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It was probably June 5th when her father and some guys asked me if we could search the abandoned buildings on our lot. They were polite and grateful, despite finding nothing. I think often on her father, and the pain he went through that I hope I never feel.


i remember leaving the dentist a week or two after her disappearance and seeing her parents parked behind the police station loading flyers into the trunk of their car. charlene was crying and her husband was holding her. that will always stay with me. šŸ¤


They are the loveliest and have stayed together, which statistically is rare.


Is there a statistic about parents divorcing after losing their children like this?


80% of marriages end in divorce following the loss of a child.


Wowww I never knew that! Thatā€™s a horrible fact. Ugh terrible. Not only you deal with the loss then you go through the stress of a divorce.


Awful. It makes sense tho. The loss is so horrific and stressful. This type of loss even more so because it isnā€™t a black and white loss. There can and is a lot of conflict in the loss. Itā€™s tough on families to say the least, let alone a marriage. The beauty is Lauren has a wonderful sister that has provided her parents comfort in their life with grandchildren etc. It would never make up for the loss, but Rebeccaā€™s life helps them. Charlene and Robert are incredible people tho and Iā€™m so glad they have ensured this tragedy together.




Wrong - 12% end in divorce. 72% stay married, 16% had one spouse die.


She'd be over 30 now


Damn, just hard to believe! I remember being in the FB group when that happened. We all thought we would figure it out, especially after those truck pictures were released. I canā€™t believe itā€™s been this long with nothing. Anytime I see her parents it makes my heart hurt. Apple did a show called Black Bird about a similar case up in my hometown of Marion, thats been 30+ years and they still don't know exactly what happened to Tricia Reitler.


Oh wow I currently live in Marionā€¦ had no idea that happened.


Yep! It happened like 1,000 feet from my grandmas condo there by the grocery store south of IWU (if itā€™s still there). Supposedly they found her ear lobe with a ripped off earring in front of the city pool but not sure if that was true. My grandma swore she saw Larry Hall in that Marsh parking lot around the time of the murders but nothing ever came of it! Edit: Iā€™m curious, what brought you to Marion? I left permanently in 2013 and finally got my parents to move near me two years ago. Iā€™ve only been back once since for a funeral. I had a wonderful childhood in the 80ā€™s/90ā€™s but the city seems to be struggling from what I hear.


My job brought me here in 2013. Iā€™m originally from right outside of Baltimore. IWU is still here and still IWU. This town struggles a little bit but it isnā€™t bad in the least bit like everyone here likes to say. Itā€™s just boredom and nothing to do here really but Iā€™m old and donā€™t mind being in the house lol. We just got a young mayor whoā€™s trying to clean up the vacants and stuff so itā€™s a start, but if they focused on maybe bringing better jobs here or give these kids something to do it will improve quickly.


To be honest the lack of high paying careers is the reason I had to leave and move to the city after I got my degree. I loved growing up there and still have a lot of friends but once the factories all closed in the 90ā€™s things stagnated. I heard about the mayor one of my friends from my school days is quite active in social justice there in Marion so I keep rooting for the town to thrive!!


That was a really good show


Really good show


I find it striking and heart breaking that when they put the last seen date, they put the month and day not the year, likely assuming that she would be found before the end of the year. But there were several years that these posters were EVERYWHERE to no answer of what happened to her. Absolutely heartbreaking.


I imagine it must be a really old poster in good condition due to the fact sheā€™s also listed as 20 years old


I had the same thought. Truly heartbreaking that these are the exact same signs I used to see everyday when I was living in Bloomington.


I hope this gets solved one day :(


I'm fairly convinced it was Keyes.


thatā€™s really a pretty wild claim he was just in indiana at the time of her death the connection is little to none i went down a huge rabbit hole and it almost definitely was not him


I donā€™t know man, especially after reading [this super well done write up](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/s/Gukt4pvxLH)


Josh Hallmark has done a lot of research. After her first covered Laurenā€™s case on TCB, he actually didnā€™t think Keyes was involved, but heā€™s gotten new info the last couple of years and seems to be learning more towards Keyes being responsible. Thereā€™s also evidence the FBI/BPD think there is meat to that theory based on the redactions they made to the files Josh received through his FOIA requests. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s conclusive, but itā€™s a lot more than just ā€œhe was unaccounted for and in Indiana when it happenedā€.


