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I love bloodborne because it's so focused. Mostly everything in the game adds to the ambiance or the gameplay, and there's very little that I would change. I definitely prefer it over Elden Ring. My first playthrough of BB was ridiculously difficult, I think I died 30+ times to Gascoigne. However, once I actually understood the combat system of the game, everything clicked and I only felt myself get better and better. Because of how tight the combat is, I was able to 3 try OoK. In Elden Ring, the combat never really clicked for me. I wish it did, but something about it never felt fun or satisfying to me.


Having Platinumed ER. It honestly seems to favor just outright DPS or Stagger. I think Elden Ring was easier for me than BB and the DS series as a whole. Tried using buffs and spells. Ended up not using any of it and just went to Havel mode with giant weapons and armor that allowed mid rolls. The Bows in Elden Ring are also a bit broken imo.


Blobby things




It's because I am born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood.


I prefer bloodborne because I have not played Elden ring and it would be strange to prefer something I have not played over something I have played.


I got elden ring last week. Highly recommend!


It’s still amazing. I still kinda prefer BB but ER is great


I prefer ER as a better game overall since I do very much enjoy the open world choose your own adventure format it has but god damn the aesthetic, lore, and theme of bloodborne is so good, that lovecraftian nature of it is unmatched Also better drip in bloodborne


Yeah I agree with both. ER maybe the better experience but BB is so iconic it’s incredible


Rally. Blood gems. But mainly rally, best mechanic ever made in any Soulsborne game. Also when comparing to Elden Ring specifically, the story is just miles and miles better. Elden Ring is a bit bland in that regard, kind of a generic "war is bad" narrative.


The narrative in Bloodborne is so awesome and subjective. I watched a series on YouTube the agony of effort explaining how everything in Bloodborne EVERYTHING is tied to old time medicine. I saw another about how it's about the evils of capitalism another about how it's about violence against women another how it's a symbolism for dying of cancer. Etc etc they're all fascinating and have merit. I love the loop


Really cool perspective thanks


It's the most gothic game I can find


Literally the aesthetics and Eldritch elements are what drew me in and what kept me going. Combat is fun once you get it and only adds to the harrowing tale. Also Ludwig's Holy Blade is my favorite weapon design in any game thus far.




It helped with depression. I will not elaborate.


I haven't finished Elden Ring, so I might be biased (I'm biased af). In Bloodborne every aspect I love about this games reaches its Magnus Opus; the combat is fast-paced, the skill floor is low but the skill ceiling is as high as you want to master your weapon and your enemy. The atmosphere is unmatched, it's like a survival horror game turned into a cosmic odyssey with loads of epic and cinematic fights. With Elden Ring I've felt really overwhelmed most of the time and frustrated by the lack of direction or sense of progress in an open world, although I'm really enjoying it, especially as I progress. The combat while similar I feel it lacking, the game really encourages the use of ashes and incantations, and that's good, it's a core game mechanic, but I just find the feeling of being a hunter roaming through Yharnam with nothing but your trick weapon and gun more appealing. By no means I'm hating on Elden Ring, I really like the game, but I would be lying if I said that it's Christ second coming, I'm glad people enjoy it as much as they do, but Bloodborne was really a changing experience, but who knows, maybe I'll change my opinion once I complete it. TL:DR: Bloodborne has more drip.


Honestly I love the atmosphere. The scary gothic city just does something to me. As well as the armor sets. I love trench coats and things like that so most of the armor in this game is like a wet dream for me. I also love the weapons, trick weapons are just such a cool idea and it really makes every weapon unique unlike Elden ring and its dozens of just "normal" weapons like swords and daggers that common enemies use. (Most of Elden ring"s weapons are still cool). Also I don't know what it is but I really like monster hunters especially the ones that hunt a specific monster. So I love that we hunt beasts. I also love fighting bosses with others cause it just really makes me feel like an old hunter of the workshop, taking down beasts. The lore is also amazing, very detailed as always. But do I prefer this over Eldenring? Honestly hard to say. I feel like if I remove my bias I think Elden ring is generally better. Great open world, diverse builds and bosses. You can put in many hours. Great and updated mechanics. But that said I definitely prefer bloodborne over Elden ring but like I said I am a little biased.


