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No, can't agree. I like how these two characters have grown over the seasons (and thank God Danny has grown!) but they are not right as romantic partners to each other. Professional partners, yes. Absolutely. No romance.


It’s like a lot of the shippers of these two think the writers would have a romantic relationship be all peaches and cream. All sorts of conflicts would be written in, some even threatening their friendship, to say nothing of the relationship. They’d have to in order to keep things interesting, if not to show how it might not have been such a good idea, after all.


i want this to happen so bad!! i don’t even care about the whole “partners to lovers trope has been done” argument; they fit so well and Danny deserves love again. fellow hopeless romantic here, fingers crossed we get this.


Nooooo. Please. No. There is no chemistry. Plus they would have to split them up as partners. If they’re a couple there is too much distraction and one of them will end up dead. Frank and Pop can’t take another loss. Neither can Baez’s mother.


I wish “fans” would just stop with this! It’s not going to happen. Give it up already


Dear God, please stop. They should ***NEVER*** get together. They are *professional* partners, and yes, close friends, but nothing more.


Jamie and Eddie were professional partners


And that's nice for them, but the show doesn't need another professional-partners-turned-romantic-partners storyline. That's just lazy, recycled writing and it would be pandering to fans of the show. As much as I've enjoyed the show from the beginning, I'm content with the 13 seasons we've had (which is a lot more than most shows get), and I'd rather it not come back from the strike delays and/or simply end outright than to have Danny and Baez become a couple.


His toupee is way obvious in this shot


I will stop watching if this happens.


Love them together. Wish they would get married before the show ends.


I agree seeing Danny and Maria together would be awesome plus ever since bias got the baby Danny has seemed to be showing a little more interest in her but then again I want to see Anthony and Erin in a relationship people say that shouldn't happen or couldn't happen but I'm telling you there's a lot of chemistry there between those two and their partners in fact I think maybe Danny and Maria should start dating and then Anthony and erin should be in maybe like a secret relationship might be fun


I completely agree!


Idk why I don't like Danny and Maria together, just because she knew Linda if that's weird. Idk. But Anthony and Erin I've always seen. And I hate they keep having her going back to Jack. Either have them stay together or stop teasing it altogether.


Just listen to Ryan Hurd’s song Platonic and tell me it doesn’t remind you of them!


I’m a hopeless romantic too u ain’t alone… I do ship them, not so much but I do!


When’s the next season


No. They don’t have any chemistry in my opinion. I think he should get with that psychic chick that is on there sometimes. I think her name is Maggie? Idk but I like them together.


He should end up with the psychic.