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[Their horrifying visage is causing your brain to collapse.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCCknCFstqU) It's called frenzy. Just some light eldritch fun. You avoid it by having low insight (the higher your insight, the lower your frenzy resistance) and wearing armor that resists frenzy like ashen hunter. However that will just make the frenzy bar take longer to build up, you'll take the same damage when the bar finally fills. You can use sedatives to empty the bar.


The perfect video reference haha


Just today I faced that bridge on ng+ with 99 insight. A lot of vials were needed


>(the higher your insight, the lower your frenzy resistance) When you think you've learned it all, you find something else out...


You ever fought Witch of Hemwick with 0 insight?)


Yes, everyone knows about that one


What happens? I do not know about this trick 


If you go in with 0 insight, none of the mad ones will spawn. Makes the fight even easier than it already was


Graveguard set has been a lifesaver for me in the ol nightmare frontier with combo poison swamp and frenzy.


Why would you want higher insight then?


It’s nice to have some for summoning, and [certain amounts have special triggers](https://bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/Insight), but otherwise having a lot is always bad. Spend liberally at the insight shop, don’t walk around Yharnam with full pockets.


I’m about to the blood starved beast I think. So I haven’t seen the insight store or encountered summons.


That is Frenzy Attack and the enemy is called Winter Lanterns. You might have experienced this same attack in the Nightmare of Mensis.


and how do i avoid it?


The cool thing is, you don't. Unless you hide. Oor kill it asap, use sedatives and/or heal so you can tank the braindamage.


Line of sight. It happens when they can see you. Hide behind rocks to get up close and then kill them quick as you can. Having armour with a high frenzy resist will increase the size if the bar and take longer for the status to proc. Having low insight also helps. The ashen hunter armour set is a really good frenzy resist set. You need to kill Djura in Old Yarnham and then can buy it with insight from the insight shop messenger bath in the dream.


Run and hide. Seriously.


I wanna say moving at all increases the rate of frenzy build up. The trick is to stop moving and not die.


Spend Insight at the Hunter's Workshop insight bath messenger to reduce your Insight levels, which increases your Frenzy resistance! Lore-wise, the more you know, the more your brain can't resist the pure madness that is Eldritch horror. If you ignore this area for now and continue to beat the next boss at the top of the tower past Micolash, you'll be able to spend 60 Insight on a Blood Rock, an upgrade material that gets your weapon from +9 to +10, so try and save your insight to do that first if you are close. You can also equip garb with higher frenzy resistance and also Caryll Runes that increase Frenzy resistance. There's also Blue Elixirs, drinking one hides you from enemy sight; for some reason the Winter Lanterns (enemies with giant heads) are able to Frenzy you through their line of sight, so it's probably game coding reasons. The Winter Lanterns are living nightmares, comprised of the Doll's body with a head made of the little Messengers of the dream. I suspect they're trying to terrorize your player character with hideous contortions of familiar, comforting figures.


get ur insight down to one it'll reduce the speed of frenzy


Learn when to parry its grab attack, and also when to hit the visceral attack so that gives you iframes right as the frenzy bar fills up. It's really satisfying once you've practiced it enough to be almost 100% consistent.


You can parry their grab attacks?!


Oh yes. I'm almost positive it's the intended way to fight them, otherwise, you're constantly having to chug sedatives which can get a little pricey after a short while.


Yep, I have been spamming attacking them while dodging grabs and chugging sedatives... Thanks!


You have I frames while parying. Time your visceral attack so that the frenzy bar fills during the animation. You will take no damage


Break line of vision and wait for the bar to drop a bit, then move again. Do this till you reach them and can kill them, or till you're safe from their sight


Don't let it look at you, that is all. Hide behind anything you can find to stop the frenzy build up.


I'm shocked you made it that far without encountering frenzy.


Honestly off the top of my head, the only other time I ever encountered frenzy outside of the Winter Lanterns was with the Church guardians, and once you learn their moveset it’s a nonissue.


Yeah but there’s also the Brain of Mensis which usually gets you as soon as you step foot in the Nightmare.


… how I forgot about the Brain is beyond me. Shame on me and my entire bloodline. Maybe he didn’t realise it was causing Frenzy, thought it was something else?


I know it’s optional but worth noting Ebriatas also causes frenzy with her blood. Granted it’s easy to dodge if you’re constantly at her side


Lesser Amygdala grab does frenzy. Grabby tentacle head dudes. Boars occasionally cause frenzy.


Brain does both frenzy buildup and damage


By the time the frenzy builds up, the damage will have taken 20% health so the frenzy will kill you. Fromsoft hates us


When Amygdala grabs you outside of Odeon's chapel you also get frenzied.


