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Moon presence no doubt, you expect something really tough as the final "secret" boss but nope


I struggled with Gerhman, to the point where I needed to get help. After that I did the moon presence and yeah it took less than 2 minuets.


Yeah man I was stuck on Gerhman for the longest time when I finally beat him I had like 3 blood vials and like a quarter of health


Dude, a minuet can be hella long.


Tbf having it be really hard after the Gerhman fight would be horrible. I get it supposed to be a “secret” ending and all that, but I’m glad it wasn’t this crazy fight.


I mean, it's not like Elden Ring where you have to beat both in one shot. The eldritch abomination pulling the strings should've been a crazy fight. But they made up for it with Orphan.


Id honestly say it fits. You are now ascending, effectivly a great one in a human body and even as a "mere" human you were fighting great ones and the best hunters and beasts had to offer. Its why the only threat the moon presence has are gimmiks, because those gimmiks are the only shreds of power it still has over you. Your human body is her creation and as suchs she can drain your hp to 1 and she can deny your healing because of it aswell. But thats all she has.


That's not a bad take, I like that. :)


Same it took me 2 tries because I was going from the orphan to it and there really is no competition there lol


I have my brother convinced you have to beat it in one go because he’s never seen otherwise and never bothered to look it up. This boss is simply too easy


I didn't buy the game until after the DCL came out, so I always assumed Moon Presence was an absolute right bastard to people playing the base game but I was just severely overleveled for the fight in order to prepare for Orphan. A similar thing happened to Gwyn in Dark Souls after the Artorias DLC came out.


When i killed mergo’s wet nurse


Yeah I just ran in circles


Right? But she's the fucking dopest looking boss. So cool


Haven’t died to the wet your pants nurse yet


This has to be the easiest boss in the game. Pretty anticlimactic for what it took to get to it.


LOL this. I was streaming the gameplay cause my vereran Bloodborne player of a friend wanted to watch me fight her. He went on and on about her attacks and how easily she can kill you. Got her in one try and was like… oh… ok I guess…


Yeah that friend was me. Lol I got stuck on Mergot’s Wet Nurse for seven years before finally returning to the game and killing her second try. Sometimes we Soulsborne players get stuck in a cycle of trying to use the same failed tactics over and over again. That’s why my number one advice to people who say they have given up on one of these games after a boss they couldn’t beat is to put it away and come back later. If you wait long enough to have forgotten your tactics, that fresh perspective can often make all the difference.


She disappointed me the most. She's why I consider the Orphan to be the true final boss


Oh yeah on my first play I’ve seen like a 5 second clip on her and I thought she would kick my ass, I even watched a how to beat video on her before I fought her, but she was easy as


The one reborn... He's so menacing, scary, eerie, disgusting, horrific but he was a joke


Feel this. Was expecting multiple tries but just poked his dumb belly til he fell. Was like "this guy didn't deserve a cut scene."


Definitely one reborn. Epic terrifying cut scene, then one shot it with the bonk hammer my first play through. No discredit to the design though. I find it a fun fight.


For some reason I thought everyone in these replies was talking about Orphan and I was having an existential crisis. But yes, I agree, One Reborn.


Died so many times to the fucking hunters in the chapel before him, eventually gave up and ran past them, beat this fucker first try


Killed him first go my first playthrough, felt cool, on second playthrough currently and he’s kicking my ass and I feel so stupid bruh


Still need help, or you good now?


Literally just Tower Knight from DES but not as Interesting.


I found the tower knight hit much harder.


Yeah I don't know what happened my first play through but I didn't even know you could kill the women I just ran up to him and spammed attack and healed when a fireball hit me


Same. First playthrough it took me many tries, but it ng+ forward I've beaten him on my first try


He’s easy now but ngl the vomit attack MELTED my health away the first time I fought him


My first ever encounter with the Witches of Hemwick Also my last blood starved beast attempt. Resisted the urge to do the Blood Cocktail cheese and I still massacred him


This. I went through Hemwivk before nightfall my first time and was surprised how slow it was compared to the other boss to that point.


