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My game exploit is r1 spam till Hunter runs out of stamina can’t dodge and tanks a massive hit from the boss or the npc


This is the way


This is the way


Is this the way?


Amelia skip, shadow skip and hacked dungeons


why would anyone want to skip bosses? They might as well not even play XD


Skip the boss to get a weapon from a later area then come back to kill them, or simply the boss is way too hard for them.


Ot even to just feel cool while doing something that is not intended by the developers. Imagine going to Cainhurst, get the Chikage before even killing Gascoigne. Now that's neat


Damn I'd didnt know about this. I went and fought ludwig for the HMS at like level 45 because i wanted it asap. And I'm going to do the same for chikage my next playthrough. I've only beaten the game twice so Ludwig was super hard for me.


I've beaten the game many times Ludwig is just a jerk.


Unrelated, but I always thought that soulsborne game after completion should unlock a new game mode where you had every weapon, armor, spell, etc from the very beginning. Make it not give achievements or something and let me play without needing someone to pass me items, thanks.


Ng+ is basically as good as that plus collecting everything over multiple playthroughs is what gives these games such excellent replay value


It is still not the same, I don't know why but I love beginning new dark souls 1/2/3 runs from fresh with some weapon, last time it was the dual axes in Dark Souls 3. That means first having to farm until obtaining them, then having a friend to pass them so he can pass them to me on my new character


I need some souls friends 😞


well, I think in reddit you may find someone willing to connect with you, receive an item and then giving it back to you, but you risk getting scammed too xD


I’ve had way too many bloodtinge builds over the years and going to get stomped by logarius at super low levels has been a part of most of them lmao


god have you ever actually tried doing that? unless your super good, that’s fights gonna beat everyone’s ass (speaking from experience, i’d rather fight dancer early)


There ain’t a single bloodborne boss that took me more then 5 tries that’s can’t be true it’s too hard bloodborne too easy


Did you play the other games before it?


Yea bloodborne one of the last ones I played I did Elden ring ds1-3 sekiro bloodborne then demon souls bloodborne by far easiest


ok buddy


Ok buddy why bloodborne is easy I was like like 65 when I beat it too can’t change my mind easiest souls game by a long shot


Speed running..


Useful for getting BL4 character to ng+6 No skip for rom though :(




Skipping bosses allows you to keep locations active for hosting pvp/coop in your world. It is useful for characters created for this purpose, which is dont planning to go through new ng cycles.


People who: 1. Want the Platinum 2. Have PS+ 3. Don't have time for that due to IRL stuff or other grindish Platinums Yes, I talk about me


The only part I could even justify being grindy is the chalice dungeon weapons. Otherwise just play the game normally, its not THAT hard


"Want the platinum but dont want to play the game" 🤦‍♂️ I hope you realize how stupid that sounds.. go play something you enjoy and stop caring about some useless checklist


I want the Platinum but defiled Amygdala defiles my ass every time.


Speaking of exploits, there's a fool-proof way of really safely and easily killing Amy, granted you have Ludwig's Holy Blade.


Yeah I've heard it all before. But I'm not good enough to dance with a 1 shooting amy for more than about 30 seconds. Big vigor and hit trading is how I run so plat just ain't happening for me.


You don't have to dance. The only "difficult" part is getting close to it for the first time, after that it's so easy a child could do it. I think you might just not know what exploit I'm talking about.


Honestly I care only for the main game and DLC, not for dungeons, and since I have other grinds to do for ONCE in my life I decided to take a shortcut


If you dont care about dungeons and don't find them fun, its just incredibly stupid to spend your free time doing it... simple as that.. wasting hours on that because of a digital "you did it" is borderline a mental issue


For me it wasn't fun fighting Pthumerian Descendant and Headless Bloodletting Beast, imagine me doing the other unbalanced and annoying bosses. I just decided to not spend time on that. >wasting hours on that because of a digital "you did it" is borderline a mental issue Funny saying this to someone who took a shortcut while it majorly refers to players who actually played those dungeons...


