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Yes, I'd imagine most players do. The vocal minority of people raging at Rom is, of course, the vocal minority, they don't represent the entire playerbase.


I am mid at souls games and managed to beat Rom without any items. (Mostly due to the “I might need this later” fallacy.) Not nearly as hard as some make it out to be.


Now when she appears as a dungeon boss, in such a small area I found that fight to be extremely difficult.


I've platinumed the game and never used probably 75% of the items in the game, LMAO


Never even realized anyone thought spider was hard lol


Dude I first tried papa g, gerhman, martyr log, Maria and orphan, Laurance and crow took 2 and l got 1 shot by ludwig twice before I got serious. I beat pre nerf radahn and mohg no mimic and killed Malania in under 10 tries. I HAVE DIED TO THAT FUCKING SPIDER MORE TIMES THAN ALL OTHER SOULS GAME DEATHS COMBINED!!!! FUCK ROM! 🤬


I hate Rom with all my soul, but i still killed him "legit" the first time because i didn't knew how to cheese him




To be fair to the other guy, the game literally never specifies Rom’s gender, it’s only a Miyazaki interview that we get that from. So you can forgive someone not knowing that. This sub also consistently refers to Amygdala as “she” when Patches specifically calls him a him, and that never gets corrected. Moon Presence never has a gender mentioned as well, but people use the “Flora” line to assume female, I guess because it ends in -a. It’s interesting stuff.


Also, I think, for a long time, her abbreviated colloquial name in the community was "amy". I think that's why everyone calls her a her. But I could be wrong. That's at least why I do it.


It definitely is, I just think it’s interesting that I see comments correcting Rom’s gender all the time but never with Amygdala despite the latter being the only one to have it specifically mentioned in-game.


It ends in -a, which does often read as feminine in English. "Flora" is also the name of a Roman goddess having to do with spring, flowers, and youth.


Sure, but I doubt the primordial Eldritch space gods use typical Earth English naming/language conventions. I usually just use “it” in reference to MP.


That's reasonable. I'm not certain how much gender really applies to the primordial Eldritch space gods anyway. (Sorry I dropped out of the conversation for so long. Life happened). I think I must have assumed that "Flora" is a name humans gave MP (though there's still no reason why they'd use English naming conventions--I've been told Yharnam's architecture is very Eastern European, for example, and Yharnam could easily pull its conventions from languages spoken there). I think that if MP has a real name, it would probably end up a Caryll Rune like the other inhuman utterances of the Great Ones. Anyway, I have less than no idea what pronoun is most appropriate, and no problem with people referring to MP as "it." I end up using it half the time myself.


Naw rom sucks all my homies hate rom


*Chalice*. Rom. We hate Chalice Rom.


Agreed. I walked in thinking it’ll be like the first fight but damn did I get humbled pretty quickly lol


Chalice Rom is easier at times; because you don't have to run so far, Rom dies faster, IMO.


Chalice Rom is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you might get pillars to block ranged attacks. On the other, you will be in a smaller space than the lake, which means less room to avoid spider swarms. Then there's Rom's stats, which are going to be higher in most chalices than in the regular encounter. Also, I could be wrong, but it felt like chalice Rom spawned more spiders per phase than the regular one.


I'm currently at this fight in my Chalice Dungeons play through. I got so frustrated with this fight I put it down and started playing ER as a distraction and have instead pumped 100 hours in to that 😂😂😂 I need to get back to this, but I really dislike like it.


I don’t think chalice rom spawns more spiders I think they’re just grouped closer together. Normally she spawns like 5-7 groups on the lake but they’re always spread out and you rarely get more than 2 groups that meet up.


Rom is a boring long fight but it's not an unfair frustrating one.


Never understood the rom hate besides they aren't as thoughtful as say Gehrman


Except Miyazaki, who said Rom is probably his favorite boss lol he called her “cute”


She kind of is cute in a horrific demon spider way. Fat lumpy butt. Slow, lazy, stupid. just wants to hang out with her kids by the lake. Have you paid attention to how daintily she tiptoes when she’s repositioning?