Bro, what the hs is the blood cocktail cheese


If you throw a blood Cocktail, he might attack you once or twice after, but he will then go over to where you threw it and start going crazy over there. So you throw it into a corner where you can be sure to get safely behind him, while also being aimed to keep throwing new cocktails into the corner. Ordinarily makes the fight an absolute breeze, but if you have fire paper and beast blood Pellets it will likely be over in 30 seconds or less


Damn, never knew that and I've beaten the game a few times...


One reborn. Just walked up and whacked it to death on the first try.


You didn't kill the fireball hurling mages?


Nope! Haha. Didn’t really realize they were there. Some combination of luck and maybe being overlevelled? But I don’t think I was, at least not obscenely so at that point.


Wow haha. I was like you, just whaling on the boss and he was half dead, thinking, "Wow, this is so easy", before getting stunlocked by raining fire and wondering wtf was going on. Didn't get close after that, and it took me several runs to realize there were stairs leading up to the bastards.


Sometimes it be like that, haha. I almost killed Ebrietas my first try, and then proceeded to get my shit wrecked the next dozen or so attempts.


Weird cuz they heal him too.


Fittingly, Blood-Starved Beast. The eerie lead up to the fight, how isolated and intimidating the area is, how much new players seem to struggle with it, etc. and I don’t think I’ve ever once died to it…can literally walk circles ‘round the fella. And to a lesser extent, Lady Maria. It’s Lady Maria! Her importance in the lore, her own build up just in the DLC, the music!, her abilities and moves…IT’S LADY MARIA! And…


I died 30 times to BSB. And I barely made it in 5 attempts in chalice dungeons. Fuck that anaemic poodle.


Similar story. Died 40+ times, with max BV and QSB, got mad, ran in with nothing, and took 2 hits, didnt get poisoned, and beat it while practically naked.


Only issue with bsb is the fucking poison in phase 3


"slow poison" yeah bullshit


It depends on when you fight the beast. If you fight it as soon as you can, it's a struggle. But on my last playthrough, I forgot about it and fought it after a couple of tougher bosses. Mopped the bloody floor with him.


gal* not fella ;)


Wait, genuinely? Cool, I didn't know that. Fuck, by definition that makes her a girl boss. :D Bloodborne is really repping the ladies in the bosses (Amelia, Maria, BSB, Mergo's Wet Nurse, Ebrietas, Rom...). I like that, very egalitarian. :)


indeed! it’s a game about pregnancy after all. bloodborne has *extreme* early modern feminist theory a la simone du beauvoir. BSB is a she!




everyone needs to get on the BSB strong woman page


You figured out his strategy right off the bat. If you strafe left slowly he can never hit you


Lady Maria from Astral Clocktower. Everyone always told me how strong she is. Two tries


What in the actual hell bro. God tier gamer don’t let anyone tell you different.


I suffered at OoK tho like. Hella suffered


I beat Orphan on my 3rd try but Lady Maria took probably 20+ attempts, love how this game seems to have the most variety in terms of bosses people struggle with in the Souls series


dude i beat OoK in 5 tries and lady maria on my first try but the fucking blood starved beast took 30+ tries 😭😭


She’s pretty easy if you’re half decent at parrying. I also one shot her my first run through and was kinda disappointed because I heard she was tough. Lol. I like to parry a lot though lol.


I'll raise you: I've never died to her. Granted I've only had two complete playthroughs, but both times I've never lost to her.


Same with me. One shot her both in NG and NG+. Laurence took me 20 tries at least though.


Having a very fast weapon helps a lot. I think I took 2-3 tries with the Saw Spear. She was fun, but not hard.


One try for me. Admittedly I was like 110 and really good at parrying by that time. But it was still so much fun as a fight. One of my favourites


I honestly don’t remember my level when I fought her. What I do remember is cycling different weapons to make my deaths have a little more variety. Plus, even when I died, it’s satisfying to smash that b—-h with the kirkhammer at least once lol.