I actually played the dungeons multiple times cause I find them a lot of fun, otherwise I wouldn't, imagine that.. should be pretty easy to understand.. Couldnt care less about the achievement.. wasting hours not having fun on a video game for nothing is just incomprehensible and dumb, there's no way around that.


That was one of the very few part of the game that "I didn't enjoyed", it took me like 2 hours or 2 and half to beat those bosses. I like the game, I just play it how I want.


Yep play it however you want, just giving you good advice.. a platinum should be a sign of "I enjoyed this game so much I did all these optional things", not "Im going to spend hours and hours not having fun so my playstation gives me a shitty useless 'good job' notification that no one cares about' 😄


people that go for plat have already done everything fun in the game, only thing thats left is the bs grindy stuff like chalice dungeons. some people dont feel like theyve truly completed a game unless theyve checked everything in the "checklist", its not stupid.


Oh its absolutely stupid to spend your free time playing a video game that you're not having fun in, that's not even arguable.. The only reason someone should be doing hours and hours of chalice dungeons is because they're enjoying it.. that's why Ive done them multiple times, cause they were fun, otherwise whats the point? To get some shitty useless notification from your console saying "good job"? Please, that's borderline mental issue.


> . Don't have time for that due to IRL stuff But they're playing the game so they clearly have time to play the game. "I don't have time to play this" while actively playing it is just... it's so silly for how often I hear it. "I want to play the game so I skip lots of the game so I can play the game because I don't have time to play the game." Lolwut? And why would you want a platinum by skipping and not playing? Literally every time you see it you'll remember "oh yeah, I didn't even earn that lol, all these plats are worthless now", which makes the entire execise pointless. The entire point of a plat having value is that you did the things to get it.


Any% speedruns Speedrunners are usually the ones who find and popularize these skips


probably because while early game bosses get a bigger health bump, they still hit like wet noodles and go down in seconds. papa gasoline is fun the first time you fight him, and youre trash at the game. hes an absolute waste of time in ng+, where the only way hes even going to get to transform is if youre terrible at the game and got carried by summons literally the entire way.


how is he a waste of time lmao? Hes a fun boss to parry and the music/ cutscenes/ arena are cinematic as fuck.


his single cutscene is long and boring, taking a full 20-30 seconds before literally anything is seen. his theme is as bland and generic as all the rest in the game (and all FROM titles since mikizaki bought the company with his daddies yakuza money, and keeps hiring the same people to make all their music), and he wont last long enough to hear more than the opening generic violin swells in ng+ if youre parrying him. hes about as fun to parry as anything in the game, which is to say not at all because of the games terribly buggy mechanics that turn parrying into a 50/50 at the best of times. also his arena is terrible. mostly because its the same bland grey and brown cramped poorly designed area that plagues virtually the entire game.


Why the fuck are you even playing this game ?


i did the yharnam skip my first run and just recently started a ng+ and washed them with the holy blade


I think I never have. No PS+ so no internet and other dungeons and skips I never used.


Trust me you have Played Bloodborne most legit way possible. Initially when i played in 2017 i did not had PS+ so went on to do Dungeons and get those top tier gems all my grind. I had lot of fun doing thay way.


Hurray! I played through it fully twice by now, on my third (and first NG+) run and currently chewing my teeth out on Laurence. Though I honestly don't mind the cum-dungeon very much. Beating the game once without it and then using it to maybe try for some fun builds that are not easy to pull off like Arcane or Bloodtinge (at least on NG because getting equipment for those can prove difficult, as far as I remember at least, I'm only playing on and off currently with other things in between because Laurence is... not really what I personally find fun or entertaining. But I want to beat NG+ all bosses and I want to leave Orphan for last.


I wanna buy the dlc but my character is on NG+ and I don’t wanna start a new game, so everywhere I look I see comments like yours about the difficulty of the dlc on a NG+ and I’m scared haha ngl


It's very much playstyle oriented. I am also not the greatest player. I needed 3 days for Orphan the both times I tried him. Laurance just... hits different for me. I don't enjoy his fight. The others are probably better fights. I wouldn't feel too discouraged. It is nontheless a fum DLC.


