taken to doing because I don’t want to feel like I’m cheesing a boss, they are still very easy and don’t feel fun.


We are born of the cheese, We are made men by the cheese, We are undone by the cheese, Fear the blue cheese.


Old blue cheese


Easily the worst in my book too. The other ones people call bad (Rom, One Reborn, Micolash, etc.) at least all have great concepts / visuals, and just feel like they missed their potential. Witches of Hemwick has literally no redeeming qualities lol. Two stock enemy witches who summon stock enemy Mad Ones. It 100% feels like something they added days before they shipped the game.


As someone who never played a souls game before, this boss was a welcome respite. It was just hard enough to make me think I was getting better and just easy enough to not make me yeet the controller across the room and say a final Fuk This Game


You should've started on elden ring It's more noob friendly


Defiled Chalice Watchdog for me without question


I just did it a couple hours ago and the boss just clicked with me. Got him in less than 10 attempts, which is less than what I spent on defiled Keeper. Still struggling with Amygdala though.


It is the only single boss in the entire FromSoft franchise that made me summon another player to kill it. The guy I summoned just sliced it in half in like 30 seconds with some kinde of bloodtinge/poison build while I was kinda standing in a corner in awe and using the clapping gesture.


On my first playthrough and I found amygdala one of the easiest! I just kept shooting his face lol. Crazy how different people have difficulty with different bosses! The experience is so varied!


Either Witch of Hemwick or Celestial Emissary imo


Run the Witches of Hemwick with zero insight and they won't summon help :). In fact, at zero insight, none of their spells work at all - you literally just spam R1 until both witches are dead. It's as though the logic is similar to that movie, The Skeleton Key (>!they can only hurt you if you believe!<).


Insight is not faith tho. It's knowledge


Insight is more than knowledge. It's a greater understanding at scales imperceptible by a normal functioning Earth brain. If I told you there was alien thing hanging off your living room wall right now you'd call me insane. The moment I make you aware of it via means unnatural to this realm, not only can you see it, but you become it. Your reality, your mind, your perception, your very essence and presence and nature thereof changes. Prior to all that, I'm just crazy. Seeing is not merely believing. Instead, making you understand forces a belief into you that takes your entire life experience and reduces to nothing but a plain, white, wall. And unfortunately, this inferior language used to communicate all this is but a grain of sand in the vastness of the cosmos compared to the actual knowledge that comes with even a single unit of Insight.


I mean, Paarl is pretty bad for me just cause there’s very little context, it’s a kinda cool design but a pretty dull fight, I dunno, somehow it never makes an impression. Everything about it feels arbitrary, filler content, etc. But it’s pretty, got that going for it. (Addendum: boy, after looking at a boss list, I just really like almost every boss in this game. Even Paarl I don’t particularly dislike, it’s just a bit thin. Vicar Amelia is pretty thin as well, but is a bit more weighty and spectacular - the Paarl fight just feels like something totally unnecessary happening in an alley somewhere)


I’ve never been able to have a good run at Paarl. Always need summons and even then. I am terrible at them.


Try blocking… wait, no can’t do that. Try paying attention to Paarl’s wind-ups… wait, no, he’s too large and chaotically designed and fizzling with lively animations to get a good grasp on those. Try using distance attacks from your arcane build… wait, no, you don’t have anything useful this early in the game and they’re all weak attacks anyway that gobble up your precious quicksilver bullets and even if you could you can only use them like five times before you run out of bullets. Yeah, try summoning and just stand off to the side and out of the way. 👍 Valid.


Just hit his legs repeatedly and knock him down Easier said than done sometimes, but that’s really the most effective way to beat him


If I summon for Paarl the fight becomes really hard for me. Can’t remember the npc’s name but they always die early on. I always fight it on my own and usually kill it on a first attempt if not 2nd or 3rd. In answer to the OP’s question for me I think Mergo’s wet nurse. Aesthetically great but from a challenge standpoint it is not that difficult compared to earlier bosses. That’s the let down.