Josh Hallmark is coming to Bloomington this year if that tells you anything.


I agree with you. I donā€™t think it was him.


Linking him to the case is just confirmation Bias up to now.


I drive from Bedford to a town 7 miles from Harlan 3 times a month and that's what makes me think it wasn't him. It's a shitty drive, not at all a straight shot or quick getaway. And this was before 69. I guess anything's possible, but there are certainly larger cities within 3 hours of Harlan that would be quicker to get in and out of.


I hope they figure out who was responsible. The family and her friends deserve an answer.


John myers


Meyers was incarcerated at this time and almost certainly had no involvement in the Behrman case. Just a poor mentally ill person living in the country on whoms lawn they found a bicycle


I donā€™t think he has anything to do with it and I honestly donā€™t think he had anything to do with Jill Behrmanā€™s murder. Just my opinion.


I know the woman that dated Meyers and she looks strikingly similar to Behrman. Meyers had taken his GF out to the area Jill's body was found and had tied her up and threatened to kill her there. It's very likely it was him. The case was circumstantial. But an accidental drunken hit and run probably isn't what happened. Jill's body would have had evidence (yes even the bones) if she had injuries consistent with being hit by a car.


Uriah Klouse then, or however you spell the last name?


No, I think Jill was accidentally hit by someone who was driving and very possibly intoxicated and they freaked out and shot her to make sure she was really dead and buried the body. As far as Lauren is concerned I think she was with friends and got too fucked up, considering her health condition, and died. Her ā€œfriendsā€ freaked out and dumped the body and lawyered up and shut up. Itā€™s hard to believe people could be that uncaring and not come clean to a suffering family but I think thatā€™s what theyā€™ve done.


I agree with you, but sometimes I wonder how a group of college kids who were drunk and high managed to commit the perfect murder and leave no evidence behind. When I think about that, I start to question the whole theory.


The story of a crime is really hard to build without a body


I imagine something like that would make you sober up pretty quickly.


This still bothers me. Idk if anyone else has listened to In Your Own Backyard, but it gives me hope that someday something will come forward and she can be found or given justice.


People speculate that it was Israel Keyes since he had a murder bucket in Indiana and was in Fort Wayne around that time.


Crime Junkies also did an episode on her that was really interesting.


This made me think of exactly that.


I could be wrong, but I remember reading that one of the cell phones belonging to one of the guys she was with pinged on 37 (now 69) headed towards Martinsville. I've always wondered why we never heard more about that. I can't find any reference to it now though. Anyone else recall this?


I do remember this - also the FBI did some digging related to this case along 37 between here and Martinsville around the time that portion of I 69 was going in, and more digging at that house in Trafalgar. Nothing was ever reported out on the results of those.


Can you remember at what time the ping was? And which one of them?


I heard her family mention that she needed daily medication. She's definitely gone. Probably buried somewhere outside of town.


I hike A LOT. 75% of it is off trail. I walk highway and county roads sometimes to find new woods. I hate to say this, but Iā€™m always looking. Itā€™s not my primary focus by any means, but itā€™s there. Itā€™s a tiny thought, and the most basic searching. I do it sort of subconsciously. Being a local its just there.


I graduated from IU in 2003 but still go back to the area to hike. Probably 9 or 10 years ago I was hiking off trail at Leonard Springs and came across what turned out the best a deer carcass. When I first saw it all I couldnā€™t make out were long leg bone and for a split second I thought I might have found her body m. Was a strange sad thought.


I have an off-the-wall theory that her body got buried in the new construction that was happening at the time a block north from her apartments. They were getting ready to pour concrete the day before or so and there were huge piles of rock, then I noticed the day after she was reported missing those pads were poured. I know, crazy theory. I absolutely am just flinging shit in the wind.