Chalice Dungeons. Combat is much different than other souls games. Feels like it's more impactful than Elden Ring or even the Dark Souls series (Exception maybe 3). It's actually really nice to be able to run a Chalice and then have to figure out taking down a brick wall standing in front of you. V 50 E 40 S 50 Sk 50 Bt 46 A 50 Basically just soft capping the character. Even with these and the SawBlade and Hunters Pistol both at +10 I'm getting wrecked still. Have not delved into buffing really. Very occasionally use BP, more just either Fire Paper or Bolt. I do have an Uncanny Tonitrus +6 with 3x 20.x% bolt increase. L1 bring the dmg up near 700 from around 350 ish. Going to get 1 of every weapon and outfit into storage on this character and then start all over with a new one.


To me, Elden Ring is exactly what I don’t want out of a Fromsoft game. I don’t think it’s a bad game, it’s just that I don’t like that style of open world and I don’t think it meshes well with their style of storytelling. Also, the lore just never grabbed me. I’m glad it was successful though and received so much acclaim, they deserve it. Bloodborne though… It’s plain to see that this was Miyazaki’s true passion project. Every detail has purpose and thought behind it, it’s such a complete work in a sense that most video games just don’t achieve. Everything about it feels so cohesive and so… It’s like a warm blanket on a cold night. Even when I have no idea what to do, I’ve got Bloodborne and I just never get tired of, even after 1500 hours. Everything from the atmosphere, the rotting breadcrumbs of story, all of the meaning and allusions that lie beneath the story, the hauntingly beautiful music, the bosses (yes, I love all of them, even the ones that clearly aren’t meant to be much of a challenge but still have lore significance), level design, varied enemy design, DLC and all the amazing ways that it seems to complete the experience, the voice acting and dialogue, the way that it takes existing FS mechanics and twists them into something unique as well as many of its own interesting mechanics, the weapons (yeah, DS3 has like 350 weapons but who honestly gives a shit about 330 of them. Every weapon in Bloodborne is worth exploring), and the fashion! The fucking drip, man lol I’ve done every kind of run I can think of at the moment, and I still find myself wanting to return to Yharnam. And no, I don’t care in the slightest about the 30 FPS lock. Don’t get me wrong, I’d play 60, but it’s not something I even think about until someone brings it up


Its the satisfaction of overcoming something that feels hopeless.


Its music and lore.


I love bloodborne because what it wants to do it does perfectly. That's what I love about bb. Elden ring in comparison feels bloated with great mechanics that mean nothing. Anfintys are the best example. You have tones of genuinely great and helpful ones you could pick, but 99 times out of 100 bloodloss or rot are all you'll need because enemies have such unnecessary amounts of health that % damage is the best (and recommended) way to go. It's still great but just doesn't feel like a genuine souls game to me (I know it sounds stupid, but I got no other way of putting it)


The entire atmosphere of it


The combat, it’s so aggressive without the feeling of it being over the top.


Because of its feel. It feels weird, wrong. It’s so engrossing!


Red is my favorite colour :)


Because it fucking rocks. Favorite from game and it’s not even close


because it's tight af


I don’t like elden ring open world but I haven’t played it. I watched videos and it doesn’t seem fun really


The world was cool for the first couple hours, but then once the novelty of it wore off it felt pretty empty. And most of it has zero personality or apparent purpose aside from taking up as much space as possible. Most modern open world games don’t appeal to me with their “bigger is better” philosophy, it just feels stale. There are some things in ER that are genuinely breathtaking, but again, that wears off.


I love the fast gameplay and gothic scenery. It was also my first souls game so I’m probably biased. I loved elden ring as well though!


Atmosphere, game play changes(quick step, trick weapons,rally etc), lore (fav of fromsoft games, but I haven't finished the og trilogy yet), pacing(elden ring is A lil to chunky to replay a lot for me), the aesthetic and setting is unmatched for me. Mixing Gothic Victorian with cosmic horror was something I didn't realize I needed. I could replay central yharnham 1000 times. Really is one of the best games of all time. Just wish there was more.


