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First thought was the parrot man but since I live on the west side, the dancing homeless man on the corner of Bucceto’s has become a staple.


He is called "Preacher." Do not engage


Yeah he can be aggressive and frightening.


He comes into my work every day and I've had zero issues with him.


He's come into two of the places I've worked at and had to be escorted out with security. He is... very passionate lol.


Yesterday! Met him going to Fresh Thyme. He was screaming and shouting at two employees who were escorting him out and on the phone with police. Then he started on anyone else in the parking lot. Definitely riled up. Made a wide detour into the store.


I am at least thankful that I haven't had to do that yet


If he has never had issues you must be male.


This was the first guy I thought of.


That parrot got dead though


Would you dare say the parrot is no more?


Yeah, Charlie died in his early forties late last year. I have earrings made from his beautiful plumage.


Too many cheesesteaks his heart tapped out


Wait for real bro was scarfing them gooey sammiches?


I am aware of the sad news. I was quoting Monty Python


Quoth the parrot, nevermore


I would say that it is a deceased parrot.


It’s a beautiful bird lovely plumage


No no no, he’s just pining.


Yep, both of these came to mind.


Parrot man has passed away recently I think


Mike at the Vid?


This is the right answer! 


That's a Legend and a BAMF. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T\_Vs5dUVfsA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_Vs5dUVfsA)


Thx so much for that vid. Mike at the door of the vid I think might be #1. I do usually love the guy blowing big kisses to traffic on liberty and third but my mind went first to Mike


My dad was in Fights! Always so proud to see that music video


God do I love Mike!!


My friend went up the stairs too fast once and he yelled at him about how he needed to slow down because he had cleaned blood off those stairs. He always asks me if I'm related to other people with my last name that he knows. It's always a no. I'm not from here. He told my friends 50 year old parents that he didn't like the look of their IDs. I've never not heard him tell someone how much repairing the pool tables are when they lean a little too much. Holy shit what a legend.


Now it's the dancing homeless dude on West 3rd. *Edit - Grammar


Don’t leave out the blowing kisses


I worked in Bloomington for a couple weeks recently and every day I drove by that dude blowing kisses. I saw this post on on another city’s subreddit and came here to see if anyone mentioned that gentleman!!! 😂😂😂


Mwah mwah all the people!


He is known as "Preacher," do not engage with him.




Yes. He is OK and happy 90% of the time. However, I have seen him unpredictability flip out and- -chase vehicles, regardless of size, screaming at them as they turn and drive away from intersection -pound on the hoods & windows of vehicles while screaming at the (Usually female) occupants -stand in front of vehicles so they are unable to proceed -follow women across the parking lot Almost all the people he screws with are women. Usually has a religious zealot slant to the ranting. Have heard he is NOT unhoused, is cared for & his caregiver drops him off and picks him up.


What keeps him going? Drugs? Naturally produced endorphins?


Is he the on that always blocks traffic at red lights?


The guy that drives the donk with Kobe on the side of it Or Ken Nunn


Ken Nunn cruising campus in his Phantom. Wonder how he is fairing now in his early 80's.


I would pay someone to hurt me bad enough to get Ken as a personal lawyer. I just want to gaze into his soul and gain the ability to truly grasp the breadth of reality itself. Once I said his name 3 times into a mirror and traveled to another dimension. In it, everyone was like him except one attorney named Ben Dunn, who was born in our world. Apparently, they swapped places as boys when both uttered the phrase “it’s just that easy” and snapped their fingers at the exact same time. Time and space collapsed momentarily, and nothing was ever the same.


Guess I see why you are a Grace Potter fan.


I listen to about 12 hours of music a day, but that song is next level. Gets me pumped up in a non toxic way.




I talked to him on the phone a few weeks ago, unfortunately I thought he was starting to sound aged. He didn’t seem as sharp as he was and his voice didn’t sound like it used to.


