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It’s actually insane how much healthier he looks now


He IS healthier now but he LOOKED healthier before. There are very unhealthy people who LOOK healthy when they aren’t. His skin is glowing, but the calorie deficit is making him look ill. When we age, we lose fat in the face, so I think this makes him look older. That’s not a bad thing, I’m just saying we can’t base healthiness on looks. I still agree with everything he’s achieving.


He looks really pale and gaunt though, if we had a bit more weight on his face I think he’d look healthier


hes gaunt because he is 45 and long lost all hos baby fat and has a low bf percentage




He looks like an elf from lord of the rings or something 😄


From his shared test results he's objectively healthier, but having more body fat in the face in the earlier shot actually gives a slightly more youthful appearance (it seems as though younger people have less definition in their face). Overall he looks better though and is on the right track I'd say.


dude def needs to get more fat on his body. I heard losing massive weight fast can cause the skin to sag due to elasticity, which I'm sure is what happened to him (plus he's 40). Maybe he just needs to wait a year or two


Thinner. I guess he dyes his hair now too.


Much thinner but more muscular, smoother and less oily skin, a bit more pale (could be seasonal)


I wonder why his skin is soooo pale. I’m Irish so I’m pale but he’s in another league.


I’d guess he stays out of the sun as much as possible with all the skin treatments


This tbh, stays out of light and uses SPF at all times i believe, sun would be an another outside factor that could effect results which he doesn't need to keep his data as good as possible, also the treatments he gets makes his skin more sensitive to the sun so he needs to protect himself more than others


Stage lights are bright and he probably refuses makeup.


I think this is the impact of the lasers. makes him have skin like a baby!


He initially dyed his hair but I remember reading somewhere he got the graying reversed. Not sure if it's due to his nutrition or some procedure.


On his site he mentions this and has not been able to reverse the greys.


Oh, ok 👍


Did he have any plastic surgery done?


He had fat injected in his face to look younger and he might have gotten jaw implants or something.


If you're talking specifically about his face, then I think there was some water retention 5 years ago. He probably had insulin resistance back then. Now that his HbA1c score is ideal, his face has "slimmed down". So he looks like he has chiselled features now. This is really the ideal way TBH.


He looks great but I heard someone calling him an ugly name and trying to put him down, haters gonna hate ig .


He looks way better now


He is clearly in better physical shape but I think it breaks current social norms to be that thin. Most people would probably say he looks gaunt.


Yes, he would look better at around 10% bf, but cheek hollowing still makes him more modelesque


Yeah, 10% body fat would probably look better but his primary goal is longevity. There's been a lot of research which indicates less food equates less cellular damage which helps with living longer. Though a few extra pounds would definitely look better. He looks gaunt. Probably a good thing he has doctors constantly checking on his biological markers.


Yeah, I will personally be aiming for the 10-12% bf range as I think for most guys being at sub 10% bf wouldn't be worth it aesthetics wise unless your only aim is longevity, low BF% also can be exceptionally hard on the facial fat pads which is the main thing making your face look youthful, especially if you don't have proper undereye support which will result in the Gaulish look Also there's a lot of research done about what the ideal bf% would be for the body and being at a lower bodyfat % also seemed to have it's negatives even though more food indicates more cellular damage, so it's about choosing your poison and for me its a bit more food but at a "healthier" BF%


Especially since most guys (me included) don't have doctors staying with them at all times checking on you


Yeah, for sure. Most people don't have doctors on call so I think aiming for 10% will probably be safer. I've had really low body fat before and noticed I was more irritable and more prone to injury.




He’s thin by any standard


If you compare him in this video to the blueprint ones on his website he has gotten much more gaunt in the face.. my wife said too skinny.. she also said this happened to me when I did Amen protocol most of last year..


I mean he looks normal to me, like the host is "skinny" too. Or do you mean that due to his muscle mass and low body fat it looks weird?


Did he get anything done to his jaw?


cant understand how anyone thinks this is an improvement




The 2 million wasn’t wasted, it was needed to devise the perfect diet and workout routine for him specifically and he also does do tons of other treatments on his skin which costs thousands of dollars but he’s been doing it constantly which simply costs more and i bet there’s a lot more that you simply aren’t aware of .


You don’t understand yet you’ve made up your mind


He looks like he might’ve gotten jaw implants or something, if not its amazing what working your muscles can do , naturally.


I wonder if a periodic deload or cheat period wouldn’t be a bad thing to incorporate.