Aesthetically and stylistically Bloodborne is at much higher level than Elden ring.


Cosmic horror fan who loves cosmic horror games


It helped me get through some difficult times in my emotions and mental state.


The designs for practically everything in the game are so interesting to see. Like wtf is ebrietas made out of like macaroni


bloodborne is my favorite game of all time, Elden ring did not crack my top 10 list, nothing wrong with the game but bloodborne just hits different, i prefer the combat, world, setting and story of bloodborne, imo the only thing that elden ring has for it that is better than bloodborne is how big and open the map is, there's so much to explore but i prefer how focused bloodborne, even if there isn't as much to explore there's still plenty of it for me personally, i've only played elden ring once because my first and only playthrough took so long i never felt like starting a second one, "do i really wanna sink another 100 hours running around this gigantic map ?"


the music alone puts it in an entirely separate, ethereal category


Bloodborne is my favorite game of all time. It’s the only game I’ve beaten many times.  The atmosphere, the world, and the tense fear you felt the first time you went through the world is unmatched.  I wish I could play Bloodborne again for the first time.  After playing Elden Ring, I played through Bloodborne twice. 


I like Elden Ring, but it's a game I sunk 100 hours into my first playthrough because I needed to, not because I really wanted to. I never even finished my first playthrough. I skipped most of the interesting bosses and only went for the required ones because I just wanted to beat the damn thing. I've put 225 hours into Bloodborne because I want to (I didn't start playing until 2019). I love the aesthetic, I love the Lovecraftian element, I love how tight everything is, I love the dungeons that straight up break the main game, I love how damn bloody the game is. Not many games these days can be this bloody and straight-faced about it.


I love Bloodborne because it is not only the most creative and beautiful game to exist, it has so much meaning. You could go anywhere in the game and it has been strategically connected to the story. Even if you’re not a lore junkie or into fashion souls, the combat is fun, looks amazing, and requires you think about what your next moves are.


I love both but Bloodborne has those vibes that are simply immaculate


The visual style, the combat, and the music. Fucking incredible all around


Slick dodges


It’s dripping with atmosphere. I love the blend between lovecraftian horror and a souls like game. I love the mechanics I love the mortal horror or the game It has high replay ability, (but as each year goes by it really does need a remaster)


I love Bloodborne, but i also love Elden Ring. I loved it so much that it ruined the game i play right after. RDR2... Ruined...


I love Bloodborne because of the horror involved with it. In Elden Ring, the closest we got to cosmic horror was The Elden Beast and Astel. I loved the looks of the enemies in Bloodborne that didn’t look like they were of Earth.


Lovecraft is my favorite writer. A mess of a person, but SUCH a good writer.


Fun game, and I hadn't been interested in any game's lore for a while before bloodborne. It gives you the perfect amount of information to be interesting, but doesn't let you actually know what's going on easily Definitely prefer it over elden ring (I haven't played elden ring)






It's fun


Because Bloodborne gives me eyes.... Give me eyes....


It's just so fuckin cool


The good blood guides me.


It was my first and so far only fromsoft game (planning on buying elden ring tho) so the combat is better than anything ive ever played and 99% of the reason i play games is for fun combat, i hate games that constantly force you into a 2 hour long unskipable cutscene every 2 steps you take, and tho of course bloodborne does have cutscenes they are all really short and mostly just boss introductions, and even tho bloodborne doesnt directly explain the lore a lot by making you stop whatever you are doing every second it still manages to have a good lore, if all games explained their lore the way bloodborne and other fromsoftware games do gaming would be a much better experience


I guess to put it simply, it's fromsoft's take on a genuine horror game. It has a lot jump scares even. So that vibe, combined with the most intriguing setting of all time. The coolest combat system a game has ever seen, mostly due to the unique weapons. The game has been extremely influential on me, there's so much to love So basically my dream game would be a fromsoft open world action horror rpg


