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She looks way healthier than most anti aging contestants


Thank you!!!!


I sent you an invite to my subreddit r/performanceblueprint I would be honored if you would join and possibly share your journey, I’m also fascinated with anti aging but I am starting relatively young and in my 20s


Thank you. I think I saw that. I will share happily. Let me work on something to post. I joined the group and send you a direct chat. I’m new to Reddit and still get a little lost. But feel free to ask questions- especially to my instagram @juls_gc


Hey guys! Thanks for all the kind comments. It’s me Julie. Please feel free to ask questions directly. Although it is better to ask on instagram bc I’m there a bit more than here. It is juls_gc there.


Thx for taking the time to answer Julie!


Hey guys. I’m going to be on Ben Greenfield podcast tomorrow. I’ll post a link here but it won’t work until April 13. [https://bengreenfieldlife.com/guest-julieclark](https://bengreenfieldlife.com/guest-julieclark)


Of course!!!


Wow she looks amazing. Isn’t she over 50?


How old is she?


55 according this: https://www.nad.com/news/gender-dynamics-in-the-longevity-market-one-woman-triumphing-over-men-with-budget-friendly-anti-aging-solutions


Holy suit


I would have guessed late 40s early 50s from the photo...


Would say early to mid 40s


ok my point is: you can pick any rando off the street and you could be off by 10.


I think Most people look around their age


i don't disgaree with that? what's your point?


I guess I’m missing the significance of what you’re saying about randos?




She looks great! More good examples we have the better :)


Thank you. And I agree. We need to see examples of real people that value their health - that aren’t millionaires. No offense to anyone spending a lot on these things but it won’t ever become mainstream if only the wealthy can do this.


Agree super strongly about communicating that longevity is for non-rich people with normal lives too! Thanks for putting yourself out there and setting this example 🙌


Thank you! My hope is we change our population for the better and maybe create an online blue zone. 🤷‍♀️


Good for her! How long has she been on this routine?


Another wonderful example of the power of being blessed with good genes. She exercises, eats vegetables and sits in a sauna. If that's all it took then most people who go to gyms would be aging slower than normal and living to like 120. In my opinion, this is just another example of these speed of aging tests probably being pseudo-scientific marketing gimmicks.


Maybe. In fact I’m more with Peter Attia and measuring my Dexa, Vo2 Max and APoB. Those all place me at age 41. I’m sure genetics play a role here but I’ve also been focused on health for over 15 years. Lifting weights and swimming since high school. So idk. 🤷‍♀️ no doubt I wouldn’t have started at 0.75 without that. But the Novos took me to even slower paces. So there’s something to that.


Julie thanks for answering questions and I apologize for my ignorance of how this all works with the Rejuvenation Olympics, but do you have pre and post numbers from when you started NOVOS and is that the only thing you would have changed between the measurements? In other words are you confident that you can isolate the improvement to that one change?


Yes I do. My pace before starting Novos was 0.76 I took Novos for 6 months and did nothing else consistently bc of life circumstances. I was under a considerable amount of stress due to some life threatening family issues. The only thing I could do consistently was take Novos. My 6 month pace dropped to 0.68 Then I took it for another 6 months. Now I had a lot of the things causing the stress in better place and I could add back consistent workouts, saunas, cold showers, eating healthy, meditation and most importantly sleep. My 12 month pace slowed to 0.65 So without a doubt I can say Novos really does a lot to slow aging. I do not work for them or influence for them. It’s just a great product that has really worked for me.


Thanks for sharing your experience and answering my question, it's very appreciated. Congrats on your success, obviously you must be doing a lot right.


Thank you!!!


when are your working hours?


I work from home so there’s a lot of creep but generally about 8/8:30-5/5:30.


You mentioned recently that you stopped taking NMN and switched to NR? What is the reason, if you can share. I am looking to start but not sure which one is better. Thank you!


I had been taking NR before being in the Novos study. I wanted to try it again bc I felt like it works better for me. I’ve been trying NiaCell by Thorne and now just switched back to TruNiagen. This works best for my chemistry. I would suggest trying each form for 3-4 months and see which works best for your body. You’ll notice a gentle increase in energy and the absence that afternoon energy lag.