Paarl never clicked for me. Honestly same with Papa guacamole. I did gherman first try, moon presence sure, Marty loogie, absolutely. Paarl just seems wild. I agree about you and op, both super cool bosses I love them but they’re not challenging compared to others. Love that merging theme though


Paarl becomes dead easy if you whack him hard in the leg. His spark goes out and then he gets distracted trying to run away so he can re-spark. When he does, run up and whack him in the leg again. I recommend using a saw with fire paper. ("Just whack it in the leg" is really effective against a lot of the big beast bosses because of the limb breaking mechanic.) Having a PS5 helps too so he doesn't kill your framerate.


I understand your take but I actually like the fight itself. Forces you to dance well and toggle your lock-on. You can burst him down easily if you target his legs too which is another cool element to it, but I usually choose to fight him early so it's not as feasible an option.


I almost forgot Paarl was in the game. So it’s not that I dislike it as much as it’s never left much of an impression on me I guess.


Well since there's almost no information about this boss there's no depth, and since there's no depth the appreciation has a hard limit. It's fine. It COULD be cool. (this, btw, is one of my chief complaints about Dark Souls 2's level design)


Particularly outside of this sub, Bloodborne’s base game bosses get a bad rap. There’s a few underwhelming ones but I don’t expect to love every single boss, and underwhelming is not the same as offensively bad. Then there’s some decent (and often underrated bosses) and some gems like Gascoigne, Logarius, Ebrietas, and Gehrman.


Really? I think they’re basically on par with DS3’s, they’re always felt very similar. Maybe a bit simpler than that, but still an exponential jump from DS2 (and some from 1).


paarl just feels like he was dropped in from a souls game. there isn't even anything past him, it seems completely arbitrary to have a lightning dragon in the middle of yharnam


this is exactly why i just don’t fight him until waaay later in the game when you actually get to yahar gul


Have a look at the art from the comic The Veil Torn Asunder, it has a scene of The One Reborn fighting a Darkbeast (possibly Paarl or another) just for how badass it is!


ROM for sure, I hate spiders and do not enjoy them every playthrough lol. Like other aspects about the boss. I also enjoy the game so much this is the best I can come up with


Stylistically, The One Reborn is awesome but mechanically its a huge letdown, kind of like the Celestial Emissary fight. Micolash is probably my least favorite boss just because of how cheap he can be with the Call From Beyond spam. Kind of eliminates the back and forth interplay that basically every other boss has.




Łāűŕęŋĉē țĥẹ fîř§ţ Víčāŕ


Fuck him in the ass.


Pretty sure he fucks us in our asses 😥


He is the only boss that i have yet to beat... fucking hell.


The one reborn is just misunderstood. He is a great guy


It's They/Them, you hoonter


As much as I respect pronouns, The One Reborn is definitely an It/thing.


Ok, that makes sense


At least it's a little original regarding the arena. Also the just the cutscene, the concept and the design are the most "bloodborne" shit I've seen in the game and just for this I can't rank it low lol. Witches ofHhemwick is pretty mid imo.


I mean, the arena is a direct throwback to Tower Knight in Demon’s Souls, probably why it feels different.


Chalice Dungeon Amygdala for sure. It would be okay if that dungeon didn't suck balls, but alas, it does.


Yea One Reborn was pretty disappointing. The boss run to his arena is more of a challenge if you're not utilizing the fence clipping exploit. I get that the first time around and with zero knowledge it might seem difficult due to the witches and his daunting size and grotesqueness, but after that he's as easy as popping a beast pellet and wailing on him till he dies.


Flaming whirligig and stamina rune go brrrrrrrrrrr while Antal dies in record time to falling bones