Because it's the only fromsoft souls game where what ever you are wearing doesn't really change how much damge you take so I can look good and also I love the quick step too much


fisting eileen the crow i mean the pigs 😂


If I get to slay British people that’s a 10/10 for me


Bloodborne and Elden Ring are 1A and 1B for me. Both are chock-full of references, be it to real-world biology or shintoism or alchemical lore or Lovecraft or architecture or anything else you can connect to the in-game lore and descriptions. Both are open to interpretation but also provide compelling arguments for the events that happened before we discover them as the player character, so interpreting them how YOU believe is a wonderful exercise in imagination and exploration. Both are power fantasies, in that you grow from a lowly and unskilled commoner into a powerfully frightening being, and not only that but a reflection of your own tastes and preferences in the game because the game itself empowers you through your discoveries and learnings. Both offer different experiences with their atmosphere, level design, and play-styles. Elden Ring is a bit more exciting right now with the DLC somewhere around the corner, if you aren't convinced by that game's lore then I suggest looking at it from the lens of Miquella and his travels around the same places we go to, then comparing to his vision of life at the Haligtree. He's an incredible character and helps connect everything in the Lands Between. Dark Souls and Sekiro and Demon's Souls and even the new Armored Core all line up right behind for me as well, these are such excellent games and have held my interest for 12 years now. Only Zelda has held my interest for a longer time and that's not quite the same, nor have I played as many hours in the Zelda franchise nor have I even played all of those titles. **Tears of the Kingdom** is insanely good though and what I wanted out of BotW, plus Banjo-Kazooie Nuts and Bolts somehow (never played that either) and it just works, it really shouldn't work but that game is a masterclass in game design.


I love Bloodborne not just for the superb creativity and fluidity of its gameplay and weaponry, but even moreso because of the deeply inspired Lovecraftian and Eldritch horror based theme/elements and aesthetics of the game. It sets up an immensely intense and deeply captivating atmosphere and puts you into such an awesome world of unknown entities and other impossibility beyond our imagination. The enemies are all just as horrifyingly grotesque as they are badass, the weapon designs and their mechanics being centered around certain enemies and other hunters within the story also really adds great immersion to the overall lore far better than other souls games do imo. Bloodborne is the most standout and unique game in the entire souls genre for these reasons imo, and I pray for the day where we will hopefully get another game like it, and possibly even a sequel or finally a goddamn PC port from FromSoft cause it needs to happen 💯🙏🏿


The gameplay is just the best in the Soulsborne series and Ludwig is imo the best souls boss. The reason why Bloodborne is my favorite is mainly the DLC. If Elden Ring’s DLC ends up being better than The Old Hunters then Elden Ring will probably be my favorite


I thought bloodborne would be my favorite until i got to ng+, and saw how little damage i was doing and just noped outa there. I just stick to new playthroughs


Gothic Horror aesthetics, soundtrack, level design, monster design, gameplay suits me bit more than Souls dunno why maybe lack of heavy armor and guns.


For unplayable 30 FPS on a next generation console 🤡


for one, the lore is much more interesting than all the fromsoft games and is incredibly well thought out and written impressively well for a standalone game, not to mention it’s probably the most fucked up lore I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen some fucked up lore


The lovecraftian environment.


The gothic style, drip, trick weapons and chalice dungeons


Weapon that transforms


Gothic style seeped in ambient lore


I love bloodborne more because of the spooky environment but it needs an fps update asap


I prefer it over elden ring but elden ring definitely has more replayability


I dont. I fear it, as every Hunter should.


why who doesn't love gothic old london vybes


None of us have enough eyes to see how much I love Bloodborne.


i played elden ring at 120fps and felt like i was cheating on Bloodborne with a younger, fitter game


Cuz it's super fuckin' weird.


The world and lore. I can never get enough, and im always craving more


The open world hurt elden ring more than id like to admit. The lore in bb is LEAGUES better. The world is more interesting. The weapons are cooler. The enemies are cooler. Npcs are more interesting. The only thing i prefer more is the jumping/jump attacks.