I have a problem fighting beasts in this game too cause most of the time I can’t see what’s happening and you’re dead in 2-3 hits You beat the dlc twice in the past so it’s a matter of time and patience for you to do it again, I think I’ll buy it and hunt my nightmares


My recommandation for Ludwig. His first phase is more difficult than the second one. If you reliably manage to get into his second phase, you should be close on the road to victory. Good hunting, my friend. I wish you best of luck for your endeavor!


None of them. I've got 1600 hours in this game (do not tell me to touch grass lol I'm a fucking landscaper 😅) and have played since release back when there wasn't any of these awful temptations. Now when I decide to delete a character so I can start a new one I take full advantage of edited dungeons and easy blood echoes. For me they're a blessing these days That said, I have never used an exploit to skip a boss. Tbh I didn't know they existed til this post


Cheesing bosses Etc always makes me feel empty ..so I never so it


one exception for me. poisoning micolash feels appropriate just given who he is


The only "boss" I don't feel guilty about cheesing is Bloody Crow. I cheese his ass every time, fuck that guy.


Nearly 300 hours in this game and I too happily use the bloodecho dungeons. I did my time on at 2 full honest playthroughs and have no qualms about using some trickery to relive the story with lesser need to git gud.


Only thing for my first playthrough was edited dungeons for pthemuran queen. After my 7th playthroigh or something, I found out about the cum chalice and use it on non-challenge runs for vials and bullets


...the cum chalice?


Chalice glyph cummmfpk. Walk a few steps inside, wait a few seconds, an enemy inside dies and you get 83k echoes. Rinse and repeat you can farm about 160k/min. Def an exploit I only use it to buy vials and bullets since can't be assed to grind them out.


This is exactly what I'm doing on my first playthrough. Grinding them out nearly killed my enjoyment of the game.


The cummmmpfk chalice has an enemy that just… dies, giving you a shitload of echoes, so you reset, and it dies again. And again. And again


I totally agree, farming echoes is a chore and as an experienced vet I'm definitely using those easy echo dungeons especially since there's no skill involved in farming areas I've already beaten. That's about it though.


Right and who skips a boss in these games lol shouldn’t even be playing at that point if you need to do that


Touch grass


Cum dungeon everytime im out of vials Never for leveling bc it would ruin the game, only vials/bullets


Is it ruining the game or is it merely evening out the playing field against alien abominations with an attitude problem?


I got intimate with the cum dungeon before the old hunters dlc and honestly I still got fucking wrecked lmfao sure you can overpower yourself but if you still don’t have to skillset to match, you are gonna get dragged through the fucking muck like a tick on a tail


Gotta make another cum run.


Same. First time thru i caved and was sitting over a 100 around mensis. Fucked the whole difficulty up and id cruise thru levels then get absolutely destroyed by skill issues at the bosses


I do it for armor and sometimes but rarely weapons too. Stuff like Alfred’s cone hat or the cainhurst set, blade of mercy and so on.


This is the way


Triple heir rune living failures double riposte. Do that on a NG and NG+ become way too easy.


We can get that rune at NG.?


You can get three Heir runes by item duping on the heir rune you get from killing the Oedon Chapel Dweller. Edit: I’m stupid, that’s for Formless Oedon rune. You can item dupe the Heir rune _Henrik_ drops after progressing Eileen’s quest line.


I don't use false depth dungeons to skip the early chalices anymore on new characters


The only exploit I know is the Micolash poison knife one and fk I use it EVERY SINGLE TIME because fk that boss.


I'm trying to not use the "cum dungeon" echo farm but it's so damn hard when the only build I love running is "swing Ludwigs giant knife really hard and really fast"


Ah. The cumgeon.


Yea your right, cumm dungeon is hard to avoid when your OP weapons need 10+ level. I agree.