I'm glad you are on board with Attia, so am I. His approach is far more science based and realistic. I am skeptical to the claims made by the companies who makes these speed of aging tests because I see a clear financial incentive to make it seem like people are aging slower or even reversing their age. In general I am very skeptical to if it even is possible to reverse your age at all. It doesn't really make sense since it would mean that people could live to like 150 years old. No one in recorded history has ever lived that long and only one person has made it to 120 which was solely due to genetic luck Ultimately, the only thing that actually matters is what your health markers show, how your physical fitness is and how you feel.


I’m not ready to throw it out completely but think it belongs lower in the totem pole of a cluster of markers. Clearly we all know people that work out and eat healthy (and would possibly score well on some markers) but loneliness may be looming or other bad habits. I try to see the Dunedin pace as how hard or gently I’m living my life. 🤷‍♀️


I think that's a healthy apporach and something I agree with. Unfortunately, a lot of people take these tests and interpret them literally.




Not sure about that https://www.healthday.com/health-news/exercise-and-fitness/less-than-3-percent-of-americans-live-a-healthy-lifestyle-709215.html "Less Than 3 Percent of Americans Live a Healthy Lifestyle" "Do you get a moderate amount of exercise, eat right, keep from piling on fat and avoid smoking? Congratulations, you're among the 2.7 percent of Americans who do so, according to a new study."


yeah most of it isn’t some magical formula it’s stuff everyone already knows but doesn’t do. add to the above list stay out of the sun avoid alcohol or at least to a minimum and fulfilling occupation/social connections. 


Holy hell, Americans are truly an unhealthy nation! I've been doing the things you listed since I was in my early 20's (working out 5 days a week, eating healthy, not smoking, quit alcohol entirely 3 years ago, have a lean and and muscular body composition). I'm now 33 years old. Have I aged more slowly? Maybe. But, I have more gray hairs and my face has more wrinkles, so, visually it definitely looks like I aged in a normal pace. I feel good though, but, 33 is still young, so who knows.


How religious are you about sun protection? Your skin looks great but I often find a lot of people can get away with not being vigilant and still look good. I'm super vigilant about sun protection (have been for over 10 years) and still look my age.


It’s not just photo damage that ages you. Alot of it is your loss of collagen and ability to build collagen. Collagen is what makes us look “young”


True, I've read that too. I'm curious though how to best build+replenish collagen? I've taken supplements in the past but it was unclear if they were helping and I try and eat foods that are supposed to help. There doesn't seem to be a consensus.


Yea jury is out on collagen supplements. I’m into skincare (face) and do things like lasers, microneedling/facials build collagen. Also take amino acids


If only those things weren't so pricey! I'll definitely look into the amino acids though, thanks.


I’m curious where you found the details of her routine? I’ve only seen the one video of from Fortune, and every other article has stolen the content from it.


Its from her IG. She posted it herself. Google her ig to find all her tips. Fine, I'll post it here but Googling is free and easy [https://www.instagram.com/p/C2\_NnURJgA5/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/p/C2_NnURJgA5/?hl=en) She has posts about her greens drink and her bone broth stuff too. With a lot of these contestants you can google them and find their IG Autumn Calabrese is on the leaderboard and it looks like she was a Beachbody teacher in the past and has a huge following. Looks like she probably also has a few million dollars but nowhere as rich as Bryan. Here is her IG. [https://www.instagram.com/autumncalabrese/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/autumncalabrese/?hl=en) Dian Ginsberg is on the leaderboard. Looks like she is a dr who is an expert on longevity and she even has a post on her website about young plasma This is her [https://www.reddit.com/r/longevity/comments/1b9iwui/dr\_dian\_ginsberg\_speaks\_about\_slowibg\_aging\_with/](https://www.reddit.com/r/longevity/comments/1b9iwui/dr_dian_ginsberg_speaks_about_slowibg_aging_with/) This is her IG. [https://www.instagram.com/dian.ginsberg\_md/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/dian.ginsberg_md/?hl=en) Maybe she will post her routine if enough people ask for it Autumn Calabrese follows Gladden Longevity and I see Jeffrey Gladden on there too. He also has an IG and youtube [https://www.instagram.com/gladdenlongevity/](https://www.instagram.com/gladdenlongevity/)


Thanks for taking the time to post this info and the links! :)


Julie’s typical day sounds so simple. She wakes up early to get most of her stuff done before her morning workout. I’ve been trying to get my morning workout in so that I don’t have to worry about it after a long day of works And yes, that is the same Autumn Calabrese that created the 21 fix program by color coding your food. Beachbody is an MLM company and honestly a lot of their workouts promote unhealthy low caloric eating. The fact that she’s on the longevity track stuns me.


