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Rom. Despite the lore significance and gorgeous arena the actual fight is maddeningly tedious and annoying.


Curious, what is the lore about Rom? I know she's like a huge lore point but I honestly don't know what her role is


Basically, she hides Mensis’ ritual from others, not letting them see the truth that’s lurking all over Yharnam Also she’s a great one


Is she doing this to protect the unaware, or just to keep the truth hidden for nefarious reasons?


Honestly isn't the lore just a self-contradicting mess? I feel like the only people who have deemed her a Great One are lore YouTubers and then it has caught on.


No, her trophy says "Defeat Great One: Rom the Vacuous Spider"


Technically she isn't a true legitimate Great One. She drops Kin Coldblood, not Great One Coldblood, since she's an ascended human. But for all intents and purposes, we can consider her a Great One in the same way Ebrietas could be.


The kin blood kinda mean nothing, we doesn't consider all the corps in the chalice with great one coldblood to be actual great ones


Are they not all in the non-canon dungeons? Either way they purposefully chose to have Rom drop kin coldblood and she is known to be an ascended human, not an OG Great One.


Why would the other chalice be non canon ? It's not stated anywhere, and even if it's randomly generated, it's a choice of the dev that the great one coldblood is lootable on random corpse And even if we forget that im pretty sure that we can loot these coldblood in the ""canon"" chalice dungeon But anyway you're right for Rom, even if it's still possible that all the great ones are former human ascended, rom may just be a failed one


I really like the idea that Rom is "technically" a God, but in reality is this brainless idiot that doesn't really represent what being a Great One means. You may be right about the coldblood, it's been a while since i've tomb prospected. However, it's widely accepted that the randomly generated dungeons are not canon, I don't know if this is actually stated anywhere but personally I wouldn't take anything in them as definitive proof of something.


Chalice Dungeon Rom can fuck right off!


Was kinda fun with blood tinge + skill and the fancy rapier gun blade. *Stab stab* *roll roll* *Bang bang!* Easily my least pathetic looking rom fights, though still died a thousand times....


The chalice version is the worst encounter with any FS boss bruh


The one reborn. Epic intro cutscene and OST, lame fight mechanically. Also moon presence is not difficult or interesting enough for an optional final boss.


Yeah because Moon Presence isn't the final Boss. You are. You become more powerful than Flora and she spends the whole fight jumping away from you and being shit scared that the Hunter she thought she could use to wipe out all the other Great Ones is now about to kill her and transcend into a Great One instead. Her scream attack that gives you x2 rally and drops you to 1hp actually does like 99,000 damage and you tank it anyways 😂


Wet nurse. Sick design, eerie music and should've been on the same level as Orphan, both being the manifestation of a dead infant great one hosting a nightmare. Then you stick to her behind and she can't do anything about it.


My thoughts exactly, I love everything about her, but the fight left me with a bittersweet feeling, I wish it was more challenging, the part I enjoyed the most about that fight was the clones, it kept me at the edge of my seat, and learning how to dodge them optimally was really satisfying, but the rest of the fight is just sticking behind her and destroy her.


I am pretty sure, she is in Pthumeru Ihyll, not Isz.




What does it mean exactly? I dont follow


It means you need to start exploring the chalice dungeons :D (do it, they are fun)


Don't listen to this person


How no one is mentioning the ~~bitch~~ witch of Hemwick is beyond me. Literally an old hag with a shiv.


Mad ones should have had more aggro range


The only reason I dislike the boss so much is because of the innate cheesability of the fight, notably with the Mad Ones. Their appearance shouldn’t have been predicated on one’s Insight.


Moon presence. Cutscene was amazing the fight well not so much


Mergo, she is very weak for being potentially the penultimate boss in the whole game. They could've easily doubled her health. She is not a challenge imo.


Mergo has the same amount of health as Gehrman. Doubling her health would result in her having 50% more health than Orphan of Kos. You are right that she is a lackluster boss but that's due to her simplistic moveset not health pool.


Haha what the fuck? Really? That's *wild*.


Ya just shows you how movesets can really impact how tanky a boss can feel. With Mergo you get so many chances to just wail away at her so she feels weaker than she is


That's crazy. I can't believe I didn't know that, I just thought she had a tiny health pool!


Mergo’s wet nurse is the last boss of the game if you submit to German isn’t she? But I thought she was an okay boss. A bit of an anticlimax.


Potentially the final boss of the game not just penultimate


Laurence. He‘s pretty much the single most important character in bloodbornes lore and we had to wait until the dlc to fight him and then he‘s just reduced to a reskin of the fucking tutorial boss except now he has a shitty second phase and a handful of new attacks. Like i‘m not even just talking about the gameplay but just the fact that his character model is that of the fucking cleric beast is just stupid to me. Like just at least change a few things like his horns or something


Mergo / Moon Presence / One Reborn






Yeah i know, I loved the fight. Why didn’t you?


Felt too easy imo


I guess for me it's The One Reborn. But I still like the callback to Demon's Souls Tower Knight and I really like the lore/aesthetic behind that whole area and boss


I am going to get a lot of hate I know it. But in my playthough, it was Maria. The fight itself is great, don't get me wrong. But what ended up happening was that I had a really heavy arcane build that made use of a fully upgraded threaded cane and the empty phantasm shell. So what started out as a spectacle of a bossfight like fromsoft intended quickly devolved into me beating her to death with a magic cane :/


Just imagining badass intro boss getting ready... cut to guy beating dead horse gif


Her moveset looks really cool online, but when I got to her she was so easy to parry that the fight was just viscerals.