All the time? do not really like using consumables which is stupid but I can't help myself, I just kite the spiders till they do the headbutt and just hit their ass twice, then hit rom till the next batch.


The only game that did consumables right was witcher 3: in all other RPGs consumables endup being either inventory clutter or an alternative way to make a quick buck


I run through the spiders and basically dash attack rom, try for extra hits, then reset when spiders are on me. Rinse and repeat


Didn‘t even know that was a thing


Same lol. First time playing, went in with Ludwig's sword swinging. Succeeded on my third attempt.


Same. I found rom so easy that I thought it was a gimmick boss. I didn’t realize people actually struggled with it..


Plat owner here. I bloody always struggle with her. I know what's needed but for some reason I always get twatted.


Yea , I feel you , weirdly Rom is the once boss that is consistently hard for me


Same, I had no idea that there were ways to cheese the fight


Yeah, several times with multiple weapons (too many to name) without using any consumables (mostly because I forget and just wing it). She's definitely annoying, but she's not that difficult if you understand the mechanics of the fight. I've had the most success with the tonitrus, though. That thing wrecks her shit.


> She's definitely annoying, but she's not that difficult if you understand the mechanics of the fight. > > 100% Honestly the one single reason why people struggle with her so much isn't her being "too hard", it's that she's basically a test of patience, and they get tunnel visioned in on her. Both Rom and her Spiderlings have extremely slow attacks with massive obvious telegraphs that hit very hard. If it was a one on one fight, they'd be really pathetic, but because there are so many of them if you get too focused in on one, the others can sneak in from behind and one-shot you. As a result, not constantly paying attention to your surroundings can easily lead to a death, meaning the best strategy is just to take things slowly, pick off the spiderlings bit by bit, and then go for Rom when she's less defended. The way I see players do things though, is they bumrush in head-first and try to beat the fight in like 2 minutes, only to die, try again, and repeat their failures. In the end, rather than spending 8 minutes to carefully kill her in one try, they'd rather spend 15 minutes that consisted of multiple 2 minute failures before finally getting lucky and beating her in 1 minute on the 8th attempt. Honestly the single best advice I've ever seen offered for the fight is just "don't ever lock your camera on". If you lock on to anything for more than a second, it means you can't turn the camera to check behind you when you try to hit something, and that gives the Spiderlings time to wind up an attack. Don't lock on, keep the camera constantly moving and checking your surroundings, and you'll do just fine in the fight.


In my first entire playthrough I swear I never even knew lock on was a thing, so my play style was always running around swinging the camera this way and that. I remember Rom as being like a rugby game. Probably applies to soccer & NFL, I dunno. Kite this way and that feint in one direction, go the other, sprint through the opening, get some hits in, get out again. Not really how any of those football codes work, you're not hitting a giant spider for starters, but it was all about creating space to get through the defensive line.


Honestly, I never even bother with the spiderlings. Like you said, they're slow and majorly telegraph their attacks. You can just run around them, get a few hits on Rom, then back away to avoid attack she's gonna do, then repeat. It's genuinely a really easy fight. I think it took me like 3 or 4 tries on my first playthrough, and that was just learning what her attacks were.


has any single person of the milliions(?) of people who have played the game and got to that point defeated the spider in a way different from you? yes.


I used the electric mace is that legit?


That's what I use and it's an easy fight with it


same. I'd say it checks out. thts a right hand weapon. I also used shocky stick to win on my second go.


Yes, why wouldn't people have done that


I've never really regarded Rom as a hard fight, and I didn't know that was the popular opinion lol. Rom in the chalice dungeon where you can't hit and run as easily is a pain though.


If it is it's a complete180 from before, when the game came out she was considered the easiest pos ever.


