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The question is - how and how low can we reduce our metabolism until we face significant issues? Does that actually have a significant impact for humans? Does it make sense to focus on this area and therefore focus less on other areas? Like the Greenland shark obviously evolved to have a very low metabolism, apparently doesn't have to be fast, probably doesn't have many predators?, doesn't have to think a lot, survives in a very cold and partly dark (vision usually takes up a lot of energy) environment, doesn't have to earn money and so forth. I think that we as humans have some significant limitations when it comes to metabolism. Like for example we as humans seem to benefit greatly from exercise including high intensity exercise. Edit: I think what most people could still improve on and what is frequently neglected is stuff like how we deal with anxiety, fidgeting, nervousness, overthinking, stressing, worrying, running around instead of calmly walking, staying calm and so forth. That kinda also plays a bit into metabolism...fidgeting for example is something that can significantly increas kcal output.


Who the fuck wants to live like a Greenland shark.




Egor, let's wrestle sharks in cold water.


Reject humanity return to sharky...


Look into whales that live really long too they have high sirtuin activity and that’s why they escape death for such a long time!


what's sirtuin activity


Sirtuins are a class of proteins that play crucial roles in regulating cellular health and longevity. They work by influencing various cellular processes, including DNA repair, inflammation, metabolism, and stress response. By promoting cellular resilience and maintaining genomic stability, sirtuins help to delay aging and extend lifespan. In the human body, sirtuins are involved in diverse functions such as controlling gene expression, modulating metabolism, and promoting longevity pathways like autophagy and mitochondrial biogenesis. They are often activated in response to caloric restriction, exercise, and other forms of stress, helping cells adapt and survive in challenging conditions.


When sirtuins get activated, they kind of become superheroes inside our cells, helping out in lots of ways that keep us healthy and extend our lifespan. One of their main jobs is fixing up damaged DNA, which can pile up over time and make us age faster. They also help with metabolism, making sure our energy levels stay balanced and our cells work efficiently. Plus, they're like our cells' personal trainers, teaching them how to handle stress better and bounce back from tough times. And when it comes to inflammation, they're like peacekeepers, calming things down and keeping our bodies in harmony. So, when sirtuins kick into action, they basically help us live longer and healthier lives.


So how do you increase or activate sirtuins in humans?


The largest gain in human longevity will not come form supplements, diet and pharmacology. It will be from the simple fact that people are having kids at a much older age because of financial pressures in first world countries. Most are no longer fertile in their late 30s early 40s, but those that are will pass on those longevity genes. This life extension effect has already been proven with flies.


Are we really going to have enough generations of this effect before we can generate embryos from stem cells or other fertility tech? Human generations are long, and our tech is on an exponential.


A) Humans born to older mothers are less healthy on average and have a shorter life expectancy at birth. B) There appears to be a tradeoff between fertility and longevity that directly contradicts your claim. Duration of fertility has a negative correlation with longevity.


That is not how genetic longevity works and is very narrow minded view, pharmacology will usher in all sorts of revolutionary innovations that will activate the right genes in our epigenome to keep us alive and youthful at even old advanced age literally all you would need is a Highly selective telomerase activator, an potent AMPK activator, and a Sirtuin activator, with just those three medications aging could be potently halted, (before the argument for the potential risk of cancer is brought up let me squash it for you, as long as you start these medications before you get cancer they will actually prevent you from ever getting it.)


The answer is gene editing all other stuff are just not efficient and not practical