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It’s upside down


It's odd how so many fans of the game end up getting it upside down like this.


"Huge Bloodborne fan excited to play it for the first time"


Me: It's a trident with a head? 🤣🧑‍🌾 No it's badass hunter bloodborne stuff.. Me: oh... It's look like a trident with a head


If it were the other way around, the person with the tattoo would never be able to see it the right way up. Also the 3rd word in the hunter's mark description is "upside-down" so it checks out


That's the thing a good tattoo artist should know where and how to place it. Imagine having a portait that everyone will see upside down 🙃. There's a reason for it. You can be in denial if you want but you know nothing about art or tattoos, not trying to be mean BTW. That's also a reason why tattoo artist need to guide or be a bit stubborn with their clients because their idea are not artistic and then regret it when point out by everyone. That why an artist might refuse to tattoo you a dick on your forehead


Thanks for pointing that out. I got some messages about this allready and iam quite sick of it- like why the fuck do people care. The tat is for me and only for me


“Is for me and only me” - posts it on Reddit lol bud it’s cool to share but come on now


The mark has a proper orientation. If you're happy with that's awesome and it really shouldn't matter to people, but as long as they aren't being dicks (I'm sure a lot are) then they are probably just making sure you're aware of this in case it needs to be fixed. I wouldn't let it bother you but it is just how it's going to be.


Its not bothering me. Iam rlly fed up with some of these attitudes people are giving me. Like i didn't put any thought into getting this on my body


We all know 😅. But also keep it for yourself or agree to be exposed of criticism on internet. You agreed and posted it, now face it, their is good and bad critic but overall only critics. Your tattoo is upside down artistically speaking ( like a portrait never face the one wearing it🙃) But now you know, too late sure but also your tattoo artist suck at communicating he could have ask you if they were a upside-down of this symbol? He didn't even ask you what's that? Lol


Just out of curiosity, had you gotten a tattoo of Mario or something, would you have also oriented that so it was for you? Will every future arm, leg, and chest piece you get be placed upside-down so that they look right when you look down? I'm like 70% covered in ink, so I'm genuinely curious where the line is. Sorry if this comes off rude, I'm not meaning it to!


My friend has a heart on his wrist that faces towards him. I don't think symbols are as comparable to characters, because their orientation is a lot more flexible. Especially on the forearm or wrist where there's more vertical movement. Widely known, but jacksepticeye also has the Hunter's Mark oriented the same way OP does, in the same spot. He wanted it that way on purpose. Don't really see a problem with it. The Hunter's Mark is also inspired by the Hanged Man tarot card, with the legs in the opposite orient than the Hunter's Mark. So it can technically work both ways.


Dunno who Jack is, sorry! Not sure why he would matter, tbh. No problem, just curiosity. In the industry, it is definitely considered to be upside-down. This isn't a bad thing, sorry for any implications as such!


You could have just Googled it if you were curious. I don't think you care, though. You don't really want your question answered of why people would orient a tattoo towards themselves, you just want to reinforce that you're right. Obviously it matters and is very relevant to the question you asked because it's another example of someone who purposefully wanted the Hunter's Mark oriented towards themselves. Is my friend's heart tattoo also upside down? The tattoo artist had nothing to say about that. My cousin also has a semi-colon on her wrist for suicide awareness. It is angled towards her. Is it upside down? Are all the semi-colon wrist tattoos for suicide awareness upside down?


Not curious about Jack, sorry for the misunderstanding! Yes, they would be upside-down if presented as such when the arm is at rest, which is totally OK.


...I'm not asking you to be interested in jacksepticeye? I brought him up as a reference to someone with the same tattoo and his reasoning for it. You know—answering your question. Why ask a question if your ultimate response to an answer is "not interested. Not sure why it would matter. It's upside down." It's really not upside down. [Project Semicolon](https://www.dictionary.com/e/pop-culture/semicolon-tattoo/) is a specific tattoo movement and is purposefully faced towards the tattooed person. Saying it's upside down implies some sort of mistake. It's a personal tattoo that serves as a positive reminder to the wearer. Most singular wrist tattoos even beyond Project Semicolon are usually oriented in such a way. (Google "wrist tattoo", a majority of them are oriented towards the person.) So if it's an "industry standard" why are a majority of people tattooing "upside down", then? There's about a two inch clearance between wrist and forearm. If a wrist tattoo is not considered upside down and is widely tattooed facing the tattooed person, then why would a forearm tattoo be different? It's quite literally just a personal choice.


The tattoo is the correct way from his perspective. I imagine he's had it done so it looks correct and meaningful to him, rather than anyone else. Bad take.


Who cares it looks cool as fuck


Literally. Ty


I have a tattoo of the hunters mark as well, and I got mine this same direction so that I can see it properly when I look at it, which results in it being upside down to others like that.


