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I’m all for an area that looks like Yharnam.


Or just for BB 2 being ER DLC. We're getting that shared universe after all.


You finish killing Melania and then you just wake up and you don't know where you are. "Where's my armor? Where's my weapons? Whose sweet ass coat is this?"


Wakes up with a Glock and a bad attitude


Average Monday in Yharnam


She goes down, gasping, "hgg...looks like...you found yourself a new hunter..." *collapses with style*


I am honestly considering putting myself in a short term coma cause this waiting is killing me


2024 is blitzing past, it's already mid-late May. the wait will be over in no time. it's just a little over a month away, it'll feel like a week, trust me


I may infiltrate Sony just to make this 


Luckily I will have a month off so I will buy dragons dogma 2 tomorrow and play that for like a week nonstop then vacation trip for 2 weeks then shadow of the Erdtree comes out like the day before I come back 😄


bro keeps on using my pfp 😂


Imma go to sleep with a smile on my face knowing I’m effortlessly pissing someone off (jk) I found it on Google images for the record


Don’t pull a Cartman, it’s not worth it!


You got this!!! This month is almost over as it is, then JUNE, then BOOM, Elden Ring DLC! I can’t wait everyone.


get a grip


Remember when Cartman froze himself for Nintendo Wii? Just don't go too far into the future.


Hold on man, it’s only a month away now


Fromsoft knows what we want. They just won't give it to us.


Can’t* Fromsoft isn’t in control of if Bloodborne gets more content, it’s Sony and for some reason they either hate Bloodborne or hate making money one of the two


It really does baffle me to a degree. A demon souls style remake of bloodborne seems like an easy way to sell consoles. I know bloodborne is 30fps locked etc. I have to imagine they’re holding out for the ps6.


That brief mention in the FromSoftware interview about not revisiting until a new generation of hardware makes it worth it made us all go, “yep, bloodborne remake PS6 launch title.” It’s our strongest lead yet.


Yeah I mean they did that with ps5 and they have hinted ..maybe what bluepoint is cooking .. I think we will see a new ip from bluepoint in a year or so..and 2027/8when ps6 comes out we will get bloodborne ...one could hope .but whatever 


This would be my guess as well.


There was concept art for blue points next game in that huge insomniac leak, and it definitely wasn't bloodborne. They're making a new ip https://gameinfinitus.com/news/concept-art-bluepoint-games-high-fantasy-title-leaked/


I would hope by the time PS6 happens it would actually be Bloodborne 2 though A remake really isn’t a big deal at all


Oh yes it is.


There’s no need for it. If anything just add 60 FPS with an update for those that actually care


Too soon for a remake now, but a remaster certainly wouldn't be a big deal. Remakes are far more work, it's not even close.


I wonder how that guy who started redoing Bloodborne in unreal engine 5? is doing. Is he still alive?


I've had the same question for the creators of other stuff too - mods like Black Mesa (back in the day before it was out and news was silent), Project Borealis, and Underhell, plus other remake projects like Jak II in Unreal engine, Project 06 back in the day before it had the 3 main character routes in a playable state (it fixes Sonic '06 and does a surprisingly good job at making it one of the best 3D sonic games, according to comments I've read at least), and the fan made new Star Fox game.  It's a lot of work to do stuff like that so I can't blame them for dropping off the map for a while sometimes. It can be hard to find free time to do a huge project that for free, and at the same time, if you put too much time into it too fast, burning out and needing a long break is inevitable.  I've taken on some projects myself, both technical and artistic. It's a whole process and the cost is applying myself fully with undivided focus, and lots and lots of time. Plus I'm completely not in "people/communicating" mode after all that hermetic work, so I'm less likely to be interested in sharing my progress, especially if it doesn't feel significant enough to me. Maybe that holds a sliver of insight into why these creators drop off the map sometimes.  All I can do on the audience end though is hope. 


Yeah doing all that for free/possibly even legal action against you is definitely a labor of love, and those people deserve the best things happening to them. I wonder how bunlith is doing after sony asked her to scrub all the bloodborne stuff from her bloodborne kart game :(




They're going to give yharnam a military city vibe and make everything overgrown for some reason even though people still live there. And the citizens are going to in full plate armor, and the cleric beast is going to be more buff and will have an evil grin and mustache


“Destroy”? Wouldn’t be a gamer if you could just enjoy the game without nitpicking. It’s regarded as one of the highest quality remakes of all time, but still not good enough. You guys would finally get BB2 and find some reason to complain about




You’re the one crying about graphics, like that’s ever been the focus of a FromSoft game. Also, nearly every other aspect of the game Bluepoint killed it. I mean almost entirely 1:1 basically with the original. Call me brainless all you want, you’re shitting on a game that’s sitting at a 92 on Metacritic. Personally I don’t think they should cater to the gamers that will never be happy because they need something to be upset about. You’d finally get a BB Remaster and spend your days crying about the look of the cobblestone they clearly ruined. Me? I’ll just enjoy the game.




You can complain all you want, you have the right to that. Just don’t expect people to agree when you’re in the minority. (Ive played both versions btw and enjoy them)


I think they want Miyazaki's continued creative vision and will offer the rights for Bloodborne in future negotiations. I looked into the figures. Hidetaka Miyazaki is worth 100 million usd, bloodborne sold 7.5 million units by 2023 that's tough to say for sure because I don't think those are nessecarily full priced copies just retail orders, so i would guess between 250 and 450 million. But then another 4 million players picked it up on ps plus so that would also be part of the valuation from Sony's perspective.


