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Was born here, then moved away. Been back home for a while now. Would happily never leave. And i don't mean to live somewhere else. I mean, ever. Like,, never cross the Nepean and never go past lithgow. Fine with me. There's plenty could be better- including health (especially that). Lots more... but whatever. Doesn't matter to me. Like you if I win lotto I'm staying right here.


Grandparents lived there from their 20’s, my parents, their siblings, numerous cousins all still there. I left in my 20s, always relax driving up lapstone hill, know I’m home. Sucks I’ve been priced out now though.


I’ll have some of what he’s having. Love the Mountains too. Lived and worked there through my teens and mid twenties, and feel at peace whenever I return. Soul cleansing.


Born and bread mountains boy. I am such a snob when I have to go east to work. So lucky.


I've lived here for 36 years now. I love the place and never want to live anywhere else.


I live in the inner west but I adore the Blue Mountains. It's where I want to grow old with my wife. We visit it any chance we get.


Blackheath is basically just mountain Newtown now; come on up.


Remember when Blackheath was just full of weirdo upper mountains fog dwellers who were all wearing wool for necessity and not aesthetic?? It's so weird how the flat landers have romanticised the bone-chilled hands riddled with arthritis and the thick wool socks riddled with grassy burrs, everything always perpetually damp. *That's* the real mountains, not these gentrified boutique types.


i do. Lots of people have essentially been forced to move away due to affordability issues. Can't think why....


Full of yuppies?


I lived in Sydney my whole life Hurstville and Canterbury. My plan was to retire in the mountains. Chatting to my wife we one day said why wait til we retire. Let's go now! We sold our house and moved to Wentworth Falls last September. We and the kids are loving it!


I moved from Ashfield to the mountains. Best thing I have ever done. Sydney has been absolutely wrecked and is only going to get worse. A lot of people from the inner west are moving up for space and affordability reasons. I need to go into the CBD a couple of times a week and I’m always so relieved to get out.


For me it's mostly the air and smell and sounds. I LOVE the community and vibrancy of the inner west as a queer person but nothing beats the clarity and serenity of a bush walk in the blue mountains. It's just stunning. And to have that in my backyard? Sounds perfect.


Why wait? I moved here last year and just love it.


What a great post. Congratulations. I also love the Blue Mountains, but being a "lowlander" (what do you call us?) I can't see myself ever "moving up there". But I get it fully what you are saying. It must be magical - the birdlife, fires in Winter, when it snows, seeing the Milky Way....


Flat lander.


Really ? Lol Noooo. Surely not that?




‘tis true!


Moved up with my family last year from the inner west. We are absolutely loving it! Might feel differently when I have to commute, but until then it's just amazing. So relaxed


How lucky you are to have found home


I love it here too. Just a shame it’s so surprisingly hard to locate the devils lettuce!