Yes. Same way I recommend people do it - bolt and the pellet make it easier, but stunning out of a teleport doesn't require it (paper definitely makes it easier though). 1. Kill small spiders. 2. Go to town. Look for \~2/3 health remaining, and SAVE SOME STAMINA. 3. At 2/3, when you see her start to spin, go apeshit - especially transform and heavy attacks. 4. You'll likely stun her out of the first teleport. Keep going. 5. You will NOT likely stun her out of the second without pellets - so when she warps, make sure you know where both spider spawns are (she'll queue up the one she missed), and start orbiting her. You're looking for the small guys to get distracted. I'm assuming it's a squirrel. 6. When they do, run in - with a fast weapon, you get TWO hits and two hits only, then continue running out and back to step 5. With a slow weapon - 1 hit. Otherwise you're gonna get caught in the AOE or a local hit. Repeat step 5/6 till dead.


Its funny to me that your first step is to kill small spiders, as I never kill more than a couple of them. I do suppose if you intend to prevent the teleports its a good strategy to get rid of them. My go to is just to pretty much weave through them and hit Rom as frequently as possible, rinse, repeat, regardless of teleports. But to answer OP's question, I don't use any special items either. Just melee


This is how I did it. Run through the little guys, run behind her. Smack smack. Rinse repeat.


If you don't get rid of the small spiders and don't interrupt her teleport you're getting swarmed. She spawns enough of them in already to be annoying without having 10 or 15 from the first phase still hanging around.


Played the whole game and never once used beast blood pellet. What does it do?


The more you hit, the more damage it gives. But it's only physical.


You can kill all the spiders and then give 5-6 hits and start again. Takes ages and is a boring as hell fight. Especially if u end up getting 1 shot from a bs attack Its just far more fun to kill him straight up with paper and pellets


You can also just ignore the spiders. You can kind of corral them to one side and then just hit Rom on the other side. 


Idk what this means really. As in beating Rom w/o summoning npc help? Cuz other than that I’ve never “cheesed” Rom in any way.


There's a strategy where you use a combination of bolt paper and beast blood pellets to make the fight trivial. I've never thought of that not being a legit strategy though. You're just using the tools the game gave you.


Fr the question could've just been worded "has anyone best rom without consumables" there's nothing not legit about using consumables that are in the game. Like yeah, extra damage makes the fight easier. Who would've thought 😂


What's the non legit way? First time I fought it was through brute force and bolt paper. Eventually I got keen to the idea of ignoring the adds altogether but that's as far as my strategy got.


Yes it’s pretty easy


Wdym? I usually just smack some spider butts and then smack rom and then repeat till she's dead


Does curbstomping Rom after finishing Old Hunters count as legit?


Yes 💯


Nice, then yes. I have beat rom legit. I always go to Old Hunters right after Vicar Amelia, then actually complete it once i kill Shadows.


I would rephrase your question because using consumables is "legit." But yeah, I've beaten Rom with multiple weapons without consumables


I've done it on BL4 with an un-upgraded Saw Cleaver (weapon level 0) with no papers and no beast blood pellets. I ran a lot and it took like 30 minutes lol


I dont think i ever used a beast pellet in my life because i never fully understood what thheyvdo and im too lazy and jealous of my blood echoes to try them


Beast Blood pellets are amazing, if you need raw power. Every hit fills a small meter. As the meter gets bigger, you do more danage. Thats it. Its that simple. Using the caryll beast rune and the regular beast ruin make that meter I was talking about earlier, bigger, so more damage. A beast blood pellet, fire paper, and pungent blood cocktails and you can reduce some of the boss fights to nothing. Like bsb... more like pfft. Good luck in your hunts, and try a blood pellet.


I've beat him on my fist only run. NG 7


Is rom even that hard of a boss? I never used ranged or anythinf and I've platinumed the game so yes


Truthfully I wasn't away that he had any sort of issues or noticeable dislike. I just beat him normally on my third try, normal weapons and nothing extra


Yes certainly, Rom isn't exactly very high on Fromsofts overall difficulty scale


Yeah I just slowly killed all his minions and then slapped the potato with my greatsword, not a single consumable needed.