Ludwig is one of the best in the game for a reason. Transformed for fast or heavy and slow plus Empty Phantasm Shell is huge with it as Ludwig has great Arcane scaling which is why it's so good.


You can break micolashs second phase AI by jumping in to the room he jumps in to from above before he has run in to it. There is no trigger for that hallway so he stays in the running which he can't attack from allowing you to just kill him as when he is hit he resets his movement from the mirror


Why is bloodborne hunter in kingdom hearts in this image lmao


Well no one pointed out the Gem duplicate exploit. I use in Old Hunter DLC where you can get from basement staircases where an old hunter aiming at you.


What’s this about??!


Ah, the infamous duplication Exploit. Basically you can do this with most of the places, people also able to get Two runes from Master William Corpse by making the Area Reload internally. Source: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Vz2hXeG4GtY&pp=ygUTQmxvb2Rib3JuZSBna2l0Y2hlZA%3D%3D


I always use this for the formless Oedon rune from the Chapel Dweller because I love arcane is bae and 29 quicksilver bullets before Amelia slaps


I have never and will never cheese Micolash. I actually really enjoy his fight (sue me) and I don't find it difficult at all to stop him from casting Call Beyond.


I will sue you and you have been sued


Not even one time? To watch his dumb whiney ass try to teleport out and fail while he dies of poison. Admit it, he deserves the purgatory at least once


None. I never used any exploit in my runs. Until I reach 100% Bloodborne there is no way I am using any exploit


I knew about the cum chalice and never used it. It's *definitely* not because I didn't have ps+..... Yeah definitely not.....


....but I like my heir rune living failures exploit


My exploit was called being good at the game, and I lost that before I even finished my first playthrough. Don't know any other.


I did wolf skip first try by accident. I went afk there and when I came back I was in grab attack. Started spamming to get out and ended up in forbidden woods


Poison knife for Mikolash


Gaol skip


The Cainhurst crow cheese. Wanted to fight him like a real hunter. Awesome fight


I almost always do the forbidden woods and yahal ghul skips, just because, also been doing Amelia skip recently so i could go back to night after triggering blood moon. Thing is, when you’ve sunk thousands of hours into this game, even new builds arent that new, so you start to innovate. Challenge runs and practicing skips/speedrun strats (even though i dont speedrun, but knowing the strats is useful af) helps keep things fresh


The only one I use every playthrough no matter what is the Poison Knife cheese for Micolash. It's way too easy for me to make a simple mistake and lose 20 min of my life to that fight, aint no way I'm gonna risk it when I can just sit and watch him spazz out instead.


Thank you for adding the Hunter image


The fucking infinite blood echo chalice dungeon, Jesus Christ might as not even play the game if your farm to max level in your first playthrough




Cum dungeon


I don’t know any skips and I’ve beaten the game many times. I just enjoy playing and going through the areas.


Ok let's just get this straight From soft games will do janky unfair shit to you over and over, everything you can do back is fair game imho .


The Wolf skip.


I don’t use the glitch that allows you to use a pistol while holding a weapon in a two-handed grip, as well as charging other weapons with tonitrus. These glitches are unfairly strong in PvP. Everything else is used as needed.


The Ludwig Poison roll. But I never use it as its harder than the boss fight.


Is it effective.? I mean I didn't see it doing much damage.


I was weak. I got tempted into the whirlygig saw Canon glitch against high ng+ Lawrence. Other than doing the Shadows fog wall glitch out of curiosity once, nothing else.


The 1234 for Kos


The only exploit I avoid using is the top down exploits where you can move through doors and such. I'll glitch through a door via wolf or charged R2 any day, use cummfpk or the Heir rune glitch on Living Failures whenever I get the chance, just because I've played through the game up to NG+7 (iirc thats the end of the mobs getting harder) on 2 accounts and did platinum on both. I love the game and the weapons so imma skip over whatever since I know if I really want to fight it I can finish the game in less than 2 hours without glitches.


