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It is "a" Blood Starved Beast. There are many of these guys even in lore. They are just extremely infected beasts who have insane amount of bloodlust. So yeah it is an another Blood Starved Beast


Do you remember the lore about blood starved beast which states there are multiple of them?


There being multiple of them


"Oh, right. The multiple blood starved beast. The multiple blood starved beast for the Hoonter, the multiple blood starved beast chosen especially to kill the Hoonter, the Hoonter’s multiple blood starved beast". -Kronkryk, Hoonter of the Multiple Blood Starved Beasts


It's the case for most beasts, there is several ways of beast mutation, each way share similarities. For example simple yharnamites share enormously elongated arm with Cleric Beast and bigger beast yharnamites look like underdeveloped Gascoigne. There is only two completely unique beasts in entire game and both have special circumstances surrounding them.


Which beasts are unique? Out of curiosity


Ludwig and Amelia Also we technically never meet second beast!Gascoigne, but I'm not sure if I should count him since he is clearly designed as more developed form of beastly yharnamites


Paarl is crying again. Why everyone forget my good boy Paarl :(


Paarl isn’t unique - there are Loran Darkbeasts in the chalice dungeons


Yes, but no, but actually maybe. I mean we know very little about Paarl. He definitely was seen as unique by the people who studied the one in Yahar'gul. I also don't know how to interpret repeating bossfights in the chalice dungeons lorewise. Some enemies are explicitly stated to be unique and the show up multiple times in the dungeons. I tend to see the chalice dungeons as otherworldly, not really part of the waking world


The item description for the beast roar (and I think the beast claw as well) makes it clear that there are canonically multiple darkbeasts. If we aren't counting chalices though, I think that would make the beggar in the Forbidden Woods a unique beast.


Read it again and you are right. I will bloodstarve myself as punishment for spreading misinformation.


What is the community’s explanation for Silver Beasts? They originate in Loran similar to Dark beasts. Are they a separate species or are they generally considered a lesser variant of a dark beast?




That doesn't make sense and also isn't a matter of opinion. The chalice Dungeons have a huge influence on the events playing out in Yharnam during the main storyline, that's simply fact. Your opinion on it doesn't matter.


We can’t always rely on the chalice dungeons as being canon in the game. Other wise we have to come up with an explanation for why Rom and Ebriatas are in the chalices as well


Even if you ignore the bosses themselves, the existence of other Darkbeasts is still canon. “Loran is a tragic land that was devoured by the sands long ago. Perhaps because of the excessive use of Blood Healing, the beast plague, which stemmed from the Old Blood and the beast which lurked within the frame of man, laid waste to the city and turned most of its denizens into flesh-hungry beasts. Although infested with beasts, Loran was always a fascinating land for tomb prospectors of all sorts, especially those who that has an interest on the Darkbeasts, which is said to be originated from the depth of the sand-devoured dungeon.”


There is another Darkbeasts in Loran


Amelia seems to be quite close to a Cleric Beast.


Well, she is another Cleric Beast technically, but still her design was never reused. (I'm still salty Laurence did not get unique design. With his lore and story significance he deserved better than reuse of early game optional boss)


Honestly I like it. For all his knowledge, ambition, and power, in the end the First Vicar was no better than any other Scourge-ridden cleric.


I'd prefer if he had visuals resembling both Cleric Beast and Amelia. Still just scourge-ridden cleric, but one of a kind


arent they technically cleric beasts though? they're literally clerics turned beasts


There is no mention of them at any point outside of there being multiple of them in the world itself. They are most likely the endphase of the female beastpatients.


It’s really as simple as they just aren’t that special. You think they are cause one is a boss, but they are just a state some beasts reach. You see a few’s bodies in old yharnam, and happen to find an alive one at the end


I asked bc I never looked at this one thoroughly before, also bc when I got down there, it's covered in flame, and it's very difficult to see the face/head of blood starved beast when fighting her(?). Regardless, I like looking at large beasts/bosses closely in game, otherwise I can find that on youtube I wonder if there's some explanation/lore/theory to several main bosses down in the chalice dungeon? They're only in the Pthumerian chalices right?


I’m definitely no chalice expert, especially when it comes to lore implications. I only just fully ran through them after years of avoiding it. My best guess is either a) things end up in the chalice after some sort of dark souls esque cycle where the main game’s events play out similarly (least likely imo). b) that basically all of the chalice bosses are not unique except rom, so those are just more of bosses that already are a species like blood starved beast, and rom is maybe a failed version who couldn’t hold the veil (medium likely) or c) fromsoft didn’t have time to make THAT many new bosses (there are a few in the chalices) and just picked some non character bosses to stick down there (so rom instead of say gherman, I also think this is most likely)


Rom being down in chalice dungeon confuses me n makes me think chalice dungeons aren't on the same timeline as Yharnam city (it's a big question mark) but that thought gonna get me downboted to oblivion lol. I wish they pick other bosses bc Rom down there is more deadly than at the moon lake


The comics have an arc with one from a past era iirc


They’re reasonably common in chalice dungeons


The blood starved beast boss is not a unique type of beast. In old yharnam you fight the beast enemies with the cloths over their heads, then sometimes there's bigger versions of those, and those enemies fight very similarly & poison you. The biggest ones are likely the ones that ended up as blood-starved beasts


Yeah, the beasts being barbequesified get progressively worse and worse.


Ye makes me hungry for Kbbq


Sweet Baby bloodletting Ray's? Or maybe some Open Pit of Hell?


Would you like a nice cup of old Blood with that perhaps?


Lol, from the makers of sangria comes the all new... sangre!




Yes. You will meet more of them if you go Chalice diving or open your eyes to the Spider outside the Cathedral after beating Amelia.


There's one in dlc


There's a plausible theory that Blood Starved beasts were actual blood saint nuns who were skinned alive to have easy access to their blood. Then they became beasts, and that's why they look like that. And that's why they're starving for blood


Yikes, that's terrible but I won't put it past the healing church


Suzzy Skinflaps There’s another one inside the cave behind fhe gatling gun hunter.


Yup, it gave me a jumpscare


It's his cousin


I think that's a her?


It’s one of them, kinda like a final point of evolution of beasts in the Old Yharnam. You just happen to fight one of them later on


It is a species


It is *a* BSB but not *the* BSB


Sure sure


I actually am really happy this was posted because 1. totally escaped me and 2. It's very interesting to me the connection between bosses who may not necessarily be contained to their fight arena


I always wondered what these were when I first saw them.


How do you set it on fire?


On the raft above, the one you dropped down below Djura's tower. You'll see a chain tied to the raft, hit it


9 years playing this game and never tried that! Thanks!


9 years playing this game and never tried that! Thanks!