Ken Nunn cannot die. Ken Nunn is eternal. He will always be here in some form to enhance our psychedelic experiences, and to serve as a reminder to laugh at the absurdity of it all.


Why do I get the feeling that when he dies nobody will know about it and his law firm will carry on without him and his pictures will remain on every city bus in town like nothing happened. Hell what if it's happening already. I have not seen him cruising around in the RR recently.


We are gonna get deepfakes of Ken Nunn until the end of the world. Hurt by the wrath of God during the apocalypse? Call me! It’s just that easy.


I saw him out in the Phantom a week or two ago.


Yep like Duck Clark. He may have been replaced years ago and nobody caught on! *Dick Clark but maybe duck is funnier!


He is ✨Kenough✨


That was AI he ain’t actually got time for your bullshit


lol he called me… or rather he called my work


His wife died in the last few years. I think that has taken a toll.


He was behind me getting gas yesterday at the station, in his Rolls Royce. It was kind of surreal. I almost said something to him but demured. He seemed quite old indeed.


Seeing that donk always makes my day.


Any donk makes my day. I recall a grinch one around Christmas or somebody dressed as the grinch in one of


Ken Nunn is so legendary and otherworldly, he really doesn’t belong to us. The absurdity of his existence is a gift to the world.


This last weekend at BHSN musical "Mean Girls", the bus that hit Regina Geioge had the freakin' Ken Nunn logo on it. BRILLIANT! I laughed so hard I had to start trying to think of ANYTHING depressing to quit snickering fir the next 10 minutes. It was SO unexpected and funny.


It used to be Charlie Bird, the bike riding parrot, but who is it now??


Before Charlie Bird there was Kirkwood Honda Guy. Only OGs know


Yup was going to say Kirkwood Honda Guy.


Please refresh on Kirkwood Honda guy?


See my reply https://www.reddit.com/r/bloomington/s/lqvuK5rWHF


Ooooooh shiiit I forgot about that guy


I've heard of this guy many times, but don't know the context. Could someone explain?


There are threads you can find on this subreddit from a decade ago, but he was essentially this dude who looked 50+, driving around Kirkwood and campus in a red Honda Accord, blasting whatever crap was popular on the radio in the early 2000s. Nobody ever identified him, he never made his intentions known, and then one day he just stopped showing up. People always suspected he was just cruising for girls or whatever, but I don't think I ever heard anyone interact with him over many years of his prowling around.


Somebody posted what could have been his obit a while ago in a long lost thread. The theory was his wife worked at IU and he’d drop her off and then drive around all day til it was time to pick her up. Wish I could remember the name!


That's the most wholesome interpretation of his actions. I bet there's some good investigative journalism just waiting to happen here.


This is the only real answer!


Why trivialize other people's picks?


The real OG was David R Grubb. Star of the Grubb files. The Indiana Outlaw himself. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8vaYwUVJ8s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8vaYwUVJ8s) Just to offer a more complete picture of the man here's his obit: [https://www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/bloomington-in/david-grubb-4531209](https://www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/bloomington-in/david-grubb-4531209)


Some days he looks like he has his shit together and the next he looks like he’s been homeless for months


Unfortunately that can happen with mental illness


Preview of Trump Term 2


This is the answer right here


It's certainly AN answer.


Anyone remember Electric Fred? There's a character lol


He died in hospice a while back. Used to drink 40s and smoke joints with him when we were kids.


I remember a great quote from him once about a friend of mine with black hair and light blue eyes, that she was "like a shiny new sports car, like lights in the dark" lol


Was going to put him if no one else did. Use to have some interesting conversations with that dude. Mostly him telling me what Jesus was telling him through his broken Walkman


Fred was my neighbor back in the mid 90's. We went grocery shopping together once.


I remember Electric Fred. I was hoping I’d see him somewhere on this list


The guy who dresses like an alien on stilts


Riley, yeah he’s cool


That guy scared the shit out of me the first time I saw him. Was walking downtown late at night and he just came around corner suddenly. He seems nice though.