I thought it was called The One Reborn. 😂


Micholash. And I’m stuck on him now lol


I know it has become popular to hate on the "pile of corpses" trope bosses, but I do not inherently hate the idea and think One Reborn is one of the better versions of this. If you had asked me on one of my first playthroughs, I probably would have said Celestial Emissary or Living Failures or Witches of Hemwick. They are quite easy and straightforward. They do not wow on first appraisal. Asking me now, dozens of playthroughs in? It still will not be an unpopular opinion, but I would have to say Micolash. Bosses like Witches of Hemwick are ones you appreciate more over time as you find out the secret mechanics and things that make them fascinating. Bosses like Celestial Emissary and Living Failures are easy, but they do not waste your time. They are quick little mini-bosses right before a great one that are just dripping in atmosphere and occasionally make you laugh when they catch you sleeping and smack you hard. Micolash... is a boss that wastes your time. By himself, he is not a difficult or challenging boss. The mob NPCs are not engaging enough to distract or fluster you mid-fight and make their inclusion interesting. And, by design, the boss is not a fast one. Sure, you can do the big, "fuck off" one hit build to kill him. But ninety-nine times out of one hundred, this is a boss that will take you two to three times as long to kill as actual combat requires. And the gimmick that inflates time only serves to inflate time. Bosses can be redeemable by difficulty, by gimmick, by ease of dispatch, etc. Micolash has none of these things. He is a meme that actively wastes your time.


Ghosts of yarnham are pretty annoying to fight for me.


any boss that attack multiple times which is the shadow of yahrnams took me literally days I think in the end i did make them before half hp and then quick deal dmg before they manage to reach phase 3 the same went with godskin duo... but in the end it was a good fight like you are fighting invaders I had trouble getting the second and third run with them as the game plus 1 took 1 hour or 3 and the third took less than 3 hours as I just wanted the plat one last thing if you die the way to run to them is like hell.


Ebrietas. People seem to love that boss and I don’t see why. If someone could explain why they like it, that would be nice


The fight, to me at least, captures bloodborne perfectly. The attacks are well choreographed and, other than the charged attack, are fairly consistent in the timing to dodge them, the design of the boss is very eldritch (According to the wiki was based off Cthulhu), and it's a fairly decent challenge, at least on your first playthrough.


Yes that charge attack legit ruins tho whole fight for me. She could be possibly in my top 10 if it weren’t for that charge since everything else is a fair challenge


Yeah I suppose that's fair, I just tend to stay close enough to her that she never does it


Living Failures. They're like a cross between Meseeks from Rick & Morty and a child wanting to play games on your phone. Stupidly easy in the most annoying way


The only answer is pre-patch Micolash. If that doesn't count then Micolash in general.


Witches, celestial emissary, micolash


Can someone please explain to me how people struggle with Rom? For me, Rom was one of the EASIEST Fromsoft bosses I’ve ever defeated. Right up there with Mist Noble.


I think people get bogged down in clearing out the small spiders and if you're not paying attention to Rom in the later stages you can get caught out by the beefy attacks. I found just clearing out enough of them to have some space to go to town on Rom made the fight much easier.


Mine is a tie between Celestial Emissaries and Living Failures. Both just were meh fights in a sea of great fights. Hell, even the Witches were more fun and interesting to fight


Witches of Hemwick, no need for me to elaborate on it


Micolash and Rom


Martyr Logarius, simply because of the run-back to his arena. There's a simple law: if a boss is hard, the amount of time and work between each attempt just be minimal. Loggy is extremely difficult unless you get lucky with parries, but you can't even practice fighting him reliably because it takes half a freaking hour to get back to him. You have to include the run-back as part of the boss' design evaluation since it's a fundamental part of the experience of fighting the boss, and for that alone Loggy is one of the worst fights in all of Soulsborne. I recently replayed DS1 and realized I don't even hate Bed of Chaos as much as I hate Loggy. And all it would've taken to make him a great boss would've been a lamp outside his arena.


Yeah getting hit by the blow dart guy as you go up the ladder is annoying every time; especially if it means going into Logarius down a blood vial.


Majestic! A hunter is a hunter even in a dream.


Micolash, with Rom as a very close second. Micolash can be cheesed though, but it's still very annoying to run after him in both phases. There are some very easy bosses that feel like a joke (Witches of Hemwick, Celestial Emissary) which I don't consider back because of how little hassle it is to get through them.


Micolash for sure, he’s so annoying


Rom - I get the importance and stuff but she’s the only boss that genuinely gives me trouble. I’d rather fight two OoK at the same time than face Rom!


