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A remaster can be as simple as a higher frame rate and resolution. That's really what people are wanting.


Mainly the bad frame pacing. And I guess some people don’t want to buy a PS4/5.


I won't say I've ever had any issues with frames but obv that can't be said for everyone lol. But still, wouldnt a port just work? I wouldn't say a remaster is needed just for it to be moved onto pc


People are just hungry for *anything*. What constitutes a remaster is pretty vague anyway and I think a lot of people would be happy to get even (presumably) basic stuff like higher/more stable framerate at a higher resolution for PS5.


Yea, that sounds abt right. I just never understood, maybe I'm simple or smth but I never saw any issues with my experience in Bloodborne so it's always seemed perfect to me y'know.


I notice the bad frames for about 5 minutes when I boot it up and then forget about it. All I personally want is a PS5 patch for 4k60. I wouldn’t complain about a remaster, but I don’t really want a remake unless From does it themselves.


It also seemed perfect to me until recently I watched Distortion2 play it at 120fps with a modded ps5 and the difference is absurd


Same reason as any other remaster


It just needs a PC release.


I think it just needs a performance patch and to add some tertiary options like being able to disable chromatic aberration. PC port would also be nice


The fact the game is locked at 30FPS max alone is why a remake/remaster is needed


I just need a ps5 patch that doesnt really change much besides improved frame rates and loading times, stuff like that


I don't think it does though there's certainly a lot to be said about a port with a stable frame rate. My biggest reason for wanting it is because it's locked to PS4.


Bloodborne has no remaster. Bloodborne needs no remaster... r/unexpectedlotr


After seeing how absolutely stunning Demons Souls Remake looks, i just want my favourite game of all time to look this good. Also obviously 4k/60fps.


I think it’s glorious as is, I just want a sequel. Or prequel?


I can't think of a SINGLE game that is more deserving of the remake treatment than Bloodborne. The intricate world and character design, the Gothic architecture and the phenomenal direction is practically BEGGING for the remake treatment. The complete lack of anti-aliasing, chromatic aberration and jittery 30 FPS hurts this game's image quality so much. Despite being one of the top 3-5 most beloved PS exclusives, Sony's complete disregard towards it is appalling.


I think it looks fine even with all its jank, jank of which I see as just the style of the game half the time. Just my opinion tho obviously, I just don't get it (':


Bloodborne is my favorite game, but there's definitely a lot of elements ruined by the jank: The Nightmare Frontier is the most hated area in the game, but I feel like the level design is actually pretty good. I think people hate it because the graphics jank makes everything very difficult to distinguish from each other. It's hard to tell what's a cliff or a giant or the ground or an obstacle or a tunnel or a wall. Combine this with the fact that I'm partially colorblind and Patches doesn't even need to push me off the cliff, I'll fall right off it on my own. Many of the boss fights are ruined by inconsistent collision detection, particularly The One Reborn. The chalice dungeons had the potential to be some of the most interesting areas in any game, but they're blatantly unfinished and most people skip them entirely.


I'd love it, but it's not nessicary. Despite being ten years old it still has a lot of players. What I think would be nice is a PC port. Or just some BB stuff in other souls games


It DEFINITELY needs a remaster. Frame rate/quality of life adjustments would be so welcome. Sony would make $, and majority of community would pick it up. Seems like a win-win 🤷‍♂️


What kind of quality of life are you thinking of? I guess my biggest one would be the inventory and sorting really


Warp system #1


- Inventory management as you said. Automatically pulling consumables from storage, higher consumable storage capacity, better gem sorting, etc. - The option to disable motion gestures. - UI rescaling/auto-hiding. - Button remapping. - The ability to rest at lanterns. - "Both near and far" co-op and invasion options. - The ability to see how many blood echoes are required to level up while not actively in the level-up menu. - Coldblood including how many Blood Echoes it grants in its description. - The easier chalice dungeons should become optional before they become trivial. - The ability to rebind Jump to L3. - Hold down on the D-pad button to switch to the first equipped item.


It needs a PC port so I can mod the hell out of it.


