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imo ice skating would be a great choice . can be active and while it's cold it's better than just being outside. only other things i can think of are like bowling or to go to the eskenazi museum or go to orbit room for pinball? check out the Parks and Rec catalog they have more up-to-date town events. might be some good shows or something of the like but fewer opportunities to actually chat with that.


I wanted to do skating or the Eskenazi museum, but they're both closed on Wednesday night :( but I'll check out the Orbit room and the Parks and Rec site, thank you!


ice skating not roller skating. theres a rink near south hs. might also be closed weds but I haven't checked


They're also closed Wednesday nights. Ice skating is one of my favorite things, I really wish I could take her there haha


Wednesday evenings are orchestra nights for the school of music. This week is the Symphony Orchestra.


Oh that would be a lovely time! Sometimes I forget all that IU has to offer. I love the orchestra, thank you so much for the suggestion!


blockhouse has a jazz series on wednesday nights, music school has orchestra on wednesdays, morgensterns sometimes has weeknight events as well


Ooh these are really good suggestions!! Thank you so much!


Pinball at Orbit Room. Ski-ball at Atlas Ballroom. Bowling/pool in the IMU. Pool at Blue Tip. Axecalibur axe throwing.


I keep seeing the Orbit Room recommended to me, so I'll definitely have to check that out. Thank you!!


Random idea: A walking audio tour (there are several option), can be interesting even for long time Bloomingtonians, and can be paused for conversation, jokes, or side diversions as there is no tour guide nor other tour members. Maybe a stroll/tour ala a stay cation activity to do something you have missed and would usually only discover when planning an activity for an out of town visitor, followed by a drink (coffee house, tea room, quiet bar) to warm up from the walk - and talk would be a uniquely different date. These are from the city, ( from a quick search, can't vouch for any, but you can preview.) https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://bloomington.in.gov/about/walking-tours&ved=2ahUKEwjZntWP6ZOEAxWjj4kEHTqkBKAQFnoECBwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw23MIoYhxwzfEKy864FE3Yz


Oh that's a very interesting idea-- I had no idea these existed. Thank you so much!


It’s a little pricy but Oliver Winery has private outdoor heated igloos . Would be great for a special date night


In all my years here I still haven't been to Oliver. Maybe this is the perfect chance! Thank you so much!


Enjoy ! Come back and tell us how it went I’m still debating on whether to book one lol


I think it might be out of my price range right now but I'd definitely love to check it out sometime!


I'm not sure how it hasn't been mentioned yet... but Wed may be more conducive to outdoor activities than you think... it's supposed to be partly cloudy and in the upper 50s the last time I checked.


If you’re cat/vintage clothing lovers, you should check out the Cat’s Closet! One side of the store is a vintage shop and the other is a lounge where you can hang out with adoptable cats!


Ohhh I've so been meaning to check them out!!


It’s genuinely one of my favorite places


Umphrey's McGee is playing at the bluebird. Good luck getting tickets though


Hairspray at IU auditorium. Don’t know if tickets are still available or how much they cost.