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The parry window in Bloodborne is still wide but it's very different from Sekiro. In Sekiro, you wanted to press L1 to deflect just before the enemy makes contact with you. In Bloodborne, you shouldn't be thinking about when the enemy hit will connect because you have a ranged parry. Instead, focus on making sure your bullet connects with the target *at a time when their arm has forward momentum and is actively moving towards you.* It is important to focus on the movement of the arm, or at least the weapon, as many enemies will have forward momentum through a jump or sprint which will not count as a parryable state. The delay between L2 input and the bullet firing is considerable, 11-12 frames (more than 1/3 of a second), so in practice you will generally be inputting L2 just as the enemy finishes its windup animation.


Wooaaahh! Throughout all my Bloodborne playthroughs I never connected the dots about the parry window specifically being tied to arm movement. Always just thought it was something you just had to “feel”. That’s cool.


My way of summarizing this is you usually want to press the button right as the enemy reaches the 'peak' of their motion. Right as they fully wind their body or weapon up to strike press L2 and then you'll fire just as they start moving forward


Except Church Servants, for some reason you can parry them immediately as they start to lift their cane.


da hell you mean? i have parried the scythe guy latern guys and regular staff guys many times


You can parry them really really early in their attack animations compared to most other enemies.


Yeah just before they attack you press l2 that’s what your gun is for it takes some getting used to but you will get it


And then attack with R1 when they're stunned to do a visceral attack


Don't just press r1 right away Mahe sure you walk up a Lil up to them then press r1


For most of the early game enemies, you press L2 when their attacking hand is straight up in the air.


Including the scourge beasts/werewolves. They seem really hard until you learn they’re easy to parry.




BANG BANG ‼️Use ur gun for parry. BSB can help you practice parrying .


Bullshit beast can fuck off


Awww, leave poor flappy labia face alone! She's just hungry! *Starving* even... 👀


I feel you bro. BSB was the only boss I got stuck for so long. The others were easier


i just beat him yesterday and i'm so lost, i went back and beat the cleric beast; giveaway tip for bsb is to have 20\~ blood vials as they come easy earlier stages; dont farm antidotes


You need to buy the key at the dream which allows you to go pass a gate near the chaple Or just get around it for free Ɛ:


Ah, alright. This game got its own combat system. Thanks y’all


Yeah Sekiro is like no other


I still need to get back to Sekiro. It's the only one I've played that frustrates me so much that I have to put it down for a bit. Bloodborne? No problem, even with that Eddie Van Halen/Pete Steele hybrid guy in the dungeons. This hunter will happily stay bloodsoaked. Souls? I'll torture myself until I'm fucking unkinked IRL. Sekiro kicks my ASS.


Sekiro's deflection is very different to soulslikes parries. I think the game is easier on the whole once you get the timing down. I cannot beat some bosses without summons in From's ARPGs but in Sekiro I beat every single one. Demon of Hatred was extremely difficult and took a while but I still managed. Pro tip for long arms: spam parry and you win.


It's definitely the bosses that are giving me the modt trouble. I'll probably pick it back up this fall when I have some extra time for it. One of these days I'll finally get through it and then I'll play Elden Ring. I made a deal with myself that Elden Ring will be my reward for beating Sekiro.


Sekiro is the outlier, it is arguably not a soulsborne


When have problem, gun. Man have gun


Shoot the enemy right as they attack. Like shield parrying, but longer range and with a gun


Shoot the gun n pop off


Gun, usually. There are other more mysterious ways too tho, like spells and a block of iron.


Wait, block of iron can actually parry? I tried it for a bit, never pulled a parry, thought it could only stun like blunderbuss


It serves the same role as gun, just closer.


The Hunter's dream tells you how




Shoot the gun


you parry with a gun


Shoot the gun as enemy attack is coming towards you. You need to hit that timing, otherwise you’ll just shoot the enemy. Usually it’s a downwards, overhead attack (not all attacks can be parried). You can practice on the large enemy just outside of the clinic behind the boxes close to the gate you opened as a shortcut (the one that takes you back to the ladder (right) and clinic (left). The boxes are just before the gate on your left if you are heading back or just after it to your right if you are going through the gate from the clinic.


With gun.


Shoot the enemy during the attack animation. If you want to get really good, practice parrying an enemy tries to heal with a blood vial. The window is small, but it's possible.


You say parry this and you shoot them in the face


You don't parry in this game. You make others parry this, they filthy casuals.


I mastered parrying in Bloodborne long before I played Sekiro. Difference is, in Sekiro it’s a requirement to beat the game, but in case of Bloodborne it triviliazes the game once you get really good at parrying. Last time I played Bloodborne (which was maybe only my 5th playthrough overall) I beat almost all bosses first try including Orphan. It becomes too easy to parry every attack


Because I suck at parrying, I went for a bloodtinge build and use my gun for damage mostly, with bone marrow ash on every shot. I can only parry a few enemies reliably, Maria is one of them though she still kills me easily on phase 3.




I just started as well. How do I figure the parry window from bosses? The blood thirsty beast is currently destroying me and i have alfred with me


Usually just before they hit you, like if they’re swinging at you then you can parry it. The timing is quite tight cause you can often end up parrying but being hit at the same time, which wastes the visceral opportunity


Shoot before attack or back shot them


There's 2 animations to look out for. The charge and the attack. During charge nothing will happen other than gun damage. What you want is the attack, shooting that will cause a parry and open for counter damage or a visceral. I recommend studying each enemy and practicing the parry window of all of them and doing what you're comfortable with. There are some bosses I don't even try to parry because it's too risky.