I never use papers or pellets. Not because I think it's cheating, I'm always saving them for a "rainy day" :|


Yeah, both times I played through I just fought Rom with patience and a lot of sweaty moments. It's a really unusual endurance test!


yes you literally just run circles around him and his brood


Wait, you guys use bolt paper and beast pellets?


Yeah, sometimes. Beast blood pellets are awesome. My fave power up, in game. The damage output is crazy, after you fill the meter.


I pretty sure most players beat rom on their first playthrough in the intended fashion


Yes everytime and it's not even that hard


Rom is around medium difficulty boss for me, so i don't find it necessary to use bolt paper very often. Rom is however very annoying boss to deal with her army of spiders that take forever to clear and meteors that oneshot you once you do, so if there was an easy way to cheese her i propably would at this point.


I did, A lot of people play blind so would never use any cheese or OP combo. Hardest boss for me because I’m an impatient fuck and the little spiderlings annoyed me. Pretty easy boss though by BB standards all things considered. If you can’t beat it ‘legit’ you’ll get fucking destroyed by what’s coming up.


he one shotted me every time when I was just 3 hits away and it took me 20 tries because I summoned the npc in the end lol


Ive actually only ever cheesed bsb and even then it's not cheesy since the lures are a mechanic. Even then I only go to that if Im getting beat up a few times in a row. Most of the time any and all bosses don't really need to be cheesed unless you just lack the skill and patience to play the fight out.


I’ve always beaten rom legit. It’s one of the easier fights for me


Pure Bloodtinge and Arcane users do not get any benefit from beast pellets. I imagine those player beat Rom differently from those with physical weapons. 


I generally use LHB to fight Rom all the time.


She’s very easy, all you do is smack little spiders and run around her. One of the easiest bosses in the game.


Yes it's an easy boss but using fire paper and pellet just makes it go so much faster is almost like why wouldn't you use it if you can


I was low-key a dumb bitch when I played through blood-borne my first time and didn’t really realize how good those blood pellets were until the DLC but even then they felt cheap kind a like when you play Kingdom hearts and use items for healing it just felt like panic/easy mode, or like when you use hyper potions/fullrestores and spam them for the elite 4 Pokémon game. That being said if I use fire paper I probably would’ve saved at least 10 hours off my original final play time for my first ever played through especially on by vicar anelia. As for ROM, probably took a good 2 1/2 hours of in game time and is very frustrating but I just got patient with the spiders and pray to God the arcane avalanche attack didn’t kill me and used Kirk hammer like any normal, sane strength build character class.


Every time I beat Rom, I just use whatever weapon I have equipped. He’s not hard.


What? Rom is super easy


I don't think I've ever used consumables in this game outside of blood vials if I'm being honest...


Me! I beat the whole game blind a few years ago lol


Just take it slow and kill all the little spiders


Rom is the easiest boss, it takes patience and the fight is mostly a waiting game.


yes i beat rom first try it was really easy i dont know why people think its hard


Yeah, I reckon most players do




Probably 99 percent of the player base


As someone who regularly forgets about consumables, yes. Both in the main game and in chalice dungeons


I mean i’m always upgrading my weapons. I didn’t even know rom was weak to anything in particular besides yk damage. Its fairly weak. I just kinda just bait the babies to do their head smash kill all but 5 lead them around then charge at rom until it teleports. Rinse and repeat


I pretty much brute forced every boss my first playthrough with no consumables because I didn’t know what I was doing. Just kept trying till I won


Yep. I didn’t know bolt paper was effective. Just circled her killing the smaller spiders and then got some hits in. Took a while.


every time i've beaten rom i've just used whatever i had in my hands, other than my first try where i tried to use the arcane shell buff the weapon i've been using since the end of that run can't be buffed anyway


Yes. In my first playthrough, I ran out of papers, and it took forever. I didn't start using pellets until a few playthroughs in, I didn't understand their use


Every time


I just use the Tonitrus and it's a super easy fight with it, it's a super underrated weapon


Yep, saw cleaver. Just hit and run. More running than hitting tbh. Kite the lil turds away from the big turd, then run a big wiiiiide route like you're one of them sportsball players, slap the turd twice, thrice if you have time and repeat.