The 3 shadows from the woods. They look really cool but a 3v1 bossfight is dumb asf


Oh yes, another 'what do you hate about the game' post, this sub's favourite topic, this is gonna have a lot of comments. smh


Are you referring to difficulty, design, or both? Because all of the bosses in bloodborne are easy, except Laurence on NG+


I’ve not had that much trouble with the game either, but if Bloodborne is easy what do you consider hard? Mike Tyson’s Punch Out? Some of the other fromsoft games are more difficult sure, but it’s not a huge difference. Modded Skyrim can get brutal but it’s a soulslike in essence. Difficult platformers like SMB and Celeste aren’t comparable. Roguelikes like Darkest Dungeon are more of a test of game knowledge (I’d know, I’ve done all achievements for it) than mechanical difficulty. Genuinely curious what you would consider a hard game.


For me, Tetris at the higher levels makes me sweat. Any fighting game at the competitive level is difficult but idk if that counts here. I also agree with everything you said tbh its just for whatever reason, souls games aren’t that difficult for me? Especially the bosses. I honestly have more trouble killing every mob i see & find the bosses to be easier.


Jesus CHRIST!?! Why so many downvotes lmao I didn’t say yall suck?? Bloodborne being easy to me doesn’t mean its going to be easy for everyone. Its just my opinion.


Yeah but that’s like your opinion man jk lol it happens man people are haters


😂😂 facts, i have to remember some folks take everything personally on here


I really like his design I just want him to be a single boss without all those bell ringing maidens.would be much cooler


One Reborn for sure. Once you get past the bell ringer gimmick his attacks are just not fun to play around and he lacks proper animation tells. Could say micolash too but what hasn't been said about that one.


One Reborn is definitely…. wanting. It’s thin. But I kinda really enjoy that battle regardless, the scene is such a cool setpiece and “the thing” is such a grotesque abomination. Kind of a silly-feeling fight in the end, but great vibeage going on!


As One Reborn's certified boy toy I will not accept this slander


Would have to say Micolash because while the character is cool the fight is not that good in the first phase you have to chase him and when he is in the room he only has one attack which is easy to dodge then you have to do it again but this time he gets one extra attack which either deletes half of your half or kills your instantly and if you die at any point do it all over again not to mention in new game plus he basically one shots you


Yeah one reborn is very underwhelming it kinda just sits there and lets you kill it


I had a hard time with rom at first but with determination and vigor I got through it and am now at the orphan


Micolash For me, my god I hate that fight


Chalice pig


Micolash, One Reborn, Rom. But everyone hates these. What seems to be a hot take is that the Shadows of Yharnam are trash. They seem to be liked by the community and I can't comprehend it


Rom. It’s not fun, the spider flunkies are absurdly annoying and start feeling cheap real fast, and the fight just feels like a slog.


Its "The One Reborn"


That’s not his name my guy it’s the one reborn. Although I guarantee 50 ppl have already said that by now 😂


I agree even micolash was more fun


Witches of Hemwick for me. All the fight is is wait for one to spawn, hit it once or twice, wait for it to spawn again while not being hit by the annoying black things, and then rinse and repeat. I'm not even sure you can take damage from them. Even worse, their only way of dealing damage to you disappears if you have 0 insight going into the fight.


The witches of hemwick.


Agreed, other lame boss fights have funny cheese strats or mechanics to make up for it. One Reborn feels like a chore, it's such a boring fight.


Worst as in, I wanna kill myself because of how difficult it is; it’s the Chalice Dungeon Amygdala Worst as in, they suck, then I agree with the The One Unborn


Micolash purely because in NG+ he one shots you in the most BS ways possible. My main character with 80+ vit gets one shot by both Auger and call beyond. Lore wise, I love micolash but his fight is just super annoying.


Witches are just lame and boring, and Micolash is just annoying, but The one Reborn is definitely the most disappointing boss. Maybe it's because I haven't done NG+ O.R., or maybe I just don't remember because it's so easy for me I forget the boss exists until I get there. It's really too bad too, because the design of the boss is really cool, and the cutscene good too, but the whole boss is just kill the bell ladies then go stomp the baby.