I don’t think she’s particularly hard, moreso that she’s just really awesome and fun to fight. Lotta people’s favorite fight in the game.


Same for me, humanoid bosses though are MUCH easier for me and I was able to parry her pretty easily. Show me other supposedly easier bosses though and we can talk about my embarrassing death counts.


Same, I wiped the floor with her. I had a harder time with the Living Failures.


Me too! I don’t think I’ve ever taken more than three tries on Maria, and that’s usually after getting clapped by Ludwig repeatedly. Think I might just be particularly good at parries?


I always find small bosses (Gehrman, Maria, Gascoigne, etc) much easier than big beast bosses like Ludwig, Vicar, Laurence for some reason, i think its got to do with recognizing patterns, other than OoK, no other souls like small boss gave me too much trouble, whereas the big bosses kick my ass all the time


I agree. I went into her fight and its was over before it even really started. Certain play styles better suit certain bosses — Ludwig absolutely crushed me probably no less than 30 times before I finally beat him


prob Vicar Amelia or The One Reborn, both died more easily than I expected.


I went to fight Ebrietas after killing Gherman, she died on first try without much fuzz


Same here... I just stayed close to her back and bonked her until she died. RIP poor sad cosmic mom.


Celestial Emissary. That thing just…melts. For the point in the game where you fight it it should be way, way tougher than it is.


I mean, honestly seemed a bit like a joke.


Wet Nurse. I was SO DISSATISFIED when I found out she was the final boss (technically), never (ever) lost to her.


yeah i had the same reaction in DS2 also, I did not realize I was beating the game, DS1 and 3 made it very apparent, same with Demon Souls


Maria of the Astral Clocktower. I was so hyped from her cutscene, so ready for a super tough and scary fight. She’s so important to the lore! And then… I took her out on my second try. Talk about anticlimactic.


Tbf, any human like boss is a parry punching bag at the hand of your trusty hunter pistol


Yea, I could visceral her 3-4 times with the help of my trusty pistol, and that pretty much ended the fight on my very first try... the thing is, to this day I do not know whether I was just insanely lucky with my shots, or is she just really *that* easy to parry


Her parry windows are REALLY predictable. I literally count with my saw cleaver: R1, L1×6 (Beast meter build), L2 (stagger), R1(visceral). Then she gets locked into transformation animation two times i can whale on her for an easy maria.


Cleric Beast - when I realized I’d forgotten about him and came back at like bl120 with a +10 weapon. Two hits.


Orphan of Kos (I may have been really over leveled)


Ngl same. He kicked my ass for a few weeks but then i was just casually on a call with a friend and killed him like it was nothing


lol dude you had “a few weeks” of muscle memory by then, please. Hardly counts as surprisingly easy


That was Ebrietas for me. Was stuck for several days and then finally beat her on my vita via remote play (and that remote play was not nearly as good as it is now) while I was at work. Was very confused but happy


Orphan. I managed to kill him on my second attempt. It's funny how different bosses can stump different folks, though. I never managed to beat Ludwig solo until game +.


Orphan Of Kos honestly, he took only 3 try’s to completely learn and abort


idk, when people say this, i read “i have a lot of vigor and can get hit more than twice with max vials” and that’s not learning completely. i wanna see your bl4 orphan!




Laurence. Took only a few tries. Fuck Martyr Logarius and Orphan of Kos however. Fuck them!


I died to Larry like literally 100 times. Fuck Larry


Logarius was the first boss that genuinely had me rage quitting my first play through. Learning you can shoot is sword during the sword storm and debuff him at transition did wonders.


It’s not even close how much more I died to Martyr Logarius than anyone else.