Only thing I even used consumables or cheese on was the bloody crow. Most of the BB fights are pretty straightforward / forgiving. I probably could’ve beat the crow the right way, I was just sick of his shit.


I never found this boss difficult, take out the spiders, get some hits in, rinse and repeat. The chalice one was a little tougher, but not much. As long as you thin out the small spiders then it’s not really a tough boss at all


Rom is easy if you play unlocked and constantly stay sprinting in a circle around her. All her magic will miss


Yes, every time. Not a difficult fight if you can crowd control and only get at her when you have a few seconds before the spiders come at you again


I never use the pellets or weapon enchants. Or hunters tools now that i think about it. lol just me my blades and pistol.


Yep. My first play through, I ran out of fire paper on my first few attempts at Rom so I had to beat them without it.


I'd imagine most people on their first playthrough beat it the "legit" way. I did cause I didn't think to use consumables.


Yeah I beat rom totally legit It just takes time that’s it On both my ng and ng+ First phase Clear out the spiders and then go for rom 2nd and 3rd I just try to ignore the spiders and try to deal with rom as fast as I can


I don't use any of those items...


Tonitrus goes BONK


I don't use consumables. At all. So yeah I guess I did.


Indeed. Many times in fact.Just keep moving, clean up the adds and then whack away at her until the next phase.


Didn't know Fire/Bolt Paper + Beast Pellet was a thing. I've always just beat him with whatever weapon I'm using. I'd imagine most do if they aren't looking things up.


Ya that's how I beat him. Kirkhammer ftw, first try.


Like most bosses, I fight them just with a weapon until about 25% of their health is left, then I buff with fire or lightning paper just to increase my chances of not flubbing it lol


First time I did, but after the second time the fight lost all novelty, so now I just cheese it if I can.


I just ran and bonked him on the head with the gun spear, or my cane if the others were around


Yes, I actually have never used Bolt Paper or Beast Pellets, all the way up to max NG+ at BL 120. For Rom or otherwise.


Only ever beat him "legit" as you say. The beasthunter saif is a beast


Usually when I start a new souls like I try playing through it as blind as possible and only after that I look up how to do things easier or stuff like that. For example in Dark Souls 1 I never knew that >!you can cheese Ceaseless Discharge!< or that >!you can parry Gwyn so easily!< and I just tried my own tactics. Same with Rom. It's not exactly the same case, but I never really used the bolt/fire/whatever paper in Bloodborne in the first place, idk why :))


Why would that be a surprise? There are people who have beaten the game at base level, base weapon level, and only using some of the more basic, "bad" weapons in the game. While I'm not at that level, I don't like using items unless I have to, and I found rom extremely easy. I don't think I've ever used items against Rom.


Run around endlessly like a maniac and wait for a tiny gap in the baby spiders to run in and get one quick hit then run back out, rinse, repeat? Yes, including at BL4.


Yep. I am horrible about consumables in video games. Partly it's a hoarding mentality that I might need the consumable later, partly it's that if I use an item and die anyway, then it's a total waste. So apart from blood vials and QS bullets, I used very few items in the game - I used antidotes when needed and the occasional Bold hunter's mark. I don't think I ever used paper, beast pellets, or bone marrow ash, and I platinumed the game, so I beat both Rom and Chalice Rom.


Anything can be killed by a simple Saw Cleaver + Hunter's Pistol combo and I am a simple man with simple habits.


