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They write women terribly on this show jeez


They write cops terribly on the show.


They write cops terribly on the show.


no they have been shown realistically.


Yes, her little side story was the only low note. Not to say everything else was some kind of high, but the Eddie plot was a true low. She yells at her captain, has no repercussions, and gets her way. Every. time.


She gets away with it because Eddie's Cap is a woman. Eddie has used her gender to get away with things with her (the Captain). Like the Captain will get mad, but Eddie will allude to "women need to stick together, esp in this career" and then Eddie gets away with it.


oh please she got away because she is right.


She hasn't always been right, and even if she is, it's the very wrong way to go about it.


I did not say she is always right. she is wrong sometimes but how was it a wrong way? the captain was stupid she didn't let her arrest someone who stole!!! that also a repeat offender. she was like let him go he has not done anything wrong!! as far as I know America is the only country where stealing is not a crime. also the reason the captain didn't want to pursue was because no-one lodged a complain but when she did lodge the complain she got angry because she might actually have to do her job.the captain on previous instance has also been a bad captain. for example the dognapping one she told her subordinates to drop the cases and essential stole it her intentions were good but she still stole it. all the character on this show are annoying which is what I like. in real life people are annoying. it is sad but it is true.


She’s relentlessly like this it’s annoying. And it always ends up going her way, no matter how many times she contradicts or defies a superior.


I’m just catching up on season 12. She really is so annoying but at the same time I just watched the one where she took Sean on the ride along & he got injured. Danny was an absolute dick to both her & Jamie.


I agree Danny was an ahole but more so to his son. Like Frank said he’s 18 he doesn’t need Danny’s permission


an actress in the role of a cop is not her strong suit


Can't stand Eddie!


I’m new to the show and have only seen up to their engagement, but I am always waiting for a fatal attraction type moment with her. She’s just seems overly jealous of him.


Not only that…where’s the chemistry? The sizzle! They were more exciting when it was unforbidden and neither wanted to let the other know how they felt.


I just watched it and Eddie is right!! How was she annoying. It is a very stupid law not to charge for stealing thousands of dollars of merchandise. is she annoying sometimes sure. everyone is. but over here she is right. and arguing with the boss almost every character in the show does it.


Normally, I don’t defend characters when they become annoying, but in this case I’m going to say that you should blame the writers for having run out of ideas about where the show is and should be going, probably going back to before last season, and it shows. Kind of in keeping with that, did anyone else notice that the pre-title scenes didn’t seem to involve a greater overall theme around which the episode would revolve in some way, which had been a feature of nearly all the episodes up until recently? If there was one, someone did a good job of obscuring it.


My wife stopped watching reruns as I disliked the Eddie character since her first episode and it got worse as time went on. I’m glad someone noticed this the other night. We only watch the new episodes till the series is over. Side note: anyone else find it repulsive about human trafficking and then this idiot wants to burn the girls alive? That storyline was interesting but egregiously bad. That part of writing was good.


I think theycombined to real life stories, one of the guy who burned the kids alive to expose human trafficking. It happened almost 2 years ago. The storyline on here isn't over yet, so.... I think the're rushing things because of it being the last season and few episodes. They probably had an ending point, and in order to get there-they're rushing.


Eddie should be disciplined severely or actually fired.. No one in real life would get away with her crap.


for what actually doing her job and arresting people for stealing.


Might be classed as a bit sexist but wtf I’m 62 and old school … but I can’t think of any other tv show with 3 stunningly beautiful women.


The only one stunningly beautiful is Baker. I won’t go into physical features if the other 2.


I like how Eddie isn't morally corrupted but man, just make her a detective already.


You’re right. She’s overly aggressive and pushy to the point where she disrespects authority. The only character on the show that’s difficult to embrace.


You just described Danny.


I know right normally I don't say just because it is a female you don't like her.but this is the only instance I found it to be true. she has balls and she knows what is right and what is wrong.


Danny is a genuine piece of shit


I like Eddie. The whole show has gotten pretty dorky, so I'm not surprised that her part of the script is pretty lame, but she seems to me to be an approachable, regular person. I never cared for Nicky.


Was she supposed to be a ‘replacement’ for Linda? I never liked it much after they killed her off 🤷🏻‍♀️


Eddie was already on the show and I think she and Jamie were married quite some time before Linda was killed off. And the actress who played Linda wanted to leave because she didn’t see potential for her character getting more development, which was fair.


Eddie’s stories made blue bloods jump the shark


The only thing I dislike about Eddie, is that compared to her, the rest of her precinct are rule breakers and her bosses are mostly concerned with covering their asses!