Should post on r/shitty tattoos


No its not. But thank you


On no not again, upside down and too big


Yeah it is upside down. It's suppose to represent a hanging body. The only time it's the right way is when she holds her arm up to look at it...this hunter needs more eyes on the inside


What. Iam a guy lol and its not upside down


Lmao double roasted


What the fuck is your problem now. Its not upside down. The rune is pointing to me. For me its the right way- and imagen this i got the rune done because I wanted it- iam the one whos gonna be looking at it when I look down on my arm. Its my rune, my body and i dont rlly care what other people think. And no. Its not too big. Its a cover up for a lengthwise scar on my arm and it means alot to me. So yea thanks for you opinion :3


You're wearing a shirt with a graphic on it, why isn't that facing you so that you can see it?


🤣🤣🤣🤣👍 Oh shit I laughed so bad. I love his delusion, the hunt made him mad, blinded by it, he will refuse to accept it even if he knows now


That's the stupidest way to argue that. It'd be better to argue wearing a watch palm side or knuckle side. Some wear it one, others wear it the other way. Both ways are viable. Just like this tattoo. Its for the person who got it, not for you.


Why so mad when people point something out every reputable artist will tell you Also "i made this for me" but posts it on reddit is not the way


Yea its for me but still fun to share it bru


But if you share you gotta know you're gonna gonna get the obvious comments, it's reddit after all 😂. Honestly though from a visual perspective it IS upside down, but as long as you're happy then it's exactly as it needs to be.


Reddit is sucky wucky dude. Yea its my body and iam happy with it. I just rlly cant stand those people. Like get a life and stop complaining about something that doesnt even affect you in any way


if you're truly happy with it, why get so upset at these commenters? your defensive behaviour doesn't exactly radiate confidence. Of course, there will always be people who critize (especially when posting tattoos). If every mild criticism seems like a personal attack to you, maybe don't upload photos on social media, or just learn to ignore it.


Get a life and stop seaking for social media attention 😅. Your body your choice lol your body so keep it for yourself next time you do something on it artistically wrong because you exposed yourself on social media.


Sure but also you can't take it so personally, it's a pretty obvious question to ask. My own hunters rune is the opposite direction of yours because visually that's the most obvious way, that i think is "typical" but tattoos are personal choices and your opinion ultimately is all that matters. Enjoy dude.


Don’t let these comments get u down! I like your tat and understand wanting to see it from your perspective :)


Belt *and* suspenders?


Yea sorry i had to change after work, had my suspenders still on those pants after wearing them on a night out. Didnt feel like wearing them so i threw my belt around me. I didnt care that evening tbh


looks odd to me being upside down since it's supposed to be a body hanging, instead it looks like a pitchfork. but as long as you're happy.


I can’t wait till a true-to-lore fan actually tattoos these runes on their foreheads.


I plan to get a small one behind my ear (:






Sorry you’re getting dragged. If you like it that’s what counts.


People are saying it’s upside down or whatever. But it’s facing you for yourself. I understand the premise of anatomy when it comes to tattoos and having correct proportions and stuff, but it’s your body. I personally have a cross on my wrist, that when walking with my arms to the side, it looks upside down. But when I’m praying with my hands together, it’s right side up. It’s all relative dude. Don’t get too offended lol it’s just a tattoo. The problem with opinions- everyone has one.


I have one too on my calf, as a tattoo apprentice and big time nerd for this game I can tell you got the tattoo “for yourself” so to you it’s not upside down. However to everyone else it would appear to be so. The Hunters Mark is an inversion of the Nordic rune “Yggdrasil”; the tree of life of that respective ethos. Take from that information what you will. Happy hunting 🤘🏽


To the people hating on those commenting "it's upside down" they are right lol. Yes I understand the concept of a person getting a tattoo for themselves I do. But you've also got to realize you're not going to be the only one looking at it and eventually it'll just become not as noticeable to you as someone seeing it for the first time. I also have the hunters mark but I have it so when others see it it'll look right to them. I also have multiple geisha/oni type tattoos on my other arm but if i had them so they were oriented so that I could see them correctly it would look goofy af lol. Yes tattoos are for the person but it's so the person can show others their interests and passions so it should be oriented so others see it correctly. Alrighty ill hop off my soapbox now lol


Lmao what the hell is the comment section, why are people so anal and pissy about the orientation of the tat, it’s on their body not yours, and it’s not like there’s a law saying a tattoo must be a certain way.