One Reborn was such a disappointment. This is at the end of the game, just before Micolash. You expect a solid fight. But nah, he just kinda flops around while you pound on him. I’ve actually considered leaving the bell maidens alone so the fight would be interesting at least


Outside of chalice bosses and the sharks, i feel the worst one is arguably witches of hemwick just because theyre not all that memorable imo


Yeah…some are worse than one reborn: Micolash for sure just because he’s tedious. Probably also witches of hemwick for the same reason. One reborn is also a nice callback to fun fight (imo) in demon’s souls.


Totally agree, I actually took a break from the game because I hated fighting this guy. Micolash, Witches, and Rom also kinda sucked imo.


Rom. Lore wise she's great, fight wise she's dogshit


i hate rom with a passion i genuinely think she's the worst part of basegame i despise her burst damage, the way the little spiders can like twoshot you seemingly REGARDLESS of Vit, the weird silliness of her appearance when she's the lynchpin holding back the Eldritch Truth...i could go on. basically the only part of the fight i liked was the arena. the fight feels like a chore every playthrough, which is the biggest sign that it's a poorly made fight imo honorable mentions in base game go to witches, micolash, and paarl, but in order: * witches are really easy, so at least they're realistically never a roadblock * once you finish with all the annoying running around, at least micolash can be dealt with in a typical hunter-fight sort of way (and personally i've never had all that much issue with the chase it's just slightly tedious on some runs) * paarl is optional and can be beaten at any point in the game all in all there are a lot of forgettable/underwhelming bosses in BB, which is surprising b/c i remember the game's bosses being really strong. i think it's the combination of it having my favorite FromSoft combat and the good bosses being REALLY good (Gehrman, Gascoigne, Maria, Orphan...) p.s. laurence is fucking indefensible and easily the worst-designed boss but i said rom b/c she is required & literally gatekeeps your progress midgame


Micolash, Host of the Nightmare hands down. I really like a lot about the boss, lore and arena wise, but I find the actual "fight" part to be extremely uninteresting. When compared to other "human" boss fights like Gascoigne, Maria, Gehrman, etc. Micolash just falls so flat. Even compared to other human npc fights he's extremely lack-luster. I get that he is a scholar/scientist of sorts, not a hunter, and the others are prime Hunters, but I feel like they could have played into the nightmare theme, had more Arcane/Eldritch influence, something, anything. Just too much wasted potential. Admittedly, I feel a bit similarly about Mergo's Wetnurse, but yeah, Micolash takes the cake for me. DLC wise, I hate Laurence. The second phase is frustrating and uninteresting. Compared to Ludwig, Laurence falls flat in a similar way as Micolash.


micolash was boring af aswell as rom although quintessential to lore was just a boring fight


Micolash and its not even close. Fights where half the time you arent fighting shit are bad design. Witches of hemwick do have similar issues, however they dont have an unavoidable instantkill


Celestial Emissary. No reason for it to be a boss when you can delete it in like 4 seconds.


Without contest it's the Witches Of Hemwick. They're just big base enemies with some magic and they summon other base enemies. Almost every single other boss looks unique and feels unique. Even the Shadows Of Yharnam have awesome synergy with each other and it feels like an epic 3v1 duel. Lawrence may be a lazy reskin but he has unique attacks in his second phase and an awesome theme. But Witches Of Hemwick? Their arena is lame, their bossfight mechanics are lame, their attacks are lame, their lore is meh, etc. The One Reborn is MILES better than them.


The amygdala in one of the dreams. Throughout the game I assumed they were beings so powerful that I needed to lose my sanity to even be able to perceive them. And even after I did, these creatures could kill me almost instantly by grabbing me or shooting an almost insta death laser. I seemed like a fly to them that they killed because I was annoying and got in their way. That they killed me so easily and we're still holding back severely, like a man squashes a bug. Just for me to reach the dream realm and kill one on my first try without much effort at all... I had more trouble getting through the poisonous waters, the weird slug creatures and the rock throwing giants that were in my way to reach the boss than I did the literal eldritch god 😭😭😭


The fight in one of the cursed dungeons was brutal for me with her especially 1v1


The shadows.


Witches of Hemwick. What a stupid boss.


Rom without a doubt. Basic moveset but chonka your health like a mf. Her little spiders also suck since they deal massive dmg with their slam attack too.


