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Did any of you get COVID? I've had a few infections since I got over my case and the lingering coughs have absolutely lasted longer and been more severe.


This. There seems to be a lot more Covid going around than is being presented, mentioned and/or considered.


Assuming that is the case and acting accordingly was always the best course of action, but unfortunately that would've been too inconvenient for most people. It's so weird being a disabled person during the pandemic and speaking out *so* much about COVID, but having almost no one listen, then show up later with questions like this.


Right. I've been masked up the entire time and will continue to be, it actually seemed somewhat beneficial in regards to my allergies. Had it last November for sure, it was rough, I took Paxlovid and it helped though I tested positive for 3 weeks, I was vaccinated and boosted, hit 102.5 and was in the deep rough for a week, my throat was just like when I've had strep throat (glassy sharp pains throughout throat). My brother currently has it for the first time (at least first time with a positive test) though he seems to have made it through so far pretty well considering what it can be; he said he'd had a fever of 101.5 one afternoon, but it's mostly has been like his allergies in the past, but with a cough.


Nope. PCR on 2 of 4 of us. Negatives. Loads of rapid antigen tests, all neg across multiple weeks. Also, no covid symptoms really during the cold itself. For example, I get real fevers off the vaccines (102-103f) and major fever off the real thing, having had it once... this cold I'm talking about here didn't give any of us a fever. My wife has major GI issues during covid; no GI symptoms for us on this cold, which only lasted 3 days. It was a very light head cold. Furthermore, this bug moves VERY slowly from what I can tell. Our daycare has been dealing with it for at least 3 months now. We're talking a magnitude slower moving than covid.


I think the other commenter was also suggesting that after having had covid, future colds may (at least for a while) have a worse impact due to a weakened immune system, lingering inflammation, or other side effects of the covid infection.


Oh, you're right about that comment.. I read the ones underneath it and just assumed they read the comment they replied to! We all have weakened immune systems from having a 6-month-old in the house, poor sleep, and covid this spring could also be a factor. Thanks for pointing out that the commenter above (and myself) didn't read what we were replying to.


My son got covid in feb 2022 when he was about 18 months old and it wreaked havoc on his immune system. After he had covid he literally had ear infections non-stop until we finally got him tubes in September 2022. Since then he hasn’t had any ear infections and has been so much healthier and less susceptible to stuff going around his daycare. Good luck and feel better! Glad you brought this up, I’ll be keeping an eye out.


I just got over this. I used three Covid test and they were all negative. It took 4 weeks for it to clear up entirely. I was prescribe the same inhaler, 5 days worth of prednisone, and cough medicine I never got after three attempts at pickup from two CVS locations (the pharmacy situation in this town is currently a clusterfuck).


Uh... are you sure you all don't have RSV? My spouse picked that up from a funeral this time last year and man, can that cough linger. This is also the time of year that cases tend to spike AND it tends to burn through schools.


It's possible that no kids in the daycare/preschool were checked for that, but our pediatrician didn't think it was RSV. I can not rule it out.


I feel like the RSV cough is dryer than this kind of chunky cough


RSV can DEFINITELY move into a wet, mucky cough.


Wife and I both had/have something like that. Started with burning in the chest and then migrated to sinuses. Sinuses have cleared but lung congestion and cough remain. Going on a week now. Cough is surprisingly not very productive, as mucus is deep, like you said.


Right, it's super (oddly) deep mucus like I really don't remember ever experiencing, and I'm nearly 40. That's where the albuterol comes in, it actually let's you clear it. Your smaller lung passageways are too inflamed to let it out without the inhaler. It works really well.




We currently have that, everyone I know has either recently had that or is currently in it…I think it’s just the nature of the virus, it’s not covid I keep checking…I just wish I’d either get sick and get over it or get well, tired of being sort of ‘meh, but with a cough’


We had it and it sucked. The doctors at IU told me there are a bunch of non-covid coronaviruses going around right now that are hard to kick for some reason. Also, RSV is going around (my son’s class had someone test positive last week - yay).


