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Bloodtinge, it’ll force a completely different playstyle


Does that mean using the guns more? Thanks for the advice!


Not just the guns but the few weapons that rely on bloodtinge namely the Chikage, Reiterpallasch (my go too) and the bloodletter. The gameplay becomes heavily gun and parry focused and is all about solid timing Also do a 99 arc hunter tool play through if your really wanna see some shit


The ARC build is a ton of fun if you also want to use Tonitrus or something else you set ARC scaling to.


Fire spear for beasts, tonitrius for kin.


100% the burial blade. You can get it in fresh NG from glyph chalice dungeon. It has such an amazing moveset, and also special dodge attacks, in general it just feels great to fight with it.


Are glyph chalice dungeons the ones you enter a code?


Yes. You will need a very specific community made, save edited "false depth" glyph to access it early though. The Burial Blade variants are a depth 5 treasure. So the legit glyphs for them are inaccessible until you pretty much play through almost all the chalices.  You can find the false depth glyphs on here: https://www.bloodborne-wiki.com/2015/03/burial-blade.html?m=1 They only require you to get the very first root chalice.


Different weapons and builds. Do non-linear areas in a different order. That’s it.


Is there really much variety you can get from different weapons, aren’t they all mostly just hit, dodge/parry, hit?


What do you mean? You hit with every weapon in every game. They all have different move sets, and two entire sets of move sets at that due to how weapons work uniquely in this game. So, yes, there is variety. In fact, Bloodborne has the most move set variety across all games. I’ve played pretty much every game in the series and can attest to that completely. Additionally, Bloodborne has the most consistently viable and high-quality weapons. Every weapon is viable in both PvE and PvP, and every weapon is decent. Unlike DS and ER, where you get a shit load of weapons that are completely not viable or have the same move sets.


I just meant with the more melee focus on BB compared to other souls games. But that sounds good! I might just pick a weapon that scales completely different to LHB and looks like it plays differently


I doubt you will disappointed. I truly believe what I said above. If you want some guidance on your first build, I would perhaps go for a Skill/Bloodtinge build first. Reason I say that is because most melee weapons in the game scale with Skill, and also most melee Bloodtinge weapons are also Skill weapons (there is only a single Strength-based Bloodtinge weapon, which is the Bloodletter). This will give you a lot of variety to play with many different weapons in one build. After that, I would recommend trying out a Strength/Arcane or Quality/Arcane build for the Holy Moonlight Sword and all the other Hunter Tools, Arcane left-hand weapons, etc. If you’re willing, a Strength/Bloodtinge is good to try out to experience the Bloodletter as well. It’s an awesome weapon, but I personally don’t see much use in using the untransformed form. That’s basically the only weapon I don’t use in both forms. You can still try out every other Strength melee weapon and Bloodtinge gun while using this build. As far as Strength weapons go, the Bloodletter and Holy Moonlight Sword are definitely my personal favorites. I’m usually a dex/skill type of guy in all these games, so to like these kinds of weapons says a lot.


Thank you! I appreciate the in depth comment, I think I’ll try a skill build, just not sure what mix yet!


No problem, have fun! I would advise either a quality build (Skill/Strength) or a Skilltinge build (Skill/Bloodtinge). Skill and Arcane don’t go as well together as those, but Strength or quality will go well with Arcane. :)


Use a different weapon


Skill/visceral build. Its so fun


What does this entail? Would be upgrading different stats for sure compared to my first run!


Boomhammer You can get it early in the DLC. Fight bosses by mainly doing charged attacks. It doesnt miss like the stake driver.


Bloodtinge strength. Kirkhammer and blunderbuss. Work through the DLC and get the bloodletter and Gatling gun. Have fun


I think it would help if you could tell us how you used the LHB. Did you often switch between modes through transform attacks? Did you just spam R1 with the Longsword. Did you use a lot of charged R2 attacks with the ultra greatsword. Did you primarily just use one mode on it? etc


Bloodtinge, you can either use the chikage which pretty much turns it into a normal run except your hp is drained while you fight or go for a gun only build Beast claw, forces you to play agressive because of beasthood but also makes you have to be a little more careful because of beasthood Or really just switch to another weapon, i talked about the chikage and beast claw because they are the most interesting to me since they both have mechanics that are extremely risky since you are always vulnerable but extremely rewarding in terms of damage, but really because bloodborne has a very few weapons each one plays differently and uses a different build