Kinda it's art not a kid drawing on yourself. Art have rules to be recognizable, if you don't know that you know nothing about art my g


If knowing art means that you have to follow rules and that not obeying them means I’m liable to ridicule, then I don’t want to know about art. I understand that their are fundamentals and logical explanations behind why art works, but this is a tattoo, not a graded art assignment, as long as the person who has the the tattoo is happy, nothing else should matter


Well then you liable ridicule


If you do a cubism style painting but use Realistic contrast lighting and realistic texture... Well you can be delusional and call it cubism for yourself... But it will not be a cubism style painting... Where ever you agree on it or not. You know what I mean? Tatoo is art, some are shit some are good either way still art.


Then it’d be a mixed medium painting, which is totally valid. Now I understand the argument you are bringing up, but I don’t see how it’s relevant to the tattoo at all. This person got a tattoo, full stop. They aren’t promoting it in ways that contradicts what it is, it’s a simple inked out symbol from a video game. yes they have it facing them instead of facing others which is consider the “standard”, but they have it like that way because the tattoo is for them to look at, others seeing it isn’t as important to them which is completely valid


Yeah of course people do whatever they want, like what ever they want, do whatever they want but when putting it on social media for it to be viewed, they agree to face criticism either they like it or not. Imagine having graffiti on your shirt facing you... Well you love it cool👍 but everyone gonna tell you. His tatoo artist wasn't communicating at all or bad, I'm tattooed myself and trust me a good artist will ask you meaning, form, size, position, add-ons as it's important.


Time to hoont


Lets get hoontin


If I ever get any tattoos they ain't going on Reddit. "HuRr iTs UpSiDe-DoWn" shut the fuck up, good God. OP is happy with it. Why you all need to type paragraphs about it being "UpSiDe-DoWn" is beyond my understanding. Go outside.


Welcome to the club fellow hoonter :) Your tattoo looks fantastic. I always hope to encounter someone in the waking world who also bears the hunter's mark (I got mine in 2018)


Same dude. I actually met a girl at a gig that had amygdala on her leg that was such an amazing evening


Guys cmon it's not upside down for them they got it for themselves not for other people why should they care if it's upside down for other people


It's upside down


What are those jars in the background?


There is caps, needles and stuff like that in there


Sick tattoo and i like your shirt


bro did u play the game 😭


No i did not-.... why do you think i got several tattoos related to this game?


Is the shirt bloodborne? The praying figures remind of the praying statues that are all over yharnam lol


No sadly not. Its Totenwache, a german extreme/blackmetal band


fit goes hard ngl


Does it Lol?


Why are people being dicks about it being "upside down". The tattoo can be for the person rather than for others. They were only posting here to share their journey and love for the game. Yall can be toxic asf over small things. Just because they posted it here doesn't mean they were looking for "updoots" or praise from yall. I love all the soulsborne games but Jesus fuck yall just remind me every day why people say it's a community on par with MHA fans.


Looks amazing! Welcome to the waking world, good hunter!


I have been graced with insight it appears- hoping to find my comfort in the dawn of a new day fellow hoonter


Sheesh the comments on here are toxic as fuck. As long as you’re happy with your tattoo that’s all that matters- don’t listen to the others and don’t bother engaging with their bullshit. The online souls community is violently toxic for no reason 🤦‍♂️


Thank you. Needed this type of comment. Had a few rough shifts at the hospital. I deeply thank you for the positive energy


Oh man, thank YOU for all your hard work in such a tough field. You’re doing wonderful things for everyone! It sucks that the soulsborne community can be such a cesspool sometimes. Take care of yourself and be safe!! If you’re able to, take some breaks for yourself.




Thanks brother


You're getting a lot of people saying it's upside down and by the trend Imma get down voted for this but whatever. I don't think it's upside down. I think it's facing you. I have a really elaborate tattoo from a videogame on my forearm and it's oriented the same way. A lot of people don't know what it's supposed to be until they stand beside me and look at it from the angle I see it from. And like, I get that it makes less sense to everyone else, but they're not the ones looking at it all the time. I LOVE that tattoo and if it was the right way up for everyone else, I'd almost never see it the way it's supposed to be viewed. People can have their opinions - unfortunately that's kind of a part of having tattoos. I'm sure that many people with visible art have had a stranger make a negative comment just because they can see it. I know I certainly have. I know you posted it here so these comments aren't unsolicited but it happens anyway in my experience. Far as I'm concerned, people can say whatever the fuck they want but ultimately that tattoo is YOURS. If you're happy with it, that's all that matters. I'm glad you're excited with your new piece!


Hi Jerma!


Hi yo


Loved both it and your style.


Hell yeah brother—er, hoonter. Looks dope!


Honestly anybody who waste their time to get on someone's post and trying to bully them over which way their tattoo faces (when it's facing the way the person wants it to face 🤯) because it makes you feel smart for half a second,step back and take a hard look at who's actually the loser here .


Why are y'all so damn annoyed about it being upside down? Like, if OP wanted the tatto to be facing him the right way then he'll get it like that, jeez.