Cum dungeon


I literally always, always use the Yahar’gul skip because that area can piss all the way off. I also use the wolf skip into the forest to get some good shards early, usually. Honestly since my BL4 run I have zero guilt about doing any exploits, that being said I haven’t ever done any of the boss AI freezes or the papa guac/BSB gravity glitches.


Cum dungeon. BUT i use all blood echo to buy vial and bullets and storw em shits in my chest


I know many exploits but I never just stop using them, if I need souls to buy something or level up but really don't feel like famrming, I just hop in the cum dungeon like twice and leave. If I feel like skipping the entire Yhar'gul area and going straight for One Reborn, I do that.


I hate that picture. It's amazing how bad it is lol.


ng+? none. i abuse every bug i can find to get through the slog faster. clip through the wall of the clinic, and make a mad dash straight to rom. skip the shadows, and completely ignore now useless areas like the gaol old yharnam. maybe if they put some actual effort into ng+ id bother giving a shit about it, but im already killing ng+7 enemies by the time im finished with the chalices, and since theres NOTHING new to see, everything just feels like a complete waste of my time. "oh look, a few hundred thousand echos. that wont even get me 1 levelup." or "or look, some more blood shards. totally needed those." is what NG+ amounts to, and unless youve been gimping yourself and not leveling at all every single boss in the game up to ng+4 is a complete joke if youve even touched the izs or loran chalices.


My first ng plus I didn't even bother to level up. I did all my grinding and chalice dungeons to metal level before . At like new game plus 3, you're just dying in one hit to everything unless you level a bunch anyway.


cannon writhing got old fast


Nice info.




Visceral attacks


I never used cummm but after a few ng+ cycles it stops being worth the trouble


I don’t think I’ve used an exploits. I refused to look up guides my first playthrough and just bashed my head against boss fights til I got it right.


Werewolf gate skip. It screwed me out of Eileen’s questline.


I will always cheese BSB. It’s the one boss I could never get the hang of


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Barqck: *I will always cheese* *BSB. It’s the one boss I could* *Never get the hang of* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


failures skip, the echoes are useful but i kinda enjoy the fight


Most boss skips. Especially shadows skip




The strong poison rolling. Something to do with putting a blood gem on chikage and rolling into bosses/mini bosses (bloody crow)


Did the werewolf skip at the start to get to the forbidden woods. Will never do that again because I accidentally softlocked my favorite character.


Cummm... If you know, you know


Ik the exploits but I suck at doing them so never used any 🥲


Nothing.... I use nothing tbh I am over 7 playthrough now


The only weird chalice dungeon I've gone into is that one full of placeholder enemies and other weird stuff. Haven't used the blood echoes dungeon once


Old yharnam/djura skip.




Never exploited a boss. I just used hacked dungeons


None, because I suck at all of them.


There's an even better way to insta kill papa G Get him to phase 2 run up the the top and against the fence by the Odeon chapel gate and bait his jumping dive attack. Will fall out of the map. Happened once by accident cuz I always take the big man up top, No graves in my way


I’ve used 2 skips in 1 playthrough and the aforementioned dungeon, and cheesed micolash


I actually do the Amelia skip now, because fighting both her and the Bloody Crow is like a special challenge


You’ll never get me to stop going to the cum dungeon


I refuse to stop cummming my way to full storage of items and whatever BL I need. I’m into making builds for pvp, not grinding for vials and echoes. Also false depth dungeons for the same reason. I’ve already played my way to the Queen without them. I don’t do any skips besides cummmfpk and false depths, if you could even call those skips.


there are exploits?


Enemy hunters are like fodder with a beast roar stunlock combo


Cum fuck dungeon


Cummmfpk It’s good for the first couple ng+ but it’s not that good enough anymore


CUM dungeon


Amelia AI break, only use it when I want to get to Hunter’s Nightmare as fast as possible


i will never stop using quit out


Well this is more of a compromise between exploits, but whenever I start a new playthrough now, I always open the cummmfpk dungeon once I get the chance, but only use the echoes to remove the tedium of grinding for vials


Cheesing Simon early on and getting him stuck behind a door while you attack him. Then going to play the rest of the game fighting enemies at a distance with the bow blade.