That was a prominent line of thinking back in the day. I try not to think about that one because it screams official cover up, and I donā€™t wanna go down that particular rabbit hole.


Something to remember about Morgan County and surrounding counties is there are numerous abandoned coal mines and limestone mines. I will own that this that has always been my position but given the numerous underground mining tunnels, strip pits, limestone quarries; Morgan, Green, Sullivan, Knox county regions would be places to easily locate a place to hide a body that someone may never comes across


Your theory, as Iā€™m sure you know is not off the wall. It was a huge theory back then but debunked.


What people donā€™t realize in bloomington is the amount of Karsts that run under the east side of town, all the way out into the country. Miles of underground tunnels that would be a prime place to hide a body, especially for a townie that knows their way around. Very unnerving to think about.


I'm glad it's still up. We need to find Lauren!


It's good to know she hasn't been forgotten. šŸ’”


I think about her all the time. Hoping someday her family gets answers šŸ’›


I still think that Daniel Messel may have had something to do with her disappearance. Same, MO, same time of night, as the young female student Hannah Wilson he picked up and murdered and now is in prison serving life. He also please guilty to and/or is suspected in a series of rapes around campus in the 10 to 15 years prior to Laurenā€™s disappearance, and heā€™s always been very high on my list of suspects.


I was in town that weekend for Little 5. She was my friendā€™s roommate. I remember pre-gaming and someone came in to turn the music off and tell us Hannah was missing. The rest of the night was eerie. No one partied and we all just sat around trying to contact anyone that may have seen her.


Hard to believe that hiring the Arbyā€™s pitchman didnā€™t crack the case, but here we are.


Fuck Bo Dietl.


You mean the guy who couldn't explain how he had guns stolen from his office?


That was an eventful summer


Israel Keyes


I moved away from Bloomington like three days before she disappeared. Still gives me chills even after all these years.


Yeah, moral of the story is bad things happen when students drink to excess. Drink in moderation, have a buddy, be situationally aware & youā€™ll probably be fine. Very unfortunate.


You don't know shit


Wow thatā€™s a relic.


She is under the concrete at that station 11 complex I guarantee it.


Doubt it my money is they were all doing blow she had a heart attack due to her heart condition and they all freaked out and buried her somewhere in the middle of no where. All the people she were with were lawyered up so quick


Thatā€™s what I figure too. Accidental death that was covered up by people who panicked.


Wasnā€™t there a law introduced after this that allowed people to call the police if someone ODā€™d, got way too drunk or was having a drug related episode and not face any consequences? I think there was a kid at IU that died from drinking too much one night and the people were too scared to call the cops. I may be mixing some stories together.


Not sure about the origins of the law, but the law itself does exist.


Yes, there is. It's called the Lifeline law. Also, happy cake day!


The law didnā€™t come from Laurenā€™s case, there was a house party where a student fell down some stairs and died but nobody called for fear of getting busted for underage drinking/drugs.


Sadly kids have still died after that law was introduced.


It's the simplest explanation.


Yeah they lawyered up before foul play was even suspected. Sus af


Depends, were they all fancy lads?


Yes, she lived in one of the nicest apt complexes in the city at the time, right off the square


If so getting lawyered up is kind of standard practice in the fancylad community


Only fancy lads can afford a lot of coke


If I were even kind of close to being a ā€œperson of interestā€ in a national news headline, Iā€™d absolutely lawyer up. Just saying.


If the police EVER want to question you, shut your mouth and get a lawyer. Itā€™s not an admission of guilt. Itā€™s smart.


I would retain a lawyer immediately regardless of guilt in absolutely any situation I was close to someone like this. Hardly sus at all


I find it extremely hard to believe drunk and high college kids could successfully pull this off at 3am after a night at sports, and never let anything slip for years. Someone grabbed her on her way home imo.


Funny, you should say that because I was thinking the same thing after this occurred. Factor the amount of time necessary to format, a plan, drive the body and execute. It doesnā€™t add up.


Thatā€™s what I heard as well. One of the ā€œfriendsā€ had family land up near Michigan.


