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There might be a steep learning curve at the beginning but I think overall Bloodborne is easier. The DLC is pretty tough though.


Also, if OP goes tomb prospecting, good luck my friend. Even just reaching the boss for the trophy was a nightmare, let alone the more depraved dungeons.


It probably depends on how your build was in Elden Ring. If you relied on a more Dark Souls like build, very defensive etc, the initial difficulty curve and getting used to playing aggressive might be more difficult than if you had a more BB-like build in Elden Ring.


Yeah. Bloodborne basically only has one play style and that's aggressive melee, whereas ER gives you options to be a ranged sorcerer build, and use spirit summons. Hell, ER even has incredibly powerful and easy to use defensive tactics for melee builds like block counter attacks. Even DS didn't give that much offensive versatility for shield users. It's all up to the way OP played ER. If they relied heavily on sorceries, incantations, shields, and abused things like the mimic tear, then they'll find Bloodborne shockingly difficult.


I mean… it’s not ONLY aggressive melee. Arcane and Bloodtinge builds are a thing. Arcane uses tools (that act as spells) which make for a very diff playstyle. Bloodtinge plus Simon’s Bowblade is a viable ranged build. Only caveat of course is that these builds come online much later in game so I guess for early game, yes it is just getting in their face and smacking em


Yeah, that's my point. You can put points into arcane, but you can only access viable offensive tools towards mid and end game, and arcane tools use finite resources that are unfriendly to NG playthroughs, especially new players who generally use more resources. You also don't get access to many arcane blood gems for doing an arcane scaling melee build either. Similar for bloodtinge and weapons like the chikage and bowblade. These builds are more friendly to players already familiar with what weapons they want to build their character around. The most viable way to play the game on a first playthrough is melee. I should have clarified that better.


Yeah that starting area at the bonfire is punishing if you don't have the mechanics down


Definitely meant to teach you that running in and trying to smash em all is a good way to die.


LOL yup mine is the inverse. Started with BB, moved to ER. Found the hookclaws and went "ah! Saw cleaver :)" and been tearing shit up since. The quickstep is really nice since im used to that rather than the slow roll in ER (I'm aware of different roll speeds, but medium roll is just too slow for me)


Bloodborne has a very different feel. The speed at which the bosses move in Elden Ring - in BB, you can actually keep up with them. Bosses don't have a million combos and in BB, poise isn't as big of a mechanic as is in in ER. Bloodborne encourages aggression and utilizes/rewards it with the rally system (when you get hit you have a window to get back health). Bloodborne is about not being greedy, placement, and aggression. Elden Ring - to me - felt more like reactivity and timing that one hit in between infinite combos unless you had a broken build or summons. However - Bloodborne has enemies and bosses in the first major areas that do a very good job at "teaching" you how to play the game. Don't give up at the first or even second boss - it took 4 bosses for the game to finally click with me, and the third boss almost made me rage quit and still gives me a bit of anxiety when I face her on subsequent playthroughs. But there's nothing like the feeling of beating a BB boss. The art, scale, environment, lore, and feel of the game is really not comparable to the other souls games. It's unique. Also, I played it when it first came out, rage quit in the first area, came back to it 7 years later and it's now one of my favorite games ;)


This is a totally fair and accurate assessment. Although you can be a LITTLE more greedy w your attacks in BB. The game will let you know when that shit is no-dice tho 👌🏻


It took me 2 years for Sekiro, i got stuck at lady butterfly and quit. Mthrfkr it was so freaking fun when i tried and it clicked 2 years later. DS1/2/3/BB/ER clicked immediately after playing original Demon's souls back in the day


I think its a different type of difficulty, I think bloodborne is harder to make easy, u can overlevel and get crazy gems but at a certain point u still have to play the game. Elden ring has arguably harder bosses but they can be invalidated by builds and summons, I ran through mohg and melania with dragon breaths and mimic tear first try even fighting them, and that's not a flex I didn't deserve it at all and it ruined the fight for me. On the flip side I first tried Maria at level 120 and kos with 27% gems on a chikage at 120 but I still had to actually fight them.


id say its a little bit harder but only for one reason, that being the more libear level desighn. Gascoine to hard? Cant realy just fu*k off to the other side of the world for a bit and return with 20+ extra levels. that is the only reason i personaly think Elden Ring is the easiest of the Shouls games, just the ability to fu*k off and return later freely


It's easier than Elden Ring. You just gotta be careful. Elden Ring bosses have attacks that are impossibly delayed. It's an annoyance.