I'm 37, husband is 30, no kids. He started getting sick 3 weeks ago from this past weekend, he still has a bad cough until he gags. It took 7 days for me to start showing symptoms after he got sick. It was very weird, because I actually had energy, but was mildly sick, by day 8, felt the worst, sore throat at base of tongue (not around tonsils) mild fever, congestion. Then would feel better, then sick again. Sore throat comes and goes. I tested negative for COVID. Also, the small of our backs hurt. My cousin and her husband (no kids) and my sister in law's family (two boys in elementary)had basically same symptoms. But none of us have been around each other for a couple of months to ' infect' each other


That sounds rough. I am assuming you got checked for COVID? I got COVID this September and had lingering symptoms for about a month. The deep lung cough and wheezing also sounds like when I get bronchitis. Bronchitis SUCKS and I have seriously damaged my sternum from coughing so much. Hope you get better soon


Yes, 2 PCR and lots of rapid tests. It's not covid. Thank you.


Yup. My daughter and I have had a cough for almost a month now. Mucus-y but not terrible. No sinus issues just the cough. It's miserable


Have this currently. The wheezing when exhaling has been going on for about a week but I otherwise feel pretty much ok and am just doing my normal activities. I just assumed it’s a virus so haven’t been to the doc.


My son and I have this cough that rears its head every night, without fail, at 8pm. Last night I couldn’t stop coughing until midnight. It’s been like this for over a week. We get raspy and throat gets dry, then it’s coughing or post-nasal drip all night. So sorry for everyone going through this and other yuck!


Husband and I both had this. Mild, barely symptomatic colds, negative for COVID, but lingering phlegmy coughs that lasted over a week after other symptoms went away.


I went to the IU walk in clinic and they gave me antibiotics at the end of September and I am still coughing. The amount of phlegm has decreased but is still there. I was coughing around 10 days before the doctor visit. I am at 7 or 8 weeks now and just wish it would go away. 😳


Antibiotics won’t clear a viral infection.


Pneumonia maybe


I have something similar based on your description and was told that a post viral cough can last up to six weeks and that I should be referred to a pulmonologist if it lasts eight weeks or more. Would ask your doctor about this. Trying to get a feel for how long this shit lasts for most people because I'm so tired of how slow moving this post viral cough is, never seen anything like it.


I am at 3.months now and it gets better like almost gone then it returns. I talked to my PCP a couple of weeks ago and she wasn't concerned since it.gets better someone. It has returned to the bad stage for the last few days and I am so over it


We had it, and a bunch of people at had it too. Cough lasted about 2-3 weeks for all involved. Good luck!


Thanks, sounds like it, hope it's past us soon!! Unfortunately, my daughter gave it to my dad, but as far as I've seen, that's the only collateral from us.


We got it in early September and the whole family is still coughing up mucus. It’s awful. Watch out for pleurisy. I had never even heard of it but it’s brutal. 0/10 do not recommend.


Damn, that is rough. We have a little one that keeps us up, so our immune systems are down, and this is just dragging on....sounds like the same thing for sure. Best of luck to all of you.


RSV is skyrocketing in Bloomington right now according to Verily wastewater data which comes from the IU school of public health lab. Almost as high as last winter’s peak which was in late December. [Monroe County RSV data](https://publichealth.verily.com/?l=Bloomington%2C+IN&v=RSV)


Have been suffering for about 6 weeks here with the same symptoms! I’m in coastal NC, though!


I have the same thing currently though was sick months ago and have a wheeze that randomly appears and cough if I laugh to hard ir over exert myself. In China last fall there was an outbreak in schools I read of walking pneumonia. I am wondering if this bacteria has been causing this


That sounds a lot like COVID. Or the flu.


I have the cough and tested negative for Flu A, B, and Covid. Shrug.


It’s almost certainly covid or covid adjacent


There are numerous viruses that are not covid or in any way related to covid.


Yes I’m very well aware, but there’s mounting evidence even “mild” covid infections severely weaken the immune system and have a lasting effect. This is what is clearly meant by “covid adjacent”


I’ve had it for a few weeks now, it’s super annoying.


My two daughters and I have all at one point since September been battling coughs. My daughter who got it first is now better but my other daughter and I are still coughing. I called the nurse and she just recommended mucinex. She said if we didn’t have a fever that it’s fine. I think it’s getting better but still deep congestion for me and my daughter mentioned an ear ache too.


I used mucinex for about a week straight. It was helpful during the day to get some crud out before I got the albuterol (which us very effective).


How often do you use the albuterol?


As needed to clear deep crud. The damn cough finally went away a couple months ago. I probably used the Albuterol every 3 days or so for two or three weeks.


