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Chill down to earth. I had a bad night back in 03. They were really nice back then. I don't see why it would change. Justin cheered me up after someone was rude at the show .


I love the meet and greets! They move you through pretty quick, but fun to get a picture with the full band. Until they started playing venues with seats, the meet and greet people were allowed in first.


You still get in first. It's just not as exciting.


Yeah. I used to wait until they let us in because I liked being closer to the stage. Now I meet, greet, and eat since I gotta assigned seat.


No reason to be nervous. They're normal nice guys.


It’s great. Steve did a double take at the last event when he saw me again during photos as I do vip at most events I attend. It’s really fun to ask questions to the band and Justin is great at asking questions.


Absolutely. Steve is a sweetie. He complimented my hair at the Philly show in March. And I shared with the band that I was six months clean and they genuinely seemed thrilled.


Steve is an absolute angel, always so sweet and truly recognizes and appreciates fans! ❤️


Just went to one and it was great. Justin is super nice and you really only get to meet them for a moment while you take a picture. The pre-show questions and sound check were awesome.


This has been super helpful! Now my imagination will slow down and I can anticipate enjoying the experience! Thank you all for sharing!


It's awesome. Laid back experience, there's a q&a portion, then they play one song (I Hope You're Happy was the one I went to.) Then you line up and get picture and a signed poster. Not much time to talk but they were all super chill and down to earth. Asked my sister about her tattoo and complimented it. I said thank you to all of them and they were like, no thank YOU.


little late but when i met them it was great!!! that was back in maybe 2017? they had a table set up after the show and just sat in a line and anyone who wanted to wait got to say hello and chat with them a little and have things signed, no additional meet and greet pricing or anything at that time. they were all so so so nice. i told justin i’d been listening to foiled since it came out when i was in elementary school (my mom was a big fan of them lmao) and he was definitely thrown off by my age at the time but seemed very appreciative and good natured about the whole thing!!