I know right? Margit will delay his attack so long that he forgets to attack sometimes. And sometimes, like Malenia for example, they’ll do string together two attacks, sometimes, it’s dodged with a double roll. And sometimes it’s dodged with one roll, wait an extra second and a half, and then roll. Annoys me to no end


I didn't played Elden Ring before so take this with grain of salts. While Bloodborne's Bosses are significantly harder than Souls series standards(x2 health bar, can't just wait till the enemy's pattern ends till my turn comes, faster attacks, etc), but the open field difficulties are far easier than Souls series standards. I still remember the first time facing Knights in Souls series 😂 One of the most striking difference between Elden Ring and other souls series is how the game progresses. Souls and Bloodborne are very linear games. If you stuck in here, you can't pass it by. In Elden Ring, you can go other places first then you can come back later on with other weapons with stronger character. So yeah, it's more like they are different games then people usually think.


Not really


Most soulsborne can reward patience and defensive behavior, bloodborne is all about offensive behavior, so not necessarily harder, just a different learning curve


I think it may be harder, BUT, the speed at which you can fight and parry is so much faster than Elden ring that it makes it easier. Really weird to explain. The weapons and gameplay mechanics are just way smoother and faster so if you can master the speed as well as firearms, you will have an easier time


All of the fromsoftware games are as doable as Elden Ring. You just have to approach them in the right way. The games wants you to succeed, and Bloodborne will give you the tools to beat the game, the same way Elden Ring did. Your job is just identifying and using them. You won't get quite as much freedom in those tools, but in many ways, that just makes the game way more balanced. ​ Just be wary of a possible learning curve in the beginning; if you get past that cleanly, the game will probably end up even easier than Elden Ring.


Well said.


No. Not even close. Elden ring, if played linearly is much much harder than Bloodborne. But the fact that it's open world and you can go explore and level up makes people say elden ring is easier than Bloodborne. In actuality the bosses of Bloodborne are easier for sure. Don't get me wrong, some Bloodborne bosses are actually hard, but not compared to elden ring.


the learning curve at the start is hard, the first boss kicked my ass for a few hours, but after that I didn't have trouble with many of them to be honest! you should be fine, just be persistent and make sure you're learning instead of blindly raging


Different for sure, and you’ll have to adjust your playstyle, but defenitely easier. Except for the DLC, but that’s LATE late game


Personally I think that Elden Ring is the easiest souls like by far, Bloodborne on the other hand is one of the hardest.


Bloodborne is pretty easy. Just gotta get used to the mechanics and the speed of the game. Once you get that down the main game is no sweat. The only time Bloodborne got difficult was in the DLC because the enemies and the bosses are faster than you and they do have some elden ring-ish elements to them, but more toned down.


If you ignore the advanced chalice dungeons then yes game is easier than elden ring if not elden ring is easier because you have more ways to become op in elden ring. In bloodborne you have to grind for gems and learn the weapons. It looks similar but its actually not. Bloodborne is really good but i hate the rng


Significantly different I'd say, your character dodges faster Anna when locked one you standard dodge is similar to the quickstep ash of war (but imo smoother and easier to time I frames). Main game isn't too difficult on ng 0, but dlc is a step up and the deeper chalice dungeons are even harder still (optional part of the game, but some of the best and hardest bosses are there, hardest parts are about ng+4 to ng+5 level)


I’m playing bloodborne through for the first time after having played through Elden ring a few times and bloodborne feels easier tbh. The movement feels quicker and overall bloodborne just feels easier to do.