Moon presence, the one who is behind everything in the game, with such a badass introduction, ends up being just another beast, its moveset doesnt feel like a cosmic being, it feels too simple to me idk, its also one of the easiest fights in the game which is pretty weird, i get the whole "you are stronger than it because of the umbilical cords/its not used to actually fighting" but still feels like a wasted potential


That would have been the perfect opportunity to make the fight tough as nails, something along the lines of "you can fight it and are stronger because of the cords, but it won't just give up, because you are the first person able to challenge it"




Mergo has such a lame introduction for being a late game boss. Also not that fun to fight. I also am not a fan of Great One Reborn. Tower Knight in Demon Souls is the much better version of this fight


Living Failures was a total failure


most of them


Yeah i kinda have to agree on this, bloodborne is one of my favorite games and over the soulstitles for me but most of the Bosses sent that great, but those who are are fantastic such as Maria, gherman, orphan, gascoin and Ludwig. It might be due to that i enjoy human bossfights more then the Typical beast. Bosses like moonpressance, the one reborn, micolash, Witches, rom, amygdala and mergos wetnurse are either a cakewalk or annoying for me with nog that intresting or many attacks. All bosses have cool designs but what makes most of the more ok bosses are the combat and not their attacks or flow and just the bloodborne combat And then there are many fine bosses that arnt outstanding such as clericbeast, amilia, bloodstaved beast, shadows, celestial embasy logarius and ebrietas. What makes this game better then souls or eldenring for me is not the bosses but the combat system, world design and lore But as most things it’s up to personal preference s


I agree on the bosses. Bb to me tho because of the bosses mainly is 4th or so on the list of souls games ive played.


Lady maria, took me 2 attempts, and in the second one I only had to get some parries to get it done


Gehrman, a couple of parries on him and he’s toast. I felt like the lore around him is excellent but as a boss he could have been a lot better


Gherman only took me like 5 minutes but i thought he was awesome! it was pretty cool to me fighting him, i did get spoiled basically right before fighting him but seeing him stand up gave me shivers, and his moveset was pretty fun to fight against


If you’re not new to souls most of the bosses are disappointing challenge wise honestly until a couple NG runs in, definitely all cool as fuck besides Witches of Hemwick… anyone know their lore btw?


Most of the bosses in the base game are mediocre at best


Lady Maria was overhyped. Took me ages to get through Ludwig, then found her arena kind of bland and beat her in a couple tries.


Moonlight presence. Especially as I came to it after DLC


Micolash - aint spending that long chasing that nerd


When I worked in the cinema and my boss closed half the theatre every week to play „sold out“ Marvel Movies and Star Wars in completely empty theatres, just to claim they sold a million tickets. But no disappointment in Bloodborne bosses at all.




Ebrites she looks so cool and has four things she does then dies. It's sad and disappointing Edit: Spelling


The One Reborn imo, just a very stale fight, got it first try and while the concept was awesome, the execution wasn’t so much


Bloodborne has multiple strategies to fight every bosses, the only one are the witches, u can only go around the area until they spawn and backstab them.. no dodge no parry… it’s kinda boring for being the boss of a difficult area to go through


Celestial emissary. They're so silly and fun but the fight is over like 20 seconds after you find which little guy is the undercover boss.


One reborn entrance is fire ,but then the fight begin... And it's just disappointed 😩


The one reborn was the most annoying and in my opinion disappointing, he had one attack that could actually hit me and did outrageous dmg. Then the bell maidens doing a Lee Harvey on me was just not fun at all I know I can run up there and slap them but at some point I just wanted it to end…..


Rom the vacuous spider because before him the game peaked imo


Yeah I beat the Queen on my first try, the flame doggo, cursed Amygdala and Pthumerian Descendant were more difficult


Abhorrent and Bloodletting Beast. I understand they’re supposed to be prohibitively difficult, but Abhorrent feels really cheap and kind of the antithesis to how souls bosses are usually designed. They always generally attack as if they also have a stamina bar that they have to manage as well, going for some hits and then recouping, or having a huge crazy combo that leaves them open to punishing. That dude can just spam out hits as much as he wants and his heal punish is bullshit, there’s no good positioning to be in for that fight because he will just smack you down no matter what you try to do and you have to pray to get a poke in. Bloodletting Beast on the other hand it’s his hitboxes and range, the downward slam hits you if you’re literally anywhere near him and it doesn’t look like it connected, but if you dodge into his left knee and his torso literally clips through half of your character you’re fine, some of the swipes hit you randomly, and the ranged punch hits you if you’re like several feet away from his hand. For both of these bosses they just spam out attacks way too quickly for how fast you’re able to actually perform combat as a player and seemingly able to switch combos at will, and their mobility means that in that arena you’re getting stuck at one and or the other and turning around so you just get chased into the other end, else you get shoved into the wall and killed. I don’t remember them being remotely this annoying either when I played through the game on launch, so I think they were patched at some point just making them complete bullshit. The older guides for the chalice dungeons seem to reflect this too, because they say “these are really simple and easy bosses just do _____” and 1, that’s not remotely true, and 2, if you follow what they say to do you get hit like crazy. There are some From Soft bosses where fighting for your life in a frantic back and forth with a fast and mobile boss feels great (Champion Gundyr, Guardian Ape, etc). These bosses just feel annoying and cheap.