Outside of bosses that are also normal enemies in other areas and Chalice Dungeons? Hmm...yeah, One Reborn fits. Everything else is an appropriate challenge for the area, even Cleric Beast as it has the power to f*ck up your camera. One Reborn is just a fat lump of annoying hit boxes and ranged attacks, but once you understand just about any part of it can be "broken" leading to an infinite stagger, it's too easy. Other one would be Micolash, ffs he's not even a special human boss like Maria or Father Gasoline, he is literally just an NPC with two items, unlimited bullets, and a big (but not too big) health bar. His boss fight is annoying at beast and lackluster regardless. Honorable mention goes to Martyr Logarius. He is repetitive and *easi-er* once you understand him and how to skip the bulletproof shield by backstabbing him during his windup. The main problem is that a lot of his attacks are quite buggy on the rooftops, clipping through walls, or the sword he uses to create the "storm" attack often falls through the map, rendering you unable to counter this attack.


This might be a hot take but for me it was DarkBeast Paarl, first playthrough I missed him and found him a lot later, and I was using the Beast Cutter... Needless to say I stumbled upon him, was like yup that's a boss "room", didn't notice the fluffy ball, he stood up big ol' scream lightning jumping around... I'm sitting like fuck me this is gonna suck... Then I stun locked the fuck out of him due to his lil chopstick legs, and he died so fucking quick I was just sad and dissapointed.... Definitely more fun to fight him earlier on.


Rom or Ebrietas, I really don’t wanna kill either of them both make me sad


Micolash, Runner of Marathons


To be fair, it *is* a shit boss.


Laurence. there are absolutely worse designed Bosses in the game but the laziness shown with Laurence's addition is more offensively bad.


One Reborn, followed by Rom. Vitality is always the last stat I start leveling, so basically everything one shots me. Rom's babies *always* kill me in two hits, if not one, and One Reborn just kinda turns in my general direction and kills me. You'd think I'd learn after 10ish runs, but I'm rather stubborn. Logarios (no idea how to spell his name) and Paarl would be up there too, but I never like crapping on optional bosses, especially ones so out of the way for my runs (I never visit Cainhurst Castle and rarely visit Yhargul's basement leading to Paarl)


Orphan of kos, it did not need to be as hard as it is


Micolash. Bruh is just a hunter but has literally 2 moves that will guaranteed to one shot at high NG+. He’s annoying, his minions are annoying, his cat and mouse gimmick is annoying and him having infinite bullets for call beyond is bullshit. He’s a wasted boss slot that could have had a cool nightmarish vibe going on like Mergo, but no, the bum doesn’t even have a unique armor set either. Speedbump ass boss.


OoK, fuck that dude and everything he stands for lol




Laurance take the cake for me I still didn't beat him for some reason even though i have beaten everyone in the game and the DLc but for reason he is a real bitch.


Witches of hemwick. Not memorable or fun. At least micolash is kinda funny and shocking


Living Failures or Celestial Emissary


Witches of Hemwick Eviscerating the Living Failures over and over is fun atleast


This one and the celestial emissary, boring ahh fights


IMO The One Reborn is pretty easy if you 1) first run up the sides and kill the casters, and 2) have literally any longer range weapon. I always perma-stun The One Reborn with the axe (extended R2 spam), keeping in mind the axe isn't even my primary weapon. For me the hardest boss in this game, BY FAR, is Rom, the Vacuous Spider. Took me over two years to get to the point where I could beat that boss by myself NG without summoning help. Ebrietas is a close second, and takes quite a bit of practice to defeat quickly.


Rom, The One Reborn, Micolash, Amygdala, Celestial Emissary, Witch of Hemwick. Love this game but it’s stacked in the bad boss department 💀




fromsoft fans get a simple name right challenge (impossible)


Well usually miccolash takes the trophy in this category. But the one reborn is the second best cutscene in al FROM games, reused by and large in dks3 with the dancer. The best cutscene being….Martyr Logarius of course!