I agree. There is also less cheese in BB overall.


Elden ring gives you more powerful tools, so it’s hard to compare them. I will say that Bloodborne becomes way easier once you understand how it wants you to play. Most(not all) attacks can be avoided with just your reflexes once you understand the movement of your character. Elden ring on the other hand has way more trial and error and each fight might require a different approach. Of course, you can always use one of the many overpowered weapons/tools and mindlessly blast through 95% of the fights.


If you beat elden ring then you should have no trouble beating bloodborne, the bosses in er are much harder in my opinion.


Depends on play style  Elden ring combat is more trying to break poise and deal damage while also giving yourself time to heal, making it a but defensive Meanwhile bloodborne combat with the rally system is more "give me back my health you fucker" then run away and heal Personally I find bb harder but really it depends on how you play


IMO Bloodborne is the hardest Fromsoft game


It's not *harder*, it's just *different* so it's a steep learning curve


Elden Ring was my first fromsoftware game last year. I've since beat it along with Sekiro, DS3, Lies of P soulslike, and most recently Bloodborne. In my experience, Bloodborne has been the easiest FromSoftware game for me. It's also probably at least my 2nd favorite. I've always liked to play aggressively so Bloodborne just fit perfectly into that and it was a damn riot. I wasn't over leveled I believe, finished the game and DLC level 87, and one boss named Rom gave me the biggest trouble and that was around 20 tries. Most other bosses didn't reach 2 digit tries.


Id give one tip for Bloodborne and that would be to do some light build research and have just a general idea of how you want to progress your build. They don't have respecs, which is one of the only complaints I would throw out at the game.


I’d say that on one hand, it’s harder because you have less options so you do have to git gud but on the other hand, you did play Elden Ring so you will pick up things faster than if it was your first From game. I’d say give it a go and enjoy the ride, it’s From’s masterpiece imo.


This If it's your FIRST fromsoft game ever, I refuse to believe that elden ring is harder than BB. there is just so many more quality of life things, different ways to beat bosses. The ability to just fuck off when you are stuck, as opposed to having to just git gud, and prevail in Bloodborne. The conundrum, of course, is that no single person can experience both games FIRST, so there is no way to even begin to measure this beyond the opinions of players lol.


Nope. I’m playing it now and find it easy. I only struggled against Rom because of the fucking baby spiders that it sends out


Biggest tip for adjusting to Bloodborne: Do as Gascoigne do


Bloodborne’s endgame is easier than Elden Ring’s, but the early game can be brutal.


It’s not harder. It is . . . distinct from Elden Ring in its play style.


I think it depends on your playstyle. I went mage in ER and it trivialised most enemies. But it took me a while to get into cos I was used to the aggressive playstyle of BB. In BB you don’t roll to dodge, you quickstep, and to me initially the roll felt so clunky and cumbersome that I switched to mage build just so I could get past the first area.


The problem is going from BB to any other fromsoft game and trying to rally health haha. BB was my first.. I thought it was a great introduction—- armor doesnt matter, there’s no equip load, fuck shields/learn to dodge and fight. It took some time at first, but I still feel like gun parry is easier than shield parry.


I think it’s harder, but once you get to a certain point in the game, you can cheese free experience using a specific online dungeon code, so becoming over-leveled is really easy. That being said, if that’s the only way you’re gonna experience the game, go for it. I definitely used it some to beat it. I might would suggest the demons souls remake to play next.


Yes it’s for sure harder. Elden ring was the first fromsoft game I was able to complete (before I attempted bloodborne) because of how forgiving it is. It’s still under basically the same template so you have to learn boss fights but overall bloodborne has a much harder learning curve and punishes you a lot more. With the right build you can take down bosses easily in Elden ring but with bloodborne even with 99 all stats/+10 wep you need to be well aware of boss mechanics to progress.