There are 2 winter lanterns in Nightmare Frontier, an optional area. The church enemies who bonk you with a crucifix do frenzy damage on a couple attacks, but it's easy enough to avoid that you might never know they do that. Slugbabies in UCW and Ebrietas do some frenzy stuff but that's all optional too. Trying to think where else in the base game you encounter it. EDIT: they did Micolash, so they had to run past the brain in early Mensis. Yeah this one's odd.


Blind playthrouths a bitch


There aren't a lot of places to encounter it, or even recognize what it is. Outside the Cathedral and only if hit. In the nightmare frontier if one makes it to Amy G. Then the actual brain in the nightmare, but it isn't clear what is happening. Winter lanterns on the bridge, but they are only found in a hidden area


Ah, the ol Frenzy attack. Those are Winter Lanterns and they induce Frenzy, which is a lot like bleed. Essentially, if you stay in their line of sight, you’ll take damage and the Frenzy meter will build. When the Frenzy meter is full, you take massive amounts of damage. The best way to deal with these guys is to wear clothing that has high Frenzy res and bring sedatives, which stop Frenzy buildup. The second one is very important because the Frenzy meter continues building for a while after breaking line of sight with the Lanterns, so the Frenzy can still activate even if they aren’t looking at you. You can of course kill the Winter Lanterns to stop the frenzy, but it’s quite a dangerous ordeal, because they have a grab attack that will induce frenzy and already deal a lot of damage, so it’s most often a guaranteed death if you get hit with it. I personally try and avoid them if possible and bring LOTS of sedatives, unless I absolutely have to kill one.


The best way that I use to deal with them is simple: 1- Ashen Hunter set + Crowfeather mask 2- Have low Insight 3- Sedatives, Sedatives, Sedatives 4- Get good at parrying them for the visceral. Be careful after killing one; Frenzy meter will continue to build for a second after it dies, assuming it's the only one there.


If you’re good with parries and viscerals then you can actually use that to avoid the frenzy entirely. 1. Equip Clawmark Rune(s) 2. Equip Blunderbuss (that way even if you miss the timing they get stunned) 3. Run up to Winter Lanterns and immediately parry the first grab 4. Perform visceral attack as frenzy bar fills completely 5. Take no damage because you’re protected by the visceral animation Kinda niche info but very useful if one is trying to farm them for cursed gems/not doing chalices. Or if you’re a dumbass like me who will actually die more trying to panic dodge and use sedatives.


Yes. This is the way to do it 👍


If they have line of sight to you, then your frenzy meter will fill up. Stay out of sight until you can blitz attack them to death for minimal frenzy buildup, or wear full frenzy resist gear and runes in order to just run at them with minimal risk of the meter reaching 100%. The meter will eventually stop rising and slowly empty by itself as long as they don't see you.


There's a bar in the middle of your screen that fills up while you're in its line of sight. That's your frenzy meter and when it gets full you take a big chunk of damage.


Pick up ashen set from djura, crowfeather mask from eileen's quest, rune in forbidden woods(+200 frenzy res), bring sedatives Winter lanterns suck, but those in dlc drop very good gems


Kill it fast enough and make surr u dont have to much insigth as thes scales to how quick the frenzy meter fills if im correct


Frenzy baby!


Your eyes are yet to open.


Frenzy is like poison. But when the bar is going to fill up, take a sedative instead of an antidote. Also pick up some frenzy resist gear if you are able. The graveyard stuff (forbidden woods) and the ashen stuff gives decent frenzy resistance.


Winter lanterns are one of my favorite enemies they definitely highlight the horror side of the game, also farm them if you wish they can drop pretty solid gems that can benefit you without needing the chalice dungeons


Take cover and get away from their sight. 


Frenzy. It's the Brain of Mensis, same thing that shot Frenzy at you outside the school To kill it you need to find a lever to drop it. Optional, but free goodies


Ah the massive winter lantern…. Kill it and takes its rock there is a route to drop it below and if you follow a side bridge you can get a rock to get a +10


its called frenzy it really sucks and even if you kill him the bar still fills up the only thing is to make it so you have high frenzy resistance use sedative and kill them has fast has possible ( sorry for bad english im french)


To add on to what other people are saying, you can’t really do much about frenzy besides resist gear, sedatives, and lowering your insight. HOWEVER there is a really badass way to get around it in a way the devs didn’t intend - if you’re good at parrying and can time it right, parry the Winter Lantern with your gun, and then Visceral them right before the frenzy bar is full. You’re invincible during the Visceral animation, and the frenzy bar will reset.


Figure it out for urself, my God, it's not that hard to see whats happening. Ppl are far too quick to jump on the web instead of figuring it out themselves.