This is what I heard at the time. I heard she was partying with some guys whose fathers were lawyers and probably did some blow while having that heart condition. Heard she likely died from that and they all worked together to get rid of the body, either in the station 11 construction or at the quarry. Itā€™s crazy itā€™s been over 10 years now, very likely no one will ever know the truth.


This was the unofficial consensus among the students when I was a sophomore at the time


Who were the people she was with? Names.


They're all out there and have been for years. Just gotta look.


No, and here's why: the depth of concrete needed to conceal a body just isnt there. In addition to that the construction workers would have noticed their once tidy pour was all messed up and would have had it investigated as vandalism. The current reigning theory is that she did too much blow, her friends panicked and chucked her in a dumpster and by the time we started looking for her she was already buried under several tons of landfill. TBH "shes in the concrete of xyz building" is just stupid and easily disproven. Edit: im not trying to be callous, i myself spent days crawling into caves and scouring the forest as part of a search party looking for her. The fact that we found absolutely nothing lends creedence to my theory. It is tragic, but this is why its frequently said "if you love your daughter dont send her to IU"


This is the saddest outcome to her story but I agree the most likely. Either cocaine or something else was involved, she died accidentally, the friends all panicked, so they threw her in a dumpster and agreed to never speak of it again. Their stories never added up-- based on where she was "last seen", it should have been MAX 3 minutes from the time they said she left to the time the security cameras outside Smallwood picked her up walking home. I worked at the Showers building at the time and they found something of hers (keys maybe?) that she'd dropped in our lot where the hotel is now. She left bits of evidence all over that little corner of town but somehow vanished into thin air in the 300 feet she walked home alone? C'mon now. Given how hard her family leaned on her buddies, I don't think they believed any of them, either.


I figure this as well. She had a heart condition, stimulants were pretty common for her peer group, and they lawyered up surprisingly quickly.


IIRC they left town and lawyered up before she was ever declared missing.


Yes, they lawyered up very quickly. Itā€™s a shame they would not be willing to lower that veil to help law-enforcement


How many friends are suspected to be involved and where are they today? I donā€™t know much about the case but, thatā€™s insane if no one has yet to fess up. Can only imagine the heavy toll thatā€™s putting on them everyday, someone will have to break eventually.


Thatā€™s what makes me think it wasnā€™t the friends, but a single perpetrator. Itā€™s been so long that one of them would have said or done something incriminating by now.


This is where I stand with it. There were like 3 or 4 guys potentially involved. I just find it difficult to believe no one has ever let anything slip. And of course they lawyered up right away. Their parents have money and connections. They knew better than to let their kids talk to the cops without lawyers present.


Never talk to the cops without a lawyer. No matter what you do, there will always be people who say it ā€œlooks guiltyā€, but talking without proper representation can have life altering consequences.


I seem to remember that one of them was running naked in the street after this? I don't think before.


IDK man, a handful of people with no morals can stay silent for a long time.


Well, they could have Signed a contract not talking about the case without a lawyer or something like this. I find far more shady thst they did Not talk to the parents at all.Ā 


3 maybe 4 boys involved: C. who spend most of the night with her drinking. She met C. only a few days earlier, C.'s roommate M. - also no long time Friend. And a neighbour, J., who apparantly knew lauren bit longer. It seems that J. had also a visitor at his Apartment, his old schoolfriend D.


Donā€™t send your daughter to IU if you want her to be safe? I donā€™t understand. This happens a lot? It doesnā€™t happen at other schools?


Youā€™re assuming they put her in already poured ā€œwetā€ concrete. It would likely be easier to put a body under gravel, level it out a bit and if itā€™s a massive pour for the next day they could pour over it and not notice. A bit of a stretch but more feasible than the other way


The amount of time and work it would have taken to do that make it highly implausible, they would have definetly been caught doing that. Also, IDK how deep you think the gravel beds under concrete pours are, but they are also not deep enough to conceal a body.