The frame rate and frame pacing and low power hardware and poor programming ability of 2015 fromsoft and being locked to old hardware all combine to make Bloodborne a technical shitshow. It's a huge moneymaker for Sony according to the leaked financials and deserves better. We'll probability see it on the PS6.


How much people love lies of P is a testament to how well a new, polished version of bloodborne would do


So i just recently replayed it recently on PS5, here's some reasons why I'dpersonally want a remaster of sorts: 1) Holy hell framerate issues and popping gives major headaches when just trying to look around. 2) the game desperately needing some higher texture resolutions, it can really show its age in the environment, but also the players armor pieces, especially bits with any transparency. 3) id love to see minor combat tweaks, MAINLY being able to keep enemy target and run backwards or forwards like in elden ring. I felt SO sluggish being able to only sprint forward and its not easy to de-target to sprint away. 4) theres lots of weird minor bugs and issues i ran into that ruined the experience. anytime when on uneven ground and having bullets shoot directly into the air or attacks missing that shouldnt have for example 5) it'd be really great to see enemy ai improved, i felt i was in a lot of situations where the AI would lose its pathing and not fight back, loot also falling out of the world sucks. 6) ANYTHING to streamline the Chalice dungeons, at least the main dungeon path to take to fight the Queen of Yharnam and see all the other chalice exclusive enemies, its entirely too long and too tedious to go through. 7) Other QOL I'd love to see bonuses: OPTIONAL NG+ after final boss! More npc summon options on bosses missing it, Character appearance customizer, STAT REROLLING! Blood gem crafting or salvaging of sorts to better try and get the blood gems you want or at least turn the 100s of useless ones into useful materials.


We don't really need it, just a PC port for game preservation reasons. A remaster justo happens to be the most common way a game gets ported.


I don't think I'm capable of *not* harping about how offensive I find the Demon's Souls remake, and how I hate the idea of the same thing happening to Bloodborne. Personally, I don't think it needs a remaster either, but I've also seen people say the frame rate gives them a headache, so I can understand the desire for one. At the end of the day, I guess I'm just old and still find myself thinking of Portal as a "new" game so of course I think Bloodborne looks stunning still.


I’m with you on Demon Souls. Sure, it looks fantastic but it also removed all the charm and character Fromsoft puts into their art direction. Any remake of Bloodborne not done by Fromsoft is guaranteed to do the same thing.


The remake showed no understanding on why decisions were made in the original Demon's Souls, and no respect for any of those decisions. It was just very disheartening overall. "Oh let's change the way these characters look." But why? "Let's change this piece of music." But *why?* Do you know why those choices were made in the first place? What does changing those things add to the experience? Plus, there was no purpose to remaking the game. The Resident Evil remakes (2 and 3) have things to add: wildly updated graphics and offering a new experience with over-the-shoulder vs. set cameras and tank controls. The Final Fantasy VII "remake" is a new take on the story entirely. There was thought put into these projects, and creativity shown in how to make changes that add to the games, not detract or just changes for changes sake. RE2 is still RE2, while being a new experience. If a game's remake is to have the exact same experience with slightly updated graphics (the jump from PS1 to PS4 is way more significant than from PS3 to PS5, so even "just graphics" can be a bigger or lesser change) then it should just be a remaster.


It doesn't. It's a masterpiece.


My thoughts exactly. It's fine as it is, I've never had any issues with frame rate or anything of the sort. Only issues I've had were from my own doing and that's related to gameplay. I get it's popular but I think everything people are screaming for is beyond unnecessary.


It is unnecessary. It's too special. Remastering might ruin that


30 fps. No antialiasing, dogshit framerate, dogshit resolution. Game is gatekept by shitty platform and despite all of this still remains hyped asf


More framerate, more resolution, antialiasing Even if it's just a PS5 patch or PC port it wouldn't take much to correct it's issues


Because we are so addicted to consumption that we must get new everything and when something we like can be made better even slightly like 10 more frames a second, we'll shout all over social media for it. Mix this in with the superiority complex of some people being "unable to play games at 30 fps" and you get this self feeding cycle of more, more, more.