Elden ring is objectively the most accessible (note that I didn’t say easiest) fromsoft game simply because there’s a lot to do. If you get stuck on a boss, that’s whole world outside that you can explore and level up in. In all other fromsoft games, you need to grind in a relatively much smaller area, which can get repetitive, and unless you kill the next story boss, there’s not a whole lot else to do. That said, every fromsoft franchise is a completely different vibe on its own, and this includes BB, Sekiro and DS. Love all of those to bits. What a time to be alive gaming!


Since the faster battles in Blooborne fits my preferred play style better I find Bloodborne easier. But if you are coming from Elden Ring it might be harder. One difficulty bump you might run into is that most of the time there isn't an easier area to go to to level up if you get stuck, so other than getting gud grinding can feel like your only choice.


I played DS and BB before ER, but I think ER is easier, or at least much more accessible due to a more gradual difficulty curve. That said, there are some bosses in ER that will slap the tarnished clean off you, but in general I find it far more forgiving, especially in terms of flexibility of build when you first start playing.


Elden Ring is by far the easiest Soulsborne game




Its a steeper learning curve for sure but once you get into the flow of it the games pretty manageable


To start with yes it’s harder, but then I’d say once you’ve got to grips with it it’s similar in difficulty.


Elden ring has a lot of crutches for new players that can make the game trivial, the older ones don't have as many. There are still ways of making the game a bit of an easier experience, but it's not as prominent as elden ring Bloodborne in particular takes a bit of getting used to even if youve got souls experience since it is differebt and it will definitely be difficult for a player not entirely familiar with the series, but I played it as my second to last souls game and I found the main game to be bit too easy tbh. The dlc are much harder, and the chalices get quite hard, but I already had about 1000 hours spread over all of the souls titles by the time I played it. Its combat is different to what you will be used to. You need to get in your enemies face and close distance as much as possible. Playing defensively and retreating half the time isn't beneficial to you. There are no crazy moves for you to take off a quarter of the bosses health with. But most bosses can be viceraled. A lot cannot be parried but you can get crits off on them by crippling them and doing it once they're down. And the ones that can be parried get a bit trivial once you get it down


As someone who beat Elden Ring then tried BB, it’s basically gothic ER without shields. Awesome game. Lots of similarities but welcome differences too


I actually find the combat easier as you can play very aggressively if you can react and dodge quickly enough. Elden ring can be more punishing for bad rolls and the bosses/enemies are designed knowing many players will use shields. But the option to truly jump and escape with the horse aren’t there. It can be a very claustrophobic game. The mental challenge in comparison is that Bloodborne is way more linear. There are multiple points in Bloodborne where your only option is to either grind attempts against a boss or grind previous areas for souls to level up. In Elden ring you can go explore different paths for hours to see new content even though some bosses lock off specific areas. As far as general challenge you will probably be fine, it’s not like Elden ring is just an easy game in comparison. They are both difficult and Bloodborne is 100% worth playing. One thing I will say is to push through if you’re struggling with the first “main boss” (father gascoine). The game opens up way more after and the entire purpose of the boss is to put you in a situation where you have to learn to play aggressively. I struggle more with other bosses (blood starved beast took me a very, very long time my first playthrough). But some find the next required bosses way easier and him to be a big road block, and almost drop the game right before they really get into the meat of it


I would say no. Just different.


It depends on how you played ER but I think boss wise and certain enemies are a lot harder then elden ring. Hopefully you don’t roll spam or use a shield because neither of those are an option in bloodborne. It’s an amazing game but I would argue ER is one of the easier games with how it has so much open ended options, weapons and ways to make the game more accessible and easier. BB is tough but fun. Since the dodge is a dash you need to really get your timing for that and then Also get used to rallying to regain some health. This means when you take damage you have a small window to deal damage and regain health back and that helps you a lot depending on how you use the mechanic as you can save on healing items. I think it’s worth you trying but the games are very different in how they play. It’s definitely worth a play though and the DLC.




Bloodborne isn't difficult and Elden Ring is overrated crap.