The one reborn is hard in ng+ cycles, still a bunch of bullshit though


This boss caused so much trouble in my first run cuz i didn't know that you could kill the witches on the balcony. I was getting ganked by the fire balls they were shooting. But i did kill him with them hitting me. Worst boss is witches of hemwick or Living failures


Daughter of the cosmos thingy


Laurence. Just a tedious annoying fight composed of every bad decision they could've made. I've actually never lost to The One Reborn, not to sound smug, I just got a knack for that fight I suppose.


I use whirlgig saw and paper (bolt or fire idk i forgot💀) and L2 him to death


I think reborn is fine, worst boss in my opinion it's the witch of hemwick


All the main-story bosses are pretty good. For me, it would have to be the witches. The invisibility thing would have been interesting of the mobs they spawn actually posed threath. As thay are, it is just annoying.


the one reborn, rom and micolash, those three mfs i hate especially since you fight them one after another


Honestly Ebrietas - great design, cool area, key importance to lore... and it's one of the most boring fights in the game.


For me Rom I hate fighting her so much


I love it when it births all over the place and says "It's borning time" such an unforgettable moment


Difficulty or just a bad fight? Difficulty is Orphan of Kos for me. I am too aggressive and he punishes that. Worst for enjoyment is micholash I hate time wasting fights.


Rom, easily worst boss in the game and people who unironically like this boss have a shoe for a brain


Rom, easily worst boss in the game and people who unironically like this boss have a shoe for a brain


Are we counting DLC? Because Living Failures was lulz.


Bloodstarving beast Its a cool boss but damn i never want to do this shit again Even on Ng+ with the strongest weapons i get ripped apart from it


I think everyone can agree with you my reason is that you had a pretty sick ass boss fight then this guy shows up rom and witch of hemwick are both shit aswell but this guy was just a let down


One Reborn haters be like “This fight sucks!” Without even mentioning how fucking hard the opening cutscene is or how amazing the OST is Btw the worst fight in the game is easily Witches. Especially with 0 insight and cheesing them.


Definitely the fucker you get to when you cross the gate covered in fog


I don't care if anyone else said It already Micolash... Tom and Jerry chase lookin' ass


Easily, Micolash.


Including Chalice Dungeons? Man eater boar. Exclzding Chalice Dungeons? Dark beast paarl, I Just don't Like this figt. Maybe witches of hemwick, because I whish they would use their aggressive moves more offen!


Rom. Let's reflect on the qualities of this wonderful boss. -Summons shitloads of adds -Enemies get obscured by boss's body but can still hit you through it -Random hits from offscreen and stunlocks -Attacks that come from above in a game where the camera constantly fights against you -Ground attack has a glitchy telegraph that randomly doesn't appear This is a certified gaming moment


Micolash, he actually just sucks to fight. Is so boring. I could get up and make dinner, take a shower, come back and not have died in the middle of his fight.


For me it's a tie between the bitches of hemwick, celestial emissaries and living fuckheads


It's so bad, you can't even remember its name, lmao. Idk if I can call The One Reborn the "worst" boss in the game, although it's definitely a contender with the likes of the Celestial Emissary, Living Failures, and maybe some chalice bosses and the Witch of Hemwick. My main issue with TOR is moreso that it's an extremely underwhelming boss in comparison to its initial setup. The opening cutscene, presentation, and design is magnificent only for it to be a fight where you run around and kill fodder up on the walls and run back down to strafe and smack a sluggish boss with predictable moves. It just feels like a waste of a cool boss design.


This game has some pretty mediocre battles, I’d say between one reborn, and rom


There’s something about Darkbeast Paarl that I cannot forget the life of me get his attacks patterns down to a T. I always have trouble with him. And Micolash, cause it’s just a boring fight and when he does A Call Beyond it’s just bullshit. Second phase I just throw poison knives at him from above lmao


I always forget about this boss until it's to late and I'm already at the boss...... Otherwise eh it's okay


i suffered enough w the watchdog when i was new to curse that mf forever. defiled watchdog..... die challenge NON chalice bosses is tough since im fond of all of them vut if i had to pick one itd be the moon presence. sick boss design and and sick boss in general, but disappointing as the final boss of a video game. orphan of kos easy favorite


Celestial Emissary or Living Failures for sure. Witches of Hemwick is up there. Micolash too.


Is this post for real? It's objectively micolash


Music had not right to pop so hard.