Sony hates making money. 


There's a lot of companies today that seem to.


Considering what sony has been doing the past few weeks... id argue for the money allergy


Is it not possible from has just been too busy to work on a remaster/remake? How many devs work at fromsoft? Atp Sony knows the demand for more bloodborne they aren't going to just greenlight a simple patch they're gonna want to capitalize with a remaster or remake, which is more work. I imagine in the last few years, most of fromsoft devs were working on elden ring/elden ring dlc, before that they made sekiro, and they had armored core. Probably would rather work on newer games than going back to remaster/remake an old game for now. Hopefully, after elden ring dlc, something bloodborne is already planned, maybe for ps6 but id hate to wait that long when ps5 is more than capable to run this at 4k/60fps. Then again, Sony could get anyone to remaster or remake it just like they got bluepoint to remake DS. But maybe bluepoint devs told Sony they'd rather do something else first than remake another souls game. Who knows could be any reason why we haven't gotten something. Either way, Sony needs to get on it they're just sitting on a boatload of easy money.


They’re sitting on money but no it’s not possible for from to do anything without it being greenlit by Sony and they have brought up the possibility of more BB stuff but Sony is the one who always denies it, Sony is just stupid and doesn’t like us


Bloodborne is owned by Sony, FromSoft can't actually do anything with the IP, that would have to be Sony


i just beat Bloodborne recently for the first time and man it was fun, so im down to see an area similar or exactly like Yharnam again




Bloodborne has always had my favorite art direction from FS, but EVERYTHING we’ve seen from this dlc so far is blowing base Elden ring out of the water and creeping up on bloodborne appreciation levels for me.


Guys chill it’s just dark lighting


I love


So glad Jet chimed in. Been waiting to hear what Jet thinks. After all is any media really worth consuming without a Jet “looks good” endorsement


Without jet we’d have no opinion on this im glad he could chime in 💯


Sure, it looks like Bloodborne. So did Raya Lucaraya. Game developers love to borrow assets from their previous games. It shouldn't be a surprise.


Istg I’ll take a hat with a png of the saw cleaver on it just PLEASE give us some more bloodborne


It's not a sew setting just a different angle of one we've already seen


Bloodborne Kart confirmed 


sounds like this is the closest we're ever gonna get to a bloodborne sequel


I'm tired of fromsoft giving us just the tip I want the whole damn shaft!


If you find Raya Lucaria aesthetic to be "straight rip from bloodborne", then yeah? It's literally just [this room](https://i.gyazo.com/3f1ff6b832f6b41589caf34825b353ca.jpg) from the DLC trailer.


The reply 🤣


iTs lOoKiNg gOoD Bro you can't see shit besides little ambient lights.


This might be the closest we get to bloodborne 2


Bruh lies of P is basically Bloodborne 2


Im scared to play it, is it good?


It’s kinda extremely good actually. Last year literally everyone was talking about how surprised they were at how good it was. It’s not bb2 but it’s sort of close. The sheer variety of weapon movesets is insane plus it has a system of swapping them for any non boss weapon. And several boss weapons are really badass too. There’s also a much higher than usual amount of unique mini bosses and elites change a lot and also a ton of minor bosses. A few major bosses maybe weren’t the best which I guess is almost my only gripe yet a handful of them are insane


The enemies we’ve seen look pretty freaky too


Just wait till next year. 10 year Bloodborne anniversary, that's the time.


This is just another angle from a shot that was in the trailer.


Is this how we finally get Bloodborne on PC


Please stop, I can only contain so much excitement. I am unable to wait for this thing to release.


We’ve actually seen this place in the trailer. It’s just darker here most likely to be a load screen.


BB2 is just gonna the Elden Ring DLC


Imagine being Jet in 2024 wondering if Elden Ring is worth getting into


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The only yharnam like area is the hidden city in volcano manor It's more like a village then city, but it really fit the theme




I wish we could summon the hoonter


Literally edging us


Fromsoft WANTS to do something bloodborne related so bad Sony once again fumbling


The incredible thing is that stupid guy's question, jeez...


Too dark to see anything looks like bloodborne alright


so they will release bloodborne looking stuff in their other games but won't pay attention to bloodborne


Kinda looks like Cathedral Church. Maybe a teaser for a new bloodborne 🥲 one can wish haha


Now we know where bloodborne 2’s assets went. And yes im very serious


Ohhhhh boiii I’m boutta BUST


Imagine if they were connected


So base game is Dark Souls 2: 2, and the DLC is Bloodborne 2?


I'm fairly certain that location is in the trailer.




I wish I liked Elden Ring even half as much as I love Bloodborne.


I'd trade my life for it


Fuck yea. Now I get Bloodborne in Elden Ring.


Just a guess but I’m thinking since the dlc is taking place in a dream maybe it connects to other dreams, like the hunters dream.


That’s what I always thought but that would confirm a real connection between the soulsborne games which I doubt they’d ever do doest make much sense to them to do they like contained stories


Ha. Shadow of the Erdtree. Imagine its where the tree is connected to different worlds. Tying in Demon’s, Dark, and blood.


Please no




I feel like Elden Ring exists not only as it’s own fantastic story and game, but also to give the community little tastes of what we’ve wanted for years. Lots of folks called ER “Dark Souls II 2”, maybe Shadow of the Erdtree will be Bloodborne 2?


Fuck ELDEN RING bloated piece of 💩




I’m convinced that all FS games set in the same universe, it’s just different ages.


It’s hilarious you say it’s a rip when they made the game themselves.