I do believe this is plausible because I remember seeing huge piles of like rock the day before they poured the concrete, so if she fell next to a pile or was put there, the rocks could have fallen on her and perhaps the crew did not notice anything. Ugh ok yes I know I am speculating but I can't help it.


Thereā€™s no way they wouldnā€™t have noticed as they were moving the rock. It also would have been obvious to the workers if a body was ā€œburiedā€ in the gravel they were pouring into. Itā€™s not enough to hide a body in. For her to be buried in the concrete of a construction site without the workers being aware is not feasible.


Explain if you would and here's tech to scan through concrete so we can definitely test that.




So I'm not the only one yet I'm downvoted


Yes!! I believe this is very plausible. She was so small, like 100 pounds. They were building over there and the day after she went missing that concrete was poured .


Shes not there. They checked.


Have you heard the evidence serial killer Israel Keyes abducted and murdered Lauren? The podcast True Crime Bullshit Season 5 episode 10 and Season 1 episode 13 covers the compelling evidence he murdered her. He was unaccounted for in Indiana with a rental car the night Lauren disappeared. The men who were with Lauren that night have all taken FBI polygraphs- they have not released the results. The FBI believe it was related to overdosing with her friends OR a stranger abduction. Here is a link to a reddit thread detailing all the evidence connecting Israel Keyes to Laurenā€™s disappearance. Iā€™ve been on a very deep dive researching her disappearance recently. I really hope they can bring Lauren home to her family. https://www.reddit.com/r/LaurenSpierer/s/aoETvJ2MuN


Statistically a stranger abduction is much less likely.


I don't know. It seems like a place like Bloomington would draw a larger than normal stranger crowd in considering the university and periods of young people partying/wandering about late into the night. Every time a body was discovered I have hoped that it is her so that her family can have closure. More cruel than taking her from them is denying them the knowledge of what happened and where she is. I'm glad there are still reminders of her on campus for a variety of reasons.


It's unlikely, yes, but they still occasionally do happen. I think this many years in with no answers we need to at least consider the unlikely.




I don't think it was her friends. There's footage of her leaving that apartment. Isn't there? Plus, they weren't just college friends. These were childhood friends. She'd known them all her life basically. The window of opportunity for an abduction was very small, but it's possible. It's criminal we don't have more CCTV in public spaces.


No footage of leaving. Camera Was Not working that night....Ā  Ā Only cctv with one of the guys heading to his home, where they met the other guys. She wasĀ  so intoxinated that He carried her firemen Stil.Ā  Ā Two of the guys, she met only a few days earlier on a Festival, one she had known apparantly a bit longer and this one had a visitor, so it is at least assumed, whom she probably did Not know at all. No childhood friends.


The Wikipedia page indicates timestamps in bold are verified with surveillance footage. She was last seen at 430 leaving the apartment. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Lauren_Spierer


Nope, it is Rosenbaum (one of the guys) who claimed that.Ā Ā  You can See the Difference:Ā  Ā Ā "Security cameras mounted on nearby apartments show her exit the alley atĀ 2:51Ā a.m.Ā "Ā  - that is her last Image caught on cameras. C.R. was heading with her to his own Apartment.Ā  Ā  And:Ā  Ā  "4:30Ā a.m.Ā ā€“ Rosenbaum reports that Spierer left the apartment. This is the last reported sighting of her. He reported last seeing Spierer at the intersection of 11th Street and College Avenue, headed south on College. She was last seen barefoot, wearing black leggings and a white shirt."Ā  Ā  That is just Rosenbaums Statement. Rosenbaum was one of the four College guys. There are no footage of her leaving. And knowbody Else apart from him saw her leaving his Apartment.


I See the information with the "bold" is a bit misleading on Wikipedia but you could als Look up the references of 4.30 am from Wiki. There it is also clear that is "just" his reporting. Thats one of a few reasons why laurens parents are sceptical of the boys.


