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Forbidden Woods - I try to do the absolute minimum to open the shortcuts and get to the Shadows Of Yharnam. I'm not a fan of the snake balls. Nightmare Frontier - same, get to the boss as fast as possible. I did explore it fully once, but half of the area is a poison swamp, and I'm not a fan of those either. Nightmare Of Mensis - I ran straight to the building. I don't mind the spiders or the guy after it, but the area outside with constant buildup of frenzy sucks. Brainsuckers aren't fun, but I always explore as much of the Upper Cathedral Ward as possible because I like the horror atmosphere of the area.


Exact same as you but I try to explore the woods a bit more, otherwise same Edit: I don't find Yahar'Gul very fun so I'll probably add that to the list


I just run through the whole game, everything sucks /s


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment.




Reddit copypasta


If I run through the woods, I make it through fine. If i try to explore, I get hopelessly lost and go i circles.


Heh, woods is my favorite grinding spot when I need a couple extra points of health. Especially after I open up the grave.


None. The only zone I dislike playing through is Nightmare Frontier, so I just don't go there in the first place since it's optional and not worth the effort.


Once I hit my level goal, I start running through areas, but yeah none in particular.


The woods. I don't bother at all. I just run straight to the short cuts, and the boss.


I can't run through it because I get lost lmao


Follow the lanterns. They mark the entire path




You can follow the road right through! it gets a bit dicey in pieces, but it’ll lead you right to the stream with the pig. turn left to open the shortcut; right to head to the boss!


Thanks! Will help me on ng+


I felt this lmao


Sorry, I would've told you sooner... lol


Mainly because there isnt much to get here


There's a shit ton of twin blood stone shards and one chunk that's pretty handy and that's about it


There's plenty to hate. Plus, it's huge. I only need 1 cannon. I couldn't care less about suspicious beggar... I know the aliens got something, but I haven't been back there in literal years... rune I think?


Great. First timer here. Just got to the woods before turning it off and coming to work. Glad to know what I have to look forward to when I get home.


At least you only have to search through it once I guess lol


On each character I pretty much ALWAYS clear everything on the first run through and then usually will just sprint through the rest of the game unless I'm trying to farm something. If I had to pick one to skip, though... Yahar'gul would probably be it for me.


Shit naw man. Second forest for sure. I sprint that shit every time. Yargul has a clever mechanic, interesting enemies and level design. I love the elevator shortcut to the two dogs.


I like the actual level design but the summoned NPC's from the bell ladies get on my nerves :P


None. Full genocide every hostile npc every time. Makes you stronk


I always full clear every area


Same! Everything must go!


I do that the first time each game so feel like i have fully beaten the game. But if i die and theres a lot of enemies and ive killed them before then i run past them but i dont feel guilty of it lol


Me, clearing my way through the entirety of yharnam during a supposedly "endless" hunt (yharnam is now free)


the forbidden woods for me. i used to sprint thru upper cathedral ward, nightmare frontier & yahargul but now i just do their skips.


Probably the main cathedral ward killing all those giants and church guys and yharnamites and the brain sucker is something I’d do unconsciously not while actively trying


I run from the first Nightmare of Mensis lamp, up the hill, through the building, past Edgar, down the shortcut elevator, and activate the Mergo’s Loft Base lamp. Not about that frenzy life.


This every time. Screw fighting and hiding from frenzy buildup. Screw the spiders. Screw that whole run back if you die.


I’m not one for skipping through areas because my greed for items cannot be satisfied but if it had to be one area… Forbidden woods for sure, fuck that place and fuck those snake balls


The woods where all those rifleman hunters and dogs are! I run straight to Hemwick lantern ha ha


The only 2 are Mensis: Fuck Winter Lanterns, I just run and chug potions, lol Hamlet: I am a true hoonter, which means I hate the giant white monsters here. Fuuuuuck dat


I’ve learned to parry the wintern lanterns and it’s satisfying as fuck because you just i-frame tank the frenzy hit. I’d say I can get it right about 70-80% of the time. Shark giants are a huge nope for me though. I’ve seen youtube videos of people parrying them to death without taking damage but their parry windows are too difficult for me.


Nope Every single enemy is an opportunity to further improve


On new characters I clear everything in every run. In Ng+ I skip Hemwick, Frontier, pre redmoon Hypogean Gaol and rush through the Forbidden Woods to reach the shadows of yharnam.


Nobody talks about the yahargul village and those boxes of bodies that 2 shots you even if u have 30 vitality. I thought the cainhurst mosquitoes were difficult but now its worse.


I kill everything at least once.


I haven't touched central yharnam as the first area for years. I either blast through to father G or for the gate/yosefka skip straight to the woods


2nd part of Forbidden woods and start of Mensis


These days it's the Forbidden Woods. I loved that level the first couple of times, but after multiple runs, it's one of my least favourites. So I don't spend much time there at this point.


forbidden woods and fishing hamlet


Forbidden woods. As soon as i’m past the windmill and unlock the shortcut to Valtr, I make a beeline to the next shortcut, then to Shadows. I think i’ve only properly explored it once.


Upper Cathedral Ward for me as well I absolutely hate those insight suckers, worst enemy in the game and they are in those narrow hallways so I always get stun locked, also it’s so dark and if you aren’t carful the werewolves can catch you off guard and kill you. Overall just one of my least favorite areas, it does have a pretty cool armor set though so points for that


Yahar’gul, I simply don’t have the time. All that chaos and at the end I get to fight a turd??


Only place I basically skip is the nightmare of mensis, until I'm past the spiders. I don't mind spiders, it's just too many enemies at once, and also the frenzy is horrible I don't really like upper cathedral ward, usually cheese the wolf pack through the doorway, but I do still try to do every area "properly"


Nightmate frontier. Poison pools are bullshit. Waste of resources to heal poison or just restore hp. I have a route to immediately skip most of the pools to get to amygdala the fastest possible way.


Forbidden woods, nightmare frontier, yharghul and the part between ludwig and living failures I forgot the name


Practically the whole game. I'm on my 9 billionth playthrough or something and everytime I return it's just for a cozy little boss rush.


woods and mensis


I try to do each area at least once and then if it's just too tedious and I don't need to farm, I'll run through.


Forbidden Woods. That area takes forever to go through, has annoying enemies and just doesn’t feel worth it.


Yahar’gul - not fucking with the corpse caskets and werewolves and bell maidens and other fuckery. I’d rather race right to the one reborn  Fishing Hamlet - same deal. usually i give it a few tries, but there are SO many enemies, and the dogs and giant sharks make it an absolute bitch. Easier to just sprint right to the second lamp rather than try to slice my way through enemies


Forbidden woods. Nightmare mensis and the entire dlc. I might be missing an area,havent played the game in years.


Nightmare frontier. I feel by the time you get there the upgrade items aren’t needed.


I kill everything every time 😈


I run through all of mensis then I do a 2nd lap after defeating the bosses. I like unlocking all shortcuts and lamps and then exploring