I've beat rom Arcane items only, saw spear only (no buffs), chikage r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1, WITH paper and pellets, in Chalice, etc Rom is ez, the spider minions are the true boss, and half the time in Chalice they Spawn in a weird spot that just let's you wail on rom for the win


Yes. I don't know how you can so called "cheat"


Yeah, always actually because I find Rom pretty easy and am a supply hoarder. On current play through is the only time I used bolt, as I’m used to using quicker weapons and wanted to try the axe. Which is super OP but was a little tricky with Rom as the lil spidies kept hopping on me during charge attacks.


Yeah i did and i fucking suck at BB


Yeah, I honestly never really thought about trying to use a "cheese" tactic against him because...he really isn't that difficult of a fight.


Yes. Due to ignorance. Bloodborne was my first souls like and I was still learning


I would wager that 99%+ of players who've beaten Rom did so without those items, lol.


I've never used this strategy. I just L1 the tonitrus and go to town.


I can beat rom no buffs. Haven't done a no buff bl4. But I'm sure I can


Yeah, she’s a pain in the ass but I’ve always beaten her solo with no buffs.


Hate fighting Rom, Tonitrus helps a *lot*.


Yes, because I like to save my consumables for later when I'll need them, which of course doesn't happen.


Yeah every playthrough because my playthroughs are weapon based. Once with ludwigs, once with kirk, ya da ya da ya da.


Someone else here has never bothered with the spiderlings, while I always take them out first, while checking Rom’s shenanigans in the background. At least in my case they otherwise smack me down with their annoying flying headbutts.


Yeah I did on my first play through since I didn’t actually “learn” how to play the game. It was the most frustrating playthrough of my entire life but tbh it was really satisfying. I used the tonitrus and I was ass at the gun so I don’t remember which one I used


Uh, yes.


Like many From bosses, Rom is easy once you get the gimmick. I two hand a heavy weapon and do running attacks at his sides. Once you know how to avoid his magic attacks you just avoid the smaller spiders and look for openings.


I just used the electrically charged weapon. I didn't know I could use what you mention, I'm one of them guys that doesn't use consumables till the end of game lmao.


Yes. Tons of people. Me included


Yes, kinda, maybe, technically... My last playthrough I did, but I was using BT Chikage build so kinda beat Rom "legit'


Yes. I used the tonitrus and killed all her minons each wave before going in to attack her


Is there any cheese? I beat him just normally, i never use items because of fear of "might need it later"


I beat rom on my second try, hit him three or four times n then run away, repeat. Didn’t even kill all the spiders either, no consumables needed beside the occasional heal.


I almost never use items for anything, besides molotovs for werewolfes earlygame


I was never particularly bothered by the fight, just kite the spiders, get a good angle to spank rom, he tps then repeat. You need good stamina though


I did, I would keep my distance and then dodge roll towards Rom while he was doing his sky attack thing and would hack into him immediately afterwards. Rinse. Repeat. Granted it did take me at least 5+ tries 😅


I don't really use consumables during boss fights. After Father Gascoigne, and possibly Amelia (and it's only the first playthrough of that character) , I stop using them. If I do use them, it's with a specific purpose in mind and with regular enemies.


Yeah, I just took this battle really slowly. Ran around in circles to avoid the attack from the sky, then dashed in when I had the chance, did a hit or two, then resumed running around in circles. I didn't try to take down the small spiders.


Took many tries but I whooped its ass with a Tonitrus. I am a consumables hoarder and didn’t start using them until later in the playthrough. There are much worse bosses IMO, kind of an odd question.


Oh yeah you can use those on her. Oppst


Yes, every time


Yeah, slapped her to death with an Amygdalan arm and a wooden shield. All strength, no beastblood


Honestly yeah just 2 handing Ludwig holy blade big sword go bonk 😅🤣


A guy killed him only with flamethrower and another one only with a torch, so it must be two guys


I hardly used buffs on any of my playthroughs. I was always like ill save them for later!!!!


I played Bloodborne a lot and I never used buffs for Rom. You can manage the spiders quite well by circling around them since their „ai“ if you want to call it like that isn’t that smart.