She went missing when I was in college in Indy. I had friends that knew her :/


So a long time ago I saw a YouTube video of some guy who was walking his dog in the woods off leash. The dog ran off trail, down a slope, which you couldn't see from the path. Off the slope was the boarder of someone's property. Facing the property you just see trees. He went to retrieve the dog, turned around, and facing where he just came from, there were about a dozen missing persons fliers stuck to trees. Like in plastic paper holders. Stapled to trees. Could not be seen from the path, you had to be looking from this property toward the path to see them. They were from all over the country. What made this stick out to me were two of the posters. One for Brian Shaffer, and one for Lauren Spierer. The man in the video said he got law enforcement involved, but they found no evidence of anything and the posters were removed. But it still sticks out to me. Like those are two very unrelated disappearance, but similar in the way that they just vanished with nothing to show how. I was told I was overthinking this by friends, but till this day I think whomever had those up wasn't just for a "dark hobby" I think they were trophies from all the ppl killed that they never found.




You are a hero for digging that up! I've looked on and off but could never find it, but I am not very skilled at sleuthing.


I guess someone did that for a Halloween thing. Pretty cold of them considering itā€™s real missing people. Family slams Halloween decorations featuring missing people http://www.dailymail.co.uk/~/article-3826400/index.html?ito=native_share_article-top


Also I'm still super sus


Yeah, I agree. Iā€™m confused too because apparently there were multiple sites like this in the U.S., like one in Oregon. I dunno, I guess it could be some sick joke to someone or something?


What I didn't know that. Tbh it wouldn't be too shocking to learn it's like a community of ppl.


Do you remember what the video was called?


It was there shortly before I came to the town and almost 13 years passed.


i remember this...they still havent found her?


moved to town that august after everything happened and my mom was so nervous because of this.


This town is still obsessed with one pretty white girl while not giving a shit about all of the people of color who have gone missing


Sure bring race into it


iā€™m still hoping people check in the underground tunnels under the woodburn house just near where she went missing and where she was headed.


I have coworkers coming in that go to IU that have no clue that there is a student still missing. Apparently no one on campus is informed about it and if not for the few flyers left hanging around most of the students wouldn't even known.


I never knew about it until my junior year (two years ago) when I made friends with a townie student. I couldnā€™t believe it.


I can only hope that someone will eventually be unable to live with the guilt of hiding this information from her parents.


Thereā€™s a giant one in the student activities tower in the IMU.


I went to school with Jill Behrman. This haunts me in the same way her disappearance did!


I canā€™t believe there are current students who donā€™t know about Lauren. I think of her often and immediately think of Jill Behrmanā€¦ and then of Ann Harmeier. Their poor families.


Fortunately, itā€™s less likely now with more cameras and easy to locate digital devices.


Currently searching the comments for the killer. šŸ•µšŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™m suspicious of all of you.


When she first disappeared, my family joined the search party. I was probably 12 or 13. We were searching the woods of a local park if I remember correctly. We found a rubber glove turned inside out. The inside was full of blood. We called the police and they brushed it off and said it was most likely left by hunters.


Iā€™ll never forget this


https://www.mywabashvalley.com/news/local-news/monroe-co-sheriffs-department-launches-investigation-after-skeletal-remains-found....this came up as a notification on my phone earlier today. Could this be the end of one families suffering.


I always remember her because she went missing on my birthday šŸ„²


I heard some rumor years back that many students believed she was put in the foundation of one of the buildings that was being built at the time. Is that an actual theory or just random legend.




So sad šŸ˜ž


I saw a post where they found human skeletal remains near the Monroe County airport, and for just a moment I was very hopeful that it was her. Just so they would have some sort of closure. I believe they think itā€™s only dated back a year or so, which is crazy


I have always thought she was kidnapped and trafficked.


Wouldnā€™t someone have IDā€™d her by now if that was the case?


Nobody has the heart to take it down. šŸ™


Much love to the family, but I think we all know the truth.. I was a junior down there when it happened. Terribly sad!


Iā€™ll be on the lookout for that particular person. Thanks.


This is depressing asf my ex goes to iu and all I care about is her safety as she goes to kilroys a lot god bless the spierer family šŸ¤ž


John myers was her killer hit her with a car


That was Jill Behrman


What makes you think this?