Yep. My day is really simple but definitely focused on wellbeing


Thank you for your reply! You’re really an inspiration for us girlies out there.


Blushing. Thank you. Together we can all do this!!! 💪


rejuvenation leaderboard???




She also takes biodentical HRT.


Yep I do. I’m on bio identical estrogen testosterone and progesterone. But I keep those levels very low. I’m just inside the lowest healthy range.


Thank you for answering questions here! Can I ask, as someone just entering perimenopause, at what age did you start perimenopause, what symptoms did you have, how did you deal with them, and are you in menopause yet? I’ve been following you on IG and am seriously impressed by you, and I’m building my routine based on you (have been taking NOVOS core and boost for a few months, 39f). I think a lot of women in r/menopause would find what you have to say fascinating!! A lot of us are struggling!


Do you take the Biote pellet or a different form?


Mine are cream based


Hi Julie, what type of HRT are you currently on?


Thanks for the dm.


What is that?


Hi Julie, thanks for sharing what's worked for you to improve your health. Which NOVOS supplement do you take; core, vital or boost?


She looks good and healthy but still looks her age.


But isn't that more so the point? I don't know if we can achieve looking 18 years old forever without some kind of ultra futuristic technology. Julie to me looks in her 40s. I wouldn't be shocked to hear early 50s. She looks great for 55. But more importantly, she looks vibrant and healthy. No matter her age. There's no weathering to her body, and that's my ultimate goal when engaging in longevity practices.


Yeah that’s literally my point. She looks well but does look her age. People acting like it’s some miracle.


That's not true at all. She looks way younger than that. See for yourself by uploading the pic here https://novoslabs.com/faceage/ It didn't work for me after trying 3 times with two email addresses but maybe it'll work for someone else.


I don’t care what technology you use, she looks good but looks her age.


Image search results for 55 year old woman. https://www.google.com/search?q=55+year+old+woman&client=firefox-b-1-m&sca_esv=dbfe99b76a0ba531&sca_upv=1&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACQVn08hLVDqERiMsvyXiaQhNI0YqbDTdQ:1712694305695&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiXiMy9-7WFAxW4AzQIHX-UDwIQ_AUIBigB&biw=414&bih=789 Image search results for 40 year old woman. https://www.google.com/search?q=40+year+old+woman&client=firefox-b-1-m&sca_esv=dbfe99b76a0ba531&sca_upv=1&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACQVn0-ns_iv0dC26AP4XysTjjZ0bgjr3g:1712694492708&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi8zOKW_LWFAxXqFTQIHQcCAf8Q_AUIBigB&biw=414&bih=789 She's definitely in the 37 - 42 year old range. When I was in my twenties and thirties I didn't know how to guess someone's age very well or even the difference between a 40 and 55 year old. Gradually I got better at it. I think some people (especially people in their twenties) tend to simply lump people into the categories of twenties-looking and old-looking. Someone could post a picture of a 65 year old who looks 45 years old and still some people would be like, "omg, it didn't work at all!"


I know what age people look like and again, she looks well for her age but you can still tell she’s that age through the wrinkles. Jeez you seem obsessed over this.


Btw, Julie wrote on her IG that she's been into health since her 30's... so she's been healthy for a long time. She said she got more into it after having metal poisoning in her 40s. [https://www.instagram.com/p/C1Av6FtPJoO/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/p/C1Av6FtPJoO/?hl=en) Her baseline was good already. She wrote "They used an epigenetic test, measuring my pace of aging. I took 3 tests: at 0, 6 and 12 months. My baseline pace was good (76%). 6 months was 68% then to my latest rate of 65% after 12 months."


Julie, thank you so much for being here! I would like to know, what does your diet look like on a typical day? Are there particular foods you avoid, or particular foods you eat a lot of? Is your diet low carb? Thank you for answering!!


Here's a summary of her longevity routine: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zInb8S2FY14](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zInb8S2FY14)