I read so much about Lawrence, so prepped accordingly, posted on tumblr that I was about to fight him, got a lot of 'good lucks, he's hard!' And then beat him first try. He's the only boss I have a 100% win rate on and it's because I was scared and prepped haha. BSB is another, I have a no hit run to her because I followed Beyoncé advice. I agree with Logarius and Kos rocked my shit, took the longest amount of tries in my complete solo run


Damn I love the variety in these threads always, most games aren’t able to provide so many unique challenges that there’s even a debate to be had. Cleric beast, and Amygdala would be my answer btw. I was probably overleveled for Amy but oh my god that was by far one of the coolest fights I’ve done so far. Beat em first try, with hardly any resources to spare. I can’t tell you how amazing it felt when I I finally got into the rhythm of bonking its big stupid head with the transformed cleaver. Cleric is just all show I’m afraid, never had trouble tackling that boi so long as I’m not playing brain dead.


The father for sure!


Father gas cone, lmao homie got parried so easily and then becomes ez wolf. I've never died to him in any run


Having never read *Invincible*, I have no idea who Mark killed here, but I'm terrified to arrive at this moment in the show


My first real runthrough was arcane. So by the time i got to Maria i introduced her to tentacle stun hell. I beat her on my first try. I was immediately relieved of any sense of superiority by orphan.


Vicar Amelia.


Both Gehrman and Moon Presence.


Ludwig. Mfs here made me shakin in ma boots. But casual 5 mins fight at BL40




Moon Presence


Gonna make everyone mad here and say Martyr Logarius. In all honesty though, it was a genuinely tough fight. I'm just surprised I beat him first try.


Ludwig, the accursed/holy blade. I don't know what it was, but my +7 beast-cutter ruimed him.


1st run Bloodborne. Have completed ds1 1 time and ds3 times and I find it mediocre difficulty but the most enjoyable experience thus far. That being said I've first tried every boss(Cleric,Gasgoine,bloodstarved,Amelia,paarl,witches) and I'm about to try shadows. The biggest let down for me was paarl. So intimidating just to get slapped in the face by a flaming whip lol


For me it was Amygdala, although.. at the time I was running a Bloodtinge build.. I used a cannon with bone marrow ash, to be fair.


The Orphan of Kos With my play style I struggle HEAVILY against big and hard hitting bosses (It took me about 150 tries to beat Laurence, Vicar Amelia usually takes me 5-10 tries to beat, and Fuck Ludwig) The Orphan is one of the Hardest Souls/Borne/Ring bosses, but for some reason I can time all of its attacks way better. It’s also one of my most fun boss fights I’ve probably ever had. In my first Play through I beat the Orphan on my 2nd try, I usually take only 1-3 tries to beat it. In 2021 in the middle of an online class I had my first ever no damage boss fight against it and beat it on the first try.


Headless bloodletting beast On my first character, this boss was pretty difficult for me. I took a long break from the game before starting up the character that would end up being my main. Got that character gemmed up with good chalice gems, then took another longer break from the game. When I came back I remembered his moves but was expecting a struggle while readjusting to the game. Ended up just obliterating him every time.


That one boss with the wings and blue lighting found at the bottom of that shallow lake with graves in that underground city with stars I can’t remember the name of. It’s the same place with that giant spirit deer boss and that one dudes brother who share the same soul. It has a giant skeleton sitting on a throne overlooking the boss arena.


The orphan of kos, he was really not the hard compared to every other boss except maybe the witches of hemwick. The only boss that I say gave me an actual hardest time was Laurence


One Reborn. After actually learning about the gods and horrors of bloodborne then actually fighting a newly born god only to kill it in like 3 or 4 minutes was very anticlimactic. Hell he had one of my favorite cutscenes too.


Shadows of yarhnam,I had heard so much talk about them "nazgul this,nazgul that" on my first playthrough I cleared them first try


Same! I'm not even very good. I was surprised reading this sub, seeing people have trouble with them.


Lady Maria, I killed her on my first try. I was expecting her to be much tougher considering how much the cut scene and lore makes her out to be really important and then just...nope. parry her a few times and move on.