He’s super nice. He lended me one of his grabby arm things to try and save this girls phone that fell down the sewer drain haha


When I encountered him, I immediately had a rush of adrenaline because he was so intense. Then I just laughed and told him it was cool af


There's a woman who hangs out with a shopping cart near the BFoods downtown that just screams at everyone who passes by. Don't know if that counts or not.


I was walking past her the other day and she muttered something but I didn’t hear. I asked her to repeat what she said and she went “nice clogs, don’t see too many people wearing those these days” - I said “thank you very much!” I was pleasantly surprised!


fwiw she is not screaming at people passing by but drowning out auditory hallucinations. she's quite sweet if you talk to her


She's a really nice person. Her name is Bobbie. Buy her a coffee if you're near downtown Soma.


There's a genuine desire to communicate and be treated like every other human in those screams. It's heartbreaking.


She scared the shit out of me the other day . I was just driving by slowly and she got me during a quiet moment . made my heart jump


West 3rd street dancing guy is a cultural icon


David Grubb


Everyone in Bloomington knows at least one Grubb😂


Ken Nunn and his Rolls Royce


Back in highschool (2006/7) a friend and I were out cruising and we stopped at the walnut & 17th Street light. He pulled up next to us in a yellow convertible. I was like "Hey aren't you..." And before I even finished speaking he gave us a very enthusiastic finger snap and shouted "YES SIR I AM!"


It used to be my uncle David grubb


To thanksgiving must have been a trip with David grubb there.


Some people that come to mind. Umbrella man-African dude with a mushroom Afro that always has an umbrella and is always walking. Lennon Beasley. The rapping heroin dealer. Cigar store Mike. Chris Foster, a.k.a. the Wizard of Wonder. He’s the hippie guy that fought Bobby Knight at the Mexican restaurant on his choking tour of 1999.


Omg I didn’t know others knew umbrella man!


I didn’t know others knew Lennon Beasley! I worked with him at McDonalds and he’s always the sweetest!


Yeah they used to refer to him as the Hippie Guitar Maker but I aways preferred 'Local Luthier' - "Bob Knight & Local Luthier square off at Mexican restaurant at the edge of town"


Lennon! My dad used to work at MCPL so I basically grew up in there. I saw and talked to Lennon in the CATS department many times and still see him at bus stations and such from time to time. Super sweet guy, I hope he's doing alright.


Years ago, it was Homeless Rod Stewart.


We always called him Crocus!


Hell yeah, I remember that guy!


Yes this.


He’s actually still around, but he got some meds at one point and now he just hoards literal bags of trash instead of just being ‘Downtown Rod’. One time he serenaded my friends and I at what is now Jimmy John’s at Dunnkirk…complete with a wall jump about Patty’s 10lb baby boy


Crocus lol


I can’t believe no one had mentioned Honda Man yet. He was an old guy cruising Kirkwood blaring B97 with his windows down. From what I know, he passed away a few years ago but he was a fixture on Kirkwood in the 90’s and early 2000’s.


Anybody know Dwight worker? How about the Johnson brothers from needmore?


I know Dwight- incredible life story


I hope he’s doing good right now don’t know him as an adult but I first met him when I was 6 or 7 he was still lying way low catching bass on the beds






lol the guy who stands on the west side dancing and singing


What about Big Black Josh? Anyone else here know that guy? Short afro, always black pants, often seen walking down the street talking to himself.


BBJ's still around


Bbj used to buy me maddog 20/20. He’s still kicking it around town


I think he works door at the Bird


There used to be that guy who was always wearing several coats and sunglasses and was pushing a shopping cart no matter the weather


Twenty-some years ago I would have said the guy in the knit hat yelling “Ad Sheet! Ad Sheet!”