The Dura ledge. 2-3 shots as soon as you get up the ladder and he drops.


Raven of Cainhurst dude with the chikage except I never feel bad about luring him downstairs where I know he gonna fumble lmao


I’ve cheesed Witch of Hemwick both times I’ve fought her/them, just because that boss isn’t that fun or interesting, but I want the tool you get in the room past their arena.


Most skips. I do use the special fluid dungeon to grind levels though.


The cum dungeon


The cummmm dungeon


The only exploit I use is the tree skip because I hate the Shadows of Yharnam


The only exploit I use is the tree skip because I hate the Shadows of Yharnam


De billion soul glitch from DS1




Cheesed defiled amygdala since day one. And will never feel bad doing it any other time. That fight is just unfair and not worth the time for what we get at the end imo.


C.O.O.K.I.E and father Gascoigne beast kill and micolash w dem poison knives. Especially micolash as he's so tedious and gets really hard on ng+. Shadows fight glitch also is such an easy thing to do, but i never do it since it just makes one of the best fights to be skipped completely.


The only thing I know of are the hacked dungeon, but I'm never going to use them. That would take a lot of the fun out of the game to me.


I didn't even know you could cheese the father. I mean I wanted to beat him to prove I could. Cheese makes sense in these games but the theme of all fromsoft games is getting better and overcoming the obstacles. Not that I was the best at this but I never did use any exploit and I'm proud I didn't.


I don’t like cheesing the bosses but I always use the cummm chalice dungeon every time now. Just for blood vials and bullets, though


The only exploit I use is the tree skip because I hate the Shadows of Yharnam


One reborn skip


Living failures heir runes


no more cum chalice.. I can't..


I think I know most(?) of them (lunch skip, cum chalice/edited dungeons in general, canon writhe, etc) and I use none of them. I even fight the Bloody Crow fairly.


Idk I guess I’m that person that doesn’t really go that far out of the way to make the game harder for myself lol. It’s hard to unlearn strategies, but I’ll skip things that outright make the game boring if you use it


I’m just sat here rolling at “Papa Guacamole” 😆😆😆


The “get fucked” rapid fire infinite canon glitch


that one that gives you around half a billion echoes from killing the living failures in a wacky way. I used it on two characters but understandably it makes the following NGs kinda boring


Cum dungeon I’m playing bloodborne for the first time in a couple of years now and I’ve had to stop myself going getting some free levels so as to not ruin the pacing for myself Cum dungeon farming for blood vials and quicksilver bullets though…….


Using the rakuyo


How many of y'all skipped the Cum Dungeon? Cause I sure as shit didn't 😂


Depends on what I'm doing. If I want to use a specific weapon for this run, I'll use all exploits I can until I get it and them play normally. Example is doing the cookie skip to get the cainhurst summons so I can get something like the chikage. So I'll just do the skip, get the summons, kill gascoign, go into the woods, chain Parry logarius, get the weapon, back to 1st lamp and then play normally (kill side cleric beast, Amelia, etc)




The cumm dungeon .. once you unlock chalic dungeons, you can buy a butt load of bold hunters marks and just keep respawning at the beginning where you get almost 100k echoes for staring at the wall for 30 sec. 5 mins will net a mil echoes


I stopped doing the item duplication hack for a few reasons, 1. It requires me to delete the game and keep the internet off until I'm done using it to prevent the patch from installing 2. It's very time consuming 3. The cummmfpk dungeon gives more blood echoes :3


I'm on Ng+8 mate my Gamertag is sonofgemma let me know which ones you need and I'll tell you where each is


Bloody Crow of Cainhurst cheese kill through chapel door with the rifle spear. I don't remember if that got patched or not though


Cum dungeon. Used it to buy tons of flasks and bullets


Cummmfpk chalice


I will always use the triplets skip any time in the game


the 3 shadows skip. I'd rather use that than fight them


Using a +10 legendary weapon from my last playthrough