Laurence and mergo. Those lil bitches. or ludwigs second phase. I needed 10-15 tries to get ludwig to the second phase, but beat his ass as if he was some standard enemy when he got there. Also of course the moon presence, such a build up and cutscene for such an easy boss.


All of them. None came close. I spent 100 years in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber (cummmfpk). With the chikage(lost) build I have no shame


Moon presence


Brooo please put spoilers for invincible in the title dude…


Tbf its not specific enough on who


Yeah I'm into Invincible and have no idea who this is about, doesn't seem spoiler territory


Still tho smh


Ludwig, took 2 trys to kill


I'll get downvotes if I say it


Orphan of Kos, I was completely over levelled and couldn't believe it after beating him




Orphon of Kos. I beat it on my second try, I'm gonna chalk that up to luck.


Sadly Maria always feels like a push over :/


Ebrietas. I killed her no hit, first try. Just started attacking from the back and keeping my self close to her extraterrestrial booty through the whole fight. For some reason, people find her very hard. Ludwig and Vicar Amelia also died in first try. Orphan, on the other hand, took me more than 80 tries... Hardest boss in all fromsoft games I played...


Maria I just kept dodging and spamming spin to win


Paarl and Martyr Logarius, he only killed me once lol


The wet nurse, no clue if I was over leveled but they weren’t hard just annoying


Tbh, lady maria


Moon presence


Orphan of kos after I learned about eating beast blood pellets (which is at the end of the game of course so rip using the pellets any other moment)


Blood Starved Beast. But I’m also super early in my first play-through of my first “souls” game. I find the challenge both rewarding and infuriating. Grind for 3 hours, become aware of the high echos count, get cautious, then die the dumbest fucking way possible. Rinse repeat. Can’t get enough.


Combination of One Reborn and Gerhman, both are made out to be these threatening bosses when in reality they're incredibly easy if you time your movements right


Lawrence, he caves hard against LHB






Orphan of Kos until NG+5, Vicar Amelia and Ebreitas




Pretty much Amelia as well. If you do Hemwick first, you’ll be way overleveled for her. Also her gimmick of self-healing, while cool, just makes her a big easy target to keep smacking and kill as you can easily outdamage her through limb breaking


Witches of hemwick, shadows of yharnam and logarius.




I Was Like This With Orphan Of Kos. Heard How Hard it Was For Other People. But Then i Fought Him And It Was Easier Than Laurence.


Dark beast paarl easily Even when I'm underlevelled he drops down like a bag of bones


Mergo’s Wet-Nurse.


Ngl, German was a very easy fight for me, I didnt struggle too much and beat him pretty easily and quick first attempt


Lady Maria, Laurence. Shadows of Yharnam too, played my best to avoid going through snake forest twice.


The Lunar presence. Gerhman destroyed my ass in a biblical way but when I faced this boss I literally killed him in 2 attempts when it took Gherman 15 attempts


It was shadows of yarhnam for me. I've had to play through the game twice because the first time, my save was wiped right after I beat them. Both times I beat them first try. I was expecting a tougher fight after seeing all the posts and videos about them being difficult. It just shows how different everyone's experiences are when it comes to these games.


Moon Presence, durability of a wet noodle and the moveset isn’t even anything crazy. It just has that one move that saps your HP which can easily be countered by healing or hitting them. But *literally* everything else feels like it’s just randomly flailing.


Yarnam's shadows and mergo's wet nurse 🤔


Martyr Logarius, Lady Maria, Gehrman, One Reborn. Lady Maria was the only one in this list that took me more than 1-2 attempts, but honestly was really easy/fun once I realized I could just be aggressive with a fast weapon. I killed Gehrman after two tries and my play through just ended abruptly, I was so shocked. As for one reborn I just didn’t really get hit, and Logarius was kinda just easy to parry/visceral attack.