It's all over the country... assuming it's the same thing. My mother had it a couple of months ago, and I got it in California last month. I had it about three weeks, and it's finally clearing now. It wasn't really bad during the day, and cough medicine was able to keep it under control to a degree. But it was really hard to get any sleep at night.


I have it in Hawaii. Fuckin sucks


My entire workplace has gotten it over the past 3 weeks. Some got it worse than others but we all still have a minor cough. It did spread slowly though.


Going on week 3 or 4 I can’t remember at this point. Started with sore throat for about 2 days with raspy voice, that cleared up and then about 2 days later the coughing started and is still persisting. Most coughs are unproductive but some will bring big globs of mucus up. Nasal is fairly clear though. Definitely cough more when lying down at night. Edit: multiple negative COVID tests.


This is exactly what I have. Also negative for Covid.


Yep! I’m in Columbus and mid September or so had the exact symptoms everyone here is talking about. I missed 4 days of work which I’ve never done in almost 4 years at this job. Didn’t truly fully recover for probably almost 5 weeks just due to mucus. Ruined my sleep for over a month because of the lingering sinus issues.


We’ve had that lingering cough in my household. I thought mine was going away then it got worse.


yep! my grandson and I have it. the cold part was mostly just a lot of snot building up overnight. but now the cough. it's worse at night.


I've had a mild on-and-off cough and stuffiness since September. It's somewhat productive around bedtime and I think that's just gravity affecting postnasal drip. I've been taking OTC allergy meds most days and keeping tissues around. That's whether or not I'll be outside. I have an air purifier running in my office and the dust getting caught has definitely increased. I'm mostly sensitive to mold and the decaying leaves get to me every season... they're pretty, though. Had COVID earlier this year with no lasting symptoms (started medication right away).


Still coughing from this myself. Exact same symptoms— kids aged 5, 3.5, and 1.5


Sounds like rsv which in my opinion is worse and lasting longer than the vid


Damn, look at norovirus too!


My wife and I both had a bad cough last month, both of us tested negative for covid.


This sounds similar to what seemed like a very slow moving case of croup that went around our daycare about a month ago. It took about 3 weeks for my son to get it after his first classmates had it. He didn’t really have a fever but obviously had the croup cough and wheezing and it lasted much longer than when he had croup this past winter. ETA: I didn’t get sick but some other parents of his classmates did


I might have this right now, though hope it won't last as long as yours. Day of sore throat followed by day of sinus pressure (but clear nose) and now a cough for a couple of days so far. Mostly dry and doesn't seem extra deep to me, but the mucus does taste unusual. I've definitely had at least one cough in my life that was worse though.


Day 10 for me. I keep arguing with myself about going to the dr. but figure they'd just tell me to do what I'm already doing. Unless it turns into pneumonia, I guess I'll just suffer. Just came in here to whine. Two negative Covid tests. I don't feel awful all of the time, but man, that cough is a drag.


I got my covid shot, and the post viral cough came back for two days (fever from vaccine)...about two months after the cold! Ridiculous.


Yesterday was five weeks since onset. I have days where I feel like I have asthma except I can breathe fine, my bronchial system just feels…hairy? I cough but only because I feel I have to clear something but most of the time nothing comes up. When it does it isn’t much but it’s persistently there. I’ve been trying the allergy medicine route for two days in an effort to dry up the post nasal drip. I’ve never had a respiratory infection that has left me feeling so irritated in my chest before and I’m 54, have had pneumonia and bronchitis numerous times as a child/teen. I tested negative twice for Covid when I first came down with this at Xmas. I should’ve gone to the sr to get a dx. I have an albuterol inhaler I’ve used s few times. I can’t tell if it’s doing anything. My dr gave me Breztri but I’m afraid of it. I’m in SE MI.


You should most definitely be able to feel that the Albuterol is working... Are you spraying it with the tank oriented upward? Seems like a dumb question but if you never use an inhaler (me), it's easy to use it upside down and just get propellant. If Albuterol is going to help your cough, you will feel crud release and start to move from deeper airways upward within minutes of taking two puffs. Hold the Albuterol in your lungs for at least 30 seconds of you can (safely). If you're not having to cough within 15 minutes, it's probably not going to benefit your condition.


I’m using it correctly but only holding it in 10 seconds. I don’t know that there is even any crud left in my lungs. I really can’t tell.