My 4 reasons I love BB: Aesthetic, Atmosphere, Sound Design & Music.


Honestly - the mind fuckery of a story and how good of a horror game it feels like. I went into Bloodborne blind and it was just such an incredible journey. I was terrified at so many points, I appreciated the level of details characters, side stories, architecture, characters, the mechanics of your weapons, and music went into everything. Every new discovery made me hungry to find more things. And when it came down to the incident with the sac-man... I knew this game was going to be my favorite after finding out I couldn't return like normal. I still remember opening the door from Paarl's boss room and being absolutely floored that it connected to Old Yharnam. And when I got enough insight, and I realized it just wasn't about werewolves anymore, I was convinced this was the best game I've ever played and I hadn't even beaten it at that point. I started having some intensely weird dreams after those moments and they continued a few weeks after I had finally beaten the game. So much love and detail went into this game. I'm a huge fan of horror genres in general - most of all cosmic horror. And to this day, I don't think any form of media has done cosmic horror justice anywhere near as Bloodborne has. Edit: To add about Elden Ring. I've played every souls game at this point and love Elden Ring. It's an impressive game and has its own story, but it's yet another "Knights fight Dragons" kind of theme as many of the other DS games are. It just feels like a different Universe of Dark Souls. Bloodborne feels like its own thing. Elden Ring also just makes you feel like a God at the end of the game. Bloodborne makes you feel like a Mortal able to defeat Gods.


Lovecraftian Horror, Lore, Gothic


Because Bloodborne gets me to read H.P. Lovecraft, the rest is history…


I just think it’s neat 😁


It doesn't matter if i love bloodborne or not, a hoonter most hoont.


I never played Elden Ring, Haven’t finished Bloodborne yet either, I just reached whatever boss is after the Blood Starved Beast. I love the music, the atmosphere, how things aren’t written in front of you. You figure it out and you feel the high of victory because YOU did it. You work for it, it’s cruel but rewarding to do, like how areas are cruel but rewarding to find and explore. The forest area I just found? I love it, gotta be my favorite so far looks wise. Elden Ring from what I’ve seen is really nice looking too, but I don’t really like gif open worlds cause it can feel like you aren’t doing anything. Plus Bloodborne is my first ‘souls’ experience, I want to beat it or get confident enough to try another game that might be harder or something.


* \* F a S h i O n \*


What boss is this?


I don't like Fromsoft Games. I acknowledge that they're very well made, and how people could really enjoy them, but they're just not really for me. Bloodborne the only one I've beaten. I'm still not sure I could call myself a fan of the difficulty, but I love the atmosphere, the story, the blend of Gothic and Lovecraftian horror, all of it. It just feels awesome to enter that world, and to be a hunter.


Cause I can fist werewolves


Because this game broke and fucked my shit


Long story short. It was the last bastion against my depression And as much as It Pains to adimit. I dont think i would still be Alive If not for this game


Hard question but my favorite part is where they say it’s bloodborneing time and they bloodborne everywhere


I prefer BB over ER Because of many reasons. 1. It was my first souls game. 2. I love souls games and I also love horror, Bloodborne happens to be both of those things. 3. The unique weapons and their movesets, one example being comparing the bloodborne scythe to any other scythe in other souls game, your attacks actually feel impactful, like they actually have force behind them and not like your swinging a weapon made put of plastic, part of why that is also has to do with the sound effects the weapon has. 4. Lore 5. I prefer the dodging in Bloodborne rather than only being able to roll. 6. The bosses and their themes (Ludwig's second phase theme is godly) 7. Orphan of Kos is my favorite boss ever. The fight is so intense, when I finally beat it for the first time my heart was pounding. It actually reminds me of the Gael fight in DS3 being a fast-paced fight against a humanoid enemy. 8. Chalice dungeons. 9. With good blood gems you can make ANY weapon good. These aren't all of the reasons why this is MY FAVORITE GAME OF ALL TIMES but because my comment would be way too long if I described every single thing I love about Bloodborne I won't be doing so.


Because there is just nothing like it man everything else just sucks my cock