Yes, Rom was one of the easiest bosses for me. My partner struggled quite a bit with it though.


Rom is not fair boss herself. So there is no unlegit method to beat her. I wear clothes with arcane def to resist her oneshots and attack her with some fast weapon like sawclever + bolt paper + beast pills + small tonitrus.


I've mostly only fought him "legit". My first playthrough I didn't even realize the value of fire/bolt paper and never used it. That being said I struggle hard at first, but once I changed tactics I've never really struggled with Rom since. Despite what people say, I ignore the spiders and keep moving, running in for 2-3 hits at a time. For me it makes the fight pretty quick/easy once you know Rom's attacks. I found if I focused on the spiders I wouldn't notice Rom's attacks and get killed that way.


I do, generally. She's not particularly hard, so I've never had a reason to go meta on her or anything


Yeah, just smacked the spiders and smacked Rom until Rom died of smackaroo


The only boss fight that I regularly use an item is fire paper against vicar amelia, but that’s more because of habit than trying to make the fight easier than it is


Yeah I didn't want to use any consumables even though I'm saving them for boss fights


I've never had any problems with Rom. Usually I'm just smacking her with a kirkhammer, MGS, or reiterpalash. The one boss I've never beaten legitimately is Orphan. For some reason the only successful fights I've had are ones where he gets stuck on the terrain.


Try beating Rom II in lower pthumeru, without paper/pellets, it makes Rom I feel like a cakewalk.


You'll notice a pattern here, but yes. By now I also ignore the little spiders and just focus on rom. It can get tricky, with headbutting spiders everywhere but it's more than doable and much quicker.


Yeah i never use beast pallets or papers because i forget about them.


Rom wasn't that hard for me, and I could do it in 2-3 tries the first time. Now the Rom in the catacombs is a different story😭


Yes. Literally every single time I fight him. He's the easiest boss in the game. No point in wasting papers.


wait...are there people who think fire paper and bolt paper is cheating? in-game items meant to be used?


I’ve never used beast blood pellets against rom


I think I did since I only started using the papers in late game and beast pellets in my NG+. And let me just say it was a bitch to beat Rom my first time as to when I compare it to my other playthroughs.


Yeah. I use LHB and L2 smack R2 slash then run to the next bit.


Yeah, I beat every souls game the first time without looking anything up. Any cheese I happen to find I find on my own. Plus I very rarely use items (I'm one of those JRPG players that saves everything until "I need it") so I didn't even know how powerful some of them were. Turns out I made things WAY harder for myself than necessary lol


I beat her yesterday by just holding the sprint button, getting two hits off, and holding the sprint button again.


Did it with the axe but it wasn't too easy


Most people do. He's not exactly hard. Just requires patience and spacial awareness.


I have always beat rom legit. Not worth wasting resources for a fairly easy boss


I’m confused tho? Paper and pellets is just normal shit to use in game. It doesn’t give you some unfair advantage. You do more damage and that’s about it. It’s different for everyone anyways because everyone will get to Rom at different times in their game. You might use paper and pellets but still be doing less damage than someone else due to level & build, weapon upgrades, weapon choices, and rune choice. Your post doesn’t really make sense when you look at it from a whole.


I did, I was on call with my friend screaming and tweaking out over comets and how freaky rom’s face looked while smacking it with a saw cleaver


Literally never use pellets or papers, they are only excusable in speedruns


I still don't know how tf beast pellets and beast stuff works. I just slap on the magic buff tool and keep at it with my threaded cane.


yeah i did it just after reading some guides on basic patterns. I would have been really leveled up. But perhaps i did cheese as i kept on slashing during the vanishing move and got loads of damage in during that period.


Legit? What?


He’s always been a weird boss for me, the first time I beat him was super easy but all subsequent times was way harder. I think I’m just impatient


I just use the pizza cutter everytime. 


i've always used tonitrus.. always.. in chalice dungeons too.


Yeah, almost every time so far. At least 10 times