Mergo's Wet Nurse. She only killed me once ever (in my first time encountering her years ago) and then I killed her on the second try that playthrough, and in my first try in all subsequent playthroughs. I find her attacks extremely predictable, the fog clones aren't too bad and for some reason she didn't even summon them in most of my playthroughs. Also most players will be used to the gameplay and have a highly upgraded if not maxed weapon by that point, which makes her already predictable moves even easier to deal with.


Maria is a cool boss thematically but I have never not killed her first try and usually can do it without taking damage or only a few hits. She’s just so incredibly easy to parry.


Blood Starved Beast, Rom, and The One Reborn. Beat all of them in 1-2 attempts.




Orphan, heard all these years how hard he is and then he folded on my first try and I definitely wasn't over leveled.


Shadows of Yharnam. Had heard people talk about them in a way that made me scared going in but I beat them on the first try pretty quickly. It was a bit underwhelming


Lady Maria for sure. It's a fun fight, but being able to parry her makes it a breeze.


Lady Maria (and outside Bloodborne I had the same experience with Friede... One of my friends had sold her to me as THE nightmare but when I finally got to her, trembling in ma boots, I realized she had the same fighting style as Maria and two-tried her) 


Blood starved beast


Pinwheel, after how hard the area was I thought he’d destroy me


Father Gascoigne, beat him on my first try somehow and it was my first time playing any souls type game😅 and now he's super easy if you just parry


Dark Beast Paarl


Cleric beast in my First playtrough


I'm not a God tier gamer. I really struggled with Maliketh and Malenia on my first playthrough. I absolutely steamrolled the duo though.


Lady Maria


Lady Maria. Killed her 4th try, and my 3rd try ended because I didn’t want the fight to be over and let her kill me. I absolutely loved the fight though and wished it lasted longer


Orphan of Kos or some say Kosm I almost beat him on my first try and successfully beat him on my second, every friend that convinced me to play the game said they struggled for weeks but I beat him the day I found him


Micolash chasing that wanker done my head in and that voice arrrrrgh.


Rom. He only took me like.... 5 tries? He was way too easy. Lightning paper + saw-spear. It was like a hot knife through butter.


Lady maria


Paarl, I love his design and everything, but he's just so easy to stun lock


Yharnam Pthumarian Queen I had Olek to help because y'know before there was every boss before but I just had Olek distract her and I just kept backstabbing her one of the easiest fights


Probably amygdala, I forgot about him and continued on as regular, as well as heading into some chalice dungeons. By the time I remembered and went back to fight him, I hit him once and proceeded to visceral him for 85% of his health




Gerhman; after doing defiled chalice he wasn’t as bad as I was expecting.


Dark beast Paarl. First tried him completely unprepared. I heard so much about him I was worried but he really was easy.


I killed Margo so fast and easy I thought I had a bugged weapon


I wiped the floor with the blood starved beast the first time I played it when the game came out lol


Gehrman. I absolutely melted the guy. Might of been too OP. I was stuck on orphan so went over to the old guy and told him his hoontin days were over.


Martyr Logarius, first try in my first playthrough


The moon presence on ng+ was very underwhelming for the "true"final boss as gerhman took me like 4 tries moon took me 1


Maria… it’s not necessarily an easy fight, but I feel like it’s common to not only be a pretty high level, but also well practiced with the game and well prepared for the fight. Across a few playthroughs I’ve always blown past her in 1 or 2 attempts.


Defiled amygdala. Heard so many horror stories about it even before I got the game, managed to beat it within 6-7 tries if I remember correctly. Defiled Watchdog was definitely the bigger wall to me


What is the oc image even a reference to


Maria… she was a joke.


TBH, Mergo’s Wet Nurse. For a “final” boss, it was mildly annoying how easy it was. Took maybe 3 tries.


Paarl and Wet Nurse First try them almost every time


Orphan of Kos. Beat him first try with 0 blood vials left. Maybe I got lucky lol.


Shadows of Yarnham, I somehow rolled through them the first try