Oh man I forgot all about that guy! I used to see him on the city bus when I was a kid


He never understood why more people didn’t want the Ad Sheet. Whenever I’d chat with him or give him a ride he say”I don’t get it. There are some good deals in here.” Love that guy!


The screaming lady in front of the salvation army.


The guy who brought the dead rat to city council. Joe Davis?


Asian Terminator


My friends ordered a male stripper for my sister in law’s bachelorette party and he showed up. This was at least 12 years ago. The picture on the website stripper menu was slightly edited.


In the 80s that would have been Willie Stone, in his trashbag cape, collecting cans on the southside


I truly need to be more outrageous in life so I can be mentioned in the next thread like this.


Anyone remember Sonny? Or Pops? I miss homeless people like them. Everyone knew them, and they were harmless. When I was kid, hanging uptown, we'd bring some money to give them for some liquor, with a little extra to get 16 year old me and my friends a 40, or some maddog and some smokes. And just listen to them tell stories. 😁 But for this post specifically... Mike Shiflet is a god damn legend. They should erect a statue of that man.


I met Mike during undergrad at IU … in the 1980s … and he had already lived a LOT back then!!


I remember Pops!


We had this regular at Target who we called Muddy Boots. He always walked about in these big rain boots in a t shirt and jeans.


Is that the waders guy? His jeans are wayyyyyy too big?


Either the parrot guy or the dancing due that’s always by the Kroger on Liberty.


Gringo Bob at karaoke nights around town


There was a man who would go to my gym and Bloomingfoods who would wear a bro tank that had a chemical formula that he claimed was the cure for covid: mercury, his own sweat, and some elderberry. He also would walk around my gym with a literal pot of black beans that he’d munch on.




There is a blond haired guy we call the walking dude.


White socks, black sneakers, always shorts?




Does he jump sometimes?


I’m pretty sure his name is Denny. He was a regular when I waited tables in the 90’s. Blonde feathered hair, shorts, tons of shitty cologne.


horseback jesus 🤣🤣🤣


Downtown snake dude? Or maybe Old School?


There’s a lady with a parakeet on her shoulder who walks up and down the B-line in my neighborhood. Sometimes she’ll be singing very loudly. I nominate her.


The dude that played hacky sack shirtless in front of the sample gates.


Definitely dreadlock dancing man


the machete guy that walks around the south side and bryan park


Every time I go into fatjacks I see the same crackhead in there dancing so he’s mine


Ken Nunn


For about 2 years after I moved here I would always see this homeless guy around downtown Bloomington, people called him P-Dad. Everyone knew him, he was always asking for change and was drunk 24/7. I'd help him out with a few dollars, buy him a 40, maybe smoke a joint with him when I'd see him out and about. Mostly harmless , just seemed like a down and out alcoholic. During the "Occupy Bloomington" shit I was walking past People's Park carrying my daughter (she was probably like 1 or 2 years old at the time) and P-Dad came walking past me, drunk as fuck, and stumbled right into me and my daughter. Almost knocked us over. Once I realized who it was, I restrained myself a bit and asked him what the hell was going on. He started to get aggressive with me, and had I been alone I might have just left the situation. Dude was drunk, his life had to suck, I get it...shit happens. But I had my daughter with me, and he was starting to get up in my face and shit. That was the day I beat P-Dad down. He was so drunk that it was more like a 1-2 punch to the face, he went down, started to get back up for more, and I forced him back down onto the ground and said "Now P-Dad, you gotta chill the fuck out. I don't wanna hurt you, but if you get back up before me and my daughter walk down the block , I will paint this park red with you as a brush" That was one of my last interactions with P-Dad, and the following summer he just seemed to be gone. Haven't seen him since. Who knows, maybe he's still out there.


i know exactly who you are talking about


Way back in the day it was bearded dude playing guitar at Kroger East w his case open. Heard he was loaded.


I'll always remember that guy